apprendere · 30 minutes
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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apprendere · 2 hours
Oh, you married the older sister (?) of the friend/crush you connected with on a dangerous adventure as a teenager? She has some gender stuff going on and was pretty much the only person who could get through to him when he was extremely ill after one of the most traumatic experiences of his life? On a scale of Jerott Blyth to Sounis Sophos, how well did it go?
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apprendere · 3 hours
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inspired by the scariest words my dm has ever said to me and the subsequent coolest (AND SCARIEST) scene of my life
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apprendere · 5 hours
do you have an "about" page with relevant information about yourself (eg pronouns, a name you go by, etc)? only i like your blog but always feel strange about following blogs with no face so to speak
I’ve answered this before so we’re going to do this bullet points style
-If there are categories of people you don’t want to follow please assume I belong to all of them
-If you need my demographic info before you can decide if you agree with my opinion or not please disagree with my opinions
-Please assume I am up to no good - this is a good thing to assume with any blog on here - even blogs with faces may be no-faces in disguise
-All of the information you want has been posted here at one time or another if you want to know but I like having that threshold of difficulty in place - if you want to get your creep on I want you to have to work for it
-I am hoping the irony of your having sent this ask anonymously is not lost on you
And, for all bloggers everywhere, a quick reminder: you don’t owe anybody jack shit!
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apprendere · 5 hours
this right after they feed her red dragon meat whilst she is still unaware that her new body is.. made of dragon meat.... and laios is like "eh its probably fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
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apprendere · 6 hours
School's out for summer!
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apprendere · 6 hours
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apprendere · 8 hours
The queer community is full of hurt people.
This can lead to a knee-jerk reaction when we hear someone else say "I am hurt". We look at them and say "shut up, you're not as hurt as me because you have X privilege".
This leads to femme afab queers being told "you can pass and hide as cishet, you're not as hurt as queer women who look queer, you're just complying with the patriarchy's ideals for beauty, you're hurting the queer community, you're anti feminist."
It leads to masc afab people, whether trans men or nonbinary or genderqueer etc, being told everything from "you're not as hurt, you can pass as a cis man" to "you have no desire to transition, you still look like a girl, shut up".
It leads to trans amab people who are nonbinary or genderqueer or agender etc, who still dress or look "masculine", being told that they are "unsafe" for queer spaces, that they don't belong at a "women and nonbinary meeting", that they are "basically just cis men trying to escape accountability".
It leads to asexuals being told "you don't even feel sexual attraction, the thing we're ostracized for! how could you possibly be oppressed? You're just straight and a prude" and aromantics being told "you're just straight and like casual sex, get over yourself" and both being told "you're just a cishet who wants to steal resources".
I have heard every single kind of queer person say "I have been harmed and ostracized by the queer community". Lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and mspec people, trans people, aroace people - every single one of us has expressed feeling ostracized by our own community.
On the plus side, this means you're not alone. Your group isn't the only one facing this. You have allies!! Other queer people who have gone through what you've gone through!
We need queer unity. We need to stop attacking each other. If you feel the urge to say "shut up, my group has been hurt MORE", go take a walk. Remember that every single one of us has been hurt.
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apprendere · 9 hours
I love going viral on tumblr.com. It’s like if you stood in a field and said some of the stupidest shit a human being is capable of and then like fifty thousand crows attacked you
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apprendere · 11 hours
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apprendere · 12 hours
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apprendere · 13 hours
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Canada goose dragon! HÖNK
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apprendere · 15 hours
if it sucks hit da bricks <- litany against sunk cost
take it easy but take it <- litany against burnout/apathy cycle
fuck it we ball <- litany against perfectionism
now say something beautiful and true <- litany against irony poisoning
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apprendere · 16 hours
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Salamander pendant
late 16th century
Victoria and Albert Museum
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apprendere · 18 hours
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apprendere · 18 hours
dr who’s on first, doctor strange is on second and doctor house is on third. theres no way theyre getting through a single inning
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apprendere · 22 hours
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