appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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Hey there! Jester here with her Multimuse Blog! Could you give this a like or a reblog? 
If you want to play with a Multimuse that features: 
A Squid! 
Then come on down to jestersclowns! 
[Rules] [Muse Document] 
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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Hey there! Jester here with her Multimuse Blog! Could you give this a like or a reblog? 
If you want to play with a Multimuse that features: 
A Squid! 
Then come on down to jestersclowns! 
[Rules] [Muse Document] 
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
Hello! Just wanted to say that I love seeing your maruki and admire all the thought and love you put into him. He's such a cool character and you're a cool mun!
Thank you! I really do appreciate it. There’s not a lot of Maurki roleplayers on Tumblr (and through my experience, it’s painfully clear why) but I’ll be sticking around a bit!
I might just be moving him to my multimuse once it’s done so things can be more organized in the future. Having COVID made me realize that having multiple blogs to check on tires me out!
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
Hey so like, i think there’s an issue that really needs addressed in the entire tumblr rpc right now. Not any specific fandom – this honestly applies to every fandom, so rb if you’d like. And this isn’t targeting anyone to be clear, but its something that NEEDS to be addressed because I’ve been seeing this kind of thing go on for YEARS.
So here’s my PSA: LET PEOPLE WRITE VILLAINOUS, VIOLENT, LOW EMPATHY, POWERFUL, AND/OR EGOTISTICAL AND CELEBRITY MUSES WITHOUT TRYING TO BRING THEM DOWN A PEG. the amount of people who try to humble literal god muses, muses with incredible strength, or even egotistical celebrities really astounds me. Especially when to do this, some will weaponize character traumas their muse shouldnt even know about to try and knock them down a peg. Don’t do that shit.
That’s really disrespectful to muns and muses alike – pulling out trauma or making them relive debilitating fears is not the gotcha! moment some folks think it is. That is what we pro gamers call a dick move – and totally unreasonable unless you and that mun agree you can do that. Buut thats not really the case for what i see most of the time – or have experienced in the past with other muses who fell under this umbrella.
Oftentimes, this is not a mutual feeling or agreed upon dynamic. Especially with celebrity, villainous, or deity muses who are supposed to be well known within their canons. Even if you dont know about them ooc, if a mun says your character would likely know them ic bc of their fame and or influence or status as a deity, a villain, or a celeb, then please listen to them. Work with them on this and see if there’s any ic way your muse knowing abt them makes sense.
Its NOT fun when you immediately plot with someone and go “it would be hilarious if my muse absolutely despises/undermines yours for no clear reason and also doesn’t know about them or pretends to not know them!” if both muns dont agree to that. Treating them like that tends to cause a chain reaction; everyone ELSE starts to continue dragging said muse down or treat them like dirt. I’ve seen it happen time and time again – and it upsets me every time i see it happen to another folk in the rpc. Now im NOT saying that you should expect all muses or w/e to know or even like those kinds of muses – in fact i encourage more complicated or even negative dynamics AS LONG AS ITS MUTUALLY AGREED UPON.
However … When all your interactions are nothing but negative and you are playing a character who in their canon fitd the criteria above, its really discouraging. The hatred piles on and on, and it may not be anything personal from others’ ends, but it comes off as pretty excessive. Especially when more headstrong or snobby muses dont really care about what your muse says or does, so to counter, they bring up trauma they AGAIN shouldn’t even know about. Or if someone posts a hc abt a muses trauma? DON’T immediately flee to the ask box to try and intimidate them with the trauma the mun specifically just posted about. That’s seriously not cool, unless both muns agree to or have talked out plotting that.
Dont downplay these kinds of muses. Dont downplay their power, their behavior, their status, or anything else in such a rude way unless you get the ok from the mun writing said character. Don’t forcefully humble them. You can’t bring them down or try to force them to be nicer.
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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Not a spoiler i guess
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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my friends keep trying to look in the mirror but i dont have mirrors in my car so i fixed it
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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If you will take her away,
Then please take me as well.
Keep reading
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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Happy February 3rd! Here’s some dumb memes I made about a year ago to celebrate and put on imgur.
Go ahead and do whatever you want with them.
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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a little something for 2/3, Rumi’s birthday!
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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takuto maruki && utopia by daoko
and delicate flower buds blossom and wilt the seas, the skies, the trees and the ground the me who stays frozen in this place watching the brilliant lights take you away
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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when i told rumi how nervous i’m getting, she just laughed and said i think too much. she may not understand my problem, but i do so love her laugh.
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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2/2 IS OVER IT’S TIME FOR THAT 2/3 BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
Wiki says rumis b day is the third but I cant find a source material? Was that in the game? Im curious royal stans help me
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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“I miss my wife Tails, I miss her a lot. I’ll be back.” 
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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Hush now, hide, all you little ones Rush now, into the middle of nowhere Singing and laughter will die
Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King When his kingdom comes, darkness is nigh
Quiet, crawl to the in-between Silent, secretive feeling Of fearsome hatred that reaches the skies
You will bring joy to the Nowhere King When he sees the light leaving your eyes
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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* [[Hell]] Y3AH! [Prime time] 4 [Crime time]!!
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“I like your attitude! Together we can do this!!” 
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appleyjuiceboy · 2 years
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“I’m robbing the bank, and yes you can join! The more the merrier!” 
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* WHO'S [Robin the bank] AND C4N I : [Joined]?
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