aonireve-blog · 6 years
(The good and bad experiences) Life isn’t just having good experiences, nothings perfect. Perhaps everyone is capable in experiencing either good or bad experiences. Not just good, or on the other way not just only bad. It is always together, if there’s good, there’s also a bad because again nothings perfect in this world. As well as in school, who serve as my second home where I study, and met peoples. Here in school, I suffered a lot, cause me too much pain, troubles, difficulties, struggles, and makes me depress, but on the other hand despite of those negativity, in this school which I also as call my second home, also made me feel happy, to feel complete, teaches me how to smile, how to fight, how to cope up, how to stand up, how to be brave, and even how to be positive even there’s a lot of negativity. As a senior high school student of Perpetual Help College of Manila I experienced a lot of good and bad things here in school. For staying almost 2 years here in school, including past which I was in grade 11 and up until now in the present where I am grade 12, I could say that, it’s hard to be a student, I mean nothing in this world is easy you must have to work hard to achieve your desire goals in life. I didn’t focus on the basic and typically good and bad things what a student can experience in school. I’ll share my own experience regarding on what happened in my life as a senior high school student here in perpetual. Way back in my grade 11, starting from the first day I enter this school which is the first day of class. I can recall few people who also studied in my school when I was in junior high school. And I’m friendly, loud, and jolly person so having friend at first day of school isn’t hard for me. I manage to have friends at the first day of class. I still remember how happy I am before, where I have someone which I call friends. Earlier at first semester in my grade 11 was good, spending time with them, doing school works, eating lunch or going out if its break time or vacant time, hanging out outside school, and other stuff that a group of friends could do. I still remember how I and my friends shared laughter, cracking jokes, and other stuffs that remind me how to be happy. Everything was good, until one day when I woke up the friends I used to know was no longer my friend anymore. The rainbow or colorful world turns into black and white in just one snap. That makes me feel sad, disappointed, hopeless, and even makes me depressed. Imagine the feeling where you have friends, but then one day you woke up you have nothing but just yourself. I’m all alone in my world colored black and white. The smiles started to fade, those laughter changes into tears, which every day at school I just wish to die. The room is full of students, but I’m deaf hearing the noise inside the room knowing I’m not part of it because I felt I’m just nobody. It took a more than month, where I suffered and believe that school isn’t home anymore because the family I treated is not there for me and left me all alone. But after those nightmares, after I lived in hell, I met amazing people that I could call as my friends or more than a friend which are my best-friends. In the saying it says that there’s a rainbow always after the rain. And yes, I believe in that because those amazing people changes my depressing life that after those difficulties and struggles in my life, they’re there for me, they got my back and help me to fight and stand up with those things that makes me down. They let me realize my worth, and they also serve as a true friend for me and also more than of it as my family. My friends or my family in school who encourage me, motivate me, and lift me up from the bad things I experienced before, are the one who serves as my strength, happiness, and the one who’s always there for me despite of my imperfections. That’s the good thing i experienced is where I met them in my senior high school life. And until now I’m grade 12 student, the people who accepted me and lift me up is still there for me. I highlighted my happiest and saddest part I experienced in school I disregard those struggles in academics, in strict and brutal professors, payments, educational system, and other that also affect my life. Because basically, studying isn’t easy, you have to pursue, or to strive harder and pass all those circumstances in life, in school in order for you to achieve your dreams or goals in life. We as a human or a person, we all have different emotional capacity. Sometimes it might be heavy for me but not for you or in vice versa but that doesn’t mean my feelings are invalid. The thing I shared is all about my experiences here in Perpetual Help College of Manila as a Senior High School Students. It’s not perfect, it has good and bad sides, but what makes it amazing is where I fight all those bad things, and make those things good. Also made me to become a better and stronger person unlike before I’m just weak but now I fully managed and realized things that there’s always a good and bad things in life that you should have to handle it no matter how hard.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
I’m presenting to everyone this luggage, this is much useful. Where in fact you can use it as a travel bag, a handy luggage bag that you can bring and it’ll nicely fit your clothes or things inside of it. Whenever you travel, just bring this luggage and it wouldn’t be hassle for you since it handy, easy to use, and durable as a luggage bag. No matter how far you go, even miles miles away from your house, just bring this luggage bag for your things. And i’ll guaranteed that your things that kept inside is safe. Handy and durable luggage bag it is safe to use especially for travelling or going to someone that you need clothes to put inside.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
It was a sunny day, the sun is shining, and hot weather was there. Since it was summer, typically i wore swim clothes. Where in fact i’m not a girly type who wear bathing suits, two-piece, one-piece or other sexy swim wear that any slim type girl could wear. You can interpret it in many ways, like you can simply think that i’m waiting for someone, or you can even say that i’m thinking for someone or something that’s why i’m looking on the right. Thinking if there’s a chance that it would come back to me or i could have it. The real thing there is the story behind there, or behind of this picture is that i’m looking on my right side part where i am thinking how far i could travel while reaching my dreams. That how many miles, or just like a sea which has no ending that i’ll keep tracking and reaching my goals and dreams with no certain ending. I can say in that picture is that, no matter how far, no matter how long the distance, no matter how long the time i can consume don’t give up. Just strive harder, life isn’t about race who finish first, it’s about surviving until you reach your goal or contentment in life. Just keep going because life isn’t always easy. Just like the ocean full of waves, fishes, and sea creatures that serves as a problem or difficulties in life. The story behind of it, is just keep going no matter how hard the life is.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
I don’t have specific fashion, i just wear clothes regarding on what i want to wear. My clothes also reflect to who i am. That every part of my fashion can says that this is me because everything reflects the whole me. It’s just a simple long sleeves color mustard yellow, yellow is my happy color. It calms and brighten my mood. I say that yellow is my happy color as well as my favorite color. Then wearing a shorts, makes me feel comfortable. And it doesn’t says that i’m a flirty or i want to be treated rude by someone who saw me wearing this kind of clothes. And a pair of shoes, i’m not a girly type girl who wear heels, or doll shoes. I’m prefer wearing sneakers it is much comfortable for me, and this is the type of the shoes i want to wear. Also reflects to my personality that i’m not that feminine girl who exist in this world.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
There’s a different between a house and a home, I myself live in a simple home. A home where me and my family live, it’s not just a simple house because that house filled with love and people who love me the most that’s why I called it home not just a house. It might not be big, fancy, or elegant just like other rich people out there, not that you may call palace where royal bloods live, but a simple small house where everyone is happy and contented living with their place. A two floor house where my parents raise me started when I was born and up until now in the present where I am studying as a senior high school student. Before the first floor is our living room, where the sofa set is there the television where we watch and my computer set where I play when I was a child. I still remember how we bond as a family there, where we love watching movies and television shows. I still remember how our living room filled with bright, love, and happy people or a family inside of it. When you go upstairs, you can see where we sleep. The room, bed, and other stuffs in the house but that were before when I was a child. Where it always scares me when i go upstairs because the lights in the second floor was always turned off since everyone are spending most of their time downstairs in the living room. Every child is afraid of the dark that’s why as a child before I believe our house filled with ghost since our second floor is too dark and the lights was always closed. Years pass, more than a decade there’s a lot of changes in our house. The two floor house before, is still two floor house now yet the difference is that the first floor use as a computer shop it filled a lot of computers and make it as a business. The living room I used to know before is transferred upstairs. Where the room upstairs was limited and the sofa is placed there so the second floor before which is the scariest part of our house changed and turn into such a happy living room. The first floor which filled with computers on it, is a happy place too, people who happily play with our computer made it such a happy place. Our house is cheap but convenient place to live. By illustrating our house using words may not be exciting place for you but for me it’s everything and I can say that “there’s no place like home.” In the first floor, the details of it consist bathroom, little kitchen where my mom used to cook, and especially our small business which is computer shop. When you go upstairs in the second floor, you can see there our dining area where we eat, the sofa which is the living area which we stay every time we are going to watch television or whatever we do. Also there’s a little place for me there, which my dad made for me and for my younger sister and also a room for my mom and dad. Our walls and ceiling is painted by pink, which is I and my mom favorite color. Nothing special with its detail but what makes it special it’s I and my family living contentedly. No matter how big or small your house it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy and contented on the things you has. It’s not about the structure of house, but the things inside the house which matters the most. I don’t need such a big place, huge house, and other things which only rich people have. I am happily and contented, even it’s just a small house I can call it home where I and my family live.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
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MY FAVORITE FOOD There’s a lot of food out there which I found delicious but if I have to decide only one food, I can say that “ice cream” is my favorite food. Not just favorite, but a comfort food for me as well. I am a person who loves sweet too much, that I cannot live in this world without eating sweet foods. That’s why; ice cream is my favorite food, yet my best friend when I feel down, my comfort food, and the one that cheers me up when I’m sad and upset. Seven eleven has the cheapest convenient store who sells cheap but delicious ice cream that only cost fifteen pesos. Imagine, you can have an ice cream with just fifteen pesos, where you can also choose your desire flavor. The available flavors are, vanilla, chocolate, and sometimes ube, but the vanilla one is my favorite of all time. Eating an ice cream in a waffle cone really makes me happy. You can found it funny, immature, and childish act of mine but I don’t care I love ice cream so much where in fact I can eat large amount of ice cream all by myself. Seven eleven is the place where I go when I’m bored, when I’m waiting with my friends, when I’m happy, and even when I’m sad. Like what I’ve said that was the cheapest place I can go to buy an ice cream, that’s why every time I pass by with seven eleven there’s a chance that I would by ice cream even though I don’t have much money. One thing, an ice cream also cheers me up when no one else could. That’s why I’m too much grateful with an ice cream, which consist main ingredients of milk and sugar that can ease these sadness in me. I’m just a simple person, which everyone can make me happy in a simplest, easiest, and inexpensive way that you can also offer to a kid out there. You can make me happy or complete my day with just buying me an ice cream in the said convenient store which is the seven eleven.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
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Just keep on going Life isn't easy, everyone just have to keep going in order to achieve dreams and goals in life. I as a normal girl, who were born just like an ordinary people in this world. Who faces many challenges and experiences in life, and still pursuing to achieve my dreams, my goals, and still surviving even though things comes into my life. All i can do at infancy stage are just to sleep, eat, cry, and laugh. Just like what other new born baby do, up to 18 months. I was born in December 15 year 2000 and named after a famous game in 2000's. That game is final fantasy, and the main character was named Rinoa. That's why my name is Rinoa Eve aRinoa. My second name is Eve from the bible, they got this idea because i'm the only child before and since Eve is the first girl that God created my parents named me after it. In the infacy stage nothing is too special I just always stay at my crib, or sometimes in my parents bed. All i can drink is my milk, it serves as my food to grow up. The funniest but common thing is i cry everytime i don't get my milk, but right after i have my milk i'll stop crying. The cutest thing i remember is when i played with my parents. I used to make fun with them in that age, play with me, and laugh till i get tired. Lastly, in infancy stage i just always wait myself to sleep because everytime i sleep, i think that i'm growing up. In this point, which is 18 months to 3 years old i grew up a little bit. I learned how to crawl, to walk, to swim, and enjoy my early childhood stage. This is the time where i don't have problems, all i have to do is to eat, sleep, play, and wait for me to grow old. I remember, i'm the jolliest and the cutest noa in the whole world. I used to crawl at this stage, and i also learned how to walk at this stage my only problem is my milk, when my parents aren't in my side, when i want something, when i want to play, and some stuffs that child do. I still remember i used to ride in push cart everytime we go to supermarket to buy some groceries. I used to swim in batya and play with the water. Play with my mom and my dad since i don't have siblings before. I miss those moments where i'm happy, where i enjoy life, wish i could be in early childhood stage again. Life isn't always happy, theres a story in my early childhood. It happened when i was in 3 years old turning 4. Until now i still remember that caused me sadness, i may be over acting but i can't forget those things. Last 14 years, it was my parents wedding day. The special occasion in their entire life, it was a happy wedding they both love each other but the saddest part for me is i'm not included in that wedding. That i'm not belong, i just left in my grandma's house. Imagine it's their wedding day, i'm their only child that time but they didn't let me to come with them. My early childhood wasn't really happy it also have a sad part just like in other stories. In my late childhood, i started coming to school. Starting to nursery, kinder, and grade schools. This was the time where i learned something from school and outside the house. I'm growing up, and starting to be aware outside the house, which is the real world. That when i go outside the house my mom and my dad wasn't always there to protect me so i settled my mind that i have to be strong and independent even at this age. I also started having friends at this stage, i have friends in school which is my classmates, and friends outside my house just to play with me. I learned how to social to other people that until now i'm still friendly to others. I met good and bad peoples outside the real world, someone helped me and someone put me down. My favorite part when i was in late childhood is when i wear my school uniform. That's the cutest thing, for others it was scary but for me it is the exciting thing in my late childhood life. The routine is always like that, every weekdays i come to school, and every weekends i used to play in my computer. Even though i'm just a child back then, playing computer games is my favorite hobby. I also play with my childhood friends outside, but playing computer games for me that time is much enjoy. Aside from playing computer games, and playing outside, i also had a dog named eight. I used to play with my dog, and i'm a dog lover. Grade school occurred, playing outside still excite me but not like that when i was in nursery. There are big difference, before i used to play and enjoy my life. But at grade school, especially when i stepped in 5th grade to 6th grade. Everything has change, this is the time where i was in the wrong people. Bad people manipulates me to do something against on the rules of my parents. They served as bad influence for me, and didn't help me to become a better person. I made bad decisions here, but it serves me as a lesson especially on the time where i was getting ready because adolescence is about to occur i should be ready and prepare for this thing because i'm about to escape the being child, because i'm about to end the being child going to teenager which is the adolescence. Until now in my adolescence i'm still studying, having fun, enjoying my life, facing problems, difficulties but still fighting even if its hard. Being adolescence is much harder that i thought. Before when i was a child, i just cry because i don't have milk or i want to play but now i cry for some reasons. This is the point of my life where i want to give up, but giving up is not the solution. There are lots of events happened in my junior high school days. I met amazing friends, struggled in academics, performed extra curricular and other stuffs. I was a varsity player in soccer when i was in junior high school. I used to play soccer and compete with other teams inside and outside the school. Junior high school life put me too much pressured, especially in academics. That i need to aim high, i need to pass everything for me to get high grades. In this stage i started to feel depressed, enjoying and play time aren't present anymore. It's like you should take your responsibility well in order for you to be seen as a good students and as a good daughter as well. This stage was the hardest part of my life, that i badly need to choose between happiness and responsibility. It felts me that i'm prison in this world, that you just have to do your task or job but cannot see the world outside. That time, it made me feel that being child and adult is a different story. Being adult means big responsibilities unlike being a child that i should take care of myself or someone will take care of me just because i'm just a child. Unlike now, the pressure is present i can say it's really hard, but yet i'm here still alive, still surviving. Senior high school is much harder, before i thought junior high school is hard but now senior high school si much harder than i thought. Educational system felt me that i'm not a human being, that i'm just a robot that i don't deserve to get tired, i don't deserve to rest that i just need to work hard, and i don't have choice but just to work hard. Life isn't easy like what i've always said. There was a time to the point i became depressed, anxieties killing me inside, but i don't have choice but to smile. The friends i knew before are not my friends anymore, and saddest part that kills me is i'm just alone and no one theres for me. But luckily with the help of God, i managed to survive those difficulties i faced in life. I do have friends and i'm continuing my life just like what i'm doing before. It's not easy being at this point, that there are some point that i missed being child and not to worry things around me. That i only worried when i got scars while playing, when i'm hungry, unlike now theres a bigger responsibility in my life as an adolescence. Things might fall apart, or things might not goes on what i've plan. But theres a reason, and a purposes in everything happens in my life. Starting from infancy up to the present as an adolescence, i believe that if i pursue hard there are things that i can gain the future. I just have to keep going no matter how hard the situation, no matter how long the road, no matter how many problems and difficulties, i just have to be me and bring out the best in me. Even things are falling apart, theres a rainbow always after the rain so theres a always a hope after those pains. I just need to strive hard in order to reach my dreams.
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
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"Mga apat na letra" Sisimulan ko sa salitang "tula" Apat lamang na letra, ngunit maipapahayag lahat ng nadarama. "Tula" na para sayo lamang ginawa. At kahit kailan hinding hindi magiging para sa iba. Salita man ay hindi tugma, O malayo sa bokabolaryo ng isang tula, Ngunit asahan mong bawat letra't salita, Ay para sayo lamang, at wala nang iba. Gaya ng pag tibok ng aking puso, Panibagong apat na letrang aking nabuo, Apat lamang na letra ang salitang "puso" Ngunit kapag ika'y nawala lahat ay guguho. Puso ay mawawasak at magdurugo, Kaya hinihiling na sana'y huwag kang maglaho. "Puso" rin ang dahilan kung bakit ka minamahal, Parang dati, ikaw ay laman lamang ng aking mga dasal, Dasal na tinupad ng poong maykapal, Ibinigay ka sakin at ako'y iyong minamahal. Nakilala ka't dumating sa buhay ko, Isang matamis na oo, ang narinig ng dalawang tenga ko. Na naging dahilan upang maging "tayo" Panibagong apat na letra sa tulang ito. "Tayo" na binubuo ng ikaw at ako. Ikaw at ako na hanggang dulo. Nagkaron ng tayo, dahil mayroong ikaw at ako. Ngunit "ikaw" ang pinaka espesyal sa lahat ng apat na letrang nabuo ko. Ikaw, na mahal ko. Ikaw, na mahal din ako. Pinaka espesyal ka sa buong mundo, Bukod sa namumukod tangi ka dito, Ikaw kasi ang dahilan kung bakit naging maayos ako. Ikaw ang nagpabago ng ikot, at bumuo sa sira sira kong mundo. Hindi man ikaw ang aking mundo, Ikaw naman ang ninanais ko makasama dito sa mundo. Hawak lamang ang iyong kamay, Maglalakbay tayo ng sabay, Hinding hindi bibitawan ang kamay mo, Patuloy lang hanggang sa dulo. Hindi sapat ang mga salita, upang mailarawan kita. Dahil walang eksaktong salita ang makakapag larawan sa kung sino at ano ka. Kulang ang mga salita, kulang ang letrang ang ginagawa, Dahil "ikaw", ang apat na letrang hindi sasapat sa bawat salita sa letrang aking nagawa. Iba ka sa lahat, at wala kang katulad, Kaya masasabi kong ako'y pinagpalad. Ikaw ay masasabi kong hindi perpekto, Ngunit nagiisang tao na sa akin ay kumukumpleto. Susundan ko ng "sana" ang huling apat na letra sa tulang ito. Simple lang ang mga "sana" na tumatakbo sa isip ko. Sana, ay may isang ikaw palagi sa aking puso, Na kahit matapos itong tulang aking binubuo, Ay mayroon paring matatawag na "tayo" Na magmamahalan hanggang dulo. Wawakasan ko na ang tulang ginagawa, Ngunit hindi kailanman mag wawakas ang pag ibig ko sayo sinta. Patuloy lamang na mamahalin ka, Hanggang sa malagutan na ako ng hininga. Dito na ko titigil sa paglikha, Ng mga letra't salita, Ihihinto na ang pag gawa, Ang tulang aking pinamagatang "mga apat na letra."
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aonireve-blog · 6 years
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“Don’t be a careless blogger”
Blogging is about a person journaling certain topics or ideas on his/her personal weblog. Creating a blog post isn't hard as long as you know how to create one and writing a blog isn't just about you post something and not become aware of what you've posted. After hearing Mr. Kris Lugay's talk I became wary about blogging that there's a process of creating or writing a blog which I learned from him and I should be more careful on what I'm going to post on a website as a blog. I also became more curious about the Blogging world and thought about the danger and possible problem one blogger or blog post can get. Just like what Mr. Lugay said, a blog post can possibly see by many people. One blog post can get a hundred critiques.
In order to achieve a good blog post, there are things you should fulfill. Based on Mr. Kris Lugay's talk, before you can create a blog you must have an account first in any website that you can post your blog. In our case, Mr. Lugay taught us how to make an account on Tumblr. The next thing he taught to us is about on how we write the blog. There are some steps in order to achieve a proper blog post. First, you should plan on what you'll write or post. Next thing is to choose a topic that interests you, and after that, you have to make an outline for your blog. For an outline, it consists of five parts, the planning part, writing part, rewriting or editing, optimizing, and lastly wrap up to your conclusion.  He also discussed the different type of blogs like a Reverse Blog, Media Blog, and Personal Blog. After hearing those things, there's a part inside of me that who wants to explode because blogging really excites me a lot. I want to create my own blog for me to share or express these ideas, feelings, emotions, and thoughts, in form of a blog. But then again, it’s not just about you post something, I learned that you should be careful on the things you write or post in your blog because it’s not just about you and your blog because there’s someone who can read it once you post it.
My mind filled with lots of ideas and information after hearing Mr. Lugay's talk about the blogging world. Blogging isn’t really hard. It can be an informative content or even a cheerful diary post. Everyone can be a blogger. But somehow, you need to have a full knowledge about blogging and the consequence of it. It’s not just about one person posting whatever he/she wants. But it’s about considering yourself, a blogger, and everyone, your reader. It takes a lot of effort on posting content on your website and also it takes a lot of understanding and accepting criticisms from everyone.
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