archivalfluid · 1 year
howdy - i’m gonna be shifting my writing stuff to a dif account because my brain is bees. @buriedinleather is the url atm if anyone wants to hop on the train early. a lot of the chars will still stay up, but i am hoping if i start over & try to be more organized that’ll...help. 
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archivalfluid · 1 year
Should I remake this acct and only focus on fandom characters? Idk not really feeling it.
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archivalfluid · 1 year
I've been really, really swamped between figuring out health stuff, transferring to a new college, and applying to grad school. I still rp! If you're interested in that, please do reach out, but my preferred mode of writing is discord.
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archivalfluid · 1 year
[ headcanon : könig ] social anxiety and presumptions surrounding it
Social anxiety by itself is hell to deal with, but coupled with the way society projects their own assumptions about folks that have it & you’re in for hell. One of the worst assumptions, for König, is that he is somehow incompetent in the field or even as a person due to social anxiety disorder. 
This presumption is often everywhere and, considering the fact that König is a very big, tall guy, that comes with a further assumption that because of his size, bulkiness, etc that he will be bumbling, clumsy - even stupid.
König is by no means a rocket scientist, but you definitely don’t survive covert missions being that big of a target without, you know, having a fucking brain to begin with. He thinks poorly of himself - physically / aesthetically speaking at least. While in the field he’s confident and very much ‘feeling himself’ - outside of that? He prays for the day he could become the living embodiment of a wallflower without having some asshole comment about his height, his masks, etc. 
König knows he does some things very well and, if pressed, would admit he wouldn’t let the way people treat him slide if it were directed at his friends - but  König, at the end of the day, has a lot of anger, self-hatred, and anxiety about the mere thought of being perceived.
After all, if someone truly sees him and thinks those horrible things about him, what will that amount to than just more proof that he is not enough? 
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archivalfluid · 1 year
Why is it always the folks that try to shame people for 'plain' looking posts / 'simple' replies, grammar / punctuation issues, etc, damn near always have the most bland writing style themselves? Like. Damn. You could just soft block / hard block people that don't fit your ✨ aesthetic ✨ instead of being vaguely ableist and classist.
Some people have learning disabilities, vision differences, or are even reliant on screen readers. Some folks don't have English as a first language. And, you know, some people don't have the privilege of having Mx. Grammar McGee breathing down their necks in school either.
I was practically raised in a fuckin' barn and even I don't have the audacity to be that much of a shithead, ya know?
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archivalfluid · 1 year
Also if you ask my stupid, gay little ass König should have had more screentime and would have easily fit in the ending w a little more pizazz... Should have given him his scene where he got to be backup for the time via sniping. Would have fit in for a cute cutscene during the Ghost Soap flirting arc.
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archivalfluid · 1 year
[ headcanon : könig ] social anxiety and presumptions surrounding it
Social anxiety by itself is hell to deal with, but coupled with the way society projects their own assumptions about folks that have it & you’re in for hell. One of the worst assumptions, for König, is that he is somehow incompetent in the field or even as a person due to social anxiety disorder. 
This presumption is often everywhere and, considering the fact that König is a very big, tall guy, that comes with a further assumption that because of his size, bulkiness, etc that he will be bumbling, clumsy - even stupid.
König is by no means a rocket scientist, but you definitely don’t survive covert missions being that big of a target without, you know, having a fucking brain to begin with. He thinks poorly of himself - physically / aesthetically speaking at least. While in the field he’s confident and very much ‘feeling himself’ - outside of that? He prays for the day he could become the living embodiment of a wallflower without having some asshole comment about his height, his masks, etc. 
König knows he does some things very well and, if pressed, would admit he wouldn’t let the way people treat him slide if it were directed at his friends - but  König, at the end of the day, has a lot of anger, self-hatred, and anxiety about the mere thought of being perceived.
After all, if someone truly sees him and thinks those horrible things about him, what will that amount to than just more proof that he is not enough? 
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archivalfluid · 1 year
In an unprecedented chain of events I’m going to be adding some Call of Duty characters to my roster - for now, y’all can start easy with König and John Price. Is this advert lazy as hell? Yes. For I am disabled and cannot be assed with making pretty graphics at the moment when I largely write on Discord. 
( Pref 20+ age wise & that you have a hub or a character account that has some guidelines I can read to be sure we’d be a good fit to follow! ) 
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archivalfluid · 1 year
I'm likely going to try and shift to short, iconless interactions / memes as ice breakers on here to see if that helps my motivation. I do *vastly* prefer rp servers via discord ( one on one ) bec, honestly, ik my general content isn't ultra Tumblr friendly and I prefer a place that's easy to organize.
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archivalfluid · 1 year
*      ―    ﴾  𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠  𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜  ﴿   :    𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒  𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘  𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍.
personally ,   i’m  tired  of  the  secondhand  embarrassment.   so  here’s  a  random  assortment  of  nsfw  actions  and  dialogue  prompts  that  don’t  feel  too  over  the  top.   (  don’t  forget  to  add  [ reverse ]  if  you’d  like  to  see  the  receiver  perform  the  action.  )
[ PULL ]:  sender  pulls  receivers  hair.
[ HICKEY ]:  sender  gives  receiver  a  hickey.
[ TRAIL ]:  sender  leaves  a  trail  of  kisses  down  receivers  stomach.
[ HIPS ]:  sender  pulls  receiver  in  closer  by  the  hips.
[ KNEES ]:  sender  lowers  themselves  to  their  knees.
[ STRIPTEASE ]:  sender  teasingly  strips  their  clothes.
[ STRIP ]:  sender  undresses  sender.
[ GRIND ]:  sender  grinds  on  receivers  thigh.
[ ORAL ]:  sender  goes  down  on  receiver.
[ PASSENGER ]:  sender  touches  receiver  while  sender  is  driving.
[ DRIVER ]:  sender  goes  down  on  /  touches  receiver  while  receiver  is  driving.
[ OVERSTIMULATED ]:  sender  repeatedly  making  receiver  orgasm.
[ PUBLIC ]:  sender  and  receiver  have  sex  somewhere  public.
[ CAR ]:  sender  and  receiver  have  sex  in  a  car.
[ CONTROL ]:  sender  is  riding  receiver  and  receiver  takes  control  by  guiding  their  hips.
[ SHY ]:  sender  covers  their  face  and  receiver  moves  their  hands  away.
[ EYES ]:  sender  makes  receiver  look  them  in  the  eyes.
[ BEG ]:  sender  begs  receiver  to  touch  /  fuck  them.
[ MORNING ]:  sender  wakes  receiver  up  with  sex.
[ STRADDLE ]:  sender  sits  in  receivers  lap  to  tease  them.
[ CAMERA ]:  sender  records  receiver.
[ RECORD ]:  sender  is  recorded  by  receiver.
[ MOUTH ]:  sender  puts  their  fingers  into  receivers  mouth.
[ LOVE ]:  sender  tells  receiver  they  love  them  during.
[ PUSH ]:  sender  pushes  receiver  onto  bed.
“ you  look  so  pretty  like  this.  “
“ i  want  to  spend  all  night  learning  every  sound  you  make. “
“ let  me  take  care  of  you. “
“ i’m  not  wearing  any  underwear  right  now. “
“ you’re  really  good  at  that. “
“ god,  you’re  so  wet  /  hard  …. “
“ i  think  about  you  when  i  touch  myself. “
“ tell  me  what  you  want. “
“ please  touch  /  fuck  me. “
“ i  love  teasing  you. “
“ touch  yourself  for  me. “
“ i  get  so  wet  /  hard  around  you. “
“ get  on  your  knees. “
“ you’re  such  a  tease. “
“ tell  me  you’re  mine. “
“ i’m  yours. “
“ i  want  you  to  cum  for  me. “
“ i  want  you  to  cum  in  me. “
“ i’ll  be  good,  i  promise. “
“ you’re  doing  so  good  for  me. “
“ you  feel  so  good. “
“ you  sound  so  pretty  when  you  moan. “
“ i  could  be  your  toy. “
“ fuck  me  like  you  love  me. “
“ i’m  gonna  cum- “
“ i  just  want  to  feel  something. “
“ i  wanna  be  on  top  this  time. “
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archivalfluid · 1 year
You know, I’m honestly way more available on d/iscord for anything writing related so, like, I might turn this into an inspo hub / drabble hub for my characters and then plan elsewhere. Half the reason why I end up not being around is that I feel extra pressure to make things look ‘pretty’ and, well, it’s not fun for me anymore. Half of my survival hinges on my art, so having to toil away making icons ( I STILL feel pressure to do so ) just… I dunno, it’s just not appealing. 
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archivalfluid · 1 year
Before we talk a little more about this, it’s important to note that kink itself, to me anyways, encompasses many spectrums. Whether that be what you’re ‘into’ so to speak or what, say, titles / roles someone earns ( or fancies ) - the kink community in and of itself is massive and far more than ‘50 Shades’, so there’s of course variety in who ( and why ) folks are participating.
I am by no means an educator or historian ( that’s my partner, hah ) but I do enjoy some degree of realism in how I go about my headcanons. And, you know, if I’m able to debunk some of the ( admittedly ) toxic mindsets Tumblr writers have about kink, well, here we go ---
A basic, core concept: kink is not inherently sexual. Follow up concept: you do not need to experience sexual stimulation or any sort of sexual gratification to take part in kink.
For Hannibal Lecter, there is cross-over, though since I headcanon Dr. Lecter as very reliant on finding someone intelligent enough / interesting enough to engage at a deeper level with - well? At first, Hannibal playing with someone likely has no sexual intent at all. Having experienced such a severe level of abuse and neglect whilst being abducted - I doubt it would surprise many that I fully believe Hannibal is some variation of ace. I lean toward aceflux myself, personally.
That being said, there are many ways in which one can take part in play without making things sexual, so here is a small ( but not conclusive list ) of scenarios which Hannibal has likely been a part of in his decades as a leatherman.
1) Tying folks up - a lot of people just enjoy the look / feel of it & it makes them feel more confident.  Others enjoy the mental release of being suspended while tied / in sub space. 
2) Cigar play - Can be very therapeutic in the sense that it’s a task with a very specific order in which things need to be done. Folks that enjoy routines often really enjoy play involving smoking. The task is learnable, repeatable, and many nd kinksters use smoking as a stim. There’s a lot of emotional intimacy in this form of play!
3) Whipping / Flogging - While there’s lost of folks that get sexual gratification of pain, there’s a decent handful of folks that purely enjoy it because of pain itself, enjoy the emotional release during / after a session, or flat out enjoy pretty marks on themselves. 
Again, these are just bare bones scenarios, but Hannibal is rarely horny when he’s actively domming someone. There are also, in fact, folks in the community that are entirely sex repulsed. Make room for inclusivity in your kinky hcs too! I guarantee you it’s more fun! 
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archivalfluid · 2 years
So sleepy and can barely hold my happy lil head up and see the screen but I want to take very important notes for hcs later:
- Thadaemos makes cat chitter noise
- I want to write more on Hannibal's younger years & specifically flesh out his previous submissive a lil more
- I want to expand more on the dynamicsv and roles Hannibal has taken part in. Specifically sexual vs non sexual. Yes, there's a massive difference for those that are unaware. ( And no, kink is not and has never been one hundred percent sexual. )
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archivalfluid · 2 years
This might start a fight ( and idc ) but I like how there’s so many ‘anti-exclusionist’ rp accounts that vilify kink when it’s obvious they haven’t taken a singular step of research outside of fanfic. Like, you do you ig? But as someone that’s a survivor of quite a few horrific events and as someone that actively participates in the community in a non-fictional sense, a lot of y’all take things beyond ‘i have trauma’ and into puritan / exclusionary non-sense. The lack of self-awareness isn’t astounding but it’s certainly something. Like. The things I went through literally resulted in a severe dissociative disorder, CPTSD, and more. But somehow I was still able to retain the ability to not, like, vilify a large portion of a community that’s largely marginalized. Did I have to unlearn a lot? Yeah, ofc, but the effort was made and is still being made. Yet there’s folks my age and older STILL rehashing the same fucking dead in the water discourse because they refuse to look outside of their own lil bubbles. 
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archivalfluid · 2 years
You know, I’m honestly way more available on d/iscord for anything writing related so, like, I might turn this into an inspo hub / drabble hub for my characters and then plan elsewhere. Half the reason why I end up not being around is that I feel extra pressure to make things look ‘pretty’ and, well, it’s not fun for me anymore. Half of my survival hinges on my art, so having to toil away making icons ( I STILL feel pressure to do so ) just... I dunno, it’s just not appealing. 
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archivalfluid · 2 years
I really want to try writing Thadaemos out if anyone's interested in a beefy undead bastard. Like please...I just want to write a big grumpy kinky man. Not that he'd amp up the spice level of zero for anyone but his ex lmkuzffjhxf.
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archivalfluid · 2 years
[ headcanon : hannibal lecter : kink vs sexual intimacy ]
CW: We’re talking edgeplay here and whilst the context is fully consensual, if the idea of extreme ( but not specific ) scenes makes you super uncomfortable then this hc super isn’t for you lmao. Proceed w/ caution. 
On the whole, Hannibal is leather and an edge player. Of course, we’re talking the more extreme side of the edgeplay spectrum - it’s the type of sadist and masochist that will clear a room with the type of scenes it’s willing to do. 
This gendervoid is multifaceted and I truly do feel Hannibal is more switch than what 99% of the kink population believes - but THAT’S a whole other hc. 
While there’s definitely people that Hannibal would enjoy fucking, on the whole the usual satisfaction he gets out of kink isn’t sexual. He’ll teach someone how to brand, how to use scalpels in the bedroom, etc happily - and it’s always careful to go into great depths about the dangers of these sorts of inclinations because it does care about pedagogy within kink. It also, in general, vastly feels like informed consent is the way to go. 
We could talk about the even more extreme end of the spectrum such as ‘no way out’ dynamics but, well, I don’t think Tumblr could handle that without imploding in on itself. In general, they’re not entirely to Hannibal’s taste because he’s confident in himself. It doesn’t feel any sort of emotional inclination toward those stipulations when it needs to feel obsessed with a partner both kink & sexually to feel satisfied.
For my human verse Hannibal has been in the scene for decades and whilst he keeps his scene name & legal name / life VERY separate for the most part, he’s done so much shit either consensually or via aesthetically murdering someone that, well, much of what’s offered is very old hat to him.
So, no, whilst Hannibal doesn’t get sexual pleasure out of scenes with most strangers ( they’d have to REALLY catch its eyes in more ways than one ), Hannibal still enjoys the emotional comfort that even kink relationships based more in psychology than physical sadism can give. Hannibal Lecter is a man of extremes in the sense that whilst he’s comfortable in the life he’s built, he’s also incredibly lonely and delving into kink, even in a platonic sense, can oftentimes be deeply comforting. 
I feel that, in general, for Hannibal to treat fucking as more than just release physically or as an act of service for a partner that requests it, he needs to be deeply and madly obsessed for the high of that release ( whether that be orgasm or not ) to be truly satisfying to him. 
Inherently, kink isn’t an entirely sexual practice, but there’s a lot of crossover because Hannibal purposefully seeks out likeminded folks that want to do these more extreme things like it does. 
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