annahierra · 9 years
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Having laksa with my family. The view is stunning. (at Pesisiran Pantai Kuala Perlis)
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annahierra · 9 years
What Will Your Character Do When Disaster Strikes? by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
Characterization and Conflict: Using Psychological Tests to Improve Your Writing by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
Gathering Information from Characters: Types of Questions by JJ Cooper 
Using Body Language in Writing by JJ Cooper
Body Language Cheat Sheet by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
A Primer on Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
Writing Better Romantic Relationships
This series looks at the Anima/Animus archetype, which is most often seen in romantic relationships, and how to use it to create more compelling romantic relationships, regardless of genre. Looks at what the anima and animus are, how they’re formed, and why fiction writers need to understand them. There’s also some and what makes love grow - and how happily ever afters really work.
Creating Riveting Romances: The Anima/Animus Archetype Defined by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
Writing Romance: Three Influences on the Anima/Animus Archetype by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
The Perfect Hero and the Perfect Heroine: Dark and Light Sides of the Anima & Animus by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
What Does it Really Take to Live Happily Ever After? A look at the psychological research on what makes or breaks romantic relationships. - by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
Creating Better Antagonists
Three-Dimensional Villains: Finding Your Character’s Shadow Using Jungian archetypes and hands-on exercises, this article teaches fiction writers to tap their own dark sides to create realistic villains who will really challenge the hero/es and keep tension high. - by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
The Other in Fiction: Creating Wonderfully Wicked Villains The kinds of villains that keep us riveted to a story tap the darkest aspects of the human heart; learn about what those aspects are and how to use them in your fiction. - by Carolyn Kaufman, PsyD
Basic Information on Forensic Science by Juan Salvo
The Truth about Forensic Psychology by Lisa Featherston
Using Real Psychology in Your Writing
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annahierra · 9 years
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annahierra · 9 years
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Sailor Moon by Siann-k
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annahierra · 9 years
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Shinji Kaworu Mucha Busts by emilywarrenart
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annahierra · 9 years
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put on your tinfoil lacefront, hennies
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annahierra · 9 years
Friend: remember when you liked- Me: remember when you had a life and stopped making bitchy comments about mine ?
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annahierra · 9 years
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annahierra · 9 years
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↳ Whoa… They do look strong! The ones who made it to the finals earlier. The strongest high school, Rakuzan High School! And the first year that leads that team, Akashi Seijuro of the Generation of Miracles!
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annahierra · 9 years
things the signs are most compatible with
Aries: reddit
Taurus: glitter pens
Gemini: brownies
Cancer: stuffed animals
Leo: themselves
Virgo: a bottle of Lysol
Libra: their phone
Scorpio: bread
Sagittarius: a demon
Capricorn: a credit card
Aquarius: illuminati conspiracy theories
Pisces: a mermaid
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annahierra · 9 years
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annahierra · 9 years
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In light of the bullshit the xkit guy went through, I needed to get my feelings out about callout culture via a wordy comic. I am so, so tired of the culture of fear Tumblr raises - if you don’t take literally everything the underdog victim says 100% as truth, then you are horrible trash? It’s bullshit.
It’s good to believe a victim! But it’s also good to exercise a bit of scrutiny, and to make sure you understand the other side of the story. People take advantage of and manipulate the willingness to believe victims, and that leads to a lot of misinformation spread at lightning speed with social media. Caution absolutely needs to be undertaken when serious claims are presented. Do you really want to be responsible for ruining someone’s life before you couldn’t take half a fucking second to try to verify the information? Verifying it doesn’t automatically mean you’re taking the side of a potential abuser! It means that you care about the truth - which, to me at least, is pretty important. 
When callouts happen, especially ones made in spite, what people rely on is for the subject of the callout to be ostracized and for people to revoke their support. That was explicitly asked for in my case.  In the community of artists I have worked so hard to make myself known in, well-known artists encouraged people to not even talk to me, to not ask “what the fuck is the deal with this huge callout, can you actually explain this or what’s going on”. They encouraged accepting it without question, and if you didn’t? You’d be picked off next, as an “abuse apologist” - because that’s it, isn’t it? Once you got half the story, that’s all you need on Tumblr if it sounds bad enough. Even better if it’s about someone “popular”.
Instantly, the subject of the callout is dehumanized, and people treat it like it’s A-OK to send tons of horrible messages in the person’s inbox, to spread the gossip as far as they can– because it’s deserved, right?
And once people breach that threshold, there’s not often any coming back. People don’t often apologize for being a piece of shit to someone they think deserves it. Which, you know, means they don’t actually want to find out what might have really happened in a situation where they’ve already made some very polarizing statements.  Because then they’d have attacked a person who didn’t deserve that, and that’s… why, that’s abusive, isn’t it? But it’s definitely not abusive if the person deserves it. (That’s sarcasm.)
I’m just tired of seeing it. I’m tired of existing around people who do this. I’m tired of moderately known artists abusing their own power and their own audience for the sake of making their followers too afraid to try to think for themselves. A question like “was there actually any abuse?” becomes unthinkable, and so a bunch of young people suddenly are finding themselves encouraged to not rock the boat. Or they’ll be next.
It’s all fucked up. Sometimes I’m kind of bad at communicating, but I try very hard. Sometimes it takes me a while to get a message across. I’d like to think I try as hard as most people at being a good friend and a good person. I like learning ways in which I can do better, as a friend, and as a person. I expect a lot of others around me because I expect even more of myself.
So it killed a lot off inside of me that’s taken months to cultivate again, months ago. Artists I admired, people I was friends with - in an instant, they decided the thing to do was go “yep this must be true, sounds horrifying and once I had a bad vibe”. Very few people actually asked me about what happened. A lot of people were too scared to even say anything because they didn’t want to be labeled a fucking abuse apologist.
And that’s pretty fucked up. This is why callouts are not to be thrown around, especially with regards to abuse. I was so angry about it at the time because I had tried so hard to be as supportive as I could during that relationship. You can ask the other two people who I’m still dating about how much I cared about that person. They were around every step of the way, through all of my happiness and sadness over the situation. My big fucking mistake was venting in a public place about all of my feelings to do with the breakup. That was my huge “communication error”, but I couldn’t even talk to my ex at that point anyway because I’d been blocked, so I had no way of communicating it to him. Regardless, writing post-breakup feelings, no matter how true I find them still, is a really bad idea to stick anywhere public. Even on my side blog I didn’t realize anyone read.
I don’t know. Finally I feel strong enough as a person to talk about this. I’m so tired of people hiding behind anon to spread the same tired “PK is an abuser” line - heaven fucking forbid they attach their words to a name that can be held accountable for its actions.
I don’t really know what more can be expected of me than I already give. I am pretty blunt and literal and I like being that way because it means I’m putting all of my feelings out there - so what’s really hard for me to deal with is people reading my words with insincerity. Please don’t - nothing riles me up more than insincerity.
Anyway, for the sake of everyone in the future, don’t fucking mash reblog on a post calling someone out without putting time and effort into research. Seriously. It takes literal seconds to start the snowball of ruining someone’s life, so please hold back from an instant reblog.
Please don’t rebuke people for trying to figure out the truth of a situation, either. It’s always a good thing to get both sides of a story. Sometimes you’ll find that the other half of the story only confirms what you originally thought, but sometimes you’ll find you would have been acting like a complete fucking jackass if it had been wrong.
Please be kind to others.
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annahierra · 9 years
yes teenage girls can be dramatic and wild but honestly have u ever even seen what happens when u tell a grown man ‘no’
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annahierra · 9 years
when you wait until the last minute to study and realize you’re fucked
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annahierra · 9 years
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annahierra · 9 years
I’ll respect your opinion as long as your opinion doesn’t disrespect anybody’s existence.
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annahierra · 9 years
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Countdown to Tokyo Ghoul √A || 6 Days ↳Hinami + Kagune
requested by anonymous
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