anxietygall · 5 years
There are lots of ways to help in political crises. Protesting, voting, joining unions, calling your asshole representatives so they know their days in office are numbered, making sure people know their rights, protecting immigrants and minorities-in-general who live in your neighborhood, etc. are all good,
but in terms of the human rights violations happening in America right now, here’s something more immediate you can do.
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fairfightbondfund.org/ lgbtqfund.org/ communitybondproject.org immigrantfamilies.org freedomforimmigrants.org
If you’re in a financial place to make donations, check out these links. If not, spreading the word on any tangible way to make a difference will help; if you have a twitter, you could retweet the original thread here: twitter.com/sarahmirk/status/1143201552657575937
I don’t usually make these posts myself, but my influence on Twitter is practically nil, so here I am.
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anxietygall · 5 years
Ridiculous yet effective ways to deal with Executive Dysfunction
Dealing with executive dysfunction and ADHD becomes so much easier when you stop trying to do things the way you feel like you should be able to do them (like everyone else) and start finding ways that actually work for you, no matter how “silly” or “unnecessary” they seem.
For years my floor was constantly covered in laundry. Clean laundry got mixed in with dirty and I had to wash things twice, just making more work for myself. Now I just have 3 laundry bins: dirty (wash it later), clean (put it away later), and mystery (figure it out later). Sure, theoretically I could sort my clothes into dirty or clean as soon as I take them off and put them away straight out of the dryer, but realistically that’s never going to be a sustainable strategy for me.
How many garbage bins do you need in a bedroom? One? WRONG! The correct answer is one within arms reach at all times. Which for me is three. Because am I really going to get up to blow my nose when I’m hyperfocusing? NO. In allergy season I even have an empty kleenex box for “used tissues I can use again.” Kinda gross? Yeah. But less gross than a snowy winter landscape of dusty germs on my desk.
I used to be late all the time because I couldn’t find my house key. But it costs $2.50 and 3 minutes to copy a key, so now there’s one in my backpack, my purse, my gym bag, my wallet, my desk, and hanging on my door. Problem solved.
I’m like a ninja for getting pout the door past reminder notes without noticing. If I really don’t want to forget something, I make a physical barrier in front of my door. A sticky note is a lot easier to walk past than a two foot high cardboard box with my wallet on top of it.
Executive dysfunction is always going to cause challenges, but often half the struggle is trying to cope by pretending not to have executive dysfunction, instead of finding actual solutions.
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anxietygall · 5 years
-Getting frustrated at not being able to do something you want in the way you want it
-feeling so so tired and drained all the time
-getting overstimulated and not knowing what to do with yourself
-having so much noise in your head that you cant turn down or force away
-people complaining how loud or soft you talk and you cant explain that you have a hard time controlling it
-having a really hard time making friends and keeping them
-you can never find something that interests you for more than a week
-executive dysfunction is something that almost never goes away
-having days so bad you cannot get anything done or done well
-feeling so angry for seemingly no reason
-you cant get to sleep easily and staying asleep is even harder
-being the last person to finish a project almost all the time
-when you do find a special interest, youre made fun of for it so you lose interest
-Always forgetting things and coming across and uncaring
-just…the way people see you in general
-you’re really smart! Too bad you cant find a good way to exhibit your talents in a way that actually makes sense to you
-you have to be doing something else to pay attention (ex: drawing, fidgeting, etc etc)
-when theres too many people talking its so overwhelming
Theres more but…. Feel free to add it yourself if you can think of more
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anxietygall · 5 years
You might have ADHD if:
~Looks like a bomb went off in your room/kitchen/office
~you are a literal magpie
~you think about thinking about thinking about something and then you can't remember wtf Steve was just saying to you.
~omg omg omg I fucked up again wtf brain focus.
~you chant "everything has a place and everything in it's place" to try and remember.
~shit. Where are my keys.
~ you have a dragons horde of shineys/fidgets
~you have found your phone in your fridge.
~must be perfect. Must succeed. Cannot fathom that other people half ass shit.
~read paragraph. Rereads... Rereads again. Too busy thinking about the reading and the importance of remembering to remember.
~ your car looks like you live in it
~5 min late ... To all things. All the time. All the things.
~drymouth cus oh shit I forgot to drink anything.
~wtf where is my phone. I literally just had it *looks everywhere for 15 min while having a panic attack about always forgetting things and oh god you can never ever to anything ri---- it's in your back pocket.
~neurotypical people just don't get it sometimes
~just because I can't focus on what we are watching, doing, playing for long bursts of time does not mean I don't care.
~concentration takes MENTAL ENERGY. Sometimes im out of fucking spoons
~*crying over losing a fork
~*crying over forgetting something you needed
~hyperfocus on one thing for hours, can't focus for 5 damn min on a TV show.
~can clock your brethren at 50 paces. #actuallyadhd #adhd
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anxietygall · 5 years
Me: hey maybe We should do things in moderation, a little at a time over the course of days
My ADHD brain: No!!! We do it NOW!!! All at once!!! Then never do it again for weeks!!
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anxietygall · 5 years
Tips & suggestions for rough days/weeks. ʚ♡ɞ
• Freshen up. Take a bath, have a shower, use some baby wipes, brush your hair, or put on some deodorant.
• Eat something, and have a drink! It can be anything. A sandwich? Some fruit? A cereal bar? Some pasta? Literally anything will do. Your body needs fuel, it’s okay to eat, I promise.
• Take a nap. Sleep for 10 minutes, or an hour, whatever you feel you need. When you wake up make your bed.
• If you’re at school/college/work then pop to the bathroom for 5 minutes - splash your face with cold water, spray on some perfume, and freshen up your makeup if you’d like to.
• Have a hot drink.
• Write down a list of your life goals, even if they seem impossible to reach.
• Cry. Cry as hard as you need to. It’s okay to cry, it’s natural.
• Tidy something - your desk, your bed, your bookshelf, anything will do. It’ll help you feel productive.
• Wear your favourite shirt/pair of socks/piece of jewellery/hairband. Put on your favourite eyeshadow or lipstick, or wear your hair in your favourite style.
• Remember that you’ll be alright. As impossible as it seems, these shitty times will eventually pass. Until then - keep fighting. The battle is a hard one, but it’s completely worth it. You’re going to have relapses, falls, and big dips. And that’s okay. Recovery isn’t linear, it’s up and down and all wibbly wobbly. But hang in there, because you’re doing amazing.
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anxietygall · 5 years
PSA about ADHD
✦ADHD is not a personality quirk
- some things that tag along with ADHD are:
        ~sensory processing disorder
        ~executive dysfunction
        ~poor fine motor skills
        ~sensory overloads (that lead to meltdowns)
        ~sensory seeking (self stimming)
        ~moderate to severe memory problems
        ~Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria- is an extreme emotional sensitivity and emotional pain triggered by the perception that one is being rejected, teased, or criticized. The emotional response is complete with suicidal ideation and people suffering from RSD often get misdiagnosed with serious personality disorders. RSD is only seen in people with ADHD and the emotional sensitivity/reaction is much more severe than that of a neurotypical person.
✦Some other “fun” ADHD things! 
          ~inability to regulate emotions
          ~no concept of time
          ~noticeable public stimming (resulting in stares from neurotypicals) 
          ~no impulse control
          ~listen but cannot absorb what is being said 
          ~no volume control 
          ~increased inability to focus when emotional
          ~difficulty stopping a task and transitioning to the next 
          ~social anxiety
          ~higher levels on generalized anxiety
          ~extremely forgetful 
          ~”all or nothing” mentality  
@ neurotypicals- some things to be aware of: 
- you cannot hyperfixate. only people who are neurodivergent can hyperfixate. please don’t use that word when describing your latest obsession :-)
- please don’t stare at neurodivergent people who are stimming in public
- be respectful of those who actually need fidget toys so they can subtly stim in public 
- if we forget something you tell us it is not because we don’t care, we just have a million other thoughts racing through our mind and no way to filter through them. 
- please be gentle with us. no don’t tip toe around us and treat us like we aren’t human, but be aware that even offhand comments can trigger RSD. no we aren’t being too sensitive, our brains are wired differently than yours. 
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anxietygall · 5 years
Good things about ADHD:
-hyperfocusing lets you forget your anxiety and have fun with something you enjoy without getting distracted for literally hours
-you’re always making yourself laugh bc of some dumb meme you just remembered
-your brain is a constant source of entertainment bc it never shuts up
-you tend to be pretty creative
-it’s pure bliss when you’re super interested in something
-when you’re motivated you can get so much done in one day bc of an overflow of energy
-people think you’re funny
Bad things about ADHD:
-hyperfocusing means you completely lose track of time and suddenly you haven’t eaten for six hours so you feel terrible and also you’ve forgotten to feed the cat and do the dishes and study and
-you forget everything. EVERYTHING.
-your brain is a constant source of pain bc it never shuts up
-RSD is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened
-the lows are just as big as the highs so depression is very deep
-when you’re not interested in something it’s torture bc boredom is torture
-when you’re not motivated or interested it’s incredibly hard to get anything done
-when your family/friends/anyone doesn’t take ADHD seriously and doesn’t understand how much you actually suffer
( this is obviously just my own personal experiences )
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anxietygall · 5 years
If you’re one of those people who thinks executive dysfunction only happens for things we don’t like (school, cleaning,) then please consider the fact that I’ve been meaning to plug my phone in for 20 minutes and I’m now at 2% and still putting it off to write this post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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anxietygall · 5 years
So, I have ADHD but not RSD. Is there anything I can do to help out my RSD friends? I really want to make them feel like they are not being left out/teased. Thanks!
First thing to do is understand what RSD is and what triggers it!
RSD can be triggered by the perception- not necessarily the reality- that one is being rejected, teased, or criticized by important people in their life. RSD may also be triggered by a sense of failure, or falling short – failing to meet either their own high standards or others’ expectations. {click here for a link if you want to read more on RSD}
The next thing to do is just be aware of your words and actions; furthermore, be aware of how they could affect your friends with RSD. Even offhand comments, teasing, or a joke that was taken the wrong way can trigger RSD. Treating your friends with RSD just like you would treat anyone else is the best thing to do; however, you have to do this while being aware of their RSD. That balance will help create a good friendship where you are still sensitive to your friends needs, without tip toeing around them like they are fragile china. As long as you are supportive of your friends during times when their RSD has been triggered, and are aware of what triggers their RSD, I believe you’ll be able to have healthy, happy, and supportive friendships!!!
~Good Luck to you and your friends!!!!
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anxietygall · 5 years
I don’t think neurotypicals understand how painful it is for some people with a neurodivergency like ADHD and Autism to be bored
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anxietygall · 5 years
adhd culture is telling urself to pay attention to the teacher during classes, to the point that it drowns out the teacher's lecture bc ur too busy telling urself to pay attention to the teacher
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anxietygall · 5 years
submitting a paper with adhd
read the question….. immediately re-read it again and again and again
time to space out (bonus: feat. current hyperfixation)
constant double checks
breakdown time™
“looking stuff up” aka ending up reading random stuff on wikipedia and/or watching documentaries
did i forget name/date/any important details?
actually finishing it on time is a goddamn miracle
constantly having to reassure yourself that you did submit it
overwhelming anxiety when checking your grade
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anxietygall · 5 years
how are children with adhd supposed to help themselves and become successful if the adults around them are reluctant to learn about the needed techniques and teach them. support is so important. also…. adhd is a disorder which plays with the way one sees themselves so for the most part, these children don’t know exactly what’s up with them yet, they don’t know what’s “wrong” (rubbish word ik). for all they know, this way of living is “normal”! … which leads to this shitty feeling that you’re “weird” and not fitting in. when in reality, shit like this could easily be avoided if people in general were more open about neurodiversity….. i’m tired. and it’s sad to know how much secondary harm this causes… 
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anxietygall · 5 years
“People with ADHD have had to put 500% in throughout childhood and exams and just assumed everyone had to work as hard as they did.”
—How ADHD Affects Adults, by Eleanor Ross
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anxietygall · 5 years
fun adhd activities
Closing a tab, opening a new one, and reopening the tab you already forgot you just closed
cranking up really loud sensory overloading music so your mind physically has no place to wander
“can i stick my finger in that?”
having your computer chair fall apart because of wigglin
trying to remember how old you are when people ask
taking apart things that you probably shouldn’t in a place you definitely shouldn’t
having your clothes sleep in your bed when you aren’t
4:00 AM wikipedia sprees
slamming a mountain dew 12 pack 15 minutes before bed
slamming a mountain dew 12 pack 15 minutes before bed at 7:23AM
deciding whether to pretend you understood the last 2/3 of that conversation or to actually ask them to repeat it
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anxietygall · 5 years
Schools that actually adjusts for people with ADHD, autism and etc.
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