angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal
Reflection #10: “Monitoring One’s Career Development”
“20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world”. —Harriet Tubman
No matter where you are, where you came from, Your DREAMS ARE VALID. As a youth, when you have a dream that you can’t let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it. But remember that Real dreams take work, They take patience, and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. So then, Just be sure you are willing to do that. In whatever you do, or dream you can, begin if. Life is full of opportunistic mysteries. Boldness has a genius power and magic in it. It all begins with love and becoming passionate in with the things we can do and might can. Never forget to always love what you do and do what you love. Reciprocate. Never listen to absurd words around you or anyone who tells you not to do anything. Focus on what you want and what you love. You do you. Imagination should be the center of your life.~~
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17th of March 2021. Our last chapter with Personal Development and probably the best lesson takeaways that I’ve pondered far and wide. Career Path. ‘A career was described by Santos as having a job that suits the skills, the goals, and the personality traits that a person has. It could be a profession that the adolescent has always aspired for or it can be a means of earning an income.’ Career plans can help you make decisions about what classes to take, and identify the extracurricular activities, research, and internships that will make you a strong job candidate. The importance of career planning can’t be overemphasized. Having a career plan is crucial for every person aspiring to become successful in life. It is a multi-stage process that needs to be thoroughly planned and executed to reap the desired benefits. The features of Career Planing consists; Self Analysis, Opportunity Analysis, Goal Setting, and Creating a Strategy and implementing the action plan. In settling on educational and career decisions , students should be urged to consider both their inclinations and their abilities. In situations where interests are more grounded than abilities, understudies ought to be urged to think about systems for improving their abilities. As future freshmen we all want a secured path where almost everything is organized, set and is according to its right places. Almost everyday trying to figure out what we really wanted because were torn between chasing our Passion or Dreams. It is Viability versus Passion. By that case our decision-making process will shaken up hence becoming lost on our way to get there. Some students would also Plan ahead for their own contentment like building a house or family, marrying and even traveling. I’ve come up with this sort of interesting idea about way back in our high-school days our questions goes, “What strand are you gonna get?” “Which school you would take for senior high school?” And now to this, “From what university would you spend your college years? “, “What are your ambitions?”, “Which courses do you think is suitable for your dream profession?” Til then our answers will always be “I still haven’t decided yet. I’m so confused. I don’t think I can make it”. We are so coasted, worried and full of doubts, low self-esteem on taking our career pathways. Inevitably, a successful career is built along several components namely •Life goals, •Career planning, and •Career Development. Course Plan- While many students may be scared to start building a plan on their own, the reality is they have a lot of the knowledge and resources needed to get a head start. First, encourage yourself to review your college and career goals as you build your course plans. Additionally you may even come along again with these, “What prerequisites do I need for my desired college program or major?” “What pathway do I want to pursue?” “Are there special diploma requirements to meet?” Therefore initially asking these critical questions and take a first stab at creating your course plans challenges yourself to research options, problem solve and take ownership over the planning process. Pivotal linking is much independence in choosing high school courses is additionally an incredible introduction for picking courses in college. Once at college, students wont be approaching similar active help with their course choices. Long-haul thinking doesn't frequently start until middle adolescence, with a genuine spotlight on future profession decisions holding off on happening until late adolescence. Yet, with progressively complex requests and shuffling school and extracurricular responsibilities, figuring out how to prepare and focus on is basic. •Sources of Personality Traits May be from yourEnvironmental or Social Factors which Is not just the biological factors that play dominant roles in the formation of personality, social or environmental factors also affect its development. Generally, there are two types of cultures—the collectivist and individualist—that contribute to personality. Distinguishing the development
that you had as for having that career is inclined on a matter of perseverance, tolerance and how to achieve that goal. Miss KV once said that ‘Skies has no limit even if it takes years or the longest time, your future depends on you and upholds you.’ On the latter, we tend to become so goal- oriented that we have no sense nor focus on what’s happening or going on to where we’re going. DECIDE & DISCERN. Failures, discouragement, and rejection are some of the hurdles you may face while working towards your goals. Also, sometimes it takes way too long to successfully achieve your long term goals, which can take a toll on your confidence. This is where short term goals come into play. They keep reminding you the purpose of all the hard work you put in and keeps you focused.  If you have a long term goal comprising of valid short term goals, you can be assured of success. After completing your short term goals, you can set rewards for yourself to enjoy this success, and that will help you keep moving towards your goals.
The secret of success is not just to keep moving. The secret is to keep moving according to a plan to reach to a particular destination in life. The plan is often a combination of many short-term goals pointing in the direction of an ultimate goal. It doesn’t matter if you are in school, college or you are a working professional, having short term goals to attain a long term goal is always beneficial.
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?
No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person. Ever meet someone who’s always had everything work out for them with zero struggle? They usually have the depth of a puddle. Or they don’t exist.
“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” - Denis Waitley 💜✨✨
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal
Reflection #9: “Building and Establishing Harmonized Relationship with the Family”
Stated by Marvin J. Ashton, “Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we are loved and where we can love”.
“When everything goes to hell, the people who stand by you without flinching— they are your family”. —Jim Butcher
“Life is a secret lease from God and we should not allow ourselves to be bruised. Family life is our strength and success”. —Anonymous
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16th of March 2021. Todays’ session with Miss KV had relinquished my mind and heart all along with the word FAMILY. I know some of my classmates could relate to this one for we have all kinds of different levels of sensitivity talking about our Family. On my own definition, Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter. Family time is sacred time and should be protected and respected. ‘Togetherness’ is a very essential ingredient to family life. As the old saying says, ‘The family that prays together, stays together.’ When it comes to family I don’t usually have the urge to face this someone who’s communicating with me, what I normally do is just to remain silent. The Basic Function of the Family is To: •REPRODUCE
•Responsible for SOCIALIZATION AND
•Each member of the family is provided with •IDENTITY AND SOCIAL ROLES
I came from a Nuclear Family where were only 4 members living in the same roof ever since our Dad passed away years ago. It is very important for us adolescents to build rapport with this kind of people. Basically our Home. Amidst the economic situation we are in this pandemic has not been subsided and we forgot to be mindful and and look on the situation were currently in. Each member of the family is provided may be in school, community, social roles etc. Similar with the Economic and Emotional support that we normally have, despite the fear of being rejected, not accepted especially Gender-biased roles, dragged down, invalidated, outcast or even not having the chance to speak rightfully has lead us to the path of rebellion and never engaged in certain ways. Fear of rejection. Many Adolescents experienced this a lot that is why Social Media life trapped us in Isolating ourselves to others. This is where anxiety and depression began. Mental Health Check has been our priority couple months ago and I think we should go back again soon. If it’s not the impact of Social Media we also have another guest that is Peers, Friends, Intimate Relationship with another person. One of they key factors to harmonized relationships with a family is by Communicating Everyday. You have to start getting along. Build and grow. Successful engagement happens when by means it is according to the upbringing, orientation, principles that you have built in a particular family. Even if coming from an Extended Family, the key factors and rewind will always be the same. •Better Relationship- realizing how you connect with your family and •Nature of Families which is in the latter, I’ve also witnessed some stories about physical abuse mainly sexual one and it’s terrible for the influence of everyone. •Poverty and Parent Absenteeism that sums up the negative impact of Media— (living on the expectations of others as how they see you) I’ve got Key Characteristics of Healthy Families: •Love and Appreciation, •Open and Honest Communication, •Unity and Respect for differences, •Values and Standards, and •Stress coping Strategies.
To adhere Relationship Growth for our Families effectively, It always starts from Acceptance. As adolescents with indifferences, our state is still stuck on being conscious about our Self-Identity. According to Miss KV, you may be the Black Sheep of your members, you still deserved to be valued. Value one another including relatives. Hurdles is only passing by, what matters is the bond, Loyalty and sticking up Identifying together the root of the circumstances. How you’re all going to RESOLVE & REVIVE as one. Families always have Pros and Cons. Example is a Big Family, each members are seeking & craving for attention. Peers and Media are just temporary. FAMILY is defined as permanently treasured until were buried into ashes. The love in our family flows strong and deep, leaving us memories to treasure and keep. Closing this one with, “THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT IT IS AROUND THE FAMILY AND THE HOME THAT ALL THE GREATEST VIRTUES, THE MOST DOMINATING VIRTUES OF HUMAN, ARE CREATED, STRENGTHENED, AND MAINTAINED. 💜💜✨~~ Winston S. Churchill
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal
Reflection #8: “Building and Establishing Harmonized Relationship with the Society/Community”
“The secret message communicated to most young people today by the society around them is that they are not needed, that the society will run itself quite nicely until they — at some distant point in the future — will take over the reigns. Yet the fact is that the society is not running itself nicely… because the rest of us need all the energy, brains, imagination and talent that young people can bring to bear down on our difficulties. For society to attempt to solve its desperate problems without the full participation of even very young people is imbecile.” — Alvin Toffler
— “This world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.” — Robert Kennedy.
“We believe that to confront the challenges our communities face, people- — not just their advocates- — need to define issues and develop strategies for action. [We] foster leadership, literacy and language development among its participants and provides them an enriching job experience that prepares them for college and for careers in community organizing, advocacy and services delivery.” — Youth Action Research Group
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12th of March 2021.- Throughout the entire session, We haven’t able to meet with Miss KV because of urgent meeting that she had and so what we did was to accomplished the task she had given to us while she was not around & that is to have a GROUP STUDY whereas our section will have a discussion about the Unit 10 which tackled about •Our Roles and Responsibilities in the Community, • Comparing Perceptions of One’s Self and How Others See Them, and lastly, •Filipino Relationships.
To start off, These important relationships not only include family and personal friends but also the wider groups and communities we belong to. Forming connections and a sense of community with work colleagues, neighbours and the various groups that make up our identity (such as sports, hobbies, religious and community groups), all contribute to our well-being. Forming a sense of belonging with other people around a shared mission or identity is a major contributor to our sense of personal meaning in life. Our personal resilience is interwoven into resilience of the communities to which we belong. It is from the web of our relationships and connections with other people that we draw our strength. Such communities can lift us when we are down and give us the capacity to deal with whatever challenges come our way. Social Responsibility can be “negative,” in that it is a responsibility to refrain from acting or it can be “positive,” meaning there is a responsibility to act. Being socially responsible not only requires participating in socially responsible activities like recycling, volunteering and mentoring, but to actually make it a lifestyle.
Empathy, an ability to recognize other’s feelings and perspectives and understand other people’s needs is crucial in leadership. Being empathetic means you can step into another person’s world and this character trait is essential for success due to several reasons.
It’s impossible to effectively lead people you don’t understand. You can effectively motivate and influence someone if you know their feelings. Empathy is one of the keys to successful leadership because it helps build relationships with people they lead and create an environment of open communication. Luckily, empathy is natural for humans and we can even learn to be more empathetic and demonstrate this ability to people around us. Moreover,A leader is the one who conducts, acts as a guide to others in action or opinion, one who takes the lead in any enterprise or movement, one who is ‘followed’ by disciples or adherents, the most eminent member of a profession, a person of eminent position and influence. A real leader is one who not only inspires others but also understands each member of his/her team. While communication, attitude and commitment to get the work done are the essential ingredients of a good leader, other traits (or characteristics) that enable real leadership in a leader are Creativity, Empathy, Ethics, Ability to take responsibility, Ability to challenge failure, among others. A mind blowing pioneer will fight the temptation to freeze in the midst of a disagreeable condition. Make usage of most of the resources available and intelligibly find a path towards the conceivable arrangement. Conveying that initiative can make you worried can cause commotion and negative confirmation among associates, so stay positive and tell the best way to change trouble into a phase forward. Leadership is made up of processes where you cooperate to influence and motivate the other members with the goal of attaining goals. These processes are:
Reciprocal. It involves the leader, the members or followers, and the
situation of the group. In this process, the leader’s responsibility is not just influencing the group; rather, the leader-follower relationship is considered
as mutual. In an interactional perspective, leadership is not separated from followers-hip (the qualities and skills that are shown by non-leaders). Both of them are related to each other.Transactional. This perspective views that the leaders and members work together. They exchange efforts, time, and their skills to achieve joint rewards. Transformational. Leaders increase the motivation, satisfaction, and confidence of the group. This is done through the act of uniting the members and modifying their values, needs, and beliefs. Cooperative. This is a process that promotes legitimate influence instead of the use of power. Leadership is voluntarily given to a person by some or all of the members. When it is done, it is expected that the leader is influenced by the collective needs of the group instead of his/her interest. Adaptive and goal-seeking. Leaders organize and motivate the attempts of the members to achieve both the personal and group goals.To remember the leadership processes, think RTTCA:
R – eciprocal.
T – ransactional.
T – ransformational.
C – ooperative.
A – daptive and goal-
Furthermore, sealing this overall with the self-concept is not created overnight. It is a product of experiences and feedbacks that you get as you grow up. The self-concept is not just composed of positive beliefs about the self but also the negative which can produce negative emotions. Plato believed that there is wisdom when you begin to gain knowledge about yourself. This was echoed by philosophers and human behavior scientists throughout the ages. A self-knowledge is a powerful tool in building the self-esteem and confidence of a person. Although there are things about you that can be too painful to admit, they can also be helpful in making you more sincere and true to YOURSELF!✨💜💜
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal
Reflection #7: “Building and Establishing Relationships with Others”
“We don’t meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason.” – Unknown
Stated by Thomas Merton, - “The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find it them.”
Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. All humankind are made out of love, we are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Heavenly Father, and to those who accidentally passed by reading this, you yourself is Unique and Powerful enough to explore the wanders of this beautiful world we lived in out of Love. The most important thing in life is to learn how to give our love, and to let it naturally come in. By that, It is where I’m going to deprive & reflect myself throughout the entire session for this day. ~~
“Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. Love is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”- Ann Landers—
-Relationships-of all kinds-are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is.
The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but most will be spilled.
A relationship is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.
11th of March 2021.-
The day that I’ve been waiting, not just me but also my classmates in that the past weeks we were bombarded with works that we can’t even find leisure time for ourselves to relax, eat and sleep for a bit. Our last subject that we had was Research so it was aggressively exhausting, well that phrase suits the term perfectly. Substantially on the latter, this day was really casted with lots of learnings most importantly in this current situation we are facing right now. On the previous session we had with Miss KV it was primarily centered on the core of our Mental Health or specifically speaking “ourselves”, from the Getting to Know Itself down to Developing our Mental Health Stability, and for me that was my overall summary during the 3rd grading period. 2nd of all, It was extremely fun to witness how our Miss KV had engagement with my classmates, she even helped them by her advices that was all about the dealing of “Identity between your Important RELATIONSHIPS in adolescence”. This topic was relatable within us adolescents upon stepping to adulthood and a must to take a peak on. Our sub topics for this day was On Teenage Relationships, Types of Crush, commitment, Dating and Relationships, The Role it Social Media in Dating,The Triangular Theory of love, and Eight Types of Love.
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Contrasting,Just a single time in our life, I could genuinely accept, I discover somebody who can totally turn my reality around. I reveal to them things that I've never imparted to another spirit and they assimilate all that i say and really need to hear more. I open my heart realizing that there's a possibility. It very well might be broken one day and in opening my heart, I've experienced an affection and happiness that I never envisioned conceivable. I found that being defenseless is the best way to permit your heart to feel genuine delight, that is so genuine it alarms me.Cause love is when someone cherish you, care for you, earn your confidence, supports you, protects you, respects you, and many sacrifices, etc.
As what queen Taylor swift said;
in The monsters turned out to be just trees / When the sun came up you were looking at me" – "Out of the Woods" from "1989"
That's deep, and unconditional.
So to those people who've been loved?
Be Thankful.
In our current generation we’re evolving, pouring ourselves out of those Social Media platforms that would only mean something as a facade of who we are as a person not our entirety. INTENTIONS. Finding and having pure intentions/intimate relationships, not just with a significant other, hence including our Families & Peers is an ultimate goal we are simping for. Good intentions are rare to find especially with our friends and to that someone whom we are attracted to. Adolescents on dating stages is somehow a preparation in unleashing for selecting our future partners. Having someone special compromises with Respect and Understanding. According to Miss KV, “Love truly is something which cannot be fully captured in any single definition. Love can really be a many splendor thing.” •Dating to •Selective Stage to •Going Steady Stage and lastly •Engagement Period Stage are the stages or process of courtship. In the history “haranas” or serenading is a trend but indifferently these days we can now express our love in many different ways. Psychologist Robert Sternberg an expert about love defined love has 3 components such as Intimacy, Passion and Commitment. We also have (DTR- Define the Relationships)for us to be leaded in a sincere and clear form within our standards upon others. Young love will need some danger and some barriers in order to nourish it. As days passed by, we are growing in looking for someone whom we can see our best versions and upon finally having to embrace our special someone on seeing true potentials in them it literally means we are not wasting our precious time anymore in a such way that our goal is to date to Mary and to have long lasting relationships through building and building our Love Language. Last but the most important part on our topics is the 5 types of love. That is •Words of affirmation, •Giving gifts, •Quality Time, •Little acts of Kindness, and •Physical Touch. Within these languages, studying your someones’s spot on love is the secret technique/key to meet the recipe interconnection between the both of you. Moreover on yourself, you must also have to study & have deep knowledge about your “Type” of receiving and giving love language relationship. You are the CAPTAIN of your SOUL peculiarly when you’re at the highest and lowest peak of your life. Your roles and responsibilities should not greatly affect you behind those compassionate relationships that you have. Relationships with others doesn’t consume you and change your perspective as a person in live. Being able to handle one’s self is rare because no one could understand your existence except YOU. 💜✨✨
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal Reflection #6: “Focusing on the Psychological Health” “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”“All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon. If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.” - Gautama Buddha ~~Today we have abundant opportunities to utilize our strengths and passions, do things we enjoy, and connect with people we love.Tomorrow might bring a world of exciting new possibilities, but today, wherever we stand on our journey, can be an adventure in itself.Before reaching out to our final destination or outcomes in life, One must partake that the obstacles, ups and downs and overall journey that we will pass on our life is the most essential part of Learning and Growing. What we had gone through our hurdles in life serves as our training ground but achieving happiness or the thought of “being happy” is one of the unmeasurable things that one couldn’t defeat.
25th of January 2021. - As what’ve Miss KV our PerDev teacher have said, “Our days in Personal Development are definitely a fruitful and impactful one to all of us. We learned to learn, unlearn, and re-learn by which something that we can embark in our life's journey”. Learning from this subject had embodied me a lot of self-realizations and self-reflections everyday. Even at our most critical state in life that we’re facing, our Mental Health should always be look at and assess everyday. Even if this subject has a whole different session upon one’s self, even to this very last day of our discussion inclined with Daily Journal has developed my inner stability and outlooks in life. I’m a very deep person in a way that I would always look beyond reasons in it and honing to be the best version.
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Our last topic for today’s session talked about “Focusing on the Psychology Health”. From the word itself psychology means our Mental State or Thinking. There are a lot of ways to be happy & by that there are 6 Facets of Psychological Well-being and those are; *Self-acceptance, *Positive relations with others, *Autonomy, *Environmental mastery, *Purpose in life, and *Personal Growth. Synthesizing/Rationalizing all of these, you must have to NURTURE YOURSELF. Step by step and one at a time. We tend to fasten everything or rush things which is why we have to avoid that. Another factor is that Comparing yourself to other’s timelines. We all have our right times at our rightful place. Just by setting your goal that you’d like to achieve to reap the fruit of your harvest would truly be unbarring. We’re not just given with it but do remember our Almighty Father’s promises and will for us declared in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.
We also have our Lesson which was the most prominent part for me, for Lesson 2:”Mental Health Check and Dangers”, Lesson 3: “Coping with Mental Health Issues” and Lesson 4: “Planning for Mental Health”. As I was currently coping up with my Mental Health/Stability recently, last year I had a lot of issues/downfalls that had affected and destroyed my Mental Health. And one factor that could conclude about it is the Adverse, traumatic events and conflict, pot conflict scenarios. Last year I survived and this year I want to manifest being mentally, socially, physically & emotionally healthy. It is true that the negative experiences that you have the time when you’re still young or even before can highly affect your Adolescent stage. My mindset recently is about dealing again with the cycle or situations that I’ve encountered before so that’s why I SHOULD stand boundaries to protect my inner peace and heart. I’m at the point where trusting or investing your time for people that would never value your existence will just drag you down. Struggling between healing or just distracting yourself was very tough and excruciating. We should me minded to be always sensitive upon dealing, communicating and establish intimate relationships with other including your family. Adopt sensitivity towards one another because we never really know how it would affect lifetime to a certain person or Inflict pain. Practicing sensitive to others will always you build with them. My top priority is to never set aside my feelings when having difficulties and that I would always acknowledge my self first. Just by having someone that you could talk to everyday like peers and friends. Speak out. Voice yourself out. Don’t be a pessimist and understand yourself more. Empathy is very important as well feelings of others. I can also relate myself to catastrophizing. Whenever you’re at state at being so happy, you expect things to come negatively. One of my breakthrough for that is to have the necessity of silver lining at every situation where I’m at. Change is constant. When there’s changes, there’s challenges. Start within yourself and Establish positive relationships are with others. Inculcate all the things that have been taught to you in many ways. But always remember to always live your life with a Healthy, Mind and Soul.
Make ways to improve your Mental Health. By having everyday daily journaling. Reduce negativity. Focus on self care. Read more. And lastly, Let go of expectations. HEALTH CHECK-IN. PRIORITIZE SPACE. SPACE TO BREATHE. SPACE TO RESET. SPACE TO CREATE. SPACE TO THINK. SPACE TO FEEL. SPACE TO HEAL. SPACE TO EXPAND. ✨💗💜💜
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal•Reflection #5: “Encountering Stress as A part of Adolescence”“The mind can go either direction under stress—toward positive or toward negative: on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousness at the negative end and hyperconsciousness at the positive end. The way the mind will lean under stress is strongly influenced by training.” - Frank Herbert
~In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers. Conquering the anxieties of life means also contrasts with living in the moment and living in the breath. The different stresses that we’re having is only passing by and you should never have a reason to let it dwell your whole life on it nor even interfere with your relationships and associations with your family, friends, peers and your society in general. Emotions cloud judgement that is why adopting your mind to be stronger than what you feel will never control, harm, and kill your existence in this world.~
“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth diminishing your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.” - Steve Maraboli
22nd of January 2021. Yesterday I had learned a lot of stuffs and reflected about the Dealing with the Challenges of Adolescence Stage and my mind was filled with the idea of engaging positive interactions on coping up with today’s rampant issues in one’s self and society as well. I am much thankful to our PerDev teacher Miss KV for her profound and willingness to teach us these important lessons and how it could motivate us to divulge self reflections daily. Our topic for today was all about “Stress” in the adolescence world. It is much likely appealing for me in a way that I am introvert person, I overthink a lot and I’ve done self-harm oftentimes due to my anxieties.
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Way back then I had phobias of being a failure and never being good enough with everything that I do. With all that I involved myself a habit of having these sudden panic attacks, chest pains attacking my body when I’m in the middle of handling my stresses and self-pressures. On what the discussion have left a big impact on myself, whatever stress or challenges or situations you’re in or it can also be on your decision-makings on your life may be physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially, you can never control on what does your body do or even stop it from dependently overreacting coming from your emotions thus it always rely on us on how we give response out of that stress that would not end taking away everything and could lead to the point that it trigger the body to its limits. For me gettin to this stage is one of the most frustrating parts because it could worsen your inner/mental state. Every single specie living on this planet have several positive and negative stress in their lives most essentially during these days. We tend to feel stress everyday and endure everything without even having the time to pause & meditate. Stress can also come from friends and family. There are three kinds of stress, the (1) Acute stress, (2) Episodic acute stress and the (3) Chronic stress. The most crucial kind of stress is the Chronic Stress which is a long term and has negative effects that would result to anxiety and depression. Becoming an adolescent may change your own perceptions/perspectives, way of absorption/thinking in times of challenges that becomes stress. Another sources of adolescent’s stress are *Social Pressure, *Family Relationships, * Academic Pressure, and even *Self Doubts. Even if it starts with ourselves we also have to maintain and adopt Stress Management towards relationships with others. Shape your extra life with your support systems beside you. My special takeaways from this lesson was that Regardless in between the positive & negative stress, you can take your positive stresses in life and use it as self-enlightenment of motivation while negative stresses on the other hand must need to reciprocate on your positive stresses in that manner our breakdowns to stresses would be neglected and lessen negative responses to your own body. You wouldn’t like it when you go straight to the extent of loosing your self-worth and your existence as person just by those doubts and questions lingering you. Upon growing, Self-checking must always be included in our daily routines. Never compare yourself because everyone is blessed and fearfully made. Turn your worries or stresses into prayers instead if you have no one to talk to and seek for his presence and guidance. Do devotional and soaking, kneeling and surrendering your all to our Almighty Father. Don’t have the slightest idea of harming yourself. Keep yourself busy through finding leisure time with physical or outdoor activities. Surround yourself with radiant positivity. Do yoga and meditation. Notice your physical changes or any sign of physical stress, communicate your friends and family to venture out your anxious feelings. Develop self pampering/ spoiling yourself on the things that focuses on positive stresses. Access your favorite musics, movies and shows. Rebalance your academic works and time at home. Practice using stress balls to fight stress, reduce tension, even helps your anger management. Control breathing. Relax your muscles especially Prefrontal cortex. And most importantly, engage your senses or positive affirmation to your challenging thoughts and keep a journal with you. Daily Reminder to everyone who’s reading this: SET PEACE OF MIND AS YOUR HIGHEST GOAL AND ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE AROUND IT. IT’S OKAY TO HAVE A BAD BAY. ASKING FOR HELP IS STRENGTH. HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF. GIVE UP EVERYTHING THAT WEIGHS YOU DOWN BECAUSE YOUR LIFE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!. 💗🦋🦋✨
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal•Reflection #4: “Dealing with the Challenges of Adolescence Stage” “Adolescence represents an inner emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human wish to cling to the past and the equally powerful wish to get on with the future”. - Louise J. Kaplan~ Everyday is a new beginning, everyday is a new chapter. Leaving heavy highs from everything that you’ve done throughout the day and pausing for a thought of how would you manage your current situation with the challenges that you’re hurdling since being an adolescent is a stage where we hardly encounter storm, period of stress and even still having confusions with strengthening our identity with the preparation of Developmental Tasks. “Adolescence is society's permission slip for combining physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility.” - Terri Apter 21st of January 2021| Starting off with giving my greatest pleasures and appreciation to our PerDev teacher Miss KV for keeping this subject productive in embodying the essence of Adolescence. Now that we’re on with our lesson that have opened the Setting stage of this period down to the the coping mechanisms for this period.
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Adolescent can both provide great opportunities socially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually hence it is the defined as the most crucial part before stepping up to Adulthood. It becoming torn/stuck on a teen’s Identity vs. Identity Confusion. There may be positive events as we’re all crossing our paths yet CHALLENGES will never be avoided. In this stage, it is most considered and known as the chaotic stage. This is the conjugator of the contradictions. Getting lost a little bit at some points of life by engaging with bumps before moving forward with the outcome is normal and necessarily intended to everyone. Our world rotates on its normal axis every single day where innovation, evolution, issues, crisis, pandemic, societal challenges, global warming, & climate change. Take a peak on how crazy the world had gone and certain circumstances, changes, Challenges foster and ruled. We are living in the generation where we’re all exposed in the media world especially in our growing population and liberated society. Adolescents undergone huge issues and problems by demands of teen years. Getting used with the changing system in this challenging world and how we can be able to surpass it all in a matter of time. This is where The Importance if Facing Challenges is uphold. Always remember that CHALLENGES will either make or break a person. There are 2 components that Affect the Development of Initiate; is the Mastery of Experiences and most essentially the full support system coming from significant others like families and friends. You have to mindful & be open minded about the rampant issues during the Adolescent Period most probably the Adolescents and their Morality, Anxiety, Academic Concerns & Career Options, and lastly Parents and Autonomy etc. My carved takeaways is that everything is one through initiative. Push your boundaries, your life forward that is given to you. It is within you and the goals that you’re in for yourself. Practicality in this stage is centered and it is important to have a full support system from everyone who are down for you. In reality you must know how to fit in , behave ethically, become socially responsible or adopt a socially acceptable behavior. We don’t really know how if the challenges that we’ll be able to face is either a chaotic or a peaceful one that is why instill certain path that you’re going to choose. Rationalizing a lot of these things would make our decisions wisely but dealing with your emotions always comes at first. When you’re at the peak of your anger, never make drastic decisions. Encourage integrity to yourself everyday by knowing that it is normal to feel anxious or become weary but not to the point that it would be the reason to interfering with what you do/daily living, your mental state, and even with your friends. Reply with the people whom you trust. This part is the most big deal for me including the others, if you’re troubled & not mentally conditioned, always identity and acknowledge what you truly feel. Never neglect your mental health. Never conceal and be unbiased. Corporate with your emotions in a healthy not in a harmful way. Talk to yourself and allow healthy communication with others. Give yourself more time and do daily activities such as taking a walk, meditating, taking down reflections, exercise/body fitness, reading a book etc. A healthy discussion with your parents or good parental support about your decisions and issues can work wonders for the peace of mind. They want the best for us that’s why some adolescents tend to overthink in negative way that eventually develops rebellion & more. Our lives depends on us, as we grow older we need to be mature in a way that we gotta have self-affirmations to become more capable as an adolescents. Affirmations helps in attracting positive things or objects. More over, Apply the Law of Attraction. Ask. Believe. Receive. Improvise, be a lot better than yesterday, Manifest & be Authentic. Lastly, let the guidance of the universe pays attention & awakes YOU. ✨✨💛
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
•Personal Development Daily Journal•Reflection #3- ‘Being Mindful with the Self’ According to Jay Woodman, “In every atom, there is a reflection of the whole”. This quote shows the Domino Effect. It is essential for us human beings to reflect often in a way that in certain situations which involves other people, our decision-makings and chosen paths in life would always cause either good or bad results. Just like a mirror, your entity affects the people around you.“Sometimes I wonder if we ever truly let anyone completely in. The desire for another human being to know you, all of you, all the pieces, even the ones you’re ashamed of — is huge. But too often, we sit down and sort through the pieces only picking out the pretty ones, leaving the ugly ones behind, not realizing that choosing not to share with someone else is like committing a crime against our very soul”―Rachel Van Dyken, Toxic
20th of January 2021. The entire session together with the enthusiasm of our PerDev teacher Miss KV, the class had a thorough discussion about our second lesson that tackles “Being Mindful with the Self”. Truth to be told there is so much going on with this lesson because of how it made a great impact on me, how interesting the topics was blazing with my Mental Health Awareness. One of my favorite parts/ first takeaway in this topic was our social association within peers that serves a great reminder to everyone especially Middle and Late Adolescents to always carry the right people/peers in our life and how we deal with our relationships with them.
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Retaining good influenced peers is very beneficial at some stages of our lives through prompting us daily how unique we are individually, how diverse and can be multidimensional in our own little ways, who could strengthen us that how those weaknesses inside of us can turn into our strengths and lastly the things that we need to improve for ourselves. As for yourself, you can always change. Allowing ourselves to grow is the ultimate goal and never bare with the minimum. Healing from everything and starting your game all over again with Self discovery. Every atom needs to push himself/herself to their boundaries and being mindful to discover unknowingly on the things that we never know was inside of us. Choices that could either make or break us. Our Miss KV was able to explain to us The Five Areas of Development namely; Physiological Development, Psychological, Spiritual, Social & Emotional, and Cognitive Development. For Physiological Development that includes the physical attributes of a PERSON ARE A WORK IN PROGRESS. The cognitive development that terms the ability to recall, think, recognize, analyze, reason, synthesize evaluate and assesses memories and concepts. Always keep in mind that Thinking affects emotions that would result to your behavior. Overthinking resonates to your emotions. A person is considered as a social being on the Social and Emotional Development. This one is shaped by the upbringing and life experiences with the family, certain community or society in general and our virtues in life that echoes the values. Psychological Development. The attributes and understanding of a person on their totality as individuals, not just behavioral. Adding the Mind/Body Connection taught me on how independent they are towards each other that’s why Thoughts are influential. “If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place” as what’ve Lao Tzu said. I’ve learned that our mind and thoughts affectively dominates us in our perspective in life. The mindset always affects confidence likely to our self-esteem, our minds inculcate and affects self-esteem ending up with decisions including our physical responses/symptoms. Stating as an example on what we see first things first in the morning affects us consciously and unconsciously. (Feelings & Emotions) Evolving with today’s crisis, Today’s season is far and wide indulging with Mental Health Awareness. We should train ourselves to make reflections as our daily routine just like putting your emotions on a journal or having someone to communicate with. By questioning yourself “How are you? How are things going on with you? Am I really okay?” and making it as a habit at the same time. Even with your peers having a Social Development is a must. Don’t forget that Positive mind attracts/repels positive things. Taking care of the mind and body will be healthy and refreshes a soul. My 2nd Takeaway goes with our Lesson 3 which is “Entering the Phase of Middle and Late Adolescence” & “Peer Social Comparison”, is that Everyone one of us experiences change. We need to be mindful, fully aware & understand the fact that change is happening rapidly that is why equipping ourselves to adopt with the upcoming challenges that we’re about to run through. Accept criticisms constructively. Apprise yourself how to lead with your peers, family and society in general to have the acceptance. Being a late adolescent in the latter, one should apprehend if he is doing the right thing or not. Make changes for yourself, there is always a room for improvement. As a matter of fact we’re now becoming adulthood and were at the point where period of stress can slowly strengthen our identity. In our undertakings, we cannot just live with the standard/values of our peers and family, for you to achieve, discern, and be rational enough you need to have personal values. We are our greatest version. Proving yourself with positive reinforcement, have gratitude, be inspired and compete only with yourself!. ✨✨💛
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
Daily JournalReflection #2- Post-Activity: Self Sharing Through Art: “Me, Myself & I” Stated by Aristotle, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”. A person’s soul always communicates to us through the universal languages of symbols, senses, and songs. These symbols, sensations and sounds teach us about the very core of our lives. Empathy is the ability to step into the shoes of another person, aiming to understand their feelings and perspectives about theirselves and to use that understanding and learning to guide our actions.
Jan. 19, 2021. First things foremost, before our actual subject orientation on the Personal Development, our subject teacher Miss KV Laguiwas in replacement had made us created an activity that was related to our 1st lesson: Getting to Know One’s Self. It is to create a sketching,drawing or a collage portrait to form a visual representation that would depict our habits, unique traits and experiences about ourselves. With that, there should also be a description as it is to shape our total artwork.
Before anything else, here’s a poem that I’ve created in-line with my collage piece: My whole life was like a Dream full of Unmeasurable happiness and memories to keep. Being able to enjoy quality time with my friends and family. And experiencing adventures and unexpected journeys. I'm like a blazing star from afar who shines from distance like a glance of bullet.
Within today’s session, each one of us were to present our visual/digital works instilled with the sharing more deeply about our lives, everything that we ought to do, shining passions, reflecting towards personality traits and our most for “keeps” experiences towards life including our senior high year which had coerced us to distinguish the more enhanced and polished inner selves since we’ve been classmates on 11th grade last year. My first takeaway with today’s reflecting of “sharing” in class is that even if we’ve been transferred into Main Campus and separated with our RNP family (teachers) and sudden changes had gone through the system of the campuses, I’m mostly grateful that we’re all still together tying our nots with the friendship memories that we build and has never separated with each other nor changed throughout our final steps to graduations senior high, getting our diplomas and go to college. Looking back when we’re still newbie grade 11 classmates, our old Stem 2 fam had shared great bonds and encountered challenges that drive us to championship. I had already knew some of them, their personalities, each uniqueness, what they’re passionate about, and even stages of life where they experienced downfalls. Some of them are also good at making the class laugh/inside jokes, there were clever, there were a Kpop stan, into photography, singers, dancers, good at spoken poetry, knows multi-language, loves to write tagalog poems, anime lovers, ml players and an IT major. I’ve got to hear them talk about theirselves, their unforgettable memories since we had a subject before that also highlighted the sharing. In addition, another takeaways that I’ve got in my heart and mind during my classmates sharing is that I had gathered and grown the remaining pieces of what they really love about, who they really are, even how intricate their souls are, the experiences/encounters they had that honed their individuality emotionally, physically, mentally and socially. I’ve now heard how brave each one of them to really speak truly or deeply about the things/stuffs that some of us still don’t know, had no idea about the depths of their lives. I’ve also noticed that some used a certain object to describe their whole entity. Furthermore, their stories and realizations depicting their wholesomeness was STEMazing! My overall learning with the activity sharing we’ve had is, Everyone has its wonders, even in darkness and silence and I learn whatever state we may be in, there in to be content. ~Learn, earn and return; Learn from the things around you, earn enough to return something to others. It’s about sharing your experiences in your journey. The lessons you’ve learned. It’s about inspiring people and motivating people who undergo a situation that you were once experienced. Share the light that guided you. Turn the spark into a wildfire of positivity and motivation. - e.j cenita It was a seizing pleasure to uphold their journeys in life with my life. ✨✨
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angelkyrrieobsioma · 3 years
Reflection #1
Jan. 18, 2021
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: (Getting to Know One’s Self) - Having this subject for our 2nd semester was refreshing and gives us a new environment as this one has a different “ideal kind of subject” to us. Personal Development entails and takes part on the assessing and understanding a one’s self or an individuality, family, loved ones, friends and even the society they’re living in general. Our lesson for today was all about “Getting to Know One’s Self” that had created an enlightenment upon valuing my self more deeply pertaining straight to my mental health and self awareness in the 5 areas as multi-dimensional mainly: physical, spiritual, emotionally, social, and moral human being. My takeaways for this lesson gained me a lot of questions in my mind like, Do you really know yourself? What makes my self- perception different from the people who I’m engaged with? Why am I afraid of judgment or negative feedbacks from others? Do I act differently with them and plays my ‘ideal self role rather than my ‘actual self role’? Will I proceed with my priorities and goals for myself in the near future? Who am I really? Are the information/things that I’ve learned and experienced already enough to fill in my satisfaction? When is the time that you’d realize who you really are?. By simply asking ourselves “who we really are” is already quite mesmerizing yet tends to neglect criticism and opinions from other human beings. And that’s when I realized that we can’t be really complete if External self awareness is a big hinder and never take them constructively. Starting with the questioning of our worths that’s synonymous with our regrets most especially with those certain standards we’re craving. The confidence that you live for yourself, own own ideals, own thinking and own expectations paved us the way to blame others when we failed. One contributing factors that would affect your failures is seemingly YOU. Always be non-judgmental and unbiased to YOURSELF. I’ve reflected my own thoughts on how important delay gratification is. You have to wait for the time given to you. You don’t have to fast tracks. Set your goals straight. Set priorities one at a time. Be diligent to get that reward in that way that is healthy for yourself. Discover yourself towards betterment. After all we’re just the same. This subject is really fun as I’m lookin forward to more self reflecting everyday, prioritizing your mental health as the world still exists in pandemic. :))
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