arendelian-queen · 5 years
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Anna's outfits through the years
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
All thought of her sister nearly pushed from her mind completely, Anna giggled again. She curtsied deeply and began their dance. Her bright blue eyes shined up at him, her heart dancing its own dance in her chest. Sure, she’d never actually had a boyfriend before, and sure she’d only just met Hans, but he was such a gentleman! Besides, it wasn’t like she had run off to some village somewhere and met a random person to marry. He was a prince. Surely she could trust other royalty. 
“I’m so glad that your brothers were able to make it on such short notice!” She shook her head, shrugging. “Then again, I never thought my own sister would miss my wedding...” she looked down for another moment, then her head popped back up and she smiled brightly, “I suppose your closer with your brothers.”
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@arendelian-queen​ liked for a shippy starter
“Come dance with me,” Hans whispered in his new bride’s ear, they’d been married only hours and he still can’t believe how easy it was, despite her sister’s objections. Anna had agreed to marry him anyway.
“It’ll take your mind off your sister, she’ll come around eventually.”
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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Cuddle close! Scooch in!
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
Roleplayers, reblog if your blog is duplicate friendly 👥
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
“Elsa, you don’t have to have powers to be strong enough to protect the people you love.” The redhead flippantly crossed her arms over her chest, her chin raised slightly like a defiant child. 
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@arendelian-queen​ liked for a frozen 2 starter
“Anna, no, I have my powers to protect me you don’t.”
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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Source josie on Discord
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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Show yourself, step into the power. Throw yourself into something new
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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I believe in you, Elsa. More than anyone or anything.
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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I saw this somewhere on tumblr.
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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“Far away, once stood an enchanted forest. It was a magical place.“
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
The girl looked down, forcing a smile before sharing a genuine one with Hans.
She blushed, giggling and taking her husband’s hand. “I would be honored!” The freckled princess rose, resting her hand on Hans’ shoulder and smiling up at him with her naive, sparkling eyes. 
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@arendelian-queen​ liked for a shippy starter
“Come dance with me,” Hans whispered in his new bride’s ear, they’d been married only hours and he still can’t believe how easy it was, despite her sister’s objections. Anna had agreed to marry him anyway.
“It’ll take your mind off your sister, she’ll come around eventually.”
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
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“I’ve seen dark before, but not like this.”
“The life I knew is over, the lights are out.”
“Hello darkness, I am ready to succumb.”
“This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down.”
“You are lost, hope is gone, but you must go on.”
“But can you brave what you most fear?”
“When all is lost, then all is found.”
“Everything will never be the same again.”
“Some things stay the same.”
“Are you telling me that tonight you’re gonna get down on one knee?
“Yeah bud, I’m really bad at planning these things out.”
“Maybe you should leave all the romantic stuff to me.”
“I’m not sure I want things to change at all.”
“Everyone I’ve ever loved is here within these walls.”
“I’ve had my adventure. I don’t need something new.”
“I’m afraid of what I’m risking if I follow you.”
“Are you here to distract me, so I make a big mistake?”
“Don’t you know there’s part of me that longs to go.”
“But is this what it feels like to be growing apart?”
“I’m lost in the woods.”
“When you’re lost, I’m the one who sees you home.”
“I can sense you there.”
“I’ve always been a fortress, cold secrets deep inside.”
“You have secrets, too, but you don’t have to hide.”
“Are you the one I’ve been looking for?”
“All my life I’ve been torn, but I’m here for a reason.”
“I have always been so different.”
“I’ve come so far.”
“This will all make sense when I’m older.”
“Someday I will see that this makes sense.”
“Growing up means adapting.”
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arendelian-queen · 5 years
Not so nice M!A list
Down with the Sickness: Muse has a special type of sickness, leaving them horribly ill and unable to care for themselves (Anon specifies symptoms). Last for 2 days.
Left for Dead: Muse has been kidnapped, beaten, and left for dead in the streets until someone finds them.
Lake of Fire: All liquid for your muse now suddenly burns if they try to drink anything. Lasts for 1 day.
The Animal Inside: Muse suddenly becomes a ______ (Anon specifies animal). Lasts for 12 hours.
Hungry Like the Wolf: Muse is starving, no matter what or how much they eat. Lasts 10 hours.
I Feel Like a Monster: Muse is sure they've done something horribly wrong, and refuses to believe otherwise. Lasts 5 hours.
So Cold: Muse is suddenly freezing, with no obvious cause--they're so shivery they can barely move! Lasts 10 hours.
Lights Out: Muse is blind. Lasts 12 hours.
Silence is Golden: Muse is deaf. Lasts 12 hours.
Just Dumb: Muse has lost their voice. Lasts 12 hours.
Perfect Insanity: Muse has been put into an asylum, with a straight jacket and a padded cell. Lasts 24 hours.
On My Own: Muse is lost, and will wander around _______ (Anon specifies place) until someone finds them and brings them home.
Walk Away From the Sun: Muse is "allergic" to sunlight--even a small exposure to it burns their skin. Lasts 24 hours.
Bloodletting: Muse is a vampire. Lasts 2 days.
Fear in Your Eyes: Muse is deathly afraid of _______ (Anon specifies fear). Lasts 12 hours.
Say You'll Haunt Me: Muse is a ghost, whom can only be seen if they want to be. Lasts 24 hours.
Last Resort: Muse is depressed and/or suicidal. Lasts 24 hours.
Broken: Muse is convinced they've lost someone/something dear to them, and are completely brokenhearted over it. Lasts 12 hours.
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arendelian-queen · 10 years
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"But I wanted it blue!" "Now, dear, we decided pink was her color" "YOU decided!"
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arendelian-queen · 10 years
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10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Disney Parks
More facts on Ultrafacts!
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arendelian-queen · 10 years
Not so nice M!A list
Down with the Sickness: Muse has a special type of sickness, leaving them horribly ill and unable to care for themselves (Anon specifies symptoms). Last for 2 days.
Left for Dead: Muse has been kidnapped, beaten, and left for dead in the streets until someone finds them.
Lake of Fire: All liquid for your muse now suddenly burns if they try to drink anything. Lasts for 1 day.
The Animal Inside: Muse suddenly becomes a ______ (Anon specifies animal). Lasts for 12 hours.
Hungry Like the Wolf: Muse is starving, no matter what or how much they eat. Lasts 10 hours.
I Feel Like a Monster: Muse is sure they've done something horribly wrong, and refuses to believe otherwise. Lasts 5 hours.
So Cold: Muse is suddenly freezing, with no obvious cause--they're so shivery they can barely move! Lasts 10 hours.
Lights Out: Muse is blind. Lasts 12 hours.
Silence is Golden: Muse is deaf. Lasts 12 hours.
Just Dumb: Muse has lost their voice. Lasts 12 hours.
Perfect Insanity: Muse has been put into an asylum, with a straight jacket and a padded cell. Lasts 24 hours.
On My Own: Muse is lost, and will wander around _______ (Anon specifies place) until someone finds them and brings them home.
Walk Away From the Sun: Muse is "allergic" to sunlight--even a small exposure to it burns their skin. Lasts 24 hours.
Bloodletting: Muse is a vampire. Lasts 2 days.
Fear in Your Eyes: Muse is deathly afraid of _______ (Anon specifies fear). Lasts 12 hours.
Say You'll Haunt Me: Muse is a ghost, whom can only be seen if they want to be. Lasts 24 hours.
Last Resort: Muse is depressed and/or suicidal. Lasts 24 hours.
Broken: Muse is convinced they've lost someone/something dear to them, and are completely brokenhearted over it. Lasts 12 hours.
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arendelian-queen · 10 years
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The sisters were reunited at last, but the happy and loving family they once had remained lost forever. [Source: HKY91 “Frozen- We are One”, deviantART]
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