i love you
it was away at school, 330 miles away and missing him like crazy. We both had busy schedules, but we had finally managed to carve out two days together. It wanted to get to him as soon as possible, and that had meant leaving right after work at 9:30 pm. Daddy had work that day so he had been up since 4am. He would be sound asleep when it arrived, and it knew it had to be sneaky to get in without disrupting his sleep. His partner would let toy in around 4 when she woke up to let the dogs outside before getting ready for work. otherwise the barking would have woken him up. The drive was long and listening to a true crime podcast had made it even more antsy to get there. It got there early and sat patiently on its phone until she had texted it. It gathered its things and closed its car door as gently as possible to avoid alerting the dogs. It snuck inside his bedroom and took its place on the floor next to his spot on the bed. It was getting comfortable when it heard two soft taps on the bed. It instantly knew what he was saying. It climbed onto the bed and snuggled into his side, finally home. He wasn't angry that it had woken him up. It selfishly thinks he was too excited to sleep. He held it safe in his arms for what could have been 30 seconds or 30 minutes. It thought he would just want to go back to sleep, but instead he moved its face to give him a kiss. The last time it had seen him, there had been a rule that it was not allowed to speak each day it spent with him until he had cum, so when he asked if it was worth the drive, toy nodded with a smile and gave him another kiss. It explored his chest with its hands, slowly sweeping his body. It couldn't believe this man was real and was really being as sweet to it as he was. each kiss sent sparks throughout its body. but mostly to its core. It wanted to kiss him everywhere, wanted him to feel some fraction of the overwhelming adoration it had for him in that moment. and in a lot of moments. It would have driven as far as it took to see him, 5 hours suddenly seemed such a small price to pay. Its hands continued their adventure heading ever south but never right where they longed for, and our tongues continued their dance. His arm was around it still, possessively. Toy was conflicted. It needed to say what it had been putting off for far too long. He had a right to hear the truth, although it was an obvious truth to us both. It wanted the timing to be right, it knew this was the perfect time... unless it wasn't allowed to speak. And how does one ask if it can speak? It decided to risk ruining this perfect moment with this perfect man, it had waited long enough.
"I love you."
Of course, this did not take him by surprise. He did respond seeming pleased, though. He had obviously not considered the no speaking rule, so toy loosened and spoke a little more. Mostly it just repeated "i love you i love you i love you" while kissing him everywhere there was skin to kiss. Eventually the touching and teasing became too much and he shifted it in order to get to what was always his. He was slow and powerful with it, exactly the themes for the night. At some point, he kissed it again, and although it was already drunk with bliss and not expecting anything more from him, he said the very last thing it had ever expected to hear from him.
"I love you too"
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