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this post gonna flop but this is one of my best bg’s recently,,,,,i love drawing goofy desert landscapes it reminds me of happy childhood things
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Lotte has her own room, it’s super nice, she basically has everything a kid could want in it but she still sleeps in Lynn and Boone’s room… she likes to be near them, she sleeps best with them.
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people who are mean to Gob in fallout 3 deserve to be force fed a tablespoon of plain mayonnaise once a day each day for the rest of their lives
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Insomnia has compelled me to do these. Kitty loves ghouls. I love ghouls. I'm tired. I hope you enjoy these babies.
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I got a better lamp and now I can take ok pictures of my drawings. Pic 1 is a Polaroid an carried around before a bullet scrambled her egghead. The second is what I like to call exhausted medic au where an refuses the idea of the courier job. Above that's kitty being, well.. kitty. She changes her hair often, she also loves tech. The Anchorage simulation was like a dream come true.
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Not fallout related but I painted this yesterday night and I'm hella proud of it so have this.
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*Throws this in here and runs away* After 2 years of being a pussy I finally drew these two… 
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Guess what I'm getting 👀❤❤
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Argued and argued with myself over whether or not to post this so here! I'm gonna do it anyway. Obviously its Boone and my attempt at profile drawing is supposed to be butch deloria. @headcanonsforcompanions had this headcanon submitted that butch is just deathly afraid of any insect-like enemies (idr exactly what was said but I loved it so much i had to draw him saying something about it to kitty.
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Meet Sierra. Her parents were treasure hunters who settled down on a farm near Searchlight. She (unlike An) actually remembers everything about her past. Her right eye is fake. It had one of the two bullets lodged in. She could care less about the Mojave but she ends up choosing the free new Vegas option.
Shes a lesbiab. A big gay lesibab. Girls.
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So I drew roach king kitty. What even is art? More to come maybe?
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A lot of random things about kitty my lone wanderer
Her special stats:
Kitty prefers to travel alone. In her own words she has enough blood on her hands.
She blames herself for both her mother's and father's death. Consequently she nearly never sleeps due to nightmares.
Kitty sleepwalks when shes actually does sleep, its way worse when she's under too much stress. She once sleep walked to the top of rivet city and jumped. Thankfully some guards caught her.
Because she is a child at heart she was granted access to little lamplight pretty quickly. She still saved the kids from paradise falls.
This woman is protective over all the children of the wastes, though she thinks she sucks with kids. She has to admit it's fun to teach the moldable minds around her.
Kitty is a grade A ghoul lover. Her current crushes are tulip and gob. She respects Carol and tulips relationship though, she couldn't be a homewrecker if she tried.
She has a soft spot for the robots of the wastes too. She dreams of one day owning a lair like the mechanists. They're bffs. She spends mad time tinkering with him.
Speaking of tinkering she she also loves working at the water plant in megaton.
She was set to be a maintenance worker in the vault. Though not the "smartest" job available she was proud of her chosen position.
Kitty loves mirelurk cakes. She's always in Gary's Galley bugging him to make more. He's always happy to make them. Once he tried to teach her how to cook them, the kitchen caught fire and two residents were burned.
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Bonus: the view from her rightful throne.
Kitty is the roach king now.
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Kitty is the roach king now.
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I feel bad that I haven't felt comfortable posting art lately. Nothing comes out right, I'm afraid. These might not ALL be fallout but in my eyes each piece was well worth anxiously posting. Thanks for sticking with me guys!
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Oh look it's me.... gotta love accurate representation!
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