arguscallous · 7 months
I find peace in kneading, in dirty hands and full sinks, in smile stretched mouths with crumbs kissing cheeks. I know what I'm worth, learned with the first "good job," earned standing on a creaky wooden chair, with that first foray into dough sticky fingers.
I remember a home that was never really mine, and go in circles debating if I have the right to mourn; I wasn't wanted, but god did I want.
I had a beloved bedtime story, and it went like this;
Three cups of flour, one tablespoon of powdered milk, one and a half of baking powder, a teaspoon of salt. Slowly mix in two cups of warm water. Knead until those words bubbling in your gut are trapped in the dough instead. Rest, shape, fry.
I heard it first in rasping grandmother's voice, I tell it to myself not enough and too much.
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arguscallous · 7 months
I feel like milk teeth, a part of a whole; they exist, they serve their purpose, they fall away.
I feel like the eighth wash of paint on canvas; the tone is set, the shadows are past, the highlights are just ahead.
I feel like a process, and am scared that the artist is ashamed; the snarls and burrs in this rough woven scarf are too much, and I will be unraveled. I would not allow myself rage, knowing that undoubtedly the thread would be better spent.
I feel like I am the artist, and that turns fear to dread. I have never finished a project in my life and do not intend to start now.
Do you feel complete?
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arguscallous · 10 months
I pretend that my heart is a small animal, sheltered in the cavern of my body; each pump of blood another weary snap of teeth. I pretend that this animal has been injured, and the cavern of my body is it's only refuge. And it hurts still, but less now; it has weathered storm after storm, and always I allow myself pride at how well I've protected it. How could I be anything but? I am the animal. I am the haven. I am happy with what I could do.
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arguscallous · 11 months
I dream like pulling teeth, I dream of pulling teeth
One by one out my skull, bare the pain and make myself beautiful, make a bloody smile quiet and dainty and meek and everything a lady should be
I dream of helplessness, nightmare and a hope; what if I couldn't fight? What if this fear of my body was ripped out? Would you love me if I was properly weak, if you had no reason to cower?
What if I cut away these rough edges, took sandpaper to the cracks. What if I turned broken bottles into sea glass.
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arguscallous · 1 year
Does the caterpillar die, sitting in her chrysalis?
It's a change. It's an ache, running up and down my spine; remembering the differences, what used to be. The body eating itself, bit by bit, designing it's own future.
I refuse to let it be death.
What died inside of you?
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arguscallous · 1 year
Today is my favorite kind of day;
The snow floods the sidewalk, becomes mush under our shoes, becomes white spots against brown fabric, becomes childish glee.
Our work is done, no specter of responsibility to haunt our doorways. We belong to ourselves, today.
I sit, comfortably quiet, with a bowl of soup. You sit, blissfully, with me.
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arguscallous · 1 year
@nosebleedclub 's March prompts. #28, Ouroborus.
Resurrecting myself again and again, snap crackle pop-ing fingers slip between the cracks of the old headstone, knock on wood and the rotten coffin presents itself, a showman;
"Come one, come all, see the beast Ouroboros! Watch as Past consumes Present, as Tail becomes Maw!"
Line up the beer bottles and grab that old peashooter, one new day for every piece of shattered glass. Pick up the scattered reflections like pulling teeth and isn't that a fun one, white coats and irrational fear.
How long can the body rest before "memory" becomes "theft," how many photo frames cracked, how many repetitions of
that's not me it's not me it's not not me
Catch the double negatives, ball 'em up in your fist with a kiss for good luck, send off the poor fuck they adored and pray with us now
it's not me it's not me it's not not not me
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arguscallous · 1 year
Today, I pretend to be someone else:
She adores sundresses, wearing them over jeans and under trenchcoats to hide from the chill. She cooks, bakes, lives for any excuse to create; to feed the people she loves.
She doesn't fight, knows when to be meek, to hunch her shoulders; turn the bulk into softness again, strength a quirk rather than a threat. Her hugs are only a little too tight.
She has a sweet voice, never quite outgrew her stutter; words slipping off her tongue too fast, tangled. It's charming, when she does it; poor thing is trying so hard.
I miss myself, when we have to be her; the slow monotone of my words, beating along to our heart. The possessiveness she can't show no matter how hard we both want. Her teeth cover mine, sheep dull over ragged fox.
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arguscallous · 1 year
Another thing to run from, filled with enough nothing to choke on; gasping on the void.
A horror story until it's a comedy, tragedy plus time.
The last place I felt safe, then the monster crawling in my stomach.
The house as
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arguscallous · 1 year
@nosebleedclub 's February prompts. #28, memorial.
Today, I'll remember how your hand felt, on the edge of cold from sweating in that too hot autumn afternoon. I'll remember playing cards, an intricate game I didn't know the name of; just that you'd laugh, and it sounded like home.
I want to forget about the rum in my veins, how you always looked a little sad; how I couldn't justify it without spilling too many secrets. We were already soaked, saturated in the night.
Tomorrow, next month, next year; I'll work up the courage to call you again. Not yet, not yet; I'm not ready. You must be so busy anyway, you were always better than me. College graduate, and I'm just lucky to be here.
Today, there's a dress hanging in the closet; I think you'd like seeing me in it.
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arguscallous · 1 year
Just one, really;
When will it feel like enough? These hands can't possibly ache forever, can they. The light on the horizon with shine bright, glorious someday. Someday your knee will bump innocently against mine, and it will feel like peace.
How long do I have to wait, how many red X's on the calendar. I want to know the anniversary; celebrate the shift from this to a semblance of okay.
What are your questions?
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arguscallous · 1 year
Today, I made soup; a mother's recipe, still gripping her childs hand.
Yesterday, my skull was rotting from the inside; I will taste blood until the gape in my gums heals.
She taught me how to hold a knife, how to knead bread until our shoulders ached, how leftover batter could be made into a treat just for us.
I learned how to do laundry when I lived alone, I've watched hours of YouTube tutorials learning to clean, I still don't remember to brush my teeth.
I don't think she was perfect. The soup is pretty good, though.
What is perfect?
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arguscallous · 1 year
Remember how small you were, both of us little birds? Banajaanh; fresh from the nest, winter still staining your cheeks
Chirping that bright laugh, honey sticky hands clapping. We ate sweetbread, black rice and maize
It's foreign on my tongue, now.
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arguscallous · 1 year
I have to believe there's joy, that hope is still here; still alive
One day these tears will be happy! My family will be strong, my lovers will be safe
I will smile more than scream, I will help again. None of the mouths around me will go hungry.
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arguscallous · 1 year
@nosebleedclub 's February prompts. #6, instead of you.
Like a flower in my palm, little one. Torn grass thrown in the wind, stained fingers and dirt under our nails.
Dandelions, still yellow; still alive. Your favorite flower, if anyone asked. If you ever sat in the field, hand clutching anyone else's.
If, instead of you; the little girl they wanted lived.
Changeling child, left the bed empty and cold. Grew up, angry and cold.
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arguscallous · 1 year
And I'll pray to any God's that are listening
Oh father,
Oh patron of our cherry wine
Oh climber of these thick ivy vines
Make this worth it, make it a trail! A test! A hero's journey.
Let there be resolution, let there be an arc; a lightning strike of inspiration
Turn this rambling brook of a life into whatever infrastructure you need, give me a purpose
Oh god, how else should I plead.
Which color candles, do I burn the incense? Light the rosemary?
Take communion in fermented dandelion, taste who's holy body in pollen and honey?
How do I pray, what can I trade, how much do I have to be willing to give away.
To whatever God's are listening:
You can have it all,
Just please, when I must fall
Let it be from grace, for tragedy
On my own sword, whatever you can do; save me from mediocrity
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arguscallous · 1 year
I am tired of being in love, draining like a volt on your tongue, little zips of electricity scattering till I can feel them making love with the blood cells, burning and mistaking the pain for being alive
The hope has to fly, has to soar, has to make that perilous journey to the other side! Not unscathed but at least alive, what is she worth once her wings stop beating? What am I worth once I stop smiling?
What can these hands do but knead loaf after loaf, communicating trust, admiration, simple care with every slice! All I have are recipes from a family that never felt like mine, all I know are words that come spilling up my throat, advice I'll give but can't love myself enough to follow, and it's all wrapped around again
I want the peace we never had as children, I want a mother who cared and a father that isn't too little too late, I want forgiveness for a sin I never meant to commit, freedom from a curse I shouldn't have to bear;
I'd have invited all the witches in! Shared tea with every fairy, answered all the riddles three! I'd have read enough stories to know how to get the happy ending! I'd never have to learn that life is rarely clean, rarer fair
I'd still be able to lead you to the kitchen table, put the bread knife in your hand.
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