angthelion · 10 days
gimme feyd-rautha too confused by having an orgasm without his partner or him inflicting pain. feyd confused by how good it was. gimme feyd who’s living the math lady meme sitting on the bed while paul is Very Uncomfortable from the Implications and and his thoughts out loud
gimme feyd who’s drunk on tenderness
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angthelion · 10 days
Dune Behind The Scenes pt.2
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Your honour I'm sorry but I can't not ship them
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The black teeth are truly uncanny
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Imperial bootlicker!
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When you have two very strong braincells and they're both focused on planning sexy cousin-murder
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Part 1 | Part 3
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angthelion · 10 days
Muad’Dib who steals one glance from Feyd-Rautha.
Muad’Dib who comes into the chambers where the prisoners are kept in the middle of the night, disheveled and angry, and just drags Feyd-Rautha somewhere. Nobody stops him.
Muad’Dib who takes his mask off in the darkness of the Arrakis night and reveals himself as Paul Atreides. Paul, who reveals that in the morning they would fight to death, as pawns of Bene Gesserit, and that he is so tired. That he is forced to follow their path and he wants to make his own choices.
Paul, who begs Feyd-Rautha to run away with him and mess up everyone’s plan.
They run away; nobody follows. Chani takes place at the fremen Council, Irulan makes her move as a negotiator, Arrakis regains more independance, and the Corrinos keep the throne.
All while the boys get a couple of days to be boys. Run away with each other, spill all their secrets: Paul already knows everything, so Feyd-Rautha can finally tell someone. Dream about future where their past doesn’t matter. Make love.
Of course, their silly resistance doesn’t last. After one breath of freedom, Feyd longs to feel the power, and he obviously choses to get back to Giedi Prime as a Baron.
So Baron Harkonnen returns - with a nameless, faceless figure, veiled in a way resembling Bene Gesserit, but different. Feyd-Rautha says that they saved him in the desert. That he has his own Truthsayer now.
Reverend Mother Superior thinks that it’s meaningless show off. He can have his desert witch, this would’t make any impact on their mission.
This line of thought is acceptable to all parties involves.
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angthelion · 10 days
Just watched Dune part 2 and the only thing i took away was that every time Feyd was in Paul’s presence he looked aroused??
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angthelion · 10 days
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some iconic hit tweets from @ quibvs on twitter that made me cackle
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angthelion · 10 days
Now, let's talk about "you fought well, Atreides".
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Yes, Feyd-Rautha enjoys the fight. He enjoys the volence. But he is acutely aware of the fact that he is on the Arena. He's a gladiator - Baron put him here for his own entertainment. On a gladiator's arena, one might be a beast, and another one might be a warrior, but both of them face death; the game is rigged to Feyd-Rautha win, but he still could've died.
This gives us a look into Feyd-Rautha's particular kind of madness: he's cruel, he enjoys the acts of violence, but he's not arrogant to assume he'll always land on top. He understands the hierarchy of power very well. It is shown in his behavior in the Emperor's court: he doesn't get himself involved into a battle he can't win, just observes.
And we know who taught him well.
At the Arena, he shares a short, perverted moment of tenderness with his victim - because it could've been him. The fight was rigged against them both: of course Baron expected him to win like this, without a shield, because Feyd-Rautha was put into the Arena in front of millions of his fanatics. When gift is not a gift?
Nothing about this is honorable. You didn't stand a chance, but you fought well, Atreides.
But the second time we hear this, everything changed.
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Baron is dead. For a fleeting moment, Feyd-Rautha is Baron. There is no game within a game. Nobody forces him to step up as a champion. The goal is clear - protect the emperor. Neither fremen or sardaucar will interrupt them.
Finally, he can have his honorable and true fight.
He doesn't kill Paul, while he lays on the floor, because that move would be almost constdered a sucker punch.
And Paul wins the right way. It could've been either of them, but now it's Feyd's choice.
"You fought well, Arteides", and I am grateful for that.
I wonder if Paul catches this gratitude.
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angthelion · 10 days
hear me out
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angthelion · 10 days
Thinking of an alternate universe where feyd lives after the fight between him and paul and paul decides to keep him. the POSSIBILITIES. I can imagine him as a guard dog, cloaked in shadow, always walking a step behind Paul. It's easy to forget that Paul has all the power over him sometimes; they respect each other, they practice duelling together, and when Paul doesn't want to do dirty work, all he has to do is snap his fingers and feyd comes. Paul knows what he needs. He knows he needs pain and shame and he gives it to him. Feyd getting called to his throne room, getting punished and hurt and reveling in it. Paul not having to worry about his betrayal because he knows that feyd is happy to get kicked. feyd dropping to his knees whenever he sees him no matter who's watching because he needs it
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angthelion · 10 days
Some thoughts on Dune, media literacy and the way we interact (and do not interact) with difficult topics in fiction....
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Buddy, imma say this with kindness in my heart.... If this gets you 'tweaking' then you aren't gonna like the ending of Children of Dune...
On the media literacy note.... big sigh.
It is explicitly said that Feyd and Paul were meant to marry and have a child had Paul been born a girl - obviously the natural reaction is to consider what the nature/implications of that would have been. The source material is EXPLICITLY telling you that they were made for eachother, destined to be together. This is also the text EXPLICITLY telling you that this relationship would be an acceptable thing in this world. Therefore engaging with this concept is not at all a reach and is very much backed up by the source material. People are not getting this idea from nowhere.
(Also if that still offends you, they're not actually first cousins but cousins once removed and 2 seconds of thinking about the family tree would have made that obvious, not that it really matters at all in the context of this story, but it is a very easy feat of inductive reasoning)
The fact is that this is a story about ruling families and (as they almost always do) it involves a degree of incest. This is ESPECIALLY true in the world of Dune where these people are being selectively bred like show dogs to have certain genetic characteristics, I hope I do not have to patronise anyone by explaining how that works. Especially given as Reverend Mother Mohiam says this, oh, 10 pages into the first book:
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People who haven't read the literature love to lecture people on literacy, funny.
So, in conclusion, if this is how you feel then, with love, Dune is not the story for you. The fact is that a degree of incest IS normalised in this universe and if you're inclined toward tedious moralising based on writers exploring difficult ideas in fiction then I'm honestly surprised you ended up here in the first place. Dune is a story that constantly presents the reader with difficult ideas and invites them to critique and analyse them for themselves, including the morality of the Bene Gesserit breeding programme. In Dune no character is morally pure, no ideology is beyond corruption and no path is free of ugly choices. As adults we can engage with these difficult topics as we wish.
*Sigh* A few years ago these people learned the term 'media literacy' and they've been insufferable ever since.
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angthelion · 10 days
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feyd & paul + text posts (please do not repost without credit)
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angthelion · 10 days
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FeydPaul Modern AU Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen / Paul Atreides inspired by the amazing fanfiction & "The Bikeriders" new trailer
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angthelion · 10 days
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more correct quotes
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angthelion · 10 days
Paul: "May thy knife chip and shatter"
Feyd-Rautha: 500k+/slowburn/enemies with benefits/enemies to lovers/hurt no comfort
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angthelion · 10 days
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“you fought well, atreides”
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angthelion · 10 days
Why are there like 5 daily chores where if you skip them for 2 days your life becomes a time based psychological thriller after
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angthelion · 10 days
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arms arms arms arms arms
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angthelion · 10 days
many things wrong with me. well at least i'm bisexual.
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