I have started up queue on new blog and moved stuff I had drafted. I'll continue to check this one will be removing it off my phone by end of next week. 💜💜💜
I lied. 
I am moving blogs. 
Follow me HERE if you would like. 
Not up and running yet since something happened to my muse page… so I have to redo the whole thing. Which is totally fine btw But I will be tackling that monster tomorrow and hopefully have everything there. 
If y’all have stuff for me feel free to tag it to the new blog or repost it on a diff post (or drop it if you are so inclined to). I’m good either way. I’ve already drafted (as new posts) all my stuff I have on here and am hoping to burn through some of these replies tomorrow (if muse page gets done). 
Move should be finished by the time I start up work next week. I am letting my queue do its thing on here. 
I just needed a fresh pretty blog with semi-organized stuffs and shiny new chara tags as well as some new shippy tags. Okay bye.
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— “trust me, no one trusts me.”
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Vivian followed Erebus as she sat beside him, staring down at the photo again before slowly turning her gaze up to meet his. Her hand reached up to smooth her hand over his beard while her doe-eyes grew soft with sadness. “All of these centuries…you search for me?” She asked softly while shaking her head, frowning,“ That’s absolutely cruel…” The blonde confessed her true thoughts, truly feeling sorry for the both of them. “When you saw me…you knew it was me?” She sought after for more answers. Her gaze lowered when their hands met before intertwining their fingers together. Eventually, she turned her body to face the God before leaning forward to press her forehead against his. “Please, tell me more…” Vivian whispered softly, wanting to know more.
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There was no helping it, as soon as her delicate hand cupped his bearded jaw the god leaned into it like a lovesick pup; his own eyes softening but not with sadness more with gratitude. Sometimes, she would refuse to believe it and would leave him for the rest of that life or would freak out and refuse to speak to him for days. He was glad it wasn’t the case this time. “Surprisingly, sometimes there is not much searching. Almost without fail, every time you pass.. I get an inexplicable urge to move somewhere a few decades later and I find you.” he smiled and he did feel her sadness grow when she said it was cruel. He couldn’t particularly disagree; the universe gave him (an immortal being) someone to love but also condemned him to lose her time and time again -- it was rather horrid. He let out a small breath when she pressed their foreheads together and gratefully leaned closer to her, his free hand gently rubbing up and down her back. “Sometimes it takes a while for me to realize that it is happening. For example, when I met you -- I was drawn to you but I mistook that for nothing more than lust.. but when we kissed, it came back -- all of it. The memories from our past and the feelings I have for you.” he tilted his head and placed a kiss on her lips, soft, nothing more than a brush of twin flesh. “This is one of the easier times I have had to tell you. I am grateful.” 
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It’s not spandex, it’s leather.
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Edit: it IS up and running now. I'll still be checking for posts to this blog (stuff I might need to move) and will be tracking both tags for a while while we adjust. 💜
Thank friends 😊😊
I lied. 
I am moving blogs. 
Follow me HERE if you would like. 
Not up and running yet since something happened to my muse page… so I have to redo the whole thing. Which is totally fine btw But I will be tackling that monster tomorrow and hopefully have everything there. 
If y’all have stuff for me feel free to tag it to the new blog or repost it on a diff post (or drop it if you are so inclined to). I’m good either way. I’ve already drafted (as new posts) all my stuff I have on here and am hoping to burn through some of these replies tomorrow (if muse page gets done). 
Move should be finished by the time I start up work next week. I am letting my queue do its thing on here. 
I just needed a fresh pretty blog with semi-organized stuffs and shiny new chara tags as well as some new shippy tags. Okay bye.
107 notes · View notes
I lied. 
I am moving blogs. 
Follow me HERE if you would like. 
Not up and running yet since something happened to my muse page… so I have to redo the whole thing. Which is totally fine btw But I will be tackling that monster tomorrow and hopefully have everything there. 
If y’all have stuff for me feel free to tag it to the new blog or repost it on a diff post (or drop it if you are so inclined to). I’m good either way. I’ve already drafted (as new posts) all my stuff I have on here and am hoping to burn through some of these replies tomorrow (if muse page gets done). 
Move should be finished by the time I start up work next week. I am letting my queue do its thing on here. 
I just needed a fresh pretty blog with semi-organized stuffs and shiny new chara tags as well as some new shippy tags. Okay bye.
107 notes · View notes
I lied. 
I am moving blogs. 
Follow me HERE if you would like. 
Not up and running yet since something happened to my muse page… so I have to redo the whole thing. Which is totally fine btw But I will be tackling that monster tomorrow and hopefully have everything there. 
If y’all have stuff for me feel free to tag it to the new blog or repost it on a diff post (or drop it if you are so inclined to). I’m good either way. I’ve already drafted (as new posts) all my stuff I have on here and am hoping to burn through some of these replies tomorrow (if muse page gets done). 
Move should be finished by the time I start up work next week. I am letting my queue do its thing on here. 
I just needed a fresh pretty blog with semi-organized stuffs and shiny new chara tags as well as some new shippy tags. Okay bye.
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Danny watched Wolgang reach for the coffee and take a sip as he munched on his bacon, and when the other groaned, Danny swallowed dry as he felt arousal pooling on his stomach at the sound. He reached for his own coffee and drank some of it as well to clear his throat. Danny loved the sounds Wolfgang made and even more when he made them because of something Danny had done. 
When Wolfgang spoke, Danny felt his cheeks heating up furiously and it surprised him just how much those words affected him - and how much he wanted that to happen, even though there was a voice in the back of his head saying he shouldn’t want that. Sill, he let out a quiet whine and leaned into the kiss, his eyes fluttering close for a second. “Jesus, you’re gonna kill me one of these days, I swear to god,” he whispered, his cock very much taking an interested in what was happening. 
He let out a soft laugh when he heard the whine, grayish eyes shining as he scanned the other’s face and settled on his lips before he went back to his meal. Wolfgang took his sweet time having a few more bites of the carefully prepared meal before he swallowed and turned his attention to the blond once more. “I hope not. .. still have a lot of things I want to do with you.” he grinned, “--and to you, but that’s a different story.” A small laugh as he reached for his coffee and took another sip. 
Wolfgang finished up his food quickly enough; it was delicious and he was hungrier than he’d thought. When his plate was emptied he set it back down on the tray then focused on drinking his coffee, gaze fixed on Danny still. “That was really good. Thank you.” He reached over to squeeze the male’s thigh softly then sighed as he let his head rest on the headboard, gaze still on the other and a softer smile on his lips. 
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“Oh, that sounds really good,” Danny said, nodding at John with a wide smile. “We can have the pillows and blankets and you lie down in my arms and we can just be together here, yeah?” Danny smiled again and leaned into the kiss with a quiet hum, his heart once again leaping at the pet name coming from John. He moved along with him, shivering gently at the kisses and sighing happily as he watched John. He accepted the plate with another small smile, a bit amused at the way John was talking care of him when usually Danny did the taking care. “Thank you, baby,” he said, raising the plate slightly to sniff it and hum again. “This smells great, I can’t wait to have some,” he said, digging in to the meal and groaned quietly at the taste. 
John beamed at the tone Danny used, it was soft and loving but also excited and happy.. it made him fall in love more every time he heard it. He nodded at the suggestion, “Yeah.. I would really love to be in your arms under the stars..” He’d like to be in his arms regardless of the setting but something about doing it under the night sky just made him swoon -- like it was the ultimate romantic thing to do and he had the best person in the world to share it with. The dish was Mexican rice and chicken (which John served shredded only to keep them from having to work through eating meat off the bone) with the sweet and spicy sauce that was John’s own making -- they sold it but he preferred making it. He smiled when Danny seemed to like it and gave a soft nod as he tucked into his own food. He scooted so they were closer together and gently headbutted Danny on his shoulder, just a reassurance to himself that the other was there but also -- equally -- a reminder to Danny that John was there. He was happy to eat in silence, gaze scanning over the now almost dark sky as the sun set.
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I lied. 
I am moving blogs. 
Follow me HERE if you would like. 
Not up and running yet since something happened to my muse page... so I have to redo the whole thing. Which is totally fine btw But I will be tackling that monster tomorrow and hopefully have everything there. 
If y’all have stuff for me feel free to tag it to the new blog or repost it on a diff post (or drop it if you are so inclined to). I’m good either way. I’ve already drafted (as new posts) all my stuff I have on here and am hoping to burn through some of these replies tomorrow (if muse page gets done). 
Move should be finished by the time I start up work next week. I am letting my queue do its thing on here. 
I just needed a fresh pretty blog with semi-organized stuffs and shiny new chara tags as well as some new shippy tags. Okay bye.
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Danny stiffened when Nathan spoke, feeling the sense of dread creeping up his spine and he wanted nothing more than to run away so he didn’t have to talk about it. He had gone over it with his superior office and the other officers that were present on the scene earlier in the week and they had told that he had done well, that he had no way to know that one of the suspects had gotten away and turned back around, not from where he was. They had all said it wasn’t his fault the junior office had been shot. He just didn’t believe them. Couldn’t make himself believe a word they said. “I made a mistake,” he whispered, looking at his feet.
He knew something was seriously wrong the moment Danny stiffened at his voice. He frowned a bit but remained quiet as he listened to the blond, eyes softening at the words while at the same time his he felt a surge of protectiveness when the other looked down like that. Nate was at the male’s side immediately, an arm wrapping around his shoulders and tugging him closer but also looking down so they could make eye contact. He could guess Danny wanted to drop it but it was home now.. if it didn’t get the rest of the way out it would eat his boyfriend alive. He’d seen it happen with his dad many times. And maybe that was why he didn’t feel so at a loss. Voice soothing, gentle even as he prompted, “--so walk me through it.. tell me what happened, Danny..” hand gently soothed over the male’s bicep. 
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Richard Harmon + Sleeping/Being In Bed
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queue is up tomorrow or the day after that and meanwhile i still can’t find motivation to do drafts. Literally have just been hitting the drabbles and hc meme things rn. (and some RPing on dis) 
any-who: i am trying here, folks. moving some stuff around and whatnot and seeing if the new thing makes me feel prepared/organized enough to comeback. again, i make no promises. 
thank you all for being patient and understanding. 
i’m also starting up my new job next week (or at least I should be) so.. that will definitely fuck with activity while i try and rejoin society. 
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
No deleting questions, either!
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