texts { jason&babs }
Jason: Yes I did
Jason: She went after Black Mask
Jason: After I told her to leave it to me!
Jason: She could have gotten herself KILLED Barbara!
Babs: Woah, woah, woah.
Babs: Are you FUCKING kidding me?!?!?!!?
Babs: Yeah, keep her with you, keep her grounded until she's dead.
Babs: What was she thinking?!?!?!?!?!
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“Yeah, being around loved ones always helps. Especially when you’re alone here.”
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“Yeah, in a sense. After being out here on my own for so long, a trip home was what I needed.”
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“If someone ever invents something that allows that to happen, we’ll trade.”
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Harry retracts his arm with a steely glint in his eye, offset by the sardonic quirk to his lip. “Obviously. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure you have some really shitty nightmares. I’ll trade you.”
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“I can. Us just leaving would fix it,” she says with a small laugh.
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“I can’t see an end to this display..”
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She huffs. “We could ten times better than all this.”
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“Some people just have no idea how to make science honestly interesting.” He shook his head as he watched the man type away at his computer. The expo was supposed to showcase the new marvels in science but so far all he’d seen were knock offs of already done experiments. His own booth would have made a killing here, if he’d gotten here in time to register. But the cure he was working on for Harry had came first.
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“Please, I’m an amazing judge,” she says with a laugh.
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“I’m going to have to agree with you, Babs.” Gwen leaned back in her chair, feet tucked under her. “Although I’m not really sure if we’re amazing judges.”
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She laughs. “Oh, yeah. I thought Gotham was bad. NYC is even worse.”
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Darcy almost slipped and asked if it was Jason, but even though Barbara was very likely in-the-know, it wasn’t Darcy’s secret to discuss. So she went for a more vague answer, “I think we’ve all seen someone in a mask in the past and were immediately intrigued by how mysterious they seemed. And now this city is full of them!”
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Babs grins up at him, then raises her arms out towards him, opening and closing her fists in a ‘gimmie’ motion, waiting for a hug. “Good. It’s been good. Where have you been?”
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Cisco beams when he recognizes her. “Hey! My favorite ginger Jason-wrangler. How’s it going, Babs?”
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“Straight black...” she pauses, then bites her bottom lip. “Like my soul.”
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“It’s really not a problem, Barbara.” Matt shifts his hands, feeling out and briefly touching at her shoulder before he makes his way over to the coffee maker and sets a cup beneath it, pressing the button to turn it on for coffee. “You don’t take anything in it, right?”
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Babs bites her bottom lip, leaning forward. “Are you calling me pretty?” She asks, her eyes shining with interest.
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Eyes trailing over the other she smiles. “It’s alright, pretty girls are allowed to look at whatever they want especially if it’s another pretty girl. However, I do accept your apology.”
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She smirks. “Perhaps it’d be better to wait when we’re not at a fancy party, right? Or shall I spill all our secrets?”
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I’m here, it’s fine, I’m here
Bruce sighed, accepting a glass of wine off a passing silver tray before nodding for Barbara to continue.
“The excruciating detail is why I love you, Barbara.” Bruce said dryly, before taking a sip of his wine.
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“Tell me.”
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“Please, it’s just Barbara. And life is... life. I’m working at a law firm and I happen to like it a lot,” she explains with a smile, but still watches him carefully. “What brings you here?”
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“Mrs. Gordon, It’s nice seeing another familiar face. How is life?”
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texts { jason&babs }
Jason: She's here.
Jason: I took her damn phone away
Jason: She's grounded.
Babs: You grounded her?????
Babs: And why is she grounded?
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texts { jason&babs }
Babs: Hey, is Steph with you?
Babs: I've been trying to reach her because she hasn't come home, but she's not answering.
Babs: Do you know where she is?
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“Because you love me?”
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“We so aren’t doing that!”
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“Okay, fine. You have five minutes to convince my why it would be a good idea.”
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“You’re buying me a whole new pack, then.”
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– Oh! This was your last popsicle? That’s a damn shame. 
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Babs blushes, then looks away. “Sorry, it’s just that... you’re rather pretty and I got lost in my head, so... yeah. Sorry.”
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“It’s rude to stare you know.”
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