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Apple & Friends Podcast Episode 6 - The Vriscast (Homestuck & Undertale Special)
We talk about Homestuck a bunch then we talk about Undertale a bunch and flowers tries to ruin my life a bunch the whole time. 
Disclaimer: there was supposed to be an image gallery to go with this episode because some certain clowns kept derailing the podcast with dumb things only we could see, but frankly it’s all lost in the backlog of discord messages and I gave up on trying to salvage that, so apologies for the stupid shenanigans that aren’t funny without the images. 
Topics Include: a pretty good mix of dumb jokes and genuine conversation about homestuck and undertale and a shocking revelation that flowers is a f*ke g*mer g*rl
Apple - @kamen-apple
Erin - @tosakahiyoko
Flowers - @tsunflowers
Quis - @sepulchretide
Sam - @funindelirium
All episodes of A&F can be found Here
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homestuck/undertale episode drops tomorrow 
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My friend and I recorded our cosplay podcast and it went great except for some interruptions I'll have to deal with also the second half of the podcast had some issues so I'm cutting it when the cosplay talk ends and releasing that officially and then the second half will is goofing off and I'll put that on my personal blog
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oh i should say dont feel limited to questions only about those seasons, it’s just that not all three of us have finished every season and these seasons are the overlap that we all have the same knowledge on, please feel free to send questions about any season
hey friends, we’re doing another podcast soon and it’s precure themed. besides myself and erin our guests this time will be the return of tep and our friend vic. as per the usual we’re taking questions and topics, so please send in some good stuff for us to talk about. 
also as a note, erin doesnt watch precure and that’s why im forcing her to watch the dokidoki precure movie so we can talk about that. 
as for the rest of us, the precure seasons all three of us have finished are heartcatch, suite, smile, happiness charge, and we’re all current on the kirapre. 
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hey friends, we’re doing another podcast soon and it’s precure themed. besides myself and erin our guests this time will be the return of tep and our friend vic. as per the usual we’re taking questions and topics, so please send in some good stuff for us to talk about. 
also as a note, erin doesnt watch precure and that’s why im forcing her to watch the dokidoki precure movie so we can talk about that. 
as for the rest of us, the precure seasons all three of us have finished are heartcatch, suite, smile, happiness charge, and we’re all current on the kirapre. 
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Your host: @supaida
Your co-host: @radicalapollo
Guest host: @kamen-apple
This episode: We cover episodes 16, 17, 18, AND 19! whoah!
parad is becoming interesting???
nico is low-tier god
taiga and nico are a good goofy duo
burgmon’s death facilitates character growth and depth????
dan the man-iac cant stand people being as smart as him
hiro actually acts tsundere!
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Apple & Friends Podcast Episode 5 - Apple Doesn’t Actually Know Transformers 
This episode is a Transformers special, that’s all I really need to say about that I think, we talk about Transformers a whole bunch. This is our second episode in the new mp3 only format. If you have issues playing the episode in your browser, you’ll have to download it. 
Topics include: combiners, telling people to watch beast wars, toys, off topic toys, pretty much every season of Transformers, and more.
Apple - @kamen-apple
Erin - @tosakahiyoko
Zoe (who went by Amanda at the time of recording) - @large-gamer-robot
JC - my friend who doesn’t actually have a tumblr
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The long awaited transformers episode will be coming out today gamers
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Episode has been recorded, it'll be up in a few weeks probably
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I just wanna say these are some absolute killer questions y'all are sending in this is good good stuff
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We're recording the homestuck/undertale podcast tomorrow and we have like 3 usable questions we could sure use some more y'all
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Ok friends, a few announcement. 
First, expect the transformers episode to come out shortly, let’s say next friday by the latest but probably before that. 
Second, we’ll be recording a new podcast this weekend, and it was going to be exclusively Homestuck themed but I just decided I wanted to include Undertale in there too so now it’s about both because that’s the kind of power I have. As always, we’ll be accepting question, this time obviously only about HS, Undertale, and other associated MSPA sort of things.
This episode will also feature 5 members, one more than usual. I want to see how that goes so it’ll be a fun experiment. This episode will feature me (@kamen-apple), erin (@tosakahiyoko), flowers (@tsunflowers), quis (@sepulchretide), and sam (@funindelirium)
And hey listen, I have a request to make, I ask that you try your best not to send us questions that lean too heavy into discourse, you know the kinds of questions I’m talking about, this is supposed to be an enjoyable podcast.
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Episode 5, the transformers episode, will go up next week
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Ok friends here’s the updated list of our episodes, in mp3 format on google drive. If you experience issues trying to play it in google drive that probably means the file is too long and you just need to download it, we apologize for the inconvenience and we’re looking into better hosting. 
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Alright just to say this in a official capacity, due to recent technical difficulties I realized that putting this podcast in a video format is frankly a bit of a waste of time so starting with episode 4 and on this podcast will be available in an mp3 downloadable audio format exclusively. Currently the episodes are hosted on a google drive that I’ll be linking to in a moment but I am open to suggestions if there’s a better way to do it. Apologies for the difficulties with the latest episode.
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