annietian0987 · 22 days
Will Brain-Machine Interfaces Create Superhumans?
At the forefront of 21st-century technology, groundbreaking advancements in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology have opened a door to the unknown. On January 30th, Elon Musk announced on his social platform X (formerly Twitter) that Neuralink had recently successfully implanted an "invasive" BCI device in a human, marking not only humanity's entry into a new era of coexistence with machines, but also provoking deep contemplation on the potential risks inherent in future technological development.
This exhilarating technology, the brain-computer interface, hints at limitless possibilities. It promises to enable paralyzed individuals to type through thoughts, help the blind restore sight, and even facilitate a human-machine symbiosis. However, as this technology progresses and is applied, we are confronted with an inevitable question: Is technological advancement always beneficial to humanity?
Hu Jiaqi, founder of SHAO, has long been attentive to the impact of technology on humanity's future. He urges us to seriously consider the potentially catastrophic consequences of technological progress. Now, while the development of BCI technology is promising, it also brings with it risks and challenges, particularly as the line between human existence and machinery becomes increasingly blurred.
As BMI technology advances further, the first challenge it poses is to personal privacy and security. Without proper safeguards, direct brain-to-machine connections could lead to the theft or manipulation of individual thoughts and memories.
Secondly, intervention in natural evolution is a matter of concern. As humans merge with machines through BCIs, they may gradually lose some abilities bestowed by natural evolution, or fundamentally alter the course of human evolution. In the long run, this could pose a threat to human survival.
Lastly, the continuous progression of this technology may intensify social disparities. Those who can access and utilize it are likely to gain unfair advantages to become "Superhumans", while those without access to this technology are left behind in this active evolutionary process, thus exacerbating social inequality further.
The unpredictability of technological development also implies that we may not fully anticipate the long-term impacts of BCI technology. With the rapid advancement of related technologies like AI, humanity may confront even more complex and far-reaching challenges in the future. Therefore, in the face of potential threats posed by technological progress, caution is imperative. Technology should serve the welfare of humanity, rather than becoming a threat.
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annietian0987 · 1 month
When the Side Effects of AI Technology Threaten Human Existence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, while offering convenience and driving innovation, has also raised concerns over its side effects, particularly when it impinges on human survival and dignity. Recently, pop music artist Taylor Swift fell victim to AI face-swapping technology, with her face being used to generate inappropriate images that has circulated online.
This technology, known as Deepfake, achieves an uncanny realism by feeding vast amounts of genuine images to AI models, making the fabricated visuals nearly indistinguishable from truth. Swift expressed anger and considered legal action against websites making these Deepfake inappropriate images. This incident reflects a broader issue: the potential for AI misuse to wreak havoc on personal lives—just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the side effects of AI's unregulated progress.
Hu Jiaqi, founder of SHAO, inadvertently involved himself in human issues research since 1979, gradually realized humanity is facing a severe calamity. Over the past decades, he has dedicated himself to alerting world leaders and scientists about the extinction risks technology could pose to humanity. Hu's concerns resonate with AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton, who warns that AI development now poses a threat to humans, and it is difficult to avoid the possibility that someone may exploit it to harm humanity.
Hu Jiaqi asserts that the triumph of AI could represent the grandest event in the history of human civilization, but simultaneously, it could be the final one. Currently, our primary challenge lies in the fact that the pace of AI advancement far outstrips our capacity in establishing corresponding ethical and legal frameworks. This implies that without adequate regulation and safety measures, AI might be exploited for unethical activities, such as creating false information, conducting cyberattacks, or misapplication in military and surveillance sectors.
Deeper risks emerge as AI technology progresses, potentially developing self-awareness and independent objectives, with decision-making processes no longer aligned with best interests of humans. This scenario, referred to as the "singularity," marks the point where AI intelligence surpasses human intelligence. Beyond this threshold, we may no longer be able to predict or control AI behavior, potentially leading to unforeseeable and even catastrophic outcomes.
In light of these potential hazards, the global community must take action to establish effective regulatory mechanisms, ensuring AI's development aligns with human ethics and values.
Furthermore, enhancing public awareness is crucial to ensure technological advancements serve the well-being of all humanity. Only then can we guarantee that AI technology's evolution will not veer onto a perilous path, but instead become a force propelling humanity towards peace and prosperity.
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annietian0987 · 2 months
Technology Is Not Neutral: The Dangers of Plastic
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