andcolleague · 4 days
Watson had been watching his companion intently ever since he had sat down to the breakfast table. Holmes happened to look up and catch his eye. "Well, Watson, what are you thinking about?" he asked.
"About you."
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andcolleague · 5 days
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Polly Joke, North Cornwall, England by Chris Marshall
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andcolleague · 6 days
Brett Holmes is like the peak book accurate Holmes for sure but HOWARD HOLMES???? Why is he so funny?? He's just a little guy? Meow meow? He's got such an innocent charm about him. This is a guy I can believe doesn't know that the earth rotates the sun. Giving him a little snack and patting his head
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andcolleague · 8 days
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andcolleague · 19 days
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andcolleague · 22 days
Sherlock Holmes undergoes his most terrible ordeal yet: encountering A Fan.
Filmed at the Reichenbach Falls. Yes, all of it.
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andcolleague · 26 days
The Tale of The Empty House Quest and The Power of Imagination
There's something that I haven't noticed before in the ending credits of SHCO.
The credits show Stonewood Manor in a “past vs. present” sequence. We see the rooms as they were in the past: vibrant, warm, and beautiful, before they transform into the present: dark, cold, and ramshackled.
But the present here isn't just the present; it's Sherlock’s present while he was staying in the manor, and we can see ALL THE AUCTIONED PIECES THAT WE'VE BEEN BUYING THROUGHOUT THE GAME and even that sketch of Ms. Nini's fugly thief in Sherlock's room.
Like, I did wonder how Sherlock managed to refurbish and repaint every room and make them look as good as new all by himself with just a scant few items of furniture, but I never really gave it much thought, simply attributed it to game logic and rolled with it.
BUT THAT'S THE THING. He never really did.
I did wonder how Sherlock put his hand through the lit fireplace to retrieve Mycroft's key, and didn't give it much thought either because again, game logic, but that fireplace was never lit to begin with.
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To Sherlock, when he set to “refurbish” the manor–which entailed him buying whatever auctioned items he could find still being sold around Cordona because like a decade had passed–and to us playing as him as we progressed in the Tale of the Empty House quest, the house started to look warm and colorful and beautiful:
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In reality, though, they were just those items that he restored here and there and everything else HE WAS SEEING IN HIS OWN MIND and the ending credits show us what the manor actually looked like while we were in it:
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Which means that the entire time that we were running around the house with Jon and that beautiful soundtrack as we reminisced and lovingly renovated and decorated it with trophies and case memorabilia, we were running around that same dark, cold, decaying building from the start of the game, except for those little additions here and there...
And if you look at the restored items, you’ll notice how the family portrait is still unveiled, the carpet isn't fully rolled out, Jon’s bed isn't positioned against the wall like it should have been, and there's a covered painting atop the closet in Sherlock's room that didn't originally belong there.
Everything that we reclaimed from the shops looks messily and hurriedly put together–Sherlock is a one man after all and a very busy one–and yet, his creativity and imagination were powerful enough to fill in the rest.
All this time we spent in the “refurbished” Stonewood Manor, we were simply living inside a memory. We were in Sherlock's mind seeing a product of his imagination so vivid that it created a real sense of presence in the revived manor–as real as Jon was to him–despite the actual state of disrepair.
I don't know why it never occurred to me before. It's pretty obvious now, and it makes so much sense; there was no way Sherlock was going to find everything that was auctioned still being sold and intact (and he didn't, the items he found were like 10 or 13 tops) and make the house look like that all by himself. He could have hired people to repaint and clean and bought similar furniture, I guess, but that's just far-fetched to me. He barely even spent time in the manor to put all of this extra effort on renovations.
I sobbed uncontrollably when I realized this sgsjiwise (the ending credits already make me so weak, especially with that damned music UGH).
I don't know. There's something so bittersweetly pure about him trying to reclaim the space that was once his own with whatever minimal resources he had available. Whatever he couldn't find, he simply substituted with creativity and imagination, and that was enough to imbue the space with warmth and a real sense of home sweet home. It's almost reminiscent of how a child plays. I think it's a beautiful testament to the power of imagination, how it has the ability to transform environments and create a sense of belonging.
And then, just like 10 years ago as if he still lived there, he went around and put up posters and trophies and memorabilia, despite knowing that he wasn't staying there for long, and that once he left, it was forever. It's like he wanted to experience what it was like living in the manor one last time, leaving one last imprint saying, “I was here.”
I wonder what Mycroft thought of it all when he came back later to check on Sherlock. He must have at least gone through the entire ground floor in order to get to the back garden, so he must have seen all the restored items and the very personal traces of his brother's short-lived presence scattered among the junk and clutter of their dilapidated old home. I imagine they starkly stood out not just because they were not supposed to be there, but because of how they were like little touches of life in an otherwise dead and quiet space that'd been dead and quiet for a long time..
I generally admire how FW managed to set up the sense of nostalgia in this game. Not just nostalgia, but “vicarious nostalgia”. I kept having that wistful longing for places I haven't personally been and experiences I haven't personally lived but felt very connected to through Sherry's (and Jon's) memories and stories (there's like a German word for this phenomenon I'm pretty sure but I forgor) but I guess SHCO does tab into something for all of us, right? Childhood innocence and memories, imaginary friends, leaving your childhood home and coming back years later... There's a little something there for everyone to relate to, I think.
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andcolleague · 28 days
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Holmes's habit of touching his ear when he laughs
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andcolleague · 29 days
check how many sherlock holmes adaptations you can name just by one batshit thing from it
holmes’ secret sister 
holmes’ unsecret sister
watson marries mrs hudson
holmes stops a cthulhu summoning
watson sleeps with sir henry (brohomo)
watson sleeps with mycroft 
the entire plot seriously happens only because lestrade quit smoking
holmes has the hots for watson’s fiancee  
holmes intentionally kills a person with a crossbow
holmes helps his sleep paralysis demon
holmes and moriarty’s daughter
watson sucks on holmes’ finger (yes homo)
watson sucks on holmes’ finger (no homo)
toxic by britney spears
mycroft has a wife and a son and a dog
just like…. rats
watson catches a criminal with a lasso indoors
everyone is british but sherlock holmes
knife-throwing book
the bad guy’s henchman is literally a banana-eating crocodile
holmes doesnt get to be a sperm donor
lestrade becomes a Little Dancing Man for two minutes
zombiefying soup
holmes gets kinkshamed in a brothel
sherlock golmts
straight up dinosaurs
trump jokes
holmes is now sara 
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andcolleague · 29 days
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Cosplaying my art:)
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andcolleague · 29 days
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andcolleague · 1 month
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this was really funny in my head
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andcolleague · 1 month
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andcolleague · 1 month
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Happy Frogwares Holmes Fanweek, froggies! 💚
Here's my humble contribution - the theme was "Family".
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andcolleague · 1 month
As it surprises absolutely no one, central has ignored me successfully on several instances, and for several weeks, in my proposal to just give them the fucking subtitles for nrh on their channel since they’ve pulled down mine. Therefore, plan B went into action which is uploading the series on google drive, so here it goes:
1. 221B Baker Street
2. Rock, paper, scissors 
3. Pagliacci 
4. The Mistresses of Lord Moulbrey
5. The Musgrave Ritual
6. Halifax
7. Holmes’ Last Case
8. The Hound Named Baskerville 
Same info could be found on this little cursed vid I’ve just uploaded on youtube, so hopefully the show could still be found via the simple keywords. 
Thanks for the trouble, youtube.  
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andcolleague · 1 month
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andcolleague · 1 month
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John Watson is the BIGGEST hype man and that’s just canon
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