apekshashah · 3 years
Top 10 Women Entrepreneur in India 2021
Apeksha Fozdar: Entrepreneur with a Strong Passion of Revolutionizing the Business Realm
Nobody ever said that being a leader would be easy. If you’ve taken more than a couple of steps down the path, you know that leadership comes with challenges and complications at every stage. In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, organization leaders are expected to do much more with less; like leading a project from inception to completion with scarce resources, short delivery deadlines, and limited budgets. All of these while maintaining utmost efficiency and not to mention preserving the growth of the team members. This is possible only if an individual possesses some important skills & competencies like teamwork, responsibility, decision making, communication, trustworthiness, ethics, and most importantly leadership. Also, according to Richards and Engle, leadership is all about articulating visions, embodying values, and creating the environment within which things can be accomplished. Apeksha Fozdar, Founder, iContent, is one such leader who truly manifests the aforementioned quote as well as context.
Apeksha is an ace leader and a dual degree holder (Masters in Digital marketing and Masters of Commerce) whose contribution has been considered instrumental in the growth of every organization with which she has been associated to date, which includes Citibank, Crisil Research, Tata Group of companies, and Smmart Training. She has achieved success by seamlessly integrating her motivational, zealous, and goal-oriented attitude with exceptional leadership qualities. With a professional experience of 15+ years in the industry, and while working under several reputed corporates, Apeksha gained a lot of experience and expertise about businesses and the code-cracking factors related to it. However, she always had a spark inside her which led her to begin her entrepreneurial journey in 2014, establishing her own organization iContent. Apeksha, in an exclusive conversation with Women Entrepreneur India, divulges her secret to success.
How iContent came into existence? Also, what is ‘Entrepreneurship’ according to you?
While working in my previous workplaces, I learnt a lot of things, which also helped me to understand that specific treatment is required for each niche of business. The process of learning has been very natural to me. I consider it a necessity for both personal and professional career as it makes us capable of understanding and handling things in a better way in life. Also, as I was kind of very observant from the beginning, I did a need-gap analysis and realized that content writing is extremely essential for Indian clients to reach their target audience. That was the time when I decided to be at the right place, at the right time, which is ‘Entrepreneurship’, and this is how iContent was born.
For me, entrepreneurship is like - living a legacy. It comprises of lots of responsibilities and I actually like to take those responsibilities to create a better world around me. The basic traits of an entrepreneur are - ownership for their actions, responsibility for their work, healthy attitude and most importantly gratitude and care towards clients and co-workers. My endeavour is to excel in all of these traits while achieving success in the business of future that is so ahead of the curve.
Tell us about your offerings, and also the factor that differentiates you in the industry.
iContent is an organization that is predominantly involved in content writing and digital marketing. Our service portfolio includes content writing, branding, website designing, website development, and all the digital marketing operations such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Online Reputation Management (ORM), and more.
We are positioned uniquely in the market with our 360-degree approach, because with a belief that one size does not fit all; our team of passionate content writers, digital marketers, business brains, designers, web developers, and advertising experts are able to customize the solutions to meet the requirements of our clients. Also, we offer research-based solutions that are crafted with innovation & value-addition. This is a major factor that has helped us to achieve high customer retention rate.
Mention few of the milestones that bestowed you utmost satisfaction - both as an individual and a business owner.
Though there are many milestones, I would like to mention a couple of them, which I consider as the most prominent one. As a business owner, I would say, delivering 1000 projects in a time span of five years, which also means delivering one project every single day, is a major milestone of ours.
Talking as an Individual, despite having personal and professional life, meeting a number of entrepreneurs of various niches and understanding their concern areas and translating it into digital strategies is like a passion converted into a profession for me. This is also a chief milestone, which makes me proud and about which I can boast without hesitation.
What is waiting in the future for you and iContent?
In the coming years, we expect to enhance our service portfolio beyond regular digital marketing and content writing. The aim is to add solutions pertaining to the education realm. We also have started new Hobby venture named Hobby turtle’ that caters to some few lakh of the young and enterprising children. Apart from that, for myself plan for becoming a serial digital entrepreneur is in the pipeline.
 Key Management:
Apeksha Fozdar, Founder
A dual degree holder and a business leader, Apeksha is an individual who also has a rich experience of ten years as a seasoned content writer. She is following her passion to create a niche for herself in the business realm.
Quote: “She has achieved success by seamlessly integrating her motivational, zealous, and goal-oriented attitude with exceptional leadership qualities”
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apekshashah · 4 years
Website Content Writing
What is a conceptual website content writing?
Decoding nuances of brand fit website content writing
Conceptual website content writing is a contemporary phenomenon. This kind of content is idea-driven which normally takes control of the brand style and pursues writing for its a website with a clear definition of what’s estimated in results out of the website and its correlating designs.
One idea. One website. Complementing content to design and features. That’s what conceptual <a href=”https://icontent.co.in/website-content-writing/” title=”website content writing”>website content writing</a> is all about. Let me explain:
Like how you come up with ideas for campaigns? Similarly, you have to come up with a theme for the website. This theme is then translated into a tagline for the website which gets the ball rolling to write creative content for the website. Mind you, you can go all out with your ideas but remember they have to sync in with the designs, features and key messaging of the website.
Now how to come up with ideas for the website? Well, creative website content writing is agile in nature and it needs a lot of attention while planning out the information architecture of the website. While your developers and designers can give you their inputs, you must keep in mind that eventually website content writing is the backbones of how people will perceive the website in totality.
SEO content writing services
Now you’ll think, what about SEO keywords? How to fit them for them to be in line with SEO requirements? See, here’s a simple trick of the trade that will come handy when you design content for the website. Here’s how:
If your keyword is let’s say, ‘ Binge eating’ and your theme is heath pro for a gym website then use ‘Binge eating’ to your advantage by talking about the ill-effects of ‘binge eating’ on health and how exercising is even more so important for your target audience.
Target Audience
Map out your target audience well in advance while planning the theme of the website. It is your target interpretation that most often than not helps you come up with brilliant themes for the website. Always ensure the interpretation of more than two to three types of TG for your website content writing to be diverse yet streamlining the essential messaging for all of the three types in totality.
PS: But please don’t abuse keywords. Use them strategically and if you’re lucky enough, your SEO team will help you strategize the placement of keywords in the content planning phase.
What precedes good design and web development is quality and relevant website content writing. Place the most important to the central theme of the website in all phases of website development. A writer has to be responsible for the translation of the website idea right from the beginning until its completion.
Website content writing services
The writer has to make sure that design and content flow together in a seamless fashion, to say the least. It all needs to add up together, you know what I mean?
As Ayn Rand says, “Nothing can be reasonable or beautiful unless it’s made by one central idea, and the idea sets every detail.” So you see? The trick is to position the idea at the very center of its development.
Website content writing services usually helm the development of the website from A to Z. To all your website content writers out there! This blog’s for you. This one’s to enhance your knowledge on the nuances of website content writing so that you can churn out the best thematic content there is thereby transforming website content writing services for good.
Okay here’s one from the secret closet of a seasoned website content writer – Map your target audience, understand their behavior patterns, understand their financial strength to actually buy the service your brand is offering and only then conceptualize to bring out the need for them to buy the product. Remember: Website content to complement this need all through the website writing services.
Although the designers are creative in their own expertise so just leave your thoughts with them and let them do the magic.
So what do website content writers understand from this blog on conceptual website content writing?
·        1. Map a TG for the product
·         2. Innovate in terms of the idea
·         3. Co-ordinate with designers
·         4. Strategize SEO implementation
·         Make sure the features of the website complement the overall theme of the website
Website content writing is a thrill and only true writers will experience the unforgettable ride of creating a masterpiece through their website content writing services. It’s a skill and when strategized well, website content writers can revel in the success of the website launch.
The concept that agrees well with all stakeholders of the website is what determines the success of the website.
So, website content writers go ahead conceptualize and remember hard work is teamwork and teamwork is good work!
For enquiries feel free to get in touch on:[email protected]
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apekshashah · 7 years
SEO Content Writing Services:
Researched ,Refined and relevant content
Want your visitors eyeballs glued to your website???
Want your web Content that live your personality ???
We believe in crafting compelling content which is purely original and genuine.We also make sure that the Content ,we deliver has an iota of H1,H2 tags and optimal density of keywords. This methodology acts as the prime supplement for Search Engine optimization and eventually  generating business. Our unique and researched content has made us the best SEO Content Writing Services Company globally. We understand that onlookers would spend only a few seconds on your website and decide whether to buy the product or not.Considering this, we make sure that the product descriptions written on the eCommerce website are attractive, appropriate and mentions each and every detail necessary for impulsive purchase.
Our richly experienced team has a complete knowledge of the science of changing human behavior and attitude offcourse blended with the art of content writing and the latest techniques of prominent search engines. Thus, our 360 -degree dimensional proficiency makes us the best website content writing services India and abroad.We are focused on the goal of customer conversion and engagement.
Our SEO Content Writers in India based at Mumbai infuse content that acts as a orater which narrates through your website and depicts the clear picture of your business. This helps in  transforming your prospective customers to potential customers and beat competition.
With changed Google algorithm content is the only resource to climb the top position on the World Wide Web. Your website is an extremely powerful sales tool and only smart sales executive in the cyberspace . Our web content shall be drafted with Unique and descriptive META tags (Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, ALT Tags), headings, subheadings for the search engines.
Hire content writers for website from iContent and make the smart move with the dominant weapon of internet marketing i.e. the content.
For connecting with us : mail us at :[email protected] or call us on : 9870065900 or visit our website : www.icontent.co.in
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