ann-decart · 8 hours
hey its charlotte charlottan i was terminated i appealed but i might not be back. so this might be goodbye
tagging mutuals in case any of them want to rb this to spread the word
@cryptotheism @jame7t @girlballs @serialunaliver @prohaloplayer @nyancrimew @evilscientist3 @thyrell @grimeclown @txttletale @omegaversereloaded @r0zeclawz @hustlerose @psygull @grox @heycrabman @davidtennantpussytulpa @lakemojave
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ann-decart · 8 hours
this is lara, a cisgender butch woman who was hate-crimed by other women for trying to use a “female-only space”. a space, by their logic, she should have been able to use and is apparently meant to be her safe space.
this is the result of terf transphobia. please remember lara and others like her next time terfs claim that they care about butch women or that you can “always tell”.
I’m so sorry this happened to you, lara 💔 🫂
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ann-decart · 8 hours
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So long, Solidarity Summer! Helloooooo, Fuck You Pay Me Fall!
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ann-decart · 8 hours
the human stress response seems so maladaptive!
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ann-decart · 8 hours
It’s crazy how low self-worth fucks with peoples lives
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ann-decart · 8 hours
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hell world!!!! hell world!!!! hell world!!!!
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ann-decart · 10 hours
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ann-decart · 10 hours
the role of the person in the passenger seat is not only navigator but secretary as well. you have to type up the drivers messages to random ladies on facebook about cbd cream & google whether that billy joel song was the theme song for that show or not
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ann-decart · 10 hours
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The history of corporate propaganda.
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ann-decart · 11 hours
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have a grink of this <3
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ann-decart · 12 hours
Remember this??? Remember when tumblr fired all its staff and announced it was gonna function going forward on a skeleton crew…glad they still think it’s worth their tiny crew’s time and effort to wage a war against trans people, making the site virtually unusable for us, one of their previously most loyal demographics
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ann-decart · 12 hours
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check out this disc that seemingly manifested itself at my work. it contains:
an illegal copy of Microsoft office
a copy of 7zip and winrar
a keygen that plays the hunger games theme song when opened and has a red button that when you click it just closes the entire program
an informative .txt file that tells you to turn off all the firewall and antivirus on your computer
definitely no viruses
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ann-decart · 14 hours
Shen egg compilation
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ann-decart · 14 hours
Saw lesbian +30 hp
Saw lesbian +30 hp
Saw Trans girl +30 hp
Saw aroace flag +30 hp
Saw drag show +100 hp
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ann-decart · 14 hours
Update: Gazans Remain Steadfast
Even through all this destruction, the people of Gaza remain steadfast in their determination to stay in their homeland. They'll rebuild and rebuild a thousand times over no matter what the occupational army does to it.
Mahmoud Abusalama wants to make sure everyone outside of Gaza understands how steadfast the people are. Remember, even if all this happens, this is our homeland and Palestinians will not have their spirits broken! The colonial entity of 'Israel' will never take that away!
If you'd like to support the people of Gaza directly, you can donate to HelpGazaChildren through the link below.
HelpGazaChildren Notion Site || #helpgazachildren tag
GoFundMe Link
[ID: Mahmoud Abusalama sweeps away rubble in a room with walls missing as he speaks to the camera. The camera pans out and shows the complete and total destruction of Jabaliya refugee camp.]
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ann-decart · 14 hours
you guys need to understand my parents left delhi and moved to uttar pradesh because they wanted to live under the BJP this is a personal victory for me lmfao
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ann-decart · 14 hours
To give International peeps an idea of what the fuck is happening to the Conservatives in the UK right now, leading up to the July 4th election
In a grand total of only 14 days, the conservatives have done the following on the campaign trail.
Announced the election outside of number 10 in the pouring rain with no plans to use an umbrella or take it inside.
Went to a brewery in Wales and asked if they were looking forward to the summer football, only for staff to respond that Wales didn't make the qualification for the cup.
Person who questioned the PM on Television was actually a plant
Went for an interview at the Titanic Quarter in Belfast and the reporter said "are you captaining a sinking ship into this election?"
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This picture.
Promised a return of National Service which OBLITERATED the young vote.
A top Tory minister instead of campaigning went to fucking Greece.
A Tory minister gave up her own seat and told everyone to vote for the Reform candidate instead.
Three Tories defected to a different party.
Did a PR thing involving the PM dribbling a football and someone commented on camera "he's as good at football as he is as being Prime Minister" (he was terrible).
Former Tory minister suggested on Twitter that once he loses the election he would bugger off to California to be a speaker at GOP conferences like other former Tory ministers have done, and he had to furiously deny the allegations.
He said he'll get rid of poor value for money University Courses and when asked which ones, couldn't name a single one.
Announced the election but were nearly 200 candidates short to compete and are scrambling to find some.
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Hung the flag upside down in their campaign video, which means we're in distress.
Gave a speech with factory workers, and one woman was so aghast at his bullshit on camera that they sent someone out to stand in-front of her to block her reactions; it has already been satirised.
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A high profile conservative MP called a pollster who was live on air, the pollster answered, telling him that he was going to lose his seat by a massive majority. The MP didn't say anything and just hung up. Again, this was LIVE ON AIR.
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They went campaigning in Hanley, and in the river behind them, the Liberal Democrat party very slowly sailed by on a little boat. The camera man panned the camera away from the prime minister to focus on the Liberals in the boat slowly sailing down the river.
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A new poll shows that for the first time in decades, if not over a century, the Conservatives could be in third place, with Labour (Social Democrat) and the Liberal Democrats becoming the top two parties.
I hope you've been keeping count here, because it's been fourteen days and that is 18 pieces of terrible publicity.
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