anthonymantova · 3 years
Goodbye so I am leaving all social media
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anthonymantova · 3 years
It comes to something when worthless people who can't get any enjoyment any or away go around making up stories and saying what you are in breach of of tumbler violation and Flag your content as inappropriate I just close this account and the weather is people trying to make out that they're better than me me or have to go jump
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anthonymantova · 3 years
I don't know why an ugly skank keeps setting up fake profiles of scantily clad or naked women to follow me a such a bitch one for me it doesn't mean I'm straight everybody knows I'm gay and certainly all my have to do is block these creatures this stupid bitch needs to grow up
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anthonymantova · 3 years
I intend to Sue and Glan Clwyd Hospital North Wales for failing to give me an MRI scan of my spine and spinal cord which I believe where yeah damaged after a recent fall their excuse you only had an MRI in March my reply was that my MRI to see what if any progression there was from my MS lesions
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anthonymantova · 3 years
I am an Innocent gay man wrongly convicted charged and imprisoned for stalking A woman now where's the justice in that
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anthonymantova · 4 years
Barney Walsh!
How gorgeous is Barney Walsh, the son of Bradley Walsh. OMG yumm.
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anthonymantova · 4 years
Farm Warnings
Farmers need a new sign to dog owners. "If your dog attacks or annoy my sheep, the YOU will be SHOT." Can't argue with that, let's make it a worldwide law!!!
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anthonymantova · 4 years
Age of consent!
Q; What is the age of consent here in the UK, 16 or 18? A; both 16 with 16, or 17. 18 with 18+ so men, don't go with guys or girls 16 or 17 as technically you an adult with a child if you do. 
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anthonymantova · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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anthonymantova · 4 years
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anthonymantova · 4 years
Happy New Year
Happy Nude Queer. 2020
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anthonymantova · 5 years
Gay, Homosexual, Not t interested in Naked Women am I.
LOOK I have no issues with women but I am gay so don't fancy them, so I don't want pictures of women in underwear or naked, so stop following me in the hope I will follow you.  
I think I know who keeps creating these fake accounts for me to follow, not that it would prove anything if zi did other than yes I can accept and claim a woman is gorgeous and I might go for them if I were straight, but I'm not, I met many hot guys in prison but didn't take anyone up,........ On their offer A because both parties need to be 21 or over and, B just because they say they are Glen of any STI's are they.
I met this onee guy, Chad Pearson, 18, told everyone he was straight stood naked talking to me, and a few other to es I felt like he was offering himself to me on a plate, (remember both guys have to be 21) but he was 6" in high and at least 20" in length so he would split me in two but I didn't go there with any guy, so no Flaming way with as woman, though I have been offered.
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anthonymantova · 5 years
Which of the Four Elements Match Your Personality?
I'm Air At first, the Air element might not seem like much. However, we must remember that air breaths life into us, literally. The Air element represents creativity and wisdom. People who relate most to the air element are social, smart, and artistic.
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anthonymantova · 5 years
Friday hell.
Not only is it my birthday, but the first anniversary of my mother's death. So I am not looking forward to it. Any how my other tumblr is LpoolTony 
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anthonymantova · 5 years
My Grandad set ed I. WW1
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anthonymantova · 5 years
NHS No Help Service
Where do I begin, well last October in fact on my birthday 11th October, my mother died at Glan Clwyd Hospital, Both Wales from major organ failure, kidney, liver heart and lungs. Lungs from pneumonia, heart a valve or chamber, live I don't know exactly, and Kidney she had a kidney transplant in January 2016.
This eventually failures I feel in part to it been an oversized and infected organ to begin with. She got Ill in September, and every time she saw a doctor, I asked was it her Kidneys again, and was told no, funny she had slowly put on weight which is how she went originally which lead to finding out she had kidney disease, too late to do anything about,yet I could see what so called experts missed twice.
That smacks of neglect, but to adxinsultto injury, a consultant surgeon at The Royal Liverpool Hospital, refused to do a hernia repair operation, due a hernia being caused by transplant surgery, but a short to e before she died told her no again but instead of in a private room, he did so in a public daunting area filled with patients.
Thus Mr A Hammed breeched his doctor patient confidentiality, and told her an operation would cause further complications, but neglected to explain what he meant, thus the NHS has screwed up royally.
RIP Mum, so sadly missed by all but never forgotten.
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anthonymantova · 5 years
My mother Margaret Mary Catherine Philomena died on my 41st birthday in hospital due to massive major organ failure. However each time a doctor or practice nurse came to visit we asked if it could be her kidney's again and we were told no.
But it was her kidney's, liver, lungs full of pneumonia and heart either a valve or chamber of the heart. And how did we know, simple having seen her weight increase for no apparent reason, just as it did when she was first diagnosed with kidney disease.
Therefore it is in our deepest belief that a patient that suddenly swells up and puts on weight should immediately revive a full CT body scan to rule in or out organ failure.
One specialist she saw breached his Hippocratic oath by refusing the hernia repair operation, breached his doctor patients confidentiality by saying no in a packed waiting room, and said the operation could or would cause further complications therefore neglecting to inform. Y mother of other health problems.
And people say the NHS are brilliant, yet Liverpool Royal University and Broadgreen hospital continue placing infected organs into patients.
Rest In Peace and God bless you mum. X
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