anna-banana-415 · 1 year
I am once again asking you to think about Clone Troopers wielding lightsabers
I like to think Cody is probably the best. He’s the oldest, and Obi-Wan is always dropping his saber. It’s way too heavy at first, and Cody feels unbalanced, but his blaster was lost in the firefight and Obi-Wan is unconscious. And this can’t be that different from gaderffii training can it?
Rex, as much as I hate to say it, is definitely the worst. Anakin and Ahsoka often lose their lightsabers, but they end up being destroyed, so Rex doesn’t often use one. He’s a fast learner, but the blade is strange, and not at all fit for his fighting style.
Ahsoka once let Hardcase use one of her sabers and they were just messing around, but then the camp was on fire and now the 501st troopers aren’t allowed to use sabers.
Bly and The Wolfpack are the best.
I’ve talked about it before, but I think Plo Koon definitely goes out of his way to train The Wolfpack in the art of lightsabers. He wants them to be prepared. You can read my full thoughts here
Bly and Aayla stay up late.
Sometimes they just stare at the stars overhead and try to mask their laughter. But sometimes, right before the sun rises, Aayla gets quiet. It’s the curse of the Force to see all. The Force is all moments and all time. And sometimes, just beyond, Aayla can see silence, and she can see Bly alone. Without her. His soul feels empty in her vision, hollow. He holds her saber in his hands, but he doesn’t know how to use it.
So Aayla shows him. Disassemble. Reassemble. Disassemble. Reassemble. The proper stance. The proper move to. With careful eyes and a loving heart, Aayla makes sure he will know how to defend himself in case she is gone.
This weapon is my life. And it belongs to you.
He tells her not to talk like that.
But Aayla cannot forget her vision. Her Bly, wandering all alone in a forest. Her lightsaber in his hand.
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Craziest hcs for commander cody or hcs no one would expect for him please & much thankyouness🧡
Craziest headcanons for Commander Cody (or hcs no one would ever expect) lmaoooo I don’t know if these are crazy but they’re what I got
Commander Cody is absolutely the funniest Commander there is
Going from that, it’s because he’s unhinged. Everyone would expect it to be Wolffe with his teeth, Bly with his lovesick tendencies or even Fox with his deadpan humor, but Between having to deal with Obi-Wan “I’m going to flirt with every enemy I have and lose my lightsaber” Kenobi and Anakin “violence mwahahahha” Skywalker, Cody had to compensate
Alongside that, he was Obi-Wan’s Commander when Anakin was still a Padawan so at that point, it was either babysit Anakin or be just as unhinged to pull him back
Anakin still can never get anything past Cody
His raised eyebrow has Anakin spilling secrets faster than anything Obi-Wan ever could have done
Cody hates tea. He hates it with a passion and it’s only because he’s friends with Obi-Wan that he doesn’t automatically spit it out
That being said, since Anakin also hates tea, whenever Cody thinks Anakin needs a punishment, he’ll just give him tea and raise an eyebrow
He still does it even when Anakin is a General
Cody started kicking droids when he had to save Obi-Wan from an attack and he had no blasters and a broken hand
It was worth it
Anakin jokes that he was part droid since it never seemed to hurt him and he replied back with “I mean you could with your robotic arm”
Obi-Wan had to discourage Anakin from punching droids
Cody eggs him on when Obi-Wan isn’t looking
Cody knew about Padme and Anakin’s secret marriage within the first week he met Anakin
He let Anakin know with a “I hope you treat her well” when Anakin finished his knighting trials
Cody made sure that Rex was put Captain of the 501st because he knew Anakin would watch his back
Also he wanted to see how long it would take for Rex to break out of the fold of not being good enough because of his blonde hair
Cody once put itching powder in Wolffe’s blacks when he got back from the Malevolence incident to distract him and get him out of his room
It worked
Cody had a black eye for two weeks
Wolffe thanked him later in the war for it because he didn’t know if he would have continued on or tried to March on with his Pack
Ponds tried to explain to Mace Cody’s humor only for the man to say “I see”
Cody made sure to never joke around Mace so that Ponds would seem crazy by his General
He ended up breaking that silent dare when Boba tried to attack Mace
He scooped up the cadet (Boba’s not a cadet but he’s the size of one so Cody doesn’t think it matters all that much) and said “sorry cadet but we have a height restriction. No one shorter than 4 feet is allowed near a Jedi”
Boba hisses like a cat at him and tries to scratch him
“I’m older than you!”
“I’m taller than you.”
He ended up bringing Boba on the ship to avoid the Chancellor from putting him on trial
Boba didn’t appreciate it until Cody gave him a gun and took him on a “specs” mission
It wasn’t a real mission but Cody wasn’t gonna tell Boba that
“Shoot those droids and well leave when you’re not angry anymore”
They didn’t leave till 6 hours later
Boba tried to run away 12 times during his stay with Cody and Cody caught him all 12 times
The 13 time, Cody just gave him a blaster and said the 212th will be there for him if he needs it
Boba didn’t leave despite the opening
He now hangs in the vents and protects the ship when they’re on the ground
Cody owns a handmade slingshot
He uses it to pelt Rex and other clones when he’s bored or annoyed at them
He used it once on Fox and Fox got him back with his own slingshot
He once stole one boot from each of his batchmates at the beginning of the war after they got their paint on it
He wears them when he feels nostalgic
He stole one of Rex’ when he become Captain of 501st
He used to jump out of ships when Anakin was a Padawan to help teach him to catch him before he would splat on the ground
This is why Anakin does it to Rex because he thought since Rex is close to Cody, he wouldn’t mind
Rex does mind
A lot
He never figured out that Cody was the one to ingrain this habit in Anakin
Cody would still jump out of ships if the 212th and the 501st work together
Cody can do a handstand and can even balance on one hand
He believes this to be his greatest achievement
Cody likes to window shop
It’s inconvenient to do when they are at war but if there’s a shop nearby where the 212th is stationed, he’ll get souvenirs for his batchmates
Cody does not get paid yet he still somehow has credits
This is because he made a deal with Hondo to give him credits and he’ll tell him where the best rum is
This is why Hondo kidnaps Obi-Wan a lot
When Cody heard about Obi-Wan “dying”, he didn’t believe it and just told Rex to tell him when Obi-Wan is back - after all, it was his shore leave
The first time Cody met the Bad Batch was on Kamino and it was on complete accident
He ran into them with Nala Se and from their face, he could only assume that she was about to decom them
He stepped in
She let him train them for two weeks to improve their scores and during that time, he got them to work as a team but most importantly, to realize that they are vod as well and vod stick together
He gave them Fox’ and his own personal comm number in case they ever needed anything
He also makes sure to include them in his souvenir gift list
(He’s also the reason Crosshair is a Swiftie skjskjskj - I’m sorry I had to add that in)
He considers Echo and Fives his little cousins due to Rex adopting them and spoils them whenever he sees them
Meaning he tells them all the best prank ideas and covers for them and gives them any item they ask for when they meet
He is the reason they got away with dying Rex’ hair blue
As well as Anakin’s
And Obi-Wan’s
But he’s too smart for them and switched their bottles with his and they ended up accidentally dying their own hair when they targeted him
Cody will barge into Fox’ office randomly when he’s on shore leave and forcibly get Fox to rest
He’ll bribe the other Commanders with alcohol when he comes
Thorn is an expensive Vod though and demands more than alcohol
He is the reason Cody had to start a little black market within the GAR
All that just to spend time with Fox
It’s worth it every time
Cody once tried to matchmake Bly and Aayla at the start of the war because he couldn’t stand their lovesick looks
Turns out they have been dating since Bly got assigned to her and they just are lovesick with each other
Cody almost lost his lunch when he realized
Cody likes to check up on his batchmates when he can
And his batchmates’ Generals
And his batchmates’ General’s Padawan
This is how he was able to talk to Barriss before she did anything risky
He got Gree involved and they got her reassigned after being made a knight to a post where she can help clone medics with civilians and Vod
It wasn’t much but it was enough for her to feel like she is doing something right
He tries to check up on her when he can though Gree is the one she mainly talks to
Cody once convinced his batchmates to eat a bug after Anakin kept doing it as a Padawan
Cody also once drugged Obi-Wan when he stayed up a consistent 78 hours on a campaign
Cody has a count of how many times Obi-Wan has lost his lightsaber and his robes and has flirted with the enemy
Cody once punched Quinlan Vos in the stomach because the Jedi snuck up on him
Obi-Wan laughed
Quinlan got him back when he accidentally dropped one of Cody’s bottles of rum for Hondo
They had a prank war for a solid 7 months before Fox shut it down because he got caught in one of Cody’s brilliant ideas
On the bright side, it revealed Palpatine as a Sith
On the down side, he ended up losing control to the chip and being knocked into a coma for 4 months to finally gain back control
Yea that’s all I have ( @here-comes-the-moose if you don’t mind, i borrowed your HC of Crosshair being a Swiftie and mentioned it here)
Feel free to add your own if you want
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
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Here’s to us - Kevin Rudolf
Part 1
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Who’s ready for a ✨bébé caf heist✨
aka a compliation post
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An unsuspecting and unprepared Baby Fox is attacked by his worst enemy: A well-intentioned adult! Fox puts up a valiant fight, but to no avail!
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Robbed of his beloved caf, Baby Fox swears revenge! But he’ll need help - and he finds it in the form of…Baby Riyo Chuchi! 
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Late at night, Baby Fox and Baby Riyo don their Stealth Onesies™ and begin their heist! We join them now as they sneak into the best caf shop on Coruscant… 
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…and rappel in through the vents!
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Once again, teamwork is the key to victory! Though Fox will no doubt encounter many obstacles in the future, he can always rely on his friends and allies to help him, no matter the danger!
Aaand scene! I will now gently point you towards @carrinth ’s Caf Crawling comic, to which this comic is a humble tribute; and towards @amikoroyaiart, who gave me permission to base the caf cup design around her barista OC Amaya. Go show those fine folks some love.
Baby clones in animal onesies are available as stickers, buttons, and other fun things on Redbubble!
More baby clones in animal onesies here
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
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A bunch of people saw this post and immediately referenced THEE 2013 novelty song about fox noises and I think that's incredibly valid of them
More baby clones in animal onesies here
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Fox (my boss is a sith lord): Listen would I, given the opportunity, make my boss disappear? ..Yes. But what trooper doesn't? It's the working man's dream.
Cody (my boss is my husband): Uhm..
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Disney: No idea what SW fans want.
fans: clones.
Disney: So mysterious really.
fans: we want Fox fighting crime.
Disney: Really need to do some research.
fans: we want 7h footage of Temuera as Rex fishing on Selos.
Disney: No idea what do to really.
fans: we want pirate kix doing space pirate stuff.
Disney: The fans really call for the return of palpatine so...
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
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You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy,
When skies are gray.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away…
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
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You know what makes us different from battle droids? We make our own decisions. Our own choices. And we have to live with them too.’
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
cody: i will no longer be affected by everything the general does. i'm the marshal commander to the entire third systems army. i am better than that.
obi-wan, bumping into a droid upon entering the room: terribly sorry little one, i didn't watch where i was going. my apologies!
cody, sobbing in rex's quarters at 2am later that night: and then he APOLOGIZED to the DROID
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
do you think dean dreams about cas constantly? every night dean dreams about him. nightmares when cas is gone. every night is a terror of inky blackness and cas’ tears and ‘I love you’s’ spoken without an answer and sobs dean can’t stop……. but then there’s peaceful dreams when cas is sleeping in dean’s arms. soft thoughts of ‘I love you’ and ‘I love you too’ and dreams floating around their lips pressed together and shared laughter and cas’ smile
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
choose your fighter aotv letterboxd edition
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Obi-Wan: What’s up? I’m back. 
Cody: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead
Obi-Wan: Death is a social construct.
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Anakin: Do you guys ever just start thinking about someone and wish you could just leave the Jedi order with them instead of being stuck in this stuffy temple?
Mace: *Eyeing Obi-wan waiting for the joke*
Obi-wan: *pinching his nose trying not to sigh*
Plo Koon: *sneaking past the two with a Ahsoka Tano was right shirt on, luggage in his arms, and the Wolfpack following closely behind him*
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
You wanna know what the difference between Anakin Skywalker and every other Jedi is?
Other Jedi: Breaks the Rules, but covertly.
Anakin: Breaks the rules and posts a video of him doing it that goes viral.
Anakin: *Force Choking Separatist officer* Are you getting this Snips?
Ahsoka: Yep we're live! And the council is watching! Say hi!
Anakin: Hi everybody!
*Back at the temple*
*Council watching live video*
Anakin on screen: Hi everybody!
Mace: *glares at Obi-Wan*
Obi-Wan: *smh*
Plo: *Waves* Hi!
Plo Koon re-watching Anakin's viral video: *Clicks like*
Mace: Did you just like his video!?
Plo Koon: Yes, didn't you?
Mace: Yes, but we're not talking about me, we're talking about how you are encouraging this recklessness and disrespect of the Jedi code!
Plo: Didn't you also subscribe to his channel?
Mace: Stop changing the subject!
Ahsoka videoing Anakin: So what are you calling your channel, Master?
Anakin: I'm calling it "Breaking the Jedi Code 101!" For my first video, we'll start with me calling Senator Amidala and seeing where she wants to eat for our romantic anniversary dinner! All anniversary gifts from our friends are welcome!
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
yoda initially refusing to teach luke in empire is so fucking funny with the added “context” of the prequels… luke is like, “hey i’m sure this soup is delicious but i’m not really hungry so can we please get a move on here i feel like we’re wasting our time” and yoda just… sighs gravely and turns away and summons obi-wan’s spirit and is like, “i cannot teach him… much anger in him… like his father” like yoda PLEASE chill all he did was refuse your five-alarm chili and you’re already having flashbacks to anakin slaughtering a roomful of children
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
Remus used to call Regulus “Baby Black” at first but eventually the nickname turned into just “Baby”
Regulus usually wouldn’t like it but it drives James and Sirius mad
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