arianahaventhorne · 5 years
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The halls of Vesuvia’s Palace are shrouded in shadow and barely-there flickering candlelight. The sound of laughter and dancing from the party having long faded, a lone shadow stalks through the eastern corridors, her heeled footsteps silent as she watches her target through a narrowed gaze. 
Lucio x Ariana (My apprentice). Lemon.
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arianahaventhorne · 5 years
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@vesuviannights mc’s Ari :D she likes takin out the garbage :D
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arianahaventhorne · 5 years
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Mantichoral/Grimm-draws here at it with mediocre fanart, this time for the wonderful @vesuviannights!
I've been a fan of Claire's work ever since I first discovered it! I've been wanting to draw her apprentice for a while, and although I don't have a lot of time right now, I thought I'd whip up a half hour practice to sate myself for the time being.
I'M SORRY THAT IT ISN'T VERY GOOD. AS SOON AS I HAVE TIME, I WANT TO TRY AND DO A BIG PIECE as payback for all the goodies I've read :3c
The bg is the red market, and belongs to Nix Hydra
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arianahaventhorne · 5 years
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Ari, Arya (only for her brother), Aya (only for people very close to her, though very rarely used)
Twin brother (Eli Haventhorne, @elihaventhorne) who is a few minutes younger than Ari and also an assassin, father (deceased), mother (deceased).
Almost but not quite Lucio in female form
Has never said sorry in her life except to her brother, and maybe once to Asra when she was very drunk
Not particularly vain, but she is very careful to keep herself physically fit and well cared for, and her dress sense means that she gets to show that to the world
Asshole with the heart of gold for maybe 4 people in the entire world, and children
Likes high places, the witching hour, the ache of her muscles after rough sex
Resents her magical abilities because of their origins, but will use them out of necessity, tends to stick to magic that is typically frowned upon/considered ‘unclean’ magic so she can pretend she has a reason to hate them
Very sassy tends to leap before she looks but only because she has (mostly) always been fortunate/skilled enough to fight her way out of situations where it backfires
Her brother has always rolled his eyes at the fights she likes to start, preferring the more R-rated and clothes-less ‘F’ himself. He has been fondly described by locals as a ‘devious and cocky little harpy’, so it’s fair to say that they fuel each other and he isn’t exactly innocent himself
She’s a moon and stars gal who enjoys being out during the night, but will never pass up a chance to doze in a strip of sunlight that peaks through her window
Was once bright-eyed and excited about the world. She always wanted to travel, but the events in her life since the age of 8 have seen that chipped away at, and the events of the plague - Asra leaving, Lucio refusing to take responsibility, her being burned alive on the Lazaret - has left a cold edge to her on days where she has been left alone with her own thoughts for too long
That being said, she does have a terrifyingly well-honed ability to switch between herself and her work self. Think of it as the assassin version of a customer service voice. She can separate herself from her work with ease, and often what makes her darker or brings out that edge in her isn’t the murder itself, but the fact that no matter how many corrupt assholes or rapists or child-abusers she takes out, the world doesn’t get better, the city still suffers. She still suffers.
Has a very set idea of what is right and wrong in the world, but has a seperate idea of those things for herself, and those ideas almost always conflict. Murder is wrong, unless it is to stop suffering. Never let yourself dwell too long on your darker thoughts, unless you deserve to be punished for your actions. Always embrace and use your gifts for good, unless they are from bitter origins
She will absolutely give everything inside of herself to protect and support and love the people she is close to, and keeps up a very cocky bravado to keep hidden that she sometimes doesn’t follow the same path for herself
Skin Tone
Fair, neutral undertones, tans a concerning amount during the summer
Eye Colour
Hazel. Has partial heterochromia in her right eye, resulting it in being half blue
Blonde, thick, straight, finishes just where her butt does. She loves wearing it out and flicking it around to be extra sassy, but when she has work to do and needs to be stealthy or careful, she braids it.
Narrow shoulders with a short torso. Long and toned limbs. Little white scars (mostly on her arms) from years of training with knives and general fighting.
[I’ll come back to this but fuck, I got no clue. I’ve always imagined her as having them on her back and down the back of one arm - possibly something to do with Artemis - as well as something in long cursive across her collar bone, possibly something under her breasts. Cannot art, will have to find references.]
Clothing style
Likes to dress in expensive clothes, dark colours, anything that is form-fitting and easy to move in when she is working with holders to stash her twin short swords in. If she’s not working, something easy to stretch and doze in for when she is relaxing.
Her upright ending, regardless of the LI she was with, would be a world where she could stay with her brother and not be separated by the Devil’s deals (part of Eli’s backstory). A world where she could continue building a better one with her assassin skills but without her magic. A world where she could protect the children of the city from suffering the same fate she did. A world where she could disband the Shadow Assassins and all the vile creatures that call themselves leaders within the organisation. She will love and support any choice her LI makes, whatever keeps them happy, whether it is leaving her to explore the world or helping her in her own goals.
Her reverse ending would be a life where her autonomy was truly taken away from her, and she didn’t have the chance to follow her own morals. The Devil has taken her for his own, used to eliminate enemies, instill fear, murder people simply for entertainment. She is a shell on the outside, unreachable, but she is still there on the inside - screaming, crying, trying to break free, clawing at the inside of her mind until there are gouge marks and her fingernails have snapped. But she will never be free, and she will never have control of herself again, and her eternity of punishment will never end.
(Cut version, still building)
The Haventhorne twins were born in a village south of Vesuvia in the spring and promptly lost their mother.
At age 8, they lost their father.
At age 8 and a half, they were taken in by the Shadow Assassins.
At age 8 and three quarters, they were in training.
At age 12, their first kill.
At age 13, their first brush with death.
At age 16, their first loves, and by 17, at least one of them knew the heartbreak of it, too.
By age 18, their ledgers were dripping with blood, and Ariana’s magical abilities had manifested enough for her to receive proper training.
By age 20, her brother had made a deal with the Devil to save his own life and sailed for the other side of the globe.
By age 20 and a half, Ariana’s breathing was labored, her eyes illuminated by the Plague Glow, her heart aching from Asra’s absence.
At age 23, Ariana has re-learned every one of her skills through great pain and torment, but will never breathe a whisper to Asra, or tell her ex-lover that she is still dealing in blades and blood and secrets.
At age 23, the Countess will call on her to investigate the murder of her late husband, Count Lucio.
And at age 23, Ariana will finally see her brother again, and discover both why he was away so long, and whose murderous face she never chose to see when they returned home on that bloody night all those years ago.
Everyday Ari
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(Made with krasnyzmeya’s picrew)
Assassin Ari
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(Made with krasnyzmeya’s picrew)
Masquerade Ari
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(Made with krasnyzmeya’s picrew)
Murder Hands Ari
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Upright Ari
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Reversed Ari
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Clothing References
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(Modern notes)
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