GERMANY Website Development: 5 web analytics tools to measure results online
To measure the results of your digital marketing actions, FREELANCER App Development nothing better than:
1.       Ask your new customers how they met you.
2.       Analyze the result in your web page, which is where you should direct your followers of any social network or platform 2.0 to get new customers.
Fortunately, there are a variety of web analytics tools that allow you to measure the results on your website. But it is difficult enough to use a single tool. FREELANCER Website Development
In addition to excellent free tools like Google Analytics or Google Website Optimizer that you may already know, we have made a brief list with 5 very useful tools to help you measure your results online. GERMANY App Development The key with all of them is not to configure and leave them, but to have the habit of checking them regularly:
1.       Lucky Orange:  Check how visitors navigate your web / blog: who visits the web at the moment, possibility to chat with the visitor, view of the route of how you navigate your web page or navigated each visitor or average, zones more clicks, etc…
2.       Click tale: It is ideal for knowing the effectiveness of a landing page. Includes visitor behavior on the page with a lot of features including visit recordings, conversion funnels, form and link analytics, analytic search and segmentation, and 4 heat maps. It also offers visual conversion paths and why customers leave your website. You can also improve the conversion rates of your online forms by finding which ones are left blank, which ones take more time to fill, or even make them go away. It offers a free account up to 5,000 page views / month.
3.       4Q of iPerceptions: 4Q is a website survey tool that allows business owners to evaluate the online experience, measure customer satisfaction, and quickly launch improvements to their website based on actual visitor feedback. It has a free trial version and prices range from $ 19. How do you measure your success right now? What tools do you use? Please leave a comment and share your favorites.
4.       Compete: Do you want to know how your competitors are doing when it comes to attracting customers to your site or how they are doing compared to you when it comes to getting traffic? Compete allows you to discover which keywords are sent by users to both your website and your competitors. A very good spy tool where you can see the analytics of your competitors. Prices range from $ 199.
5.       Improvely: With this tool you can track the clicks, aspects and sales through your online ads in a single place of Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, banners, links, email marketing campaigns, etc. You can identify which ads, keywords, landing pages, and locations convert and which do not. Then you can calculate those that have a high cost but low sales. Prices range from $ 29 / month. Offers a free trial version.
These tools can be combined very well with the 10 most powerful tools for SEO positioning. GERMANY Website Development
If you want to be up to date or share with us useful Internet tools, join our LinkedIn group: Internet Tools. It is a very active group, in which there are many questions about which tools are best to use in social networks, to work as a team, manage projects, CRMs, or improve productivity. The best are the answers with recommendations from people who have used them.
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Munich SEO development Hashtag: identify the most relevant for your business
Identifying the best hashtag is fundamental as it affects the monitoring of your brand and commitment to your audience. Finding the best hashtag allows us to find the conversations where our audience or target is and interact with it. By adding value to the conversation on the net, we can build a relationship that can likely attract leads in the future (or at least brand awareness).
To better identify our hashtag, we recommend these tools: Twitonomy, Hashtagify.me and RiteTag Munich app development.
#1. Identify your hashtag and influencers
Assuming we are a brand new, we may have no idea what hashtags I should fix. However, I do have to know who the key players are in that niche. That is, the influencers.
Once you have researched your industry, influential people in the same and hashtag most used in your market, choose an initial list of major hashtag that match your identity and what you consider most optimal for you.
Something that can help you is to register your Twitter account in Twitonomy. Here you can analyze the hashtags that you are using. You can repeat this process with other accounts to get more data about the hashtag.
In addition, Twitonomy analyzes your tweets, the users who have reattributed you, the most answered and mentioned users, those who have marked you as a favorite, your followers and who you follow ... And all this in free version!
 #2. Identifies hashtag related
The next step will be done with Hashtagify.me.
After elaborating our initial list of hashtags, we introduce them one by one in the application. The tool will show the hashtag related to the central hashtag.
It is important to look closely at the size of the circle that appears, as it shows how popular these hashtag are, whereas the distance between the central hashtag and related hashtag shows the degree of correlation between them.
At this point, do not worry too much about these two factors. While the hashtag is logically related to your niche market, include it in your hashtag list.
#3. The relevance of your hashtag - Choose well
Finally, we will visit Rite Tag Munich website development. This tool is very simple and intuitive. Introduce the hashtag from which we want to know more information. The result will show the hashtag related to the initial, along with a color code. The color difference represents the density of the tweets:
- Blue means "poor": this hashtag does not have much traffic and will not be highly recommended
- Green means "good": using this hashtag is likely to get engagement or commitment to the target audience, in addition to greater visibility
- Red means "overused": we do not recommend using this hashtag. On this label there are so many tweets at the time that it is likely that yours will barely be seen for a few minutes. It's overcrowded.
Viewing this image, we can check how the hashtag #nowplaying is collapsed from tweets, in red color. We would not recommend introducing our messages in this hashtag as they will be diluted in a tsunami of tweets.
However, #nowwatching appears in green color so our tweet will be seen more times and in a more "healthy" way by readers.
Another highlight of RiteTag is that it compares hashtag with others, tweets that are within a hashtag, what influencers are tweeting within this hashtag. Very useful!
And now, what do I do with my list?
You may think, "It's okay to have a relevant hashtag list, but ... what do I do now?"
Create some lists and columns in Hootsuite that include that hashtag. Remember that each column can include a maximum of three keywords.
By monitoring the column, you can check who the most frequent users of that particular hashtag are and start building a connection with them.
You can do this by "tweaking" your tweets, retweeting them, or even having a conversation with them.
 Tip: Selecting the right keywords is key as some Twitter accounts can spam a hashtag with irrelevant content.
Search for the best hashtag to find our audience and interact with it. Results Oriented 2.0 Training.
Do you have or are you thinking of creating a Facebook profile, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram or other social networks ?  Munich SEO.
Maybe you already have a blog too. But are they giving you results? If the answer is no, it will be time to learn how to get traffic and especially customers and sales through effective social media management.
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Freelance app developers in Germany and Email marketing keys
In the subject of email marketing there are some challenges that we face each day: how to get new leads, when to send the mails ... However, there is a problem feared by all: that mark us as spam. Here you will find 6 simple keys that you can apply to your email marketing campaigns to avoid being marked as spam.
 #1. Call the reader by name
It is already known by all that the more personalized a better mail. And what better way to personalize our email marketing campaigns than to call the recipient by name. In this way, who receives the email will feel much more connected with you, and will be grateful to call you by name.
  #2. Make it short
When you send your email marketing campaigns you must be clear and direct. The longer your boring email will appear to the recipient and the more likely you will not read the full email. Summarize your mail between 3 and 8 lines, as it is enough space to explain the purpose of your email.
  #3. Beware of images
Although we know several e-mail servers like Yahoo or Outlook, the quintessential king is Gmail. And Gmail, like almost everything that belongs to Google, has its own rules. It is not known why, Google translates the images as a sign that the email is spam or that you are trying to promote something. So if your email is based only on images it is likely that Gmail will automatically send you to the "Promotions" tray. Therefore, even though the emails are much more flashy with images, avoid adding too many. In addition, you run the risk that the image is not seen correctly, so it will be a lost email and also likely to annoy the recipient.
  #4. Do not overwhelm with many links
Generally, our sending of emails has a single purpose: to carry traffic to the web, to generate a sale, to write us a comment ... But although we want all at once, we must choose a single objective.
 Explain the reasons why they should click on that link and what will be the benefit they will get. If we overwhelm with too many links the receiver will be lost and probably will not end up doing the action you hoped for.
 Also, returning to Gmail, if you perceive that your mail is loaded with links may be marked as "Promotion."
  #5. Avoid the RSS readers
As the automatic RSS readers, Google branded them automatically as promotions, because they understand that that email is not being sent by a real person and, therefore, does not have the right to reach the main inbox.
  # 6. Do not be aggressive selling
Although the ultimate purpose of your email is to provoke the sale ... Beware. If you are very aggressive trying to convince that they buy you can pass two things:
 - First, let Google detect it, so it will automatically take you to "Promotions".
- Second, and worse than the previous, that the user is the one who sends you to the spam folder, which is probably impossible for you to come out again.
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Things App Development Company Berlin maybe do not know about Social Media
List of aspects to improve in Social Media:
 # 16. Combining the professional with humorous touches
It is clear that a company must be professional and maintain a professional image. However, in order not to seem like a cold and distant company it can be very fun to bring humorous touches from time to time. Thus, we connect with the public and humanize our brand. What do you think of this example? We laugh a lot by choosing and sharing it.
 # 17. Do we geolocate ourselves?
Not just in the office itself. We may also share our location if the team or any member of the team attends an event, fair or any exhibit related to App Development Company in Berlin. Thus we show both professionalism and closeness.
 # 18. Mention @ post authors
When you share content, it is very interesting to mention the author of the post. In this way the author will know that you have read your article, that you liked and that you have shared. In addition, he will thank you and, hopefully, he shares in a future some article of yours.
 # 19. Optimize our ads
There are many times we are satisfied with our ads on Facebook, Instagram or Google Adwords. On other occasions, the result has not convinced us at all: we did not like the text very much, we could have put another color to the image ... This 2016 we will work to make all our ads like us as much as they should.
 #20. Do not abandon Linkedin
We are all in Linkedin but we are few who update the profile. Let's try to at least post articles and other updates a couple of times for weeks. Unforgivable: have the curriculum outdated.
 #21. Live streaming
Tools like Periscope have been very successful in the year 2015, and we must start to use them more. We can tape in the office while we work or show part of a conference we are attending.
 # 22. Give more thanks
We will fall very well to our public if we thank you to share our post, to give us "like", to mention us ... You can even personally thank one by one, if the volume of mentions is not very high. 
#2. 3. Does Facebook give me feedback?
Many companies like Web Development Company in Berlin have a page open on Facebook, but do you have feedback from your followers? It is not always necessary to be on all social networks. If you see that Facebook does not respond as it should with the rest of the team whether or not to close the page.
 # 24. Emoticons like, and much! (I.e.
Just as there are feelings that express very well with the Whatsapp faces, why not use it in the company? Add emoticons to your tweets and posts, and even articles (without going over).
 # 25. Social networks on the weekend
If you do not have a Community Manager for the weekends, your social media plan can not be left on Saturdays and Sundays. No need to share 6-7 tweets every day, it will be enough with 3-4 updates to keep the account alive. In addition, try to make the content more relaxed. If we share very dense or technical content it is likely that we will not get much feedback.
 # 26. Have I ever taken A / B test?
If you have, perfect! You are on the right track. If not, try doing this type of test to see what it turns more or less into, say, an email, an ad or a landing page.
 # 27. Reply to the private
Although private messages are not seen by everyone, it does not mean that they do not have to be answered. A good SEO Company in Berlin is both for the public and private. Therefore, try to answer the messages that the followers write to you by private (where appropriate).
 # 28. Provides personal touches to company accounts
Combine this point with humor, and you will get good results.
 # 29. Memes? Why not!
They are fashionable and are shared very easily. Choose a funny image and add that phrase that makes you funny and happens every day. This has not been created by us, but it is a good example.
 # 30. Share content created by you
We refer to images or videos, for example, that you have created for yourself. For example, the cover of this article we have created it, it is own content.
 # 31. I like the publications of others
Just like you like to receive I like you and notifications, do the same with other people's publications. Or else…
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Freelance app developers in Vienna have fallen in love with MailRelay
If you have been attentive to our Twitter account you will have read that we have stopped working with GetResponse to go to MailRelay. In this article we tell you why we have made this change and why we are so much more content in the day to day.
 We have been working with GetResponse as an email marketing tool for about 4 years and, more than less, we have been happy with the results.
 However, there were things from day to day that sometimes "burned" us a bit. One of them has been that the support and customer service is only in English. Not that we do not know how to communicate in English in the office, but we are not bilingual to talk about solving email marketing problems easily and simply.
 There were other everyday things that sometimes made us nervous, but there has been one that has made us take the decision.
 GetResponse is a payment tool, and it is not precisely the cheapest. There was a time when we had to pay for the next price step because we were meeting the maximum number of subscribers that our plan had.
 We went to pay for the next pack of larger capacity when we realized that new customers (special offer for Valentine) were applying a juicy discount. And we asked them why not to us too: after 4 years as customers and about to pay a pack of higher price we just believed that we would be applied the discount also to us.
 After several emails coming and going (of course in English) we decided not to continue working with them.
 Our options were MailChimp, Aweber or MailRelay and we chose MailRelay for many reasons that we tell you here:
#1. The price, subscribers and shipments:
Blunt: 75,000 submissions and 15,000 FREE subscribers. Not that we are stingy, but that a mail server offers all that free is very interesting for many small businesses that, whether or not they start, do not reach the 15,000 subscribers yet and can enjoy all this without paying a cent.
 #2. This includes:
In addition to 75,000 submissions and 15,000 subscribers, MailRelay offers you:
 • Create as many groups of subscribers as you want
 • Create and manage mail templates
 • Test A / B
 • Detailed reports of mail statistics
 • Subscription forms
 • Autoresponders
 • And much more
 #3. Customer service: impeccable
MailRelay customer service is one of its strengths. Just take a look at your Twitter account to see how well they use this channel as a means of customer service.
 In addition, you can contact them through the web by sending them an email or you can chat live with them.
 They also have a blog to find (almost) all the information you need. At least to us has happened that with every doubt we have had they already have a post solving that question.
 #4. Safe Harbor and data protection.
MailRelay has all its servers established in the European Union, so it complies perfectly with the established European security and data protection regulations. In this article, the guys at MailRelay tell you everything you need to know about Safe Harbor.
 But like everything in love, to fall in love is not to be blind, but also to know to see the defects of the other and to accept them, as we accepted those of MailRelay <unk>
 Two negative aspects of MailRelay:
 #5. Own domain
In order to create an account in MailRelay it is mandatory to have its own domain, so if you are a user only of Gmail, Yahoo and company you will not be able to use the service.
 # 6. Integration with other platforms
At the moment, MailRelay is not directly integrated with many other tools that we also use on a daily basis. For example, to hook it with LeadPages does not do it directly, but is done using an HTML code that is necessary (if you do not know) that your developer does.
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The secret formula of 7 email marketing cracks by App Development Vienna
Email marketing has become much professionalized in the last two years. It is no longer worth asking visitors to your website to subscribe to your newsletter and send them information every time you post a new article on your blog.
 Email marketing is very effective. Possibly the marketing tool that best results will bring to App Development  Vienna, but you have to Vienna it smartly.
 In this article 7 great email marketing experts discover the techniques that give them the most results to get sales. Do you want to know them?
 #1. Sue Dunlevie
 Sue Dunlevie, one of the great blogging gurVienna in the VIENNA, gives Vienna two very important tips that will help you grow your subscribers list every month and generate new subscribers every day:
 Viennae banners or pop-ups on your web page to capture emails
Create post, leave comments on other blogs and frequently write messages to your subscribers.
 Sue Dunlevie's way of capturing emails is by means of a pop-up that pops up when she visits the website.
 With this system what we get is that all the traffic that we have in our web can become a possible subscriber.
 Sue Dunlevie's Page Popup Example
When inserting the Pop-up you mViennat take into account that you have to:
 ·         Offer attractive content
·         Create a striking design
·         Create clear, concise and hooked text
·         Vienna the corporate colors of the website
I can guarantee you that your list of subscribers will go up like foam if you insert a Pop-up, Sue Dunlevie I Vienna it and the number of their daily subscriptions tripled!
 Once the subscriber registers on your list then Web Development Company in Vienna should schedule six emails over the next two weeks Viennaing an autoresponder. In these emails you will have to welcome them and information about your bViennainess and how to get your product.
#2. Heidi Cohen
 Who does not have at least one email account?
There are currently approximately 2.2 billion email Viennaers.
Often, the email address of these Viennaers is what identifies them and is one of the most direct channels for communicating with them. In addition, it is one of the most Viennaed media in the world and therefore, we have to incorporate it into our marketing strategy.
 How and how do we communicate with them? According to Heidi Cohen, one of the most recognized digital marketing experts, the steps you have to take are:
 Create an account on one of the email marketing platforms (Mailrelay, Mailchimp, Aweber ...) You will need to create an account to manage the sending of emails from the moment you open your website or your blog, by collecting email addresses Of your readers.
Give them a compelling reason to subscribe Generally, this means you should offer them exclViennaive content or some type of discount to become subscribers.
Do not SPAM Be sincere and transparent with the Viennaers, informal about the Viennae that you are going to make with the email addresses and fulfill your promise.
Be consistent but do not get heavy Do not make the mistake of sending an infinite number of emails thinking that they will ignore you. You mViennat set a day a week or a month and not saturate the tray of subscribers, but, your emails will become history and will remain in the junk folder.
Offer content with value You mViennat include some type of offer or discount in each communication you make to your subscribers, otherwise, they will think that they have no incentive and you will not be interested.
 #3. Gael Breton
According to Gael Bretón, expert in creating "authority", when SEO Vienna email marketing you get great success with positive results:
 If the message is well constructed.
If the message is correctly targeted based on the segmentation of your potential cViennatomers.
If you resubmit the campaigns that were a success to new subscribers.
  According to Gael, it is very important that when sending the emails containing your offers or your products resend it after 48 hours to people who did not open the first mail.
 The explanation is simple, say you have a list of 20,000 subscribers and 20% (4,000 people) open the email you sent with an offer to buy your product for € 2 and only 1,000 click (€ 2,000).
 At 48 hours we will have to send the same mail with the modified subject. What for? Very simple, to send back only to that 80% (16,000 subscribers) the email with the offer. If this time we get 500 clicks (€ 1,000) we will get an extra bonVienna.
 In addition, you should not hesitate to repeat these emails monthly, at least to the people who joined the list since the last time. If you stack five or six of these messages, you will be amazed at the amount of money that will earn you this technique
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Trends and web design: flat web design
All companies and companies (however small, medium or large they may be) have a corporate website that serves as an online business card. But if you look at the web design of the pages, it is becoming more and more careful and follows certain trends that have been studied, within the online marketing, to get the user who visits them receive the desired perception by the brand or company. On this occasion, it is worth noting the flat web design, very widespread for the themed web.
 What does flat web design mean?
 This type of web design emerged a couple of years ago and is characterized by the use of flat colors and geometric shapes when it comes to building the interface of the platform. This design has generated a trend, within thematic and corporate websites, in its use and, even, is already seen in numerous applications for mobile devices.
 Despite being a design that has been in the market for several years, it begins to set a trend, within the web design, thanks to the appearance of the Microsoft Metro interface, which presents a minimalist and flat design, ie without Motifs that can simulate relief, such as shadows, gradients or textures ...
 In fact, if you stop for a moment to read the name of the design, you will see the words flat web design or, what is the same, web design flat. This design is characterized by boxes of solid colors with very clear typographies and without borders, with gradient or parallel shadows.
 Regarding the issue of mobile applications, it should be noted that some big companies, such as Google or Apple, are making mobile apps using the web design of flat web design.
 What are the basic elements that define flat web design?
It is a simple and flat style, which does not require large design elements. What's more, its design is so simple that you only have to take into account three elements that define it:
 1.- Color range: as the web design will be flat and will not carry another element that provides greater visibility, you must play with a correct color scheme that works visually. What's more, it is recommended not to use the full range of colors, but rather to focus on a combination of various colors that gives an attractive visual game to the user and that. In turn, match the colors of the company logo.
 2.- Fonts: choosing the correct typography will help flat web design to identify the brand with a serious and safe company or, if you prefer, it is possible to get a young and fresh brand perception simply by choosing a readable typeface , But fresh. In addition, nowadays, it is possible to choose from a multitude of sources of different types: whether modern, stuffed, serious, elegant, youthful or even for thematic events, such as those categorized as 'terror'. In the Net, it is feasible to find multitude of web pages that gather free sources easily downloadable to be able to realize a good flat web design for the corporate web.
 3.- Elements with movement: despite seeming more complex elements for a flat design, are often used quite often. The animations are usually soft and not flashy. In addition, its configuration is not excessively heavy and follows the line of flat web design. They usually compose small fragments of corporate videos, preloading animations and even the parallax effect that, lately, is very fashionable.
 Once we have analyzed the essential elements of this style of web design, we must see how they apply in three examples that are in force:
 1.- Olympic Story: just upload the corporate website, one realizes that its design is simple and attractive, as it contains a background layer that is a small video and, in the front layer, are the letters of access To the menu. Another characteristic to analyze is typography. In this case, it is possible to observe how a serious and square typography has been used, which is very useful to give a perception of seriousness and officiality, since it treats Olympic subjects, like championships and medals.
 2.- Website of the Digital Agency Fillet: combines a programming in Jquery and HTML5 and makes a game with the scroll of the mouse, which combines the colors as it raises or lowers the mouse. Although it seems silly, this little game is what gives life to this flat design. If one is fixed, it is a very simple page in terms of design and content; But, on the contrary, it is capable of generating a better perception than other pages with more elaborate elements and that, nevertheless, do not call so much attention to the users as far as web design is concerned.
 3.- Dream on page: is the perfect example of web page with a flat design web design and, at the same time, with a great visual and animation capacity that facilitates the interaction of the user with the brand and its visual graphics. It uses elements like the parallax effect, combined with simple animations, and a combination of flat colors that give life to a simple and dynamic web.
 As conclusion, as can be seen after analyzing the basic elements of flat web design that, despite being a simple and minimalist web design, what the user perceives is an attractive and visual web design. Nothing has to envy this type of web design to predecessors, such as realistic design or skeuomorphism. It is also observed that this type of web design is characteristic of thematic and corporate websites that use a combination of geometric figures, some flat colors and typographies of the type necessary for the character that is going to permeate the design of the web And the brand. In this design, the predominant intention is to imitate reality, but without trying to decorate the design with elements of relief, such as gradients, shadows or any element that causes this kind of feeling of relief in web design.
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Websites for real estate designed by App Development Company in Germany
Experts say that the crisis is giving incipient and tiny steps towards recovery, and the sector that is noticing this small growth is the real estate. That is why real estate companies start to open their doors again, deploying renovated offices where before had to close by catharsis of the business. But there is something that is not as before or will not be again: it is about services and benefits, on the one hand, and the demands of customers, on the other.
 Within these three factors at stake, the most important is the customer, who has also modified its methodology when it comes to the management of a property, whether to sell, to buy or to rent. In fact, a decade ago, when carrying out any management by App Development Company in  Germany of the aforementioned, anyone came to the office of a real estate company to carry it out, it being unthinkable that this action would have been possible through a mobile phone enjoying a Coffee in any bar.
 At present, it is unimaginable to consider that scenario of yesteryear, since thanks to the new technologies are remarkable comfort and ease of this type of management from anywhere without the loss of going to the office of the real estate entity. Thanks to the social networks it is possible to know the offers that are published on rentals for the holidays, sale of garages or flats, and through this same method it is viable to find what you are looking for and to find something that was not the object of a search.
 The truth is that, once the crisis has been alleviated to a great extent, a new market has been drawn up that is much more demanding and, of course, much more modernized and consequently faster and more comfortable. It is already a rigorous requirement that any real estate agent enters the social networks and the Web Design Company in  Germany in general and is updated with a web page through which to offer the same services as a physical office.
 But it is not about having a web portal without more, but a web page that supports a perfectly orchestrated gear and that it is a launching platform that makes the number of potential customers grow quickly and safely.
 Accordingly, the following are some notable guidelines in relation to this modernization.
The Importance of a Website for a Real Estate Agent
After the enormous economic crisis, people have been able to mature and learn to demand what they are looking for and what they are going to pay for, so that companies must overcome and demand the best of themselves by offering higher quality services and optimum performance.
 As a result, SEO Company in  Germany have to modernize and invade the market through social networks and the Internet, as more and more customers are able to reach this route, as it is very convenient to search through Mobile or tablet from anywhere.
 For this important reason it is essential for a real estate company to have a website that behaves like the online store of its business as well as the face visible to the large population of cybernauts candidates to be, in the not too distant future, customers. Also, it is important to have a visual support for all the content that allows any real estate agent to become a leader within the positioning so desired by any company of any economic sector.
 On the other hand, it is vital to provide the website with a worthy applications and characteristics of the profile of the client that is its target, so that everything that will contribute speed and ease in navigating the portal is perfectly applicable to it, These are two of the most important factors to achieve the conversions of cybernauts from mere visitors to the website on clients.
 Also it is beneficial a web for that client who does not live in the city where the real estate is located and wants to see in the clearest possible way the different options available to rent, sell or buy a property. The time spent and unnecessary trips are compensated thanks to well-managed web portals and an optimal content marketing strategy.
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The top 20 web browsers used by web designer in Austria
Since its first appearance in 1991, web browsers have become the gateway to Internet thousands of users throughout the world. Internet Explorer browser, developed by Microsoft, was by far the most used by the general public. Over the years, the offer has been extended and, although Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera are, today, more known and used browsers, Internet offers a wide range of these.
 Generalist or specialist in Freelance app developers in Germany, the offer extends to all types of user profiles and needs. Then a brief review of the top 20 browsers designed for Windows, Mac and Linux, which can be found for free on the Web is done:
 Developed by Freelance web designer in Germany. Safari is a web browser based on Webkit closed source and available for iOS and OS X. Launched in 2003 to replace Internet Explorer, the browser has become the reference for users of Mac, iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
 Safari is presented as a powerful own browser for the Apple environment that allows synchronization of different devices via iCloud. Fast, secure and stylish looks, is optimized for OS X and has the ability to add extensions that complement its standard features.
 Compatibility: MAC
Download: Safari
 Firefox web browser
 Firefox, also known as Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source browser developed for Microsoft Windows, Android, OS X and GNU / Linux. After Safari, Firefox is a favorite for OS X browsers and the most popular Freelance app developers in Austria.
 This versatile browser offers users great customization opportunities through its many extensions, some of them exclusive for Mozilla Firefox. It ranks as one of the safest and most concerned about the privacy of its users browsers.
 Compatibility: Windows, Mac and Linux
Download: Mozilla Firefox
 3rd place is the popular Google Chrome. With 750 million users worldwide is considered one of the most used and popular browsers by Freelance web designer in Austria. Available for all platforms and all devices, the browser developed by Google highlighted by a fresh design and intuitive navigation.
 Google Chrome web browser
 Shop has extensions that gives users customize all kinds of details and add functionality. Chrome allows direct synchronization between devices and is integrated with all Google services, especially with your browser. Unlike Firefox, the great disadvantage of Google Chrome is their lack of privacy.
Compatibility: Windows, Mac and Linux
Download: Google Chrome
 Overcoming the privacy settings Mozilla Firefox, Tor Browser (acronym for "The Onion Router Browser") is preferred by those who do not want a trace on the Internet browser.
 Tor initial objectives are to allow 100% anonymous user and get a safe navigation. With identical to other conventional search engines initial operation, Tor offers the user a high degree of customization of privacy. By contrast, Tor may have slow at times and cause problems in some sites that use a large number of scripts.
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What are designer inspired by SEO company in Austria
How the path from the customer order until the job is finished is crossed? The renewal of the web of the Freelance app developers in Germany serves as an example. Our designers tell us what have inspired and how creativity is achieved.
 But first, let us place ourselves a bit in the customer's environment: Web design company is a Valencian firm wines and champagnes, family character but very consolidated over the years. In addition to its products, the wineries offer on their web experiences wine.
 From Freelance app developers in Austria, the customer guidance we gave was clear: to combine tradition with our vanguard. We could not lose any of the two traits, very valuable. And we ignored: they were left in our hands, well, in Paula Marble, designer of the project.
 The new website of Freelance web designer in Germany is based on the different (and disparate) designs the labels of wines and champagnes Payment Tharsy. According to Paula, "The design of the web structure is mainly in the fields of vineyards in the rows of vines that extend down the slopes. These lines serve as an element of order, as well as decorative elements. " In addition, other elements of the wine world, such as wood and barrels, have served to enrich the design. And a curious thing: the bottom of the web is also inspired by the Freelance web designer in Austria.
 The secret to reach the end of the creative journey is having a good prior information: to dig deeper customer and what you need is essential to start thinking about how to translate it. Having meetings, distended talks in which well understand the philosophy of the customer. Say there to grab their "spirit". Of course, you have to be very awake, much research and keep abreast of latest trends design. And never be afraid to experiment.
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App development company in Berlin make the most of the marketing with influencers!
Word of mouth has always been one of the main factors involved in our purchasing decisions. Knowing how was the experience of a friend has made us many times opt for one product or another. App development company in Berlin also relied on the so-called brand ambassadors in traditional advertising. But this is becoming less enthusiastically received by consumers: now preferred, instead of the famous lifelong, which accumulate more followers.
With internet and the vast amount of information to which we have access, customer reviews, expert ... we let ourselves be influenced by other people, who do not necessarily know but which we trust: are the influencers called, and come to accumulate powers superhero. The degree of confidence in the influencers has hiked (49% of users say they follow their recommendations). As for the level of respect for their views, they are reaching out to our friends and personal circles. It has changed the center of influence: A few years ago, the face of a famous (TV, artist ...) was placed to build trust. Now we trust people "faceless" in the "famous" Internet: bloggers, tweeters, youtubers, experts generally influencers in different themes.
How to identify the right influencer for Web design company in Berlin
The difficulty lies in how they choose their influencers brands. These are the points to keep in mind to avoid mistakes:
We do not confuse the mere influencer with a speaker or a spokesperson; its function will add value to our brand.
You have to identify who commune with our spirit, values, style. The influencer must have credibility on the issue, and with good reputation in the sector.
They are very creative and content sharing usually contribute much to the knowledge of the subject.
You must have a strong presence in social networks.
Must have ability to generate conversation and opinion on the subject that interests us, even getting to become prescribers.
In the case of Artvisual, web design company in Valencia, who should we? Someone with authority on digital marketing, development of online shopping, my development ... That is, someone who endorses our qualification for the activities developed. Credible, someone the public trust, and above all, need an influencer with a style like ours: young, dynamic, open to innovation, constantly changing ... Enterprise and influencer must "look".
The organization and influencer speaking it must have a common "spirit" if not the credibility evaporates.
On the other hand, there are free tools like Klout that measure the level of influence that each person in social networks, by assigning a number. Klout has the number of followers on Facebook and Twitter, among other parameters into account. We want to know what potential audience is generated around that influencer, ie how many people will go to get their opinions, and what will be its ability to generate movement in the network.
The important thing is to become a powerful SEO company in Berlin in terms of content generation and opinions, not for immediate economic returns. The ruling is that in general, companies are focusing a lot in the short term and forgetting the daily work of cultivating quality content. The work must be constant, like creativity, which should never decay (that it seems easy, but we face the arduous task to never let our guard down).
Once the work "background" fact, we need to capture the attention of influencer: quote him, I retuitearlo, comment. Always from a constructive point of view, with a humble and assertive tone, and the optimum frequency to be present but without tiring.
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a booming market of Freelance web designer Germany
80% of mobile navigation focuses on five apps: Facebook, Youtube, Google Maps, and Gmail Pandora
 Every day more companies using mobile applications to interact with customers. Gone is when shop windows advertising their special offers now go directly to the mobile phone via a notice on the application Freelance app developers in Austria.
 According to Forrester Research, in 2012 3% of global electronic commerce made through mobile devices and it is expected that by 2016, these transactions reached 7% of total sales. 2017 will be 23% of the total. The App Date confirmed that in Spain, in the last four years, the number of downloaded mobile applications grew by 220%. Spanish daily consume 3.2 million apps on their mobile devices: phones and tablets App development Germany. Without any doubt, mobile phones have changed the way of thinking and relating to society, both with family and friends, and for products and brands.
 What types of mobile applications users demand?
Entertainment: apps social networking and instant messaging are the most used by users. We can also find applications in this area theaters that show schedules, location of rooms, discounts, facilitate the purchase of tickets ... web Design Company in Austria.
Banking: financial services for technology presents a good opportunity to get closer to its customers. Check the balance and account movements, transactions or find the nearest ATM are some of the services that banks offer their customers through their mobile applications.
Retail: every day there are new applications that provide facilities for the sale, to compare prices or find stores. Also, developers take advantage of geolocation factor to be the stores themselves who send notifications discounts to customers closest to the physical location of the store.
Restaurants and accommodation: applications on hotels and restaurants offer menus and rooms, the location of the premises or offer the possibility of making reservations.
Streaming: services are downloading and playing music and / or video.
Photography and video allow both the taking and recording of audiovisual content and its dissemination Freelance web designer in Germany. They are my very complete in which users interact with each other motivated by the shared content.
Mobile applications begin to have more value in communication strategies and brand sales, and placed weight as a tool for e-commerce.
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Guide to good SEO analysis and seo
In this post we will try the key points to be taken into account to carry out a good SEO audit.
 The goal of an SEO audit is to analyze the status of each of the parameters of a web that Google takes into account to position the search results, and determine the measures to be taken to improve these aspects of SEO.
 Now comes the big question: what aspects should analyze SEO by app development company in  Munich.
 Accessibility and navigability
Good accessibility is essential for a good web positioning. We must therefore ensure that the crawlers or spiders search engines can access the website content to index.
 Navigability of the web refers to the way that both users and crawlers move through the different pages of the site by seo company in  Munich.
 Factors to analyze:
 Robots.txt and sitemap.xml.
Charging time.
4XX and 5XX errors.
The indexibility is the ability of search engines to include a website pages in their indexes and then appear among search results. The proper indexing of web pages assume that this will be available for user searches.
 Factors to analyze:
Indexation of the main pages.
Indexation by brand.
Architecture and structure
The web architecture is one of the main factors that help proper indexing of all content on a website.
 The web structure, meanwhile, improved accessibility and tracking capability crawlers search engines.
 Factors to analyze:
 Depth of web architecture.
Clicks to the target.
internal linkage
The internal linkage favors such important aspects as user navigation, indexing of content and distribution of link juice. broken links should be avoided at all costs.
 Factors to analyze:
 Links in the content.
broken links.
Content is one of the main factors to consider for SEO. As they say, content is king.
 Factors to analyze:
 Accessibility of crawlers.
Nesting content.
Keyword density.
Canonicalization content.
meta tags
As web design company in  Munich says meta tags are very important for the ratio of clicks on search results. Along with the URL, meta tags title and description indicate the user if the result corresponds to your search.
 Factors to analyze:
Risk of penalties
A penalty can remove a website from search engine index. There are two types of penalties: manual penalties carried out by employees of search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo ...) and automatic penalties are implemented by the algorithms.
 Factors to analyze:
 Duplicate content.
Spam and Keyword stuffing.
Profile of unlinked.
  These are the most important when analyzing a website SEO aspects. Once the audit will determine a good definition of the measures to be taken for improving organic website positioning.
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Optimize images for Freelance app developers in Austria
Why optimize images of a website?
 There are two main reasons why optimizing images can be an incentive for the positioning of a Freelance web designer in Germany.
 Reduce the load time of the web and improve the user experience.
Increase visits from image search (example: Google Images).
  Optimizing images
Optimize images for search engines is quite simple. We will outline the steps you should take to improve the positioning of your web using pictures:
 Filename images
It is important, regardless of the origin of the image, create a descriptive file name and include the main keyword, separating hyphenated words. This will help that search engines can correctly interpret the subject of the image and relate it to the page to which it belongs to Freelance app developers in Austria.
 What not to do is to leave the file names own cameras or image banks as it could be "DSC30IMG.jpg". If we had an online clothing store a good name for a file might be: "T-blue-deportiva.jpg".
 This applies to all files and downloadable documents that are uploaded to a website.
 About the App development Germany there is nothing written. The important thing: to be displayed properly on all devices (or most). Looking ahead to the display, it is not good to use very small images, but neither is use too large.
Large images take longer to load, so it can cause the web page to load more slowly. Something that not only influence the user experience because Google also takes into account the loading time of websites and can influence positioning.
 Regarding the format of the images, there are three most commonly used:
 JPEG: general format.
PNG is used to apply transparencies, for example, at the bottom of the image.
GIF: animated images.
To compress the images and reduce weight without losing quality in them, our recommendation is the Tinyjpg free online tool. It compresses up to twenty images in JPEG or PNG format simultaneously.
 Title and alt images
Once the file to the web page or blog uploaded, we must optimize the title (title) and alternate text (alt):
 Title: Describes the image, include a keyword and it should not be too long. We can visualize leaving the mouse on the image.
Alt: describes the image with a keyword. This text is displayed when the browser can not display or play the contents of the image.
Sitemap image
To inform Google of images and visual elements using a website, you can create a sitemap of images with web Design Company in Austria.
 This sitemap is similar to a normal sitemap, but only includes images. Once you created you can get on the property of Google Search Console.
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