areebsohail · 2 years
Zakat is one of the key elements of the Islamic model of wealth. Islam believes and preaches that those members of the Islamic community who cannot generate wealth regularly must be taken care of by the well-off sections of the community. Zakat is one of the most efficient ways in which we can help underprivileged Muslims. With times changing rapidly, the manners in which zakat can be distributed have evolved as well. In today’s discussion, we talk about how Muslims can give zakat in 2022. Discussing this has become even more so important in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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areebsohail · 3 years
Men put their health last. At first, it sounds like a cliché attempt to earn some bonus points for the gender that has made it his responsibility to live up to its societal roles even though we are living in the 21st century!
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areebsohail · 3 years
We will run out of words if we were to write to paras signifying the importance of charity in society. The concept of charity is synonymous with feelings of empathy and sympathy, the value that it adds to social bonding is immense.
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areebsohail · 3 years
The physics of the problem that blood pressure is, can be quite baffling for the layman. Pressure, area, force, pounding. Terms that efficiently explain the problem, but which leave the novices perplexed as well. Keeping this obvious vagueness that enshrouds the hypertension problem, we thought it best to not just define but discuss this healthcare challenge in detail.
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areebsohail · 3 years
A voluntary act of charity. That is the definition of sadaqah most people are likely to come up with when asked. It is a very correct definition, but what these five words don’t tell you is the wonderfulness of this concept.
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areebsohail · 3 years
Managing blood sugar is a critical aspect of diabetes management. The higher the blood sugar levels are, the tougher does the challenge of diabetes treatment and management becomes. Unfortunately, despite the crucial nature of this topic, the awareness level about hyperglycemia is quite low.
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areebsohail · 3 years
Lower respiratory tract infections are defined as infections in the lung or the area below the voice box. The term might be unfamiliar to some of you, but the infections that are classified under this category are fairly common. These include pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis. The lower respiratory infections normally have a resemblance to the common cold, the symptoms of both conditions often overlap.
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areebsohail · 3 years
Commonly known as LRTI, the infections of the lungs and region below the larynx are classified as lower respiratory tract infections. A common misconception about these infections is that they are only pneumonic infections. That is wrong since bronchitis and tuberculosis are also grouped under the umbrella of these infections.
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areebsohail · 3 years
Two decades of the 21st century have passed already, but the general understanding of terms like cancer and oncology still needs massive improvement. Not saying it is as bad as the early’ 90s! Anyhow, when we use the term cancer, we are talking about the rapid growth of cells in the part of the body under discussion.
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areebsohail · 3 years
When words fail to describe the intensity of the effect mental illness entails on an individual. Therefore, to describe the horrors mental illnesses inflict upon its sufferer, we often find solace in metaphors and images. Imagine a big bad wolf living inside your head all the time whose job is to bring you down all the time. Whenever you feel even remotely happy, it whispers mean things into your ears.
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areebsohail · 3 years
A congenital heart defect refers to an anomaly in the heart that is present in the patient by birth. With modern surgical techniques and latest technology, most of these cardiac defects can not only be diagnosed now but treated and surgically corrected as well. Some of the most common heart defects and their causative factors are listed below:
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areebsohail · 3 years
They say your intentions matter more than your actions. But sometimes, you have to act and act fast, for the sake of humanity. In underdeveloped countries where poverty and sickness dance in the streets, governments can hardly be expected to take care of every citizen.
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areebsohail · 3 years
There is such a stark difference between the healthcare systems of developed and underdeveloped countries that the whole affair sounds disheartening sometimes. A hospital in Boston, Beijing, and Paris have all the facilities in the world you can think of.
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areebsohail · 3 years
How would you feel if all world went on a mute for you? Not a sound can be perceived by your hearing senses. You are forced to switch from words to signs. This is a pain that no one with hearing ability can relate to. Being able to listen is one of the greatest blessings of Allah (SWT).
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areebsohail · 3 years
In a country like Pakistan, it is ridiculous to hope for a moment that the government can take care of all its citizens, in all fields of life. The burden of helping out those who need help in any sphere of life is shared by both government and non-government organizations.
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areebsohail · 3 years
If you have caught the giving bug recently, you might be thinking of donating to a particular charity or trust. It is not something that needs to be instructed, but you must assert the credibility of the organization you are giving your charity money to. How do you do that? Well, you could ask your family and friends, make some investigations on the internet, and follow the lead.
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areebsohail · 3 years
Pakistan is one of those countries, where not everyone can afford basic healthcare facilities and treatment. It is quite a bitter truth. A country that suffers from socio-economic plight, Pakistan has failed to raise the standards of healthcare in the country so far.
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