annepaulene30-blog · 6 years
Go ahead and hate me to death. But before you die, let me tell you something. Hating me won't make you pretty.😒
Wattpad "Avah Maldita". ☺😀
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annepaulene30-blog · 6 years
I'm happy😃
Have you ever laid on your bed at night and just cried? Cried because you are not good enough. I counted all my flaws from head to toe to punish and feel worse about myself .Cried because the comments that peoples blurts out actually hurt my feelings. Around the people, I'm the happiest ray of sunshine. But nobody knows that at night when I'm alone, I break down and just cry
P.S: It caught my interest when I'm browsing facebook last time. So i just shared it
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annepaulene30-blog · 6 years
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Oppa kookie😍😉
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annepaulene30-blog · 6 years
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I love hang outing with my headband
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