WOW i’m the worst, so sorry for not being on
i just haven’t really felt up to writing more than just on k.ik lately. so if ya wanna do a lil sum’n sum’n, lemme know and i’ll throw my username at ya if we’re mutuals <3
BUT LIFE UPDATE i’m applying for grad school and also i accidentally cut my finger down to the bone today at work so typing isn’t fun so replies still probably won’t happen tonight, MY BAD Y’ALL
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Send me ☺ for a loving/affectionate text
Send me  ♣ for a drunk text
Send me ♥ for a sexual/naughty text
Send me !! for a threatening text
Send me ☼ for a morning text
Send me ?? for a strange/vague text
Send me ► for a text not meant for you
Send me ↕ for a scared/worried text
Texting Meme:
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Good Will Hunting Starters
I’m holdin’ out for somethin’ better. 
You don’t know about real loss, ‘cause that only occurs when you’ve loved something more than you love yourself. And I doubt you’ve ever dared to love anybody that much.
I look at you. I don’t see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared shitless kid. 
If you ever disrespect ___ again, I will end you. I will fucking end you! 
Yeah, maybe. But at least I won’t be unoriginal. 
He just sat there, counting the seconds until the session was over. It was pretty impressive, actually. 
No goodbye. No see you later. No nothing. You just left. I don’t know much, but I know that. 
Are we gonna have a problem here? 
Why? So I can realize she’s not that smart, that she’s fuckin’ boring? Y'know? I mean…this girl is like fuckin’ perfect right now, I don’t wanna ruin that. 
You’re not perfect, sport, and let me save you the suspense: this girl you’ve met, she’s not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other. 
I mean that way you could actually go through the rest of your life without ever really knowing anybody. 
Well, what aren’t you scared of? 
You live in this safe little world where no one challenges you and you’re scared shitless to do anything else but defend yourself!
Oh no. Don’t, don’t, don’t tell me about my world. 
I’m afraid? What am I afraid of? What the fuck am I afraid of? 
You’re afraid of me! You’re afraid that I won’t love you back!
I want to hear you say you don’t love me.
It’s not your fault. 
People call those imperfections, but no, that’s the good stuff. 
Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples? 
No. No, no no no. Fuck you, you don’t owe it to yourself man, you owe it to me.
Jesus Christ. You know the fuckin’ date?
You ripped my fuckin’ life apart.
Not unless you grab my ass.
You’ll never have that kind of relationship in a world where you’re afraid to take the first step because all you see is every negative thing 10 miles down the road.
Most days I wish I’d never met you ‘cause then I could sleep at night. I didn’t have to walk around with the knowledge that there was someone like you out there. 
I didn’t have to watch you throw it all away.
You fuckin’ retarded? You went all the way out there in the rain and you didn’t bring the number?
You don’t wanna hear that… no, you don’t wanna hear that.
Thank you… But I was, you know, hoping for a good night kiss
Nail them while they’re vulnerable, that’s my motto.
What the fuck are we gonna do that we can’t spare fifteen minutes?
If you were gonna fight them, why didn’t you fight them back there? We got snacks now!
You’re an idiot. I’ve been sitting there all night waiting for you to come over to talk to me. But I’m tired now, and I have to go home, and couldn’t just keep sitting there waiting.
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i’m  s l o w  but i got a couple replies out. i open tomorrow so imma go to bed now. see ya tomorrow ! ! !
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Gwen listened quietly as he spoke.  She’d heard that there had been quite a few episodes of terror up here, but she’d just always been told that some other hunter took care of it.  No one told her anything about a pack who watched over this town and she was almost positive that none of the other close hunters she worked with new either.
Her gaze moved to the ground for a moment, almost as if he was scolding her. In a way she supposed he was and it sure as hell was working.  “Look I didn’t know that no one came here to help you guys.  And I’m sorry that you guys didn’t get any help from us.  I know protecting people isn’t a job just hunters, I know that first hand so thank you for protecting those people…but I’m here and if it’s going to be a big deal with you and your pack…thing, then I’ll go.  But by the looks of it you guys need all the help you can get.”
She paused for a moment, wiping a wet strand of hair out of her face.  “So a werecoyote in high school huh?  Can’t say I’ve ever heard of that before.”
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Riley shrugged at the apology, slowly moving to sit at the base of the tree. The ground wasn’t as wet in that spot, which he was grateful for, considering wet jeans weren’t the most comfortable to wear.
“They’re not my pack.” And that wasn’t a lie. Riley hadn’t come to Beacon Hills looking to be part of a new pack; he hadn’t expected to stay as long as he has already, honestly. He also didn’t really want a pack just yet—he was still reeling from the loss of his pack, the only family he’d known for ten years, and the thought of joining a new pack made feel like he’d be betraying them. “I’m just here because my uncle is, and I don’t have anything else left.” It was a bleak outlook, but also true.
He clicked his tongue against his teeth and nodded his head from side to side. “Yeah, she’s a spitfire that one,” he commented. “She was stuck in a full coyote form for like, eight years, so the fact that she’s able to walk through school hallways at all without freaking out is incredibly impressive. Her ability to adapt is off the charts.”
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   a soft sigh left isaac’s lips as he cupped one of riley’s cheeks. he smoothed his thumb over the other’s cheekbone with a small smile. “i hate to make you a glorified babysitter, but i’d really appreciate it.” he leaned in to kiss riley’s forehead, remained just like that for a moment. “and when i’m done, we can do whatever you want. i promise. absolutely anything.” he was reluctant to pull away completely; the softness and the warmth that came with being around riley was practically addictive– especially after the few years of sleepless nights trying to raise a daughter by himself. alas, he eventually let go with yet another, defeated, sigh.
   riley leaned into the kiss to his forehead, eyes closing with a small sigh. “i don’t mind hanging out with rosie. she’s kind of the best, so.” he shrugged one shoulder, but didn’t move otherwise, arms still draped loosely over isaac’s shoulders. “...i demand cuddling and captain america. and maybe i’ll make out with you, but i haven’t decided yet.” as isaac let him go, he smiled sympathetically at the deafeated sigh. in a last ditch effort to comfort the taller man, he ran his fingers through his hair and reached up to place a quick kiss at his temple before fully pulling away. “okay, mr. detective. go, solve a case. get someone some justice. i’ve got a cute princess to distract with a disney movie.”
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                                                                                Purple Rain — PRINCE
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The atmosphere tenses when Stiles hears the comment, raising a brow of suspicion. After Theo he’s a little less trusting than he was before, and that was more of Scott’s thing anyway. “ Uh, okay, who’s your uncle?” It’s not exactly what he thought would come out of the other’s mouth. He’s also a little confused, tilting his head to side, “-And dude, no offense, but if you have an uncle who will end up shooting you the first chance he gets, wouldn’t it be a good idea to maybe not purposely seek him out?” In his opionion, it sounds like there’s a pretty odd family dynamic going on there. 
“ Stiles,” he replies back, and shakes the new guy-Riley’s-hand. 
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Riley drops Stiles’ hand after an appropriate handshake length amount of time ( and why is that such an exact moment? Like, there comes a point where everyone knows the handshake is over, so when someone hangs on for too long, it’s so incredibly noticeable? Riley shrugs off the thought ).
He huffs a laugh, less amused than before as he notices the subtle shift in the air around them. “Yeah, well, it’s kind of a necessary thing, talking to my uncle. Otherwise, I’d be the dick in the situation, and that’s really saying something when your uncle is Christopher Argent, the apparent resident hunter of Beacon Hills.” A small pause. “And before you say anything, yeah, I’m acutely aware that my entire existence is an ironic twist of fate.”
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“ Well, a lot of people don’t–Wait, are you serious? Dude, yes, me too! Finally, someone who appreciates the master piece that is Star Wars. And okay, fair enough, but I take it back. Can’t leave a fellow Star Wars fan behind.” 
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“Why wouldn’t I be serious about Star Wars? And thank you, I’m appreciative that my movie tastes carry the most weight in your decision to make sure I stay alive. But damn, is it good to hear someone speaking my language for once in this town.”
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“Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they’d like to disclose?”
captain america: civil war // @noctuatim
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“god if only i could tell you i had something more to offer. that’d make things at least 3% better than they are right now.”
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❛ did we just break into a military base to investigate a rabbit? ❜ {Stiles.}
sherlock s2 // @normalsxrated 
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             “Well, it’s not like I knew what we were looking for—-all I had was a case file ! ! ! ”
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                                   “ Well, this is awkward. ”                                                                                         Riley Argent
                             ©redit to @ofdiligence for the super legit graphic, thx boo
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I was tagged by: @badfaiiith​
literature  quizzes  .    repost  with  your  muse’s  results  for  the  following  quizzes  
HOMERIC EPITHET! /  Bright-eyed!  You are bright-eyed, Riley. Homer also used this epithet to describe Athena, the goddess of things like wisdom, diplomacy, war, and arts and crafts. Athena was the patron of Odysseus and helped him out of some tough spots, except for those times she just didn’t feel like it for some reason or another.
FATAL FLAW! /  You’re too clever by half.  Your intelligence is unmatched, but your smart mouth is going to get you into trouble one of these days. Everyone says so. Odds are you’ll make one witty remark too many and meet a tragic, easily preventable end that surprises no one in the least. You’ll be mourned, of course, but we all saw it coming, and you kind of deserved it.
GREEK MYTHOLOGY DEATH! /   Murdered by accident, in Achilles’ armor.  One day, during the Trojan War, Achilles decides to just up and quit. He’s the greatest warrior apparently ever, so this is something of an issue. You can’t bear to watch men die in battle for Achilles’ pride, so you don his armor yourself and lead his men into battle. Everyone thinks you are Achilles, and morale is high. You die, however, because somewhere in there you remember that you’re actually terrible at fighting. Silver lining: Achilles avenges your death something FIERCE. So that's something.
LITERARY SETTING! / Juliet’s Verona house.  You got Juliet’s house in Verona! Not only is Verona one of the most beautiful places in Italy, it’s also the setting of one of the most iconic love stories of all time—perfect for a hopeless romantic like yourself. You can walk the old-fashioned cobblestone streets, eat your weight in deliciously photogenic gelato, and look out from your balcony at night, waiting for your lover to climb up the wooden trellis and profess their undying affection. Just don’t get caught up in any ancient grudges/new mutinies—for your sake, and for the sake of students in English classes for centuries to come.
I tag: @alilskinnylove @facetiious @pcrdiitus @redhoodstile and anyone who wants to do this
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“ ——Yes??…… I swear to God, if you make fun of me for it, I will leave you for dead.” 
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“Make fun of you?? Why would I make fun of you for quoting Return of the Jedi? That’s one of my favorite movies of all time. And if you leave me for dead, I’ll just come back to haunt you for the rest of your life.”
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