anxiety-ridden-teen · 7 months
Me at 3am clicking “keep reading” on the most jaw dropping, earth shattering, pantie dropping, smutty fic when I have to be up in 3 hours
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 2 years
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 3 years
Hi guys I'm so sorry for not uploading anything, my tablet which is what I do most of my work on has broke and it wont charge at all for soem reason, I had alot of your requests on their, but i had them saved to Google docs so hopefully I'll be able to log into it and they will all still be there!! Again I'm so sorry
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 3 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 3 years
can i request 4. "i didn't say anything" and 12. "well that's not normal." for Eddie Diaz? i don't have any ideas other then it being really fluffy and cute.
Ofcourse, I've added it to the list of things to do thanks
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 3 years
Thanks for tagging me
Star sign:Pisces ♓
Wallpaper: Corpse husband 🖐
House:Hufflepuff 💛
Ever crushed on a teacher: I dont know if this sounds but there was a kid doing work experience and he was like a teachers assistant and I kinda liked him
Coolest Halloween costume ever: Wednesday Adams
Favourite 80's show:I dont know
Last kiss: When I was three 😅
Ever been stood up:Yes 😐
Favourite pair of shoes:Doc martin boots 🖤
Ever been to Vegas?:nope
Favourite fruit: Since I'm a picky eater I dont eat fruit ❌
Favourite book series:Acotar
Stupidest thing I've ever done: Burn my curtains
All time favourite show:Izombie or How I met your mother
Last movie you saw in theaters:The invisible man
Tagged: @neko18
tag game ⚡️✨⭐️
i was tagged by @lunalovecroft. thank you very much!!
rules: answer the following and tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
name: melina
gender: female
star sign: scorpio
height: 5’6
age: 18
wallpaper on my phone: a pic of ballons, the wallpaper the phone came with lol
house: hufflepuff
ever crush on a teacher: yes
coolest halloween costume: i think i was a pink statue of liberty once?
favourite 90’s tv show: x-men (the animated show)
last kiss: a very nice enby friend of mine named blue
have you ever been stood up: no
favourite pair of shoes: a burgundy pair of boots
have you ever been to vegas: nope
favourite fruit: strawberry
favourite book: “around the world in eighty days” by jules verne
stupidest thing you’ve ever done: coming out in middle school 
all time favourite shows: avatar: the last airbender, m*a*s*h, she-ra and the princesses of power, the umbrella academy
last movie you saw in theatres: avengers: endgame
tagging @darthwheezely, @voidmalfoy, @whiz-bangs78, @mitsukui, @dontblam3me, @rench-dressing, @georgiesweasley
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
Hey love I hope you’re feeling better please stay hydrated and safe throughout these tough times😊
I am so sorry I didnt see this, I'm guessing it was around when i was sick, thank you so much though
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
HEY HUN HOW ARE YOU DOING?! HAVE YOU DRANK WATER? I HOPE YOU HAVE -.- 💗 I hope everything is going well!
I'M DOING FINE EXCEPT I'M SICK, I HAVE DRANK APPLE JUICE SO CLOSE ENOUGH, yeah everything's okay except that I'm supposed to be getting beat up today basically but I can't go in cause my throat is killing me and if a teacher finds out I'm screwed, how are you?, have you drank water?, everything going okay with you?
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
I have fallen in love with a voice and hands AGAIN
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Now if you don't know who Corpse husband is, he originally read horror story's and has done one or two animated videos, I have watched him before however lately people have been going to his channel because he playing Among us with Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie and other youtubers, He is mostly knows for being able to have people trust him and get others ejected while he's imposter, I have finally started watching him again after he didn't upload for five months, And I forgot how in love with his voice I was, it has changed a lot over the years and I was shocked when I first heard it again a couple weeks ago, but tbh, I missed him a lot and I kind of have a problem now cause his hand, yes you read correctly HIS HAND, is now my wallpaper and I have no regrets and when I'm bored I listen to his music and tbh I'm glad he's back, moral of the story, I'm going to probably make a couple one shots for him cause
1.I can
2.You cant stop me and
3.If you don't like reading a one shot about him just don't read it, skip it for all I care
So yeah I may make some one shots about him, if you also are in love with this man,and want a one shot done request it I'll do my best to fulfill you request so yeah, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Also to people who requested stuff I am halfway through or a third through your one shots please don't hate me I'm just in school and stuff is stressful.
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
Okay I am so sorry guys i will have the requests done hopefully in October school is kicking my ass right now and I am thinking about a one shot that i think imma start tonight cause i have been fantisizing about it with my crush all day and i think it would fit Hardin or Bakugou really well, I'm so sorry for the delay
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write some thing with harden where The reader is plus size and it’s her first time staying the night
I could try, I myself have never wrote something for a plus size reader before but i shall try my best and if it doesn't come out as well as you hoped i sincerely apologise
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
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One for the lads
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
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Another day...
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
As someone who is part of the star wars fandom i loved john boyega's acting in the star wars trilogy, and if I'm being honest I'm disgusted that their is people in this fandom that would harass this man all because of a role, he was given that role for his acting and his hard work, I'm sure they had many other people come for the role and john out shined them, he has worked so hard for this role and he deserves so much better than this
If you are a person like me who goes is a big starwars fan since you where a child, you too would have probably absolutely loved the casting, and hearing this probably makes you sick to your stomach that your actually in a fandom with people like this
HARASSING an actor because of rumors someone made up, constantly claiming thathe wasnt the male lead even thought thats what he was told BY THE FUCKING DIRECTOR and being in the shipping coumunity and making the actors life a living hell is just border line fucked up, they had to fully make a whole new script where finn was erased and sidlined in the last jedi
THIS IS DISGUSTING, I am sure that john was ecstatic about getting a role in starwars cause who the hell wouldent be, amd this was suppose to be a fun experience for john and toxic fans ruined it, and i am truly sorry for him and even after supporting the BLM cause, he still got attacked by toxic fans claiming he was being racist to white people or that supporting the BLM cause didnt give hime 'redemption' FOR SHIT THEY MADE UP ABOUT HIM
It is so disgusting that people are attacking him all because of a role he fucking earned and deserved and was given to him for a reason, He has been harassed for years because of this, who ever these people are, leave the fandom, cause I don't think true fans would do this
John Boyega deserved Better
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So, let’s give some context to those who are not aware of what John Boyega has gone through since being cast in Star Wars so many years ago.
And feel free to add anything I miss.
After being cast in The Force Awakens, there had been a large backlash and a call to Boycott Episode VII
Then after The Force Awakens, John had to deal with toxic fans constantly claiming he was not the Male Lead of the Sequel Trilogy over and over again even though that went against what he was told by The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams when he was cast and what TFA clearly setup.
Finn’s character would then be erased and sidelined in the sequel to TFA, The Last Jedi, much to the celebration of certain fans who claimed it was better that Finn not be in the main conflict of the trilogy.
During this time, John would still be routinely harassed by the bigots who were against his casting as well as people going to his social media accounts to verbally attack him.
Then we having the shipping community…which I will not go too deeply into this beyond the fact that one group of shippers have made John Boyega’s life a living hell, even demanding that Disney blacklists him from ever getting work and influencers in that community sending their followers after Boyega. Then we have another group of shippers who legitimately accused John of queerbaiting on multiple occasions through the years.
Then there was the backlash John Boyega received when he had said that his character Finn and Kelly Marie Tran’s character deserved better in The Last Jedi and that the movie was not for him. Citing that as a Black man playing a Black character, being removed from the central conflict of the trilogy was something he creatively disagreed with. This had earned him the hate of fans of The Last Jedi to large degrees that spread from SW influencers to actors and critics that were close with the director of TLJ.
Then John had been falsely accused of bullying Kelly Marie Tran and once again a group in the Star Wars community went again him.
Then, after months of re-shoots. re-writes and multiple story changes on the final film of the Skywalker saga, The Rise of Skywalker, John Boyega gave his honest thoughts on a creative choice in the film he disagreed with. That earned him the most harassment from the same community who went after him with false claims of bullying Kelly Marie Tran and that he wasn’t the male lead of the trilogy.
And finally, after giving his support to the Black Lives Matter cause, John had been attacked once again by toxic Star Wars fans who either claimed HE was being racist against white people or that fighting for BLM didn’t earn him “Redemption” for the false things they accused him of.
John Boyega has endured nothing but constant attacks for years and has gotten almost next to no support from the online community in the way that he should.
The man has fought against racism, fought for his own place in the film industry, and even started his own production company to give people who never had a shot a chance.
If there is one thing John Boyega is, he is a hero. And if he is anything else, then he’s a role model.
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
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anxiety-ridden-teen · 4 years
Hate Me
Pairing: Diego Hargeeves x Reader Rating: General Requested By: None Author’s Note: I feel like this was a prompt… maybe someone like @mariawritesfanfic can remind me?
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Diego had had his fill of his siblings to last him about ten years.
It all started when Reginald died. Then at the funeral he had just gotten in a fight with Luther, Five had just reappeared out of thin air after seventeen years being as much of a dick, if not more, than he was when he disappeared, he was still mad at Vanya for her book, and now Klaus wanted him to haul him around. As he was walking to the front foyer of the house to get his belongings, he heard a familiar voice that didn’t belong to one of his siblings. He stopped short, listening for a moment, as his heart rate escalated.
“I just wanted to offer my condolences, I haven’t heard from him in a while and I was, well, worried,” he heard you explain to Pogo.
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