aphrodicted · 2 years
Heyy! Hope you’re doing well, take care of yourself and I’m sending you loads of good vibes and loads of love, I wanted to ask you for a free reading since I saw those were open, my initials are NS and I’m a Pisces sun Sagittarius moon Scorpio Rising, could I get a reading on what my partner would be like? Loads of love 💜 have a great day, feel free to ignore this if you don’t wanna answer it 💜
Hi, angel! Thank you! You're lovely! Your question is very general, so I'm going to pick up the message of my cards.
My cards talk about an unreliable person who can approach you with bad intentions or lie about why you have called their attention. However, I don't feel you too attracted and/or interested in this person either, since I see how said suitor walks away from you because they believe they have no opportunity to start a relationship with you. I feel it like a passing infatuation, something like a temporary crush.
This person stands out with a lot of fire energy with the Knight of Wands (especially the sign of Aries and Leo, a combination between these, even an Aries in the second decan or a Leo in the first decan), but too conflictive or always having problems with people. They can also be a very competitive person who enjoys winning arguments or other activities that give them some recognition.
Good luck, angel!
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hola, primero que todo quiero agradecer que nos des la oportunidad de poder preguntarte, es muy apreciado. También espero que estés bien y te cuides mucho, ya que es complicado hacer este tipo de cosas pues exigen de tu energía.
No sé si sería extraño preguntar pero es sobre una persona que no dejo de pensar, ¿será posible que a L le llegue justicia por lo que me hizo? Sé que es algo que no está en mis manos pero quiero saber qué está ocurriendo más allá de mi entendimiento.
No te preocupes si no es posible responder a la pregunta.
De nuevo, muchísimas gracias y espero tengas un buen día.
¡Hola, cariño! Vamos a ver qué me dicen mis niñas sobre tus dudas.
El Caballo de Espadas invertido y el Siete de Oros auguran lentitud. La primera carta anuncia retrasos y demoras en aquello que deseamos manifestar, además de pedirte cautela e ir con cuidado con quién y sobre qué hablas. Por ello, te recomiendo no hablar sobre el tema de L con nadie con quién no tengas la suficiente confianza, ya que podrían usarlo en tu contra.
Por otro lado, el Siete de Oros te pide paciencia y te recuerda que tú sabes que todo tiene sus ciclos y que, al final, se recogerá lo que se ha sembrado. Ambas cartas en la posición en la que han aparecido son lentas, así que debes tener paciencia e interiorizar que, a lo mejor, las consecuencias para L llegarán más a futuro.
Sin embargo, el número siete se repite y aparecen el palo de copas cuando pregunto por el tiempo. Dichas consecuencias pueden llegarle dentro de siete semanas o siete meses.
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hola ❤️‍🔥 te puedo preguntar una lectura sobre RT♌️? Es el chico que considero como el amor de mi vida. Pero decidimos dejarlo hace unos meses. Es muy complicado para mi. Me apetece saber lo que sientes sobre esa relación, y también me gustaría saber qué son sus sentimientos para mi y lo que quiere de nosotros quizás también 😘
Muchas gracias,k tengas una buena noche!! M♎️
¡Hola, M! Vamos a ver qué me dicen mis cartas.
Mis cartas anuncian que pronto sabrás la verdad de toda esta situación. Muy pronto una situación o alguien aparecerá en tu vida y te dará las respuestas que tanto llevas buscando. Incluso esto puede estar ocurriéndole a RT, que tiene muchas cuestiones sobre vuestra relación actual y pronto conocerá o escuchará de alguien esas respuestas que necesitaba para saber qué camino tomar con respecto a ti.
Sí siento que RT sabe que tú eres alguien especial o que, al menos, debería haber retenido en su vida. Visualiza la relación como algo bueno que ha ocurrido en su vida y que hubiera retenido más tiempo.
Puede haber algún tipo de reconexión entre los dos, ya que La Estrella augura comunicación y El Juicio suele anunciar nuevas relaciones amorosas o reconexiones con personas del pasado. Así que no descarto que pueda haber algún reencuentro entre ambos. Sin embargo, aunque sí siento que RT guarda buen recuerdo de vuestra relación y de ti, no siento que haya una pronta reconciliación (hay algo oculto entre ambos que os mantiene separados), aunque sí puede ocurrir en el futuro.
Me preguntas sobre los sentimientos de RT. Ahora mismo resalta más vuestra conexión física que no emocional. Probablemente RT esté echándote de menos más en un plano físico y/o sexual, y no tanto en lo emocional. El contacto físico contigo es lo que más presente tiene, ya que El Emperador habla más sobre relaciones pasionales que no emocionales, aunque también puede echar de menos el sentirse querido porque contigo se sentía muy querido.
Ahora es un mal momento para él. Especialmente en el plano sentimental. Es probable que sintiera un alejamiento o vivierais muchos problemas o situaciones negativas antes de separaros, pero no creo que sea ahora mismo el mejor momento emocional para él. Es posible que necesite plantearse qué quiere y comprenda sus sentimientos por ti, ya que siento que puede estar teniendo algún tipo de crisis sobre ese tema. La ruptura ha provocado profundos cambios en su vida y todavía está entendiéndolos, así como descubriendo qué debe transformar en su vida aunque no quiera. Es como si estuviera pasando por un momento de cambios y transformaciones en su vida y, por ahora, es mejor que lo haga solo y tampoco prestará mucha atención al mundo emocional.
A parte de todo esto, RT realmente te ve como alguien divertido, sensual y bonita (incluso puede estar viéndote más bonita que antes), capaz de conseguir todo lo que te propongas. No obstante, no siento sentimientos profundos o un enamoramiento. No puedo asegurártelo. Lo que sí siento es mucho cariño y muchos buenos recuerdos, aunque el alejamiento es obvio y perdurará por un tiempo.
¡Mucha suerte, cariño!
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello!!! Welcome back!!!! I hope you’ve been doing well. May I have a reading on my future partner and what our relationship will be like please? Thank you so much and glad that you’re back 💖💖💖 AW Taurus
Hello, angel!
Your future partner is presented as someone very creative and connected to the arts, although expressive arts such as acting, music or dance may be special to them. Very charismatic. They are probably someone who is too enthusiastic and, instead of encouraging others, in most cases they scare them away because of that overflow of energy. It also makes me feel like those typical people who want to do fifty things at once without finishing anything, but not because they get bored but because they enjoy doing different things at the same time. They are very domineering people. With a very strong masculine energy. They like to dominate, to be in control of things, to be the leader.
Rigorous and meticulous in all or some aspects of their lives. They work hard to achieve their goals and they can do it thanks to that creativity I was talking about before, although sometimes that creativity leaves them. In general, very responsible and patient people, although they may have certain problems with everything being perfect and pay close attention to details (including anger problems or some people who verbally hurt when they are angry). And, even if they are patient, they can say things without empathy and hurt those who listen to them if they don't know them well enough and think they are insulting them. Their friends, those trusted people for your future partner, will be people similar to them or who share similar characteristics. Confidence is something very important to them, as well as security.
Your future partner values ​​family, so building a family and taking care of it will be important. It doesn't matter what kind of family we're talking about. In something, be it their career or a hobby, your future partner will be teachers and will enjoy helping and teaching others. In addition, they are very good counselors, although I do not feel that they are too connected to their emotional side.
The images of my cards are repeated, so I transmit to you the physique that appears repeatedly during your reading: your future partner has medium-lenght hair. If they don't have medium-lenght hair, they will be people with abundant hair. They are beautiful, at least their face looks beautiful (if it's a man), and I don't feel that their skin is too white, but rather brown, as if they are sunbathing.
I don't feel you'll live in a completely happy relationship, but rather I believe you can live a karmic relationship in which you'll learn something together with your future partner. My cards see a very happy beginning of a relationship, full of good experiences, but that will culminate in a betrayal represented with the Three of Swords. It doesn't have to be an infidelity, it can tell us about a betrayal or an emotional disappointment that will greatly reduce your relationship. From my cards that appear, I think this will be a karmic relationship.
I see you trying to save the relationship with the Ten of Swords reversed, but I also feel that all misfortunes will fall on the backs of one of you. Remember that relationships are for two and, in most cases, a single person isn't to blame for the problems in a relationship. Probably that disappointment or betrayal wakes you up from the expectations or the idea you had of your future partner and allows you to see it more real. In addition, the communication will be difficult between you, since you don't pay attention to what the couple says. What seems important to you will seem silly to your future partner, and vice versa.
Good luck, angel! <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hi, I've seen you doing free readings and I'm curious to know what's going on with my love life with SM for the next following months? I am LM and I am a Gemini sun. He's SM and he's an Aquarius sun. Thanks a lot and godspeed!
Hello, angel! Let's see what my cards see about SM and your relationship.
In the next months I see you living situations of coldness and distancing yourself from SM. Your connection doesn't disappear entirely, but each of you will distance yourself from the other. The combination of The Hermit reversed with The Chariot augurs a break up or an estrangement. The decision of it may be abrupt, but the feeling of disconnection between you two may have been around for a long time.
I don't feel like it's the best relationship for you. Especially during the next months because I see you suffering from anxiety and feeling deeply alone. The anxiety is very likely to be with you in the future, because it appears twice in your reading.
My cards also talk about possible arguments or confrontations that will cause a lot of emotional pain. They don't have to be excessive arguments, but comments or advice out of place that can do you the emotional damage I'm talking about and, in addition, make you rethink your relationship with SM. It's true that anxiety is repeated both in The Hermit reversed and in the Nine of Wands, but also the feeling of regret is present along with a feeling of loss and disappointment. It's as if you have realized the current relationship has nothing to do with what it once was or what you would have liked it to be. Although I see you with the hope that everything takes a better path and improves. But the Three of Swords closes your reading and it isn't a good message when we talk about relationships. In the coming months you'll experience negative situations related to SM: some kind of disappointment or betrayal that will mean a profound change in your relationship.
Finally, I think it's important to emphasize the appearance of number nine repeatedly in your reading. This number encourages you to internal recollection and withdraw a little from love life. It's time to seek fullness in a retreat that will help you rest and understand yourself better.
Good luck, angel! <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hey how are you? I see your readings are open again. Can I ask for one?
Can I have an insight about my future spouse (general things like their personalities, characteristics, similarities and differences between me and them, etc) and what their green & red flags are?
I’m H, ♑️ sun
Thank you and have a nice day!
Hi, love! Hope the answers below are helpful for you.
The first thing that catches my attention is the masculine energy of your future spouse. It's likely the masculine energy is the most worked or relevant in them and they need to connect or understand their feminine energy. Remember that talking about energy isn't the same as talking about typical masculinity and femininity, but rather that your future spouse may be more impulsive, decisive, familiar with action, making decisions… and not so much with internalizing or connecting with their emotions.
A person with a striking personality, but who clings too much to their personal freedom and any kind of commitment can seem like a limitation or repression. Therefore, establishing a love relationship with this person can be somewhat complicated if both of you aren't on the same page when this happens. On an emotional and/or love level, I feel your future spouse may be extremely indecisive. For the most part, anything to do with emotions or understanding or verbalizing their emotions can be a problem. Despite being a person with a peculiar personality, I also see them as someone who is silent and who thinks or feels deeply, even if they don't verbalize it. The sign of Aquarius resonates a lot with me, so it can be related to your future spouse.
The idea of ​​a strong person, physically and emotionally, although I feel more that it's someone who enjoys starting things, but always suffers when they have to continue them. A lot of energy at the beginning that is diminished if they don't find something or someone that continuously arouses their interest.
If you don't know each other, both of you can spend some time away from each other, since The World refers to a person who can be distant from us or be physically far away.
Your future spouse may have experienced problems in the family home. A family with many problems that, in the end, affected them whether they wanted to or not. It can also refer to having lived in a family that went through constant changes that produced bad effects on them. For example, constantly changing your place of residence, changes in the economy that resented your future spouse… In any case, this family instability can transfer to yours when you both build your home. Even third parties or factors external to your relationship can be the cause of many of your discussions throughout your relationship, so a lot of communication and honesty is needed.
I don't feel your future spouse is likely to celebrate or enjoy their achievements. They can be inconvenient to share their joys and celebrate when something goes as they expected.
Finally, that emotional limitation that I was telling you about at the beginning with the Nine of Pentacles reversed is repeated again. Your spouse-to-be has deep issues with connecting and expressing their emotions, so it can be a cold relationship if you both fail to connect with each other and create a healthy space where you can open up little by little. It's very likely your future spouse feels terribly lonely and empty, but t hey don't understand those emotions and focuses on achieving financial or career-related achievements to fill the emotional void. They may tend to focus on work or the material side of life and unconsciously put aside their emotions, their partner or their family.
As important information, the number four is repeated several times and I feel that it is a message that I cannot ignore. Four tells us about the union of opposites and how they can live in harmony, although it also mentions the four elements and solidity. Perhaps, your future spouse is someone who is contrary to you and who can complement you. The appearance of number four and its representation through the square makes me think you can share many squares at an astrological level.
Good luck, angel! <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello there ~ may i get a free reading regarding to why i feel so deeply towards J ? And what's the connection between us if there's one ? Tysm in advance have a nice day ^^ - N♒
Hi, love! How are you?
Probably that intensity of feelings for J occurs because of a tremendous insecurity or fear that something negative will happen. It's possible the results you wanted to obtain in your relationship with J aren't coming or you feel dissatisfied with your relationship with J and that fear, insecurity, uncertainty is what is making you feel so intensely. Anything that has to do with J you can be facing it from the emotion and the logic has disappeared when there should be a balance between both (emotion and logic). It's very likely you aren't even judging your feelings correctly because of that excess of emotion. Even both or one of the two could experience the beginning of your relationship, whatever its type, as something wonderful and, over time, the relationship has turned into something you didn't expect and that, now, causes dissatisfaction or similar emotions.
My cards feel you may be trying too hard and, in the end, the expected results aren't going to be what you expected. I don't recommend you make great efforts in relation to J, since the cards that appear around the Seven of Pentacles reversed don't augur great changes, much less positive ones, but speak about efforts or promises in vain.
If you asked me about your emotions towards J looking for something related to past lives or similar, from my cards that appear I don't feel there was a past connection.
Focusing more on your relationship and not so much on your feelings, the Lovers card appears. A very good omen as it is preceded by the Five of Cups reversed: you need to adopt a healthier, more balanced and stable emotional state in order to improve your connection with J. You have to have an open attitude to accept it's time to take new risks and live new experiences, it may be necessary to let go of old beliefs or habits that are no longer helpful. Any negative situation you and J are going through, or a negative time in relation to your relationship, is temporary and will gradually disappear.
My cards announce positive changes between you. It doesn't matter what type of relationship you have, since your relationship will experience certain changes that can help you improve or deepen your bond. However, I don't see deep feelings or romantic love right now, but rather the desire to strengthen your relationship, get to know each other better, make decisions that are beneficial for both of you and, surely, a more cooperative and not so selfish vision can help them.
Good luck, angel! <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hi hun, I hope you're doing well :) Could I get a reading on what I need to know right now? Thank you very much for your time and energy, have a nice day - t♐
Hi, love! I asked my cards and they answered with the Nine of Cups.
Soon well-being in most areas of your life will be a reality. It's time to enjoy the achievements and focus on achieving all those dreams or goals you haven't been able to fulfill so far. Its the right time to focus on achieving your dreams, starting or finishing those projects you have always wanted to carry out. However, you should also celebrate what you have achieved, what you have already managed to conquer, and feel fulfilled.
The main ideal is to enjoy how affective relationships or friendships are consolidated, those fulfilled dreams can finally be shared with the world or be able to enjoy a lucky time. In the end, the Nine of Cups is a card that represents luck.
If, on the other hand, you still haven't achieved what you planned, don't worry, since the card announces that you'll soon achieve it and, furthermore, success will accompany that much-desired achievement.
However, it's essential not to get too carried away and end up in a spiral of energy, material or emotional waste. It's a period of enjoyment, but knowing what the limit of said enjoyment is. You have to enjoy without losing your senses and without wasting more than you have. Therefore, right now it's a time to learn to enjoy with balance. This balance will help you not to fall into the laziness of eternal rest, extreme idleness or the greed of wanting to get more and more.
In the end, the Nine of Cups tells you what you have been waiting to achieve or that will come into your life so eagerly, is finally on its way and it will come to you soon. Positive affirmations and the visualization of what you want can help you these days.
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello! How are you? Thank you for offering this opportunity!
I would like to ask: what to expect for my love life in the next 3 months? Thank you so much!
- GP ♎️
Hello, angel! I'm fine! How are you?
Your love life needs more commitment and attitude from you. What do I mean? You probably need to be more assertive or committed to your goals in that part of your life. Do you want changes in your love life? Go out and meet new people to make your love life come alive. Do you have someone specific in mind? Start dropping hints or inviting that person to make plans with you to get to know you better.
If you have been experiencing conflicts or limitations in your love life, these will soon gradually disappear. It's time to leave behind any negative experience that no longer has a place in your present and that, right now and in the coming months, should be a lesson to have learned.
On the other hand, keep in mind that you shouldn't prove anything to anyone but yourself and probably emotions such as anger or dissatisfaction should be worked on so they aren't an obstacle in improving your love life. Reflect on those conflicts or limitations you may have experienced and try to learn from them so a similar experience doesn't happen again in the near future.
My cards recommend you to get to know people without committing to anyone in particular. I also don't feel like it's the right time for you to start a formal relationship, so the best thing you can do is enjoy your love life as much as you can and meet those people who appear in your life.
A person with a lot of earth element can attract your attention during the next three months, but they will be someone who will bore you or the relationship you have will easily stall. It will not give you that flexibility or spontaneity you need right now. Later a second person appears, my cards talk about a man or a person with a lot of masculine energy, who can present themselves as someone kind, with a good heart and very sensitive at first, but who will soon show they aren't as they appeared at the beginning but the contrary. Those types of people who seem to adapt to your tastes to like you and later they have nothing to do with what they told you. So be careful who you meet and don't be too quick to impress: take your time getting to know everyone.
Finally, apart from meeting a new person who can awaken your romantic feelings, you could also meet up with past lovers or friends with whom you had lost contact. Reconciliation with yourself or with someone from the past can take place during the next three months, since The World tells you about reconciliations and encounters of a certain divine type with the people around you. It's very important that during the next three months you learn to maintain a balance between reason and emotions, as this will help you enjoy your love life much more in the distant future.
However, and as my vards have warned on several occasions, be careful not to let yourself be enthralled by anyone who appears in your life.
Good luck <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hola Guapa!! 💗💗💗 it's Dz♀️♌️☀️ ✨️💕🌼 I just wanna say thank you so much for such a beautiful reading! It's so crazy that with such little information you picked up all of the energy of the situation! It all totally resonated and you were completely spot on. I think you're right - I will leave CW and not interact for now, I dont think she even understands that I am angry or why! And you're totally right - any conversation we might have in the near future wouldnt be successful, and I think there is definitely something she's hiding! I wonder what it is! From the cards in my reading, did you get any idea that in the future if I left it for now she would recognise her hurtful actions and change/apologise?
Have a wonderful day, un abrazo muy fuerte, and thank you again for such a lovely reading 💗🌼☀️💕🌸🌺✨️💕💗🌼🌸
¡Hola, mi amor! <3
Thank you for trusting once again and letting me read for you with my cards! Thank you very much for your nice words! It's always good to read comments as positive and full of energy as yours.
I agree with you and I'm happy with your decision. This is not the time to get close or try to push anything with CW. Take some time off and enjoy other things or other people around you! It'll help you a lot!
Let's see what my cards tell me about what you ask me!
As things stand right now, I don't see any big changes in the future and I feel it will take time for CW to realize the pain she may have caused you. The energy is being wasted and it would not seem strange to me if you had an argument again or one of the two "exploded" and said hurtful things again. In the same way that the Knight of Swords reversed announces a certain state of constant defense, it also warns of the delay of anything you ask. Therefore there will be a certain delay in that apology you expect or, at least, an apology that seems sincere or satisfies you. If this apology occurs, it's likely to be over the phone or an app, social network, or computer. I don't know why, but this type of communication appears in your reading with the Eight of Wands.
However, at the end of your reading The Moon appears and everything feels a little "strange" again. The apology may not be entirely honest, or you may feel CW is still hiding something she isn't telling you. It doesn't have to be a bad thing, but rather that you feel she apologizes without feeling it enough or her apology isn't accompanied by the commitment not to say what hurt you in the past again.
I hope this helps clarify a little more. Good luck!
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello! I saw you were offering free readings and was wondering if I could request one. I have this crush on a boy whose name is Genesis, we talked a few times but I’d like to know what he thinks of me and if I may have a shot if I wanted this relationship to go further! We don’t know each other for a long time. Thank you!! M (Libra woman) 🤍🎶
Hello, angel! Let's see what does Genesis feels for you!
Looking at your cards in your reading, I have a feeling that Genesis may be attracted to yet another woman, as two women continually appear in your reading (a woman with dark hair and another one with light brown, almost blonde hair). There are several cards in which two women appear, so Genesis may be interested in you and another girl. If it isn't the situation, there is probably a woman in his life who is putting some pressure on his love life.
You ask me what Genesis feels for you: a lot of physical attraction and you probably arouse some interest, curiosity or want to get to know you more deeply. However, my cards warn that Genesis may be hiding things from you and not being as honest as he seems. Probably that second woman that appears in the reading could be one of the themes he hides.
I wouldn't recommend you to do anything right now. It's better to be still and watch. Although The Lovers appears and is a good omen, the next one is The Moon and announces negative or uncomfortable situations that can "dizzy" you and destabilize you in some way. It's true that for Genesis you are a new opportunity to live a new emotional experience, but I don't feel that he's sure about it. You can both have a changing relationship, where your mood changes continuously, and that will make you two feel insecure. Even Genesis may be feeling a bit insecure right now and need to get to know you a little more to make a move or make a decision.
In addition, I feel that everything is left to chance, to luck, to "let's see what happens if I let myself go". There is no such thing as a sense of security or concrete decisions. Starting as a friendship or something softer can help a lot to improve your bond, since neither of you will feel that the other is indecisive or ambiguous, or restricted from doing or living certain things.
This is all I can recommend to you. Good luck, love!
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello, angels! Today I'll answer readings I have in my inbox again. If you have sent me something and I haven't replied, you can wait for me to reply or send me your question again. See you soon! <3
¡Hola a todos! Hoy vuelvo a responder lecturas que tengo en mi inbox. Si me habéis enviado algo y no os he contestado, podéis esperar a que os responda o volver a enviarme vuestra pregunta. ¡Nos vemos pronto, chiquis! <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
P-S: i was just wondering, may I ask you if you remember which were my cards for my reading ? ( besides Temperance rev ?) I hope you won't find this question too impertinent from my part🤗 I'm just trying to keep track of consistency in my journal, I find that pretty interesting !!😊😆 only if you remember and if it's not a problem for you ofc !! Again thank you so much for the reading!!! 💙
I don't think the question is impertinent at all! Don't hesitate to ask what you need!
I think I remember the cards that came up in your reading: The Temperance reversed, Seven of Swords, Three of Cups, The World, The Hermit reversed, Six of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, Ace of Swords reversed and Seven of Cups. I don't remember any more, so for now I'll leave you these.
See you soon, love <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello there !! 😊 I saw the reading you did to me so I'm here to drop my feedback ! 😄 Well first just let me thank you so much for it !! It really put a big smile on my face !!😘😁😁 And honestly it did resonate A LOT, i also did receive similar messages in pacs etc.. similar qualities and defects that you cited, these kind of synchronicities are interesting !!🔥 Another thing is that I adored how detailed you were and how you explained everything and gave examples and i also loved your honesty !! And how you said everything that appeared to you like it is, 🤗honestly I respect that a Lot ! With your reading i felt like your description was more "human" as in with its complexity and everything !!💞💞 your reading was really on a whole other level srsly !!🔥😍you are absolutely talented I can't be grateful enough for the amount of time and energy you dedicated to it again thank you A LOT !!💙💙💙
Very happy to see that your reading has resonated and you are satisfied with it! <333
I try to make the readings detailed enough for all of you, but not too long either, so I'm very happy you liked my method. Sometimes I'm too honest, but I feel all of you come here looking for answers to your questions and telling you what you would like to hear is going against my principles. In the end, people who have a gift or talent of any kind should use it to help others and not just for their own benefit. Because sometimes when we use talents for our own benefit, they don't even bring us the happiness we hoped for.
Thank you very much for your honesty and waiting for my answer! <3 I wish to see you here soon!
Good luck, angel <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hello there ! Im a new follower😊 I hope you're doing great !! 😁I saw that you were offering free readings, May I have one on who is my future husband ? 🥰 like how he'll be like as a person ? I'm C 😻⛵️Aquarius, you can answer me in Spanish if you're more comfortable with it, I understand it although don't write/speak it very well 🤗 and thank you so much !! 💙
Hello, angel! Thank you for following me! I'm really happy! Let's see what I can pick about your future husband!
Your future husband is presented as someone with a certain emotional imbalance. The Temperance reversed indicates this, since water appears in it and reminds us water is always linked to emotions. Therefore, it's likely that he's someone who is guided by emotions, impulses or his intuition. He isn't far-sighted or makes long-term plans, as he's a very impulsive man, who acts rashly and impulses can drive him. In addition, he's someone extremely impatient (it's repeated several times in your reading, so you'll have to arm yourself with patience).
He isn't very good at working in a group, but rather enjoys doing it alone. It's likely that he'll have problems at the beginning of your relationship and make plans without taking you into account or make decisions without remembering your opinion also matters. But I don't feel there is evil behind his attitude, but rather a habit he'll have a hard time getting rid of.
However, that impulsiveness makes him a very passionate man and adding those emotions that are so present, he can be a man in contact with his emotions, although I don't feel he has worked them correctly.
Money will be very important to him. Your future husband is presented as someone who attaches importance to money and material things, but he is a generous man. Probably because he has experienced a certain level of poverty or economic limitation in the past. When you meet, your future husband will have a good economic situation and he'll have no problem giving you everything you want on a material level. Apart from that economic problem, he has also experienced disappointments on an emotional level, whether they're love affairs or people in general who have failed him, and when you meet, your future husband will be in a healing process. He's a person who suffers internally and doesn't externalize his anger, disappointments or negative feelings in general.
I also don't feel he's a very social man or he enjoys going to parties or crowded places. He tends to isolate or withdraw from people. There is nothing wrong with it, there are people who need a few moments of solitude or interior recollection, as long as it doesn't become something permanent that doesn't allow him to open up to anyone. His social circles are very small and he may have few friends. Friends and family will be very important to him, and I feel you can get to know each other through mutual friends.
My cards again talk about how your future husband may have trouble socializing or opening up to new people. This will help him focus on work, since he may have a certain "addiction" to his work and forget about everything else, but I also see him having certain moments when he doesn't want to do anything and everything makes him lazy. Your future husband can go from a working machine to a lazy guy who doesn't want to do anything.
He has a hard time being logical, impulsiveness appears again, and it can be difficult for him to be self-critical. He's probably one of those people who see the big picture instead of focusing on the details. However, I feel your future husband is one of those people who has a head full of ideas that he never materializes and, in some way, it doesn't allow him to finish the projects he starts.
On some occasions he can believe in false illusions or idealizing people. Especially those he respects or admires.
Finally, your future husband may have problems with his own image, for example thinking he doesn't look attractive or feeling inferior, and being immature on some issues. But I feel that immaturity is closely related to his feeling of inferiority that haunts him. Also, I feel like your future husband may have been untrustworthy in the past or have trouble trusting others because of those disappointments I mentioned earlier.
If you want to know more or something more specific: just ask me again!
Good luck <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hola preciosa!!! 🌸✨️💕🌼How are you holding up?💗 could I possibly get a free reading please? I (Dz)♌️☀️♀️ recently had a disagreement with CW (♎️☀️♀️) back in February that involved a lot of hurt feelings and misunderstandings that still hasn't been solved. I think both our trauma played a part in how we acted , but I explained my end of things and apologised for my (limited) part in it, but she did not. We've both been away and haven't been able to speak since, but I was wondering how she feels about the whole situation? She means so much to me but she was so harsh and hurtful, and I want to know if she regrets it, if she'll ever change her behaviour and apologise.
Thank you so much! 🌼♌️💗✨️♀️🌸🌺 I hope you are feeling better 💓 💕 ❤️ 💗
¡Hola, mi amor! I'm much better! And ready to help you with all your doubts!
The first thing I can advise you is to be patient and adopt a withdrawn character for a while. It's time to be very patient and let everything fall into place little by little.
Yes, there is a future and I see a certain "reconstruction" of your relationship, but there are many obstacles between the two of you right now and communication or a simple conversation can be somewhat complicated. If there were to be a conversation, it probably won't be as honest or as deep as you want it to be.
My cards warn CW may have kept things to herself and she hasn't told you everything she thinks in that argument you had. She may even know something, whether it's the subject you fought over or something else related, that she didn't mention that day and is still on her mind. It's very likely that CW is "testing the waters" and seeing what steps you take towards her. Something like analyzing you and your situation. I recommend you to be patient and do nothing else. If you have already taken the step and have tried to solve things: don't do anything else. There's no need.
Also, my cards emphasize again that CW isn't being very expressive or open and may be holding things back. This idea is repeated several times during your reading.
The Eight of Wands reversed announces delays in a possible rapprochement or any type of communication. CW may not know how to approach you or deal with the situation, but it's something for her to figure out. Talking to friends you have in common and seeking advice from people you trust can also help you. However, pride appears as one of the factors why you are separated right now. So you will have to be very patient.
Guilt and jealousy appear as elements that must be taken into account. You both seem to feel a lot of guilt about what happened in the past and it can be one of your main obstacles.
CW feels that her efforts aren't appreciated. Especially in the past. My cards announce these moments are to reap what was sown in the past. If CW has been good to you and vice versa, she will pick up positive things; if CW has been mean to you or vice versa, the negative will be picked up. The World reinforces this idea of ​​picking up and starting a new episode in your relationship. Now there is a closure in your relationship that can continue as a new stage or as an end to your relationship.
However, most of my cards talk about illusions that materialize in a happy future. If the situation between you is still negative, it will be fixed with the appearance of The World. The relationship will improve, which is the most important thing.
You asked me if I feel that she has reconsidered and changed her behavior. The Fool reversed doesn't speak to me of changes, but rather of distancing and stagnation. So right now I don't see any change or improvement from CW. I also don't feel like CW is quite ready to make the transformation she needs.
If you want to know something more specific: leave me an ask and we'll look at it. Good luck! <3
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hola, mi amor. Vine a darte mi feedback sobre la lectura de mi conexión con J. Primero, muchas gracias por responderme y tomarte un poco de tu tiempo para hacer esto. Increíble cómo al principio aparece la energía masculina y pronto se revela una conexión romántica. Señalaste cada detalle con precisión y lógica en situaciones que tienen perfecto sentido, aunque aún no han sido trabajadas pero estoy segura que lo serán en un futuro cercano, donde tendremos la oportunidad. Gracias por tus consejos, tienes un don increíble y una sensibilidad espiritual muy aguda. Sigue usando tu talento, llegarás lejos. Qué tengas un lindo día. Besitos 💖
P.S: Olvidé poner mi inicial pero eso no impidió que leyeras impecablemente. Puedes llamarme Sunshine.
¡Hola, Sunshine! Muchísimas gracias por tu feedback y, sobre todo, la energía que desprendes con tu mensaje. Se agradece mucho leer a gente tan llena de buena vibra y amor de vez en cuando. Muy alegre de leer que todo lo mencionado en la lectura resuena y pronto podrás poner en práctica lo aconsejado con J. Espero que todo vaya bien y te deseo la mayor felicidad. ¡Y estoy aquí para cuando necesites cualquier cosa! Deseo verte muy pronto otra vez entre mis notificaciones, que una luz tan bonita siempre es un placer verla. ¡Mucho ánimo y suerte, cariño! <3
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