aphhc · 6 years
Nazis were forced onto crystal meth. 
That means our own German, Ludwig Beilschmidt, was a druggie.
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aphhc · 6 years
The one who helps Elizabeta through her period cramps is Gilbert. He always has, even when she was married. Roderich was too scared of her mood swings and temper flares to even try to help. Gilbert, however, has always had an unhealthy lack of fear for his own life. He brought her ice packs, heat packs, warm towels and blankets, ice cream, feminine hygiene products, and gave her hip, shoulder, back, foot and leg rubs. He did her makeup, braided her hair, snuggled when she wanted to, and watched movies or tv with her.
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aphhc · 6 years
Gilbird is a female. However, she is a species of birds where sex is hard to tell without probing the cloaca, and Gilbert never doubted her being male. The ambiguity, lack of probing, and her never laying an egg has resulted in everyone assuming that she is a male. Elizabeta does feel something odd from her, however, probably stemming from being in the same position herself as a child.
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aphhc · 6 years
Elizabeta’s favourite memories from her childhood are to lazy afternoons with her best friend, lying on warm grass, napping under trees together, stealing apples from the neighbours trees, and the like. And as much as she wants to relive them, she can’t.
Because Gilbert died last year.
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aphhc · 6 years
Gilbert smokes. Ludwig hates this fact, but at the same time, he doesn’t want Gilbert to stop. Because it wouldn’t be Gilbert anymore. And Ludwig is sure that when Gilbert fades or dies, that he will continue to light cigarettes, just so he can feel like his brother is there with him again. Roderick is the same way, except for the fact that he /has/ chastised and scolded Gilbert for his bad habit.
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aphhc · 6 years
Ludwig and Autism
Speaking as an individual with Aspergers Syndrome, I can say that Ludwig possesses many traits of someone with Autism. He takes things literally, and Autism limits your ability to tell seriousness from sarcasm. He often gets frustrated easily, which, in my case, happens a lot because people don’t really understand me or my thoughts or thought patterns. Ludwig always wants to analyze and store every thought he has, which I know because in a few episodes, we are shown that his brain is filled with what look to be filing cabinets. He has trouble understanding emotions, of both himself and others, and this is another key symptom or trait of Autism. When he doesn’t understand something, he pours his heart and soul into learning everything he can about that subject, even forgoing his own health to learn more. I do this quite often as well, and my doctor says that it’s because of my Autism.
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aphhc · 6 years
I have a pretty fucked up headcanon about the Italy brothers
So basically, Lovino isn’t actually Felicianos older brother.
Now, that might not sound all that fucked up, but it gets weirder right here. To start this off, I also believe that some countries have both sexes, and both sexes work. Lovino is one of these nations.
Lovino is Rome’s son.
When he was a young teen, he and some unknown Germanic got busy and it resulted in Lovino falling pregnant.
For a long time, Lovino tried to hide his pregnancy, but he eventually had to tell Antonio and the father. The father decided that he didn’t want a baby, but since Lovino really wanted to let the baby live, he would support him through the pregnancy and the birth, but not raise the child with Lovino. Lovino accepted his choice, but was still disappointed and scared. At first, the father did drop by every day, and spend a lot of time with him and their baby to be. It stopped when he started going through morning sickness and from four months on, Antonio was on his own to help Lovi. The only time that the father came back was during the birth. After that, Lovino never heard from him again.
Lovino knew that, even with Antonio helping, he couldn’t raise the baby, so he gave it to Elizaveta and Roderich to raise.
They raised Feliciano, telling him that Lovino was his big brother. Feliciano has never figured out or been told otherwise.
This is why Lovino doesn’t want Feliciano to get involved with Ludwig. They’re too closely related, and he doesn’t want his son to get hurt like he did.
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aphhc · 6 years
Nazis were forced onto crystal meth. 
That means our own German, Ludwig Beilschmidt, was a druggie.
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aphhc · 6 years
Lovino forces himself through his flashbacks with his own dom, just to show Ludwig he’s a better sub than his brother.
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aphhc · 6 years
Antonio was the one who got Lovino hooked on heroin, and later on meth. He did this unintentionally.
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aphhc · 6 years
Feliciano was tortured on the stretching rack during the crusades. This is why he remains such a faithful Catholic boy to this day; he’s afraid that if he doesn’t do everything the bible says to the letter and lead a pacifist lifestyle, that the men and women who tortured him so long ago will come back and do it again. A similar story is true for Lovino, except Lovino was tortured on a different kind of device. This is why Feliciano is reluctant to try BDSM out wit Ludwig. It’s not that Feliciano doesn’t trust Ludwig, it’s that some of Ludwigs toys take him back to the pain and true fear he experienced as a child. Ludwig doesn’t know this, however, as when he asks what’s wrong after untying the little Italian and calms him down enough to have a conversation, Feliciano replies with only vague answers, and tells him not to worry about it. Because of this, poor Ludwig hasn’t gotten any in months.
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aphhc · 6 years
Even though Ludwig fit with Hitlers ideals, he would be punished harshly if he looked directly at his boss. This is because he was expressing insubordination to his leader. The punishment became harsher in the last years of the war.
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aphhc · 6 years
Nearly all the countries who have experienced wars have some form of PTSD. Micro nations usually don’t suffer from this, because they are new and haven’t experienced the bloody, gruesome wars and torture that other, older nations have.
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aphhc · 6 years
Antonio was the one who got Lovino hooked on heroin, and later on meth. He did this unintentionally.
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aphhc · 6 years
Ludwig is into vore. He keep mice to eat alive. Sometimes in meetings, he will bring a few to snack on. He tries to keep it a secret, but the others know, not that they would ever embarrass him by saying that. They first caught on when he would bring a hand from his briefcase to his mouth and then repeatedly swallow hard and thick, and they know he enjoys it because of the occasional soft moan that he just can’t catch, and the little squirms that he can’t control, and the grinding, and the fact that he stays late after meetings if he did this routine late in the meeting
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aphhc · 6 years
Because of his depression, Lovino tends to roll onto his front and pretend he wants sex, to apologize when he realizes that he is wrong. He also goes without food for long stretches of time, thinking that it will make people want him instead of his brother.
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aphhc · 6 years
The Lovino we see one the show is fake. Feliciano suffers from schizophrenia, and made him up, along with the interactions between him as an adult and all the other countries he interacts with. This is because the real Lovino hardly ever comes out of his room while not completely stoned. The only time we actually see the real Lovino is in the “Bedtime With The Italy Brothers” clip. It explains the violent and possessive nature he exhibits (choking his brother and threatening him if he doesn’t stop being with his friends), and also the more meek, shy demeanour we see closer to the end.
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