arianotvolturi · 7 years
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          “           so you came for     HIM       and stayed for war ??           ”
“ I’M sure i would have found my way here with or without him, but yes, that’s what’s happened. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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“ look, dude, you’re cute and all but i’m not really looking for…anything at the moment. sorry, ” she said, trying to be as sincere as possible. to be honest the young man gave off kind of a douche vibe, and she wasn’t gonna deal with all that. jennifer turned to leave, when the man grabbed her arm. anger filled her, and with hybrid speed and strength — she grabbed his hand, put his arm behind his back and placed her foot on his back ready to kick. “ listen, asshole. when someone tells you NO, you listen ! ” she gave his arm a jerk, it would cause pain but she wasn’t going to break it.
SCARLET eyes watched the scene in front of her unfold. she couldn’t help the amused smirk that crossed her lips. served the man right for messing with a woman who was clearly his better. but that really wasn’t why she stuck around. this woman smelled human, but had the strength of a vampire. it was interesting, intriguing. she had to know more. she clapped her hands in a slightly condescending way towards the man before she spoke to him. “ terrible try. get out of here. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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‘yes, i’m DRUNK and you’re beautiful. and tomorrow morning, i’ll be SOBER but you’ll still be beautiful.’ celeste wasn’t the type to hit the bottle, but with her anxiety levels rising daily, the revisit of her traumatic past and the sheer frustration she felt, there wasn’t a way out of this mess.
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“ HOW are you so sure? of course i know i’ll be beautiful in the morning, but how do you know? ” aria had never been drunk like the other woman was, at least not as far as she could remember.
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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          “          your      INTENTIONS      were only skin deep.          ” 
“ THEY were, but now... i want to be here for more of a reason than just aro. that was the whole point of me never having joined the volturi to begin with. living for what i wanted. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
How do you feel about being involved with the Denali gathering?
“ THE reason i came here was to find aro, but i would be lying if i said i didn’t want to help. i need a purpose here more than anything. i just worry, despite not being a part of the volturi, my connection with aro will make everyone question my want to help. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
a missing chapter on a book. that was the perfect description of aro. not long before he had struggled on finding who he was outside the volturi and those twenty years were the proof that he was, in fact, someone outside the strong coven. maybe a lone vampire wandering the world trying mend his mistake, but still, someone who could change lives for the better. aria was one mistake he had made that he didn’t regret; the one thing that consumed him was that she was the one who got away. she was free, she was independant and she didn’t needed him. unlike the twins jane and alec, aria was her own coven and that consumed him like flames “ aria, love “ his voice sounded weak, but still convicted “ the chapter you didn’t witness had his very dark moments. i do not mean to harm or concern you with it, just that i am here. “
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DARK moments. that would be what kept her from knowing what happened. at least for now. the truth was she cared to know more about those dark moments than avoid it all and continue on knowing she was just kept out of it. but it was aro’s to share, not her’s to be upset over knowing nothing about. she had chosen long ago for all this to happen even if she hadn’t known what she was doing then. she wasn’t a part of his coven and, though it was clear they cared so greatly for each other, their relationship was complicated at best. she didn’t have a right to know what happened no matter how she felt like it. still, with all this being true, she couldn’t stop herself from speaking her mind. it was rather that them him hearing it through his powers. “ you wouldn’t harm me with it. how could it be so bad that i can’t know any of it? aro, i’ve missed so much. i’m just... i’m afraid. of a lot of things. losing you again, maybe still haven’t found you. i see you, i can touch you, but i’m afraid of it not meaning anything... and you’ll leave. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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of course the girl wouldn’t take long to arrive to his side, being there at his every need, even when he was not to be found. a hand undid his tie as his arm wrapped around her waist –physical contact had never been a problem between them, even after a thousand years of confusing relationships and missing intimid contact “ i am exhausted. “ his hands cupped her delicate face, his crimson eyes looking for answers “ what do you see when you look at me? “ 
HE put his arm around her waist and she wanted it to pull her from her worry. but he had what she would call a tormented look on his face and she found more questions than answers looking at it. and then he asked her what she saw looking at him. with his hands touching her face, he would know what she thought before she said it. still, her eyes stared back into his. the crimson tones matching. “ i see aro, he’s changed, not a bad thing, but changed. when i look at you i feel like i’ve missed a chapter in a book and... i just want to know what’s happened while we’ve been apart. ” yes, she could search on her own. read every object in his house. but she wouldn’t know the feeling behind what happened or his thoughts and it wouldn’t be from him.
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
“ ARIA, ” he acknowledged, his greeting accompanied by a sliver of a bow. her tongue spoke truth– he hadn’t known his journey’s end would set him before his past. “ not something I hear often, ” deimos mused, though his features regained their stoic architecture, “ you must be here for aro. ”
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THEY shared opinions on the volturi back in the day. even shared a passing joke about the whole society once in a while. or at least aria joked and she liked to think he thought it was funny. they hadn’t been best friends, but she liked to consider him a friend with the potential for it. but she understood his solitude. “ you should hear it more often, ” she said and meant. he may be a bit standoffish, but it was nice to see him around. “ i am. ” maybe there a was a bit more negative feeling that entered her voice. she was happy to be reunited with him. but she felt like she was out of some loop... even if she wasn’t. “ he’s different. and maybe it is for the better, but... i’m not really sure what i’m feeling. ” she didn’t mean to unload it on him especially of all the people in the world that didn’t want to hear her problems.
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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I have and I always will
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
“ Aria “ he called, not more than a whisper, as he entered the house. he normally wouldn’t disappear many hours in the row, specially after disappearing on her for so long “ love, i need you. “
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IT was safe to say aria had been worried. she’d tried to convince herself that it was fine, aro had his life here and she wouldn’t know every part of it. he’d need time to himself. but after so many years apart there was this ache of worry when he was gone this long. as soon as she heard his voice she was to him. “ aro, amore, what is it? are you alright? ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
@dcimxs DEIMOS
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“ DEIMOS, i hadn’t expected... oh, this is a pleasant surprise. i doubt you’ve come to see me, but really, it’s good to see you. ” she was well aware of the other vampire’s reservations towards getting too close to anyone else, but it didn’t stop her from feeling even a shred pleased to see a familiar face.
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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“ I promise i’m here only in peace, ” aria said, presenting her best smile. “ i may be close with aro, but i’ve never been with the volturi. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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“  well, isn’t this interesting. ” glaring around with feigned AMUSEMENT, curious eyes surveying the small building. attention focused on the multiple people occupying the space, thinking of all the opportunities that currently surrounded her ( potential VICTIMS ) confidants. athenodora stepped through the doors THRESHOLD and immediately pressed her slender finger upon the edge of the bar. one of the bartenders hurrying over to fetch the order while piercing blue eyes ( contacts; covering red hues ) became fixated on the person as plumped lips pursed in thought, "  i’ll have a whiskey on the rocks or perhaps one of those daiquiris on the list. I don’t know, surprise me. “ tone laced with entitlement && wonder. a SMILE playing on her lips while waiting.
THERE really wasn’t a use for alcohol for a vampire, but a bar provided a number of uses. it provided a way for some hiding in the area to appear normal, it gave some something to do for a while if they enjoyed watching humans make messes of themselves, or it was a prime place to hunt for a meal. aria grew tired of trying to find a lone person who’d wandered into the wilderness. they were hardly any fun. at least here she could play, get them alone, work for the meal a bit. and in the meantime, there was a lot of learning she could do. touching the bar, suddenly memories of everyone that had been at the bar were hers. she was pulled out of her thoughts by a familiar voice. she hadn’t seen members of the volturi since aro had left to go on his own and even before then she barely spoke with them when she chose not to join them. but she knew enough to recognize athenodora when she heard and saw her. a small smile played across her lips before she watched the bartender walk away. “ i could ruin the surprise. one of those takes less time to make. ”
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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Sometimes, I can’t stand the bullshit of actors. You know, where they’re more interested in “getting in the zone” than they are about showing up and doing their job and remembering that film is a group activity. When you’re an actor, it’s not about you, it’s about a team.
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arianotvolturi · 7 years
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Elizabeth Olsen photographed by Chris & Sarah Rhoads for Darling Magazine, September 2016
“I believe that you are only in control of so much. So whatever you are not in control of you can’t worry about.”
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