anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
The Ultimate Guide to Keeping a Travel Journal
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Create a Travel Journal for your next Adventure
Let’s mention creating a travel journal for your next trip that you’re planning.
Traveling starts long before an actual trip begins.
It usually starts with a dream.
A dream of a special place, new scenery, a vacation or a getaway. It can even just start with a sense. We call it Wanderlust….
Planning a visit is simply the maximum amount of a neighborhood of traveling because of the trip itself.
A travel journal is often starting all the way at the start of the thought of the trip then be a keepsake when the journey ends.
~This post may contain affiliate links. If you click one and make a sale, I'll receive a commission at no additional cost to you. This helps us fund creating great content for you! For more information click here ~ A travel journal may be a  good way to plan and keep a memory of your trip.  we have got  the last word  guide  of making  your own journal for your next adventure WildflowersAndWanderlust.com Why Keep a Travel Journal?
When you travel,  you're collecting memories.
When you bring those memories back home with you it gives you an opportunity to relive them, and share them,  and perhaps even learn from them.
Travel can expand your view of the planet around you,  albeit you don’t go very far away from home and it gives you an opportunity to flee from your daily routine.
I know that we all use our phones to arrange things these days, I really like having everything at my fingertips too, but there’s something romantic and special about writing things down during a  journal.
This is your chance to disconnect from your daily habits and check out something new.
A travel journal is often an excellent keepsake and also an excellent resource after your trip has ended.  what proportion easier will it be to recollect the name of that fantastic restaurant if you’ve got it written down in your journal?
By keeping a travel diary you've got a mirrored image of your experiences that you simply can revisit anytime. What is a Travel Journal?
A travel journal is your diary of a visit, or multiple trips. It’s where you'll write on your experiences and the way you felt about them. It’s the place for you to gather your stories and memories of your trip.
Your travel journal is yours. It’s personal and it can include anything that you simply want to jot about your trip or during your trip. It’s also an excellent place o store mementos. Using Your Travel Journal to Plan Travel
You can use your travel journal before your trip even begins. Keep a travel bucket list of places you would like to ascertain and belongings you want to experience.  this is often an excellent list to ask, and to update and see if it changes as you travel and have more experiences.
You can keep your packing list in your travel journal. Make notes on what things worked best on your trip and what belongings you didn’t need.  this will assist you to plan your packing for future trips.
Remember that one thing you usually forget? Write it down for next time!
Best Travel Quote by WildflowersandWanderlust.com Travel Journal Tips Plan Your Trip in Your Travel Journal
Use your travel journal to plan your trip. Write down your ideas while you’re researching your trip or talking with fellow travelers. Is there an excellent hike you heard about or a restaurant you would like to try?
Put them in your planning pages.
This is excellent thanks to keeping track of your ideas before the trip to assist you to propose some time during the trip. you'll keep contact information and planning beat one central location.
If you’re traveling to different places  you'll keep your itinerary and lodging information in your journal. Blank Travel Journal | WIldflower and Wanderlust Write During Your Trip
You don’t want this to desire a chore, but you are doing want to urge a couple of notes down while they’re fresh in your memory.  attempt to spend a couple of minutes every day putting your thoughts on paper.  albeit it’s just a couple of lines to be ready to jog your memory later, getting some notes down will assist you to put your story together.
Try to use all of your senses when you’re writing – how did you are feeling, what were the smells and tastes you experienced.  of these details will assist you to retain a more vivid picture of your trip and experiences.
There’s always a facet of wonder once you travel too.
Try to put down a couple of your feelings in order that you'll remember how the trip changed you. Travel may be a  great chance to experience personal growth. Add Keepsakes to Your Journal
You can glue in photos, menus, napkins; really anything that strikes your fancy is often included in your travel journal.
I like to stay ticket stubs and entry bracelets and write on the places that we’ve visited. After we return home I'd add a couple of photos that go alongside the trip. If we devour a tourist brochure for someplace we visit I prefer to stay those too. Finish Up  once you  Return
When you get home make certain to require a touch time to seem back through your journal.  you'll have some memories that you simply want to feature otherwise you  may want to relive a couple of moments from your trip.
It also can be an excellent stress reliever to review your journal after you’ve been home awhile.
A travel journal is often  a bit like  your bullet journal,  an area  to arrange  and keep your plans for your adventure WildflowersAndWanderlust.com The Benefits of Keeping a Travel Journal It’s  an excellent  thanks to  beat boredom
If you’re traveling an excellent distance or traveling alone, your journal gives you a pleasant distraction once you need something creative to figure on.  you'll write anything you would like in your journal, it doesn’t need to add up to anyone but you when it’s all said and done.
But don’t feel that you simply need to write on every little thing. Your journal belongs to you and it can just be a keepsake of your favorite things or notes for future travel. Remember that it’s always alleged to be fun and not a chore. You’ll Remember More
Writing helps us commit things to our memory.
By putting down your thoughts and memories during a  journal  you'll remember more about your trip. It’s also an excellent place to jot  notes once you visit with the people you meet along the way.
Ask the local’s the simplest place to eat and jot it down. Ask a fellow traveler about what they saw that was unexpected and make a note of it. Sometimes these are the items which will you get off the beaten path and have experiences that you simply didn’t expect. It’s  an excellent  Keepsake
When your trip is all said and done you’ll have a live scrapbook about it. It is often an excellent resource when planning another trip or offering tips for somebody traveling to an equivalent area.
It’s also an excellent place to revisit some memories later.
I always like learning little things, bottle caps, napkins and other small items.  this provides me an excellent place to hold onto them in order that they’re memories and not clutter. It’s always fun to stay a touch of the local currency and ticket stubs.
But don’t be limited thereto,  you'll keepsake most anything.
It also helps me keep different trips and places straight. I can reminisce and tell my friend where we ate or the name of the hotel. It’s all written down and straightforward to seek out. Travel  is sweet  for the Soul | Wildflower, and Wanderlust Travel Journal Prompts
Do you need some ideas for things to incorporate in your travel journal? Sometimes watching a blank page are often a tough thanks to the beginning. Here are some prompts to assist get your writing. Where are you going and why?
It is often as simple as taking a vacation or it is often traveling for a service project. There are not any right or wrong answers, it’s your trip. Tell about why you chose the place and what you hope to seek out there.
Some trips are mainly for relaxation and a few are to enjoy an excellent activity.  they're all equally important. What are you getting to do?
Maybe some drinks by the pool,  or even you’re building a faculty. Hey Dr. Seuss, what does one want to try toon your trip?  this is often something you'll write on before you allow then follow up with while you’re traveling.
Don’t forget to speak about the food you would like to undertake.
No matter where we travel, we always make it some extent to eat locally and not at chain restaurants. Pick something to specialize in
I have a thing about doors.
I love to ascertain all the gorgeous painted and patinaed doors and that I make it some extent on every trip to require door photos. At now  I could probably publish a book of just those alone, but it’s also something that ties many of our trips together.
If you've got an identical fascination it’s an excellent focus.  does one visit all the beaches?  does one collect sand from each one? It’s amazing how different beach sand is often. Write about the Food
You can use your travel journal as a food diary too. Trying new foods is often an excellent experience once you travel, or it is often a funny tale within the future.
I know that we only eat beignets in  New Orleans . In my mind they're a part of "> a part of that city and therefore the food there's part of the entire experience. Conch fritters within the  Bahamas, Red Stripe beer in Jamaica. Is there a food that’s native to the region that you simply want to undertake while you’re visiting? Make a Highlight Reel
If a lover was visiting, what experiences would you tell them to not miss? What restaurants would you send them to? Where’s the simplest place to ascertain the sunset, go dancing, etc.
Devote a page to only your favorite’s from the trip for reference. Next time you visit
Every time we visit an area we make an inventory of things we’d wish to do subsequent time we are there.  the simplest a part of traveling is feeling like there are still things to get once we return. Where does one want to travel next?
Did this trip offer you more ideas of places to go Is it someplace that you simply can’t wait to visit again? Did it change your mind about other places you thought you were interested in?.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
3 Things I Do in my Bullet Journal
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As a blogger,  honest time management is so important to me. While I’m taking a while to try t to my blogging, I don’t want my blogging work steals time from my family.
Today, I’m showing you whatI’m doing in my bullet journal,  and the way this technique keeps me stay organized, motivated and enhance my productivity.
Related post: 12 Ways  to spice up  Productivity that  cause you to  Get More Done Vision Board
I created a vision board for myself and put it on my bullet journal. It’s a visualization tool that makes me working hard and moving toward my dreams and goals.
Whatever the short-term goals or the long-term goals, just write them down on the vision board.  or simply like me, tear out images from the magazines also compute great.
The good thing that I put my vision board in my bullet journal is I can see it anytime and anywhere, even I'm going outside. I see it every morning before I start to figure . I also wish to flip through my journal, write something or make a note. t’s such an honest daily reminder on behalf of me to figure hard on my dreams.
You see, I also got some useful notes once I  read. To-Do List
I write my to-do list the night before. By writing down all the items I want to accomplish, I feel more energetic within the morning. I clearly know what  I even have to try to and what I want to try to to . Not wasting any time wandering around.
When you write a to-do list, just remember to be realistic.  an extended list doesn’t help. Ask yourself what proportion time you would like to accomplish those stuff. Make a top three things that need to be done thereon day.
Set a priority and keep yourself focus.  it'll definitely assist you to reinforce your productivity. Encouraging Quotes
I don’t realize you. Every once during a  while or once I  was therein weak moment, read motivating and inspiring words just gave me a lift. By reading a couple of simple words might change your day. That’s why I prefer to write down down some words of encouragement in my bullet journal.
I can’t remember where I saw these awesome words. I wrote them down because I really like how positive they're ,  and skim these words always cheer me up, especially on a nasty day.
Whenever  I even have any struggle or negative thoughts, by reading these sorts of self-love words and positive affirmations,  they provide me the facility to maneuver forward during a  difficult time. They lead me to remain positive, focus and motivated to travel ahead without worrying.
I’m a bullet journal minimalist and that I simply keep an eye fixed on the above 3 things in my journal to form me stay organized, motivated and productive.
How does one use your planner or bullet journal to spice up your productivity? Please share  within the  comments
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
Brilliant Travel Journal Ideas For your Next Adventure
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A travel journal is quite how to recollect what you probably did on a visi.
The best travel journals are a mixture of travel preparation, travel diary, and travel keepsake.  we expect it's one the simplest items for travel, before, during and after a visit.
If you set a touch time and energy into a customized travel journal,  it'll be something you'll reminisce about and treasure long after your adventure has ended.
Keep reading to urge some ideas on the way to create the simplest travel notebook, then get some inspiration from other travelers with beautiful travel journal examples.
Why Write A Travel Journal?
In an age when more and more of our lives are online,  you'll be wondering why bother with a diary?
You can do just about everything for your trip online lately, from booking to downloading boarding passes and taking photos on your smartphone. While all this is often super convenient it means we not have momentoes to stay, or really reflect on our journey with.
Being  a touch  quaint  and putting pen to paper  may be a  wonderful  thanks to  get creative, make lasting memories and to also do some self-reflection. And did you recognize that writing by hand actually helps you to recollect things better?
I don’t keep a diary once I  am reception but ever since my first overseas trip  I even have kept a travel diary. These pride oneself of place next to my photo albums.  once I  reminisce on a visit to these books, it is often amazing what things  I even have forgotten.
When we take travel photos they have a tendency to be of the large sites and therefore the amazing experiences. A travel diary is where you'll write all those small details which will not be photo-worthy,  the items that didn’t quite go right and more importantly, how you're feeling during your adventure.
What does one  Write during a  Travel Journal?
Staring at a blank journal is often a touch overwhelming. There are numerous belongings you can add!
So, how does one start a travel journal? A great idea before you set en to paper in your new journal is to jot a rough idea of what you'd wish to include.  this manner  you'll  choose  the order of your journal.
For example,  you'll want to possess different sections for trip planning, while you're on your adventure then post-trip reflections.
To best decide what you'd wish to have in your travel diary has a belief why you would like to write? Is it to recollect your adventure?  or even to stay you organized while you're planning a trip? or to find out the maximum amount as you'll a few destination. It could, of course, be all of those reasons.
Travel Journal Ideas
Here are some ideas for a way to form a travel journal. Pick and choose the items that fit your style and trip!
Packing list
Make sure you don’t forget anything with a handy packing list. If you're doing future travel or staying in various accommodation, this list are going to be an excellent checklist whenever you pack so you don’t leave behind any belongings.
Trip itinerary
This can be as detailed or as vague as you wish.  I prefer to notice down things like opening days for museums and other attractions so I can work around them (  there's nothing worse than only have at some point during a  location and checking out the place you wanted to go to is closed that day!).
Travel bucket list
I like to try this as a part of my travel research.  it's always one among the primary pages in my travel diary. Then I work my itinerary around what I might like to see or experience at a destination.
Important things  to recollect
This could be phone numbers, a hotel address or even something important you would like to recollect to try to while you're away from the sort of a  bill or friend's birthday.
Travel journal prompts
If you struggle to start out writing a journal it is often great to read a prompt.  you'll often find that starting is that the hardest part and therefore the words will flow once you start writing.
Notes from your travel research online
I can spend hours researching before I travel. It is often easy to forget things or to urge involved with what there's to ascertain in several towns or places.  you'll make your research a part of your diary as a memory jogger, keepsake and even assist you to plan future trips if you opt to return to a destination.
Travel literature to  examine  your destination
I love reading, and getting lost in someone else’s words a few destinations may be a  wonderful thanks to getting immersed during a  place.  you'll read travel diaries from the past like Freya Stark or more modern diaries like Bill Bryson. If you favor fiction there'll always be  many books to settle on from too. Outlander for instance has inspired  numerous people to go to  Scotland.
Travel savings goals and tracking
Seeing those savings add up is that the  best thanks to making your travel fund goals a reality.
Tickets, maps and other keepsakes
I love sticking altogether the tickets, stamps and leaflets in my travel journal.
Coin rubbings of the local currency
I actually first got my kids to try to to this in their diaries but loved it such a lot  I started doing it on my very own too. I also stick in lower denomination notes too.
Words and phrases
Learning a couple of keywords and phrases like many thanks within the local language of your destination may be a  wonderful thanks to connecting with the locals.  they will be hard to recollect though so jot them down in your journal ( don’t forget to feature how they're pronounced too).
A daily diary of your trip
Perhaps the foremost common thing to possess in any travel journal.  attempt to  get within the habit of writing daily,  albeit it's just notes or bullet points. It is often amazing what proportion you forget or days blur together once you are on an adventure.
Drawings and travel doodles
If you're creative then make certain to feature some drawings to your journal. It is often a fun thanks to pass time while you're traveling too.  you'll take along a travel watercolor set if you're keen on using color.
belongings you  find interesting
Maybe food stickers or funny sayings you encounter .
Travel Budget
Keep travel of your spending while traveling and confirm you don’t blow the budget!
Travel outfits ideas
If you're packing light you'll have a fast go-to list of various outfits you'll structure.  this may prevent such a lot of time and energy.
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You can save spots for photos if you've got a DSLR or inspect a number of the ideas further on during this post for creating instant photographs.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
I’m Moving into a Traveler’s Notebook!
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So… I did a thing last week! After trying very hard for months to not go down this rabbit burrow, I finally caved and got my very first traveler’s journal.
You may remember that just one occasion last year once I  experimented with Bullet Journaling during a  Filofax ring binder. That experiment lasted an entire fortnight before I noticed that I actually missed my bound journal. Although I loved the rings for the segmentation and organization, I just couldn’t get past the very fact that I had to require the pages out individually to write down on them. I happily ran back to my beloved Leuchtturm1917 and haven’t looked back since.
Until now, that is.
I’ve been eyeballing the traveler’s notebook system (made popular by the Midori Travelers Notebook). The draw of this technique on behalf of me is how customizable it's . There are plenty of traveler’s notebook brands out there nowadays — from lush leather covers to vegan fabric and beyond.
The options are SO plentiful, in fact, that they will be quite daunting. Not only does one got to choose a canopy, but there are a plethora of accessories, different inserts/notebooks, different sizes, charms, folders… the list goes on!
I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :)
I knew that I wanted an A5 size because that's what I’ve come to like. I also knew that I wanted a leather cover with a singular design. I spent quite a while browsing Pinterest and doing research in multiple Facebook groups before I finally selected the Chic Sparrow brand.
After browsing the catalog online for a couple of days, I settled on an A5 Classic Odyssey (Siren Color). Of course, Mr. Boho Berry had to possess one too, so I ordered him and A5 Classic Outlander (Browncoat).
I added the white stitching choice to both notebooks and also added ink splatters and cup rings to my Odyssey.  a couple of days later, I used to be stalking my mailbox sort of a  kid expecting  Santa.  I used to be that excited!
Chic Sparrow A5 Odyssey Siren & A5 Outlander Browncoat
I added some A5 Goulet Pens Notebooks to the elastics and that I was off to the races!  approximately  I thought… I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Odyssey Siren I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Odyssey Siren I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Outlander Browncoat I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Outlander Browncoat
Two short days after I ordered my gorgeous Odyssey, Jen announced that there have been two new colors available… Hera and Calypso.
The second I laid my eyes on the Hera I used to be crazy. I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Odyssey Hera I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Odyssey Hera I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Odyssey Hera I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :) Odyssey Hera
Y’all know that teal is completely my color, so I used to be powerless against this beauty!  a few days after my Siren arrived, I used to be holding this beautiful Hera in my hands also. I went with the Deluxe version on this one, meaning I also got pockets and a pen loop.
My plan is to alternate between the 2  covers from time to time to stay things fresh :)
I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :)
I immediately plunged into various different Facebook groups to invite tips and advice on fixing my new notebook. The photo above shows my current setup with my Leuchtturm1917 notebook within the center and two Goulet notebooks on either side.
I'm SO excited to share my new Traveler's Notebook set-up with you today! Here's what brand I chose and the way  I'm planning on incorporating my beloved Bullet Journal :)
My friend Toni over at Red Pen Travelers had the genius suggestion to untie the elastic and thread it through the spine of my notebook.  within the close-up above you'll see how it’s strung in between the duvet and pages of my Leuchtturm. Doing it this manner helps to avoid any bumps under the page as I write and my notebook lays perfectly flat inside my cover… yay! Scrapbook paper folder Scrapbook paper folder Goulet Pens Notebook Bullet Journal Goulet Pens Notebook Back Cover
I’m really enjoying my setup thus far, but I absolutely have plans to vary things up and customize it even further within the near future.
If you’d wish to see a full flip through with a more detailed explanation of my inserts,  make certain to see out the video below. I can’t wait to require you along on this new journaling journey with me!!!
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
How to Start a Travel Journal: A Beginner’s Guide
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If you’ve been wondering the way to start a travel journal, you’re within the right place!  I really like travel journals and am slowly working up to a solid collection of them from my various travels throughout my life. From wandering in Europe to road trips within the  US,  you'll start a travel journal for nearly any trip you're takin .
It’s a worthwhile thing to try to,  because the further you escape from a visit the more the memories fade.  I really like having my journals to travel back to because it helps jog my memory on detals I'd have forgotten or how an area made me feel. Plus, I’m one among those folks that love travel photos – whether they’re my very own or someone else’s.  I prefer seeing distant places through the lens.
There is a spread of the way to urge started travel journaling, and it'd seem a touch daunting initially but don’t let this scare you off!  you only need to find the version of travel journaling that’s right for you. So here’s an overview of a few different versions, but remember, as always, your journal is your own and therefore the great thing about journaling is that it is often whatever you would like it to be! I’m just here to assist spark some ideas for you.
Transparency Note: This post contains affiliate links. meaning if you select to get through my links I will be able to make alittle commission through no extra charge to you.  you'll read more on the privacy policy and disclosure. How to Start a Travel Journal:  sorts of  Journaling
travel journal spread and supplies
Just the Facts Travel Journaling How to Make a Junk Journal
This is the simplest thanks to starting a travel journal. It involves nothing but a notebook, a pen and jotting down the items you saw, the foods you ate, and where you stayed.  you'll create a daily log that just highlights where you’ve been.  you'll use a separate notebook for this otherwise you can incorporate it into another sort of journaling or planning you are doing .  an excellent thanks to doing that is to include it into your bullet journal!
Storytelling Travel Journaling
This is taking your just the facts to  subsequent  level.  you'll   transcend the facts to explore the sites, describe the smells and tastes of the food you had,  the texture of the cobblestones under your feet,  or even something less romantic – like how your flight had rough turbulence than the airline lost your luggage and you had to improvise for 2  days until it finally received your hotel (who hasn’t been there at some point, right?).  this is often where you're taking your facts and make them a touch more vivid together with your imagination.
Envelope Travel Journaling
This version of travel journaling uses some combination of 1  of the above alongside saving many odds and ends that you simply collect on your trip. Your receipts, ticket stubs, post cards, the napkin from the cafe where you had your first real cappuccino in Italy, the brochure from the museum you visited, and so on. You’ll want to form sure the journal you've got has many pockets and envelopes and other places to stuff those things so you'll bring them back with you.  they're a low-key thanks to illustrating your trip.
Scrapbook Style Travel Journaling
This version is that the slightly more complicated version of the previous way of starting a travel journal. It involves taking a number of those odds and ends, some photos that you’ve taken along the way (do you recognize they create awesome dense printers these days?) and gluing them down in your journal with washi tape or another quite adhesive.  you'll get super creative with this, adding doodles and drawings and other elements thereto otherwise you can just keep it simple. Writing is up to you – but I highly recommend a minimum of jotting down the places and times you were at once you collected things. Down the road these are going to be helpful reminders!
Sketchbook Travel Journaling
Do you like to sketch and doodle?  does one see an area and your fingers start itching for a pad of paper and an honest pencil? Maybe you only find the thought of sitting during a  plaza in Europe sketching the outline of a 15th-century building inspiring. If so, this could be the proper thanks to starting a travel journal for you then. All you actually need may be a  sketchbook and a pencil, but this is often also an excellent thanks to incorporate details into the other sort of travel journal you create.  albeit you’ve never tried sketching before,  you ought to provide it a go.  you would possibly be surprised with what you come up with, and if nothing else it gives you the chance to seek out a pleasant cafe table or bench to line up and other people watch from!
Just remember,  you ought to do the type of travel journaling that appeals to you. Don’t compare yourself to other journalers out there and don’t think that because your travel journal isn’t perfect that it isn’t worth doing.  finding out other travel journals is a chance for you to possess inspiration, not dictate how you've got to try to your own journal. Besides, it’s the imperfections that make your travel journal great! Supplies  to start out  a Travel Journal
The quite travel journaling that appeals to you above will assist you to start to make a decision about what kind of supplies you would possibly need.  you'll only need a  notebook or a pen,  otherwise, you might want to make alittle pouch of things to require along side you. Just remember to stay your supplies as minimal as you'll . You don’t want to possess to hold around a bunch of additional belongings you won't even use. And while sketching during a plaza might sound romantic, it won’t if you've got to bring a whole office worth’s of supplies alongside you.
The things I’d highly recommend bringing with you are:
A journal – whether you would like to form your own journal otherwise you want to only pick one up.  you'll go the straightforward route and just get a blank notebook or bullet journal,  otherwise, you can find a version that has prompts able to choose you. Pens or pencil – I prefer taking something erasable, so I’d recommend a mechanical pencil or an erasable pen.  I really like these frixion pens! Washi – Whether you would like to embellish a page or simply need a practical thanks to getting your stub to remain stuck to the page, washi can serve of these purposes.  and therefore the better part is that if you modify your mind later,  you'll easily remove it and move things around.
Beyond those, it’s really up to you.  what is going to cause you to feel motivated to journal?
How to Fit Travel Journaling Into Your Trip
You might be really excited about the thought of a travel journal, but there’s only one problem.  you've got big plans for your trip – whether its spending time relaxing on the beach or packing in the maximum amount of sightseeing as Paris offers . When the heck are you alleged to take time to travel journal?
There’s no right answer, but I do have a couple of suggestions.
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Take your travel journal with you in your day bag or purse. You never know once you may need to attend during a  long line,  otherwise, you may need some overtime at a restaurant to jot a couple of words. Or if you’re sketching, you never know once you might feel inspired. There are numerous times I’ve ended up during a  park or with time to spare while expecting my food to return at a restaurant that I could have wont to jot a couple of words.
Journal at the top of the day. Whether it’s after you revisit to your room in the dark or right before you attend sleep, there’s usually some overtime at the top of the day where you'll squeeze in some travel journaling. And better of all, the memories are all fresh in your mind.  this is often my second favorite thanks to getting some travel journaling in when I’m on the road.
After the Trip…What  to try to  together with your  Travel Journal
I like to bring it home and add additional pages I'd not have considered while I used to be on the road. It’s also an excellent time to write down a kind of “wrap up” entry, to summarize the trip.  you'll also sneak in some extra photos or finish any pages you didn’t get an opportunity to.
If you've got a big amount of leftover blank pages,  you'll reuse the journal over and once again on future trips until you fill it out.  otherwise you can prefer to just keep one journal per trip. It’s up to you.
After the trip find an area to store your travel journal in order that you'll preserve it (and find it when you’re able to head out on your next adventure).  you'll keep it on a shelf or during a  drawer, but to stay it safe future it’s best to stay it somewhere where the temperature and humidity are moderated (aka not a basement or an attic).
What About Previous Trips?
Also, if you've got a visit that you’ve already been on and need you'd have kept a travel journal –  you'll go back! I’ve started doing this myself with trips that I’ve taken and didn’t keep a journal on. I still have dozens (okay hundreds)  of images that are just sitting on a drive somewhere and much of memories.  once I  have some free time and feel inspired,  I'm going back and increase the journal. Better late than never,  and therefore the sooner you get those memories down the higher .
Plus, getting those photos off a drive and into an area where I can page through them makes them such a lot more meaningful.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
100 Things to Keep in Your Travel Journal
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Plane boarding passes Airport luggage tags Train tickets Metro tickets
If you load quite one ride onto these,  they're going to be dated of all the days you used them!
Business cards from places  you wish
These will include addresses, so you'll visit again!
Museum tickets Concert/Festival tickets Free city maps as backgrounds, grab two everywhere you go! Letters from family and friends
My Travel Journal page with brochure and business cards A couple of pages out of my journal Postal Stamps Packaging from your favorite foreign foods Candy wrappers Wine Labels Beer caps Brochures from sites you visit
They fold out and maximize your space to form your journal sort of a  pop-up book!
Stickers that close a bag/bears a logo
Like my ‘The Student Traveler’ Stickers! Coming soon to my Facebook page:
Teabag wrappers Teabag tabs Coffee sleeves Leftover currency
trying to find a journal to stay your 100 things in?  inspect  these on Amazon:
Receipts  in several  languages An itinerary for the trip The city’s official tourism brochure Cutouts of the city’s name that the page is about
Adds great organization to your pages and make them look pretty!
Cutouts of advertisements
inspect  my other post “How To: Travel Journaling” for more photos  and directions  for  the last word  travel journal
Weather reports from the day from the local newspaper (always free near metros) Newspaper headlines/articles  during a  different language Use pouches from espresso pods as a pocket  to carry  the Cafe’s flyer Magazine clippings of images The pretty package that something came in
My travel journal page with postcard, notes, photos, and flower petals A couple of pages out of my travel journal! A bag from a store you liked with the store’s name  thereon Flower Petals! Leafs/stems Price tags from your favorite shopping trips Photography of your locations cut out of photography magazines City bike rental cards Museum maps Sauce packets Passport stamps (if the people at the window are nice enough!) Things you find on  the road Party invitations People’s phone numbers that they provide to you as an effort to flirt! The toothpick that came in your big sandwich Menus Advertisements stapled to light posts Flyers  that folks  hand you A napkin bearing a place’s name The thing that wraps around your silverware bearing the place’s name A  coffee berry A piece of a shoestring that unfortunately broke  within the  middle of a city or forest or beach
Page From My travel journal about the  Louvre  and my trip to Paris A couple of pages from my travel journal! Place stamps (every  park  within the  US has these) A coffee stain A wine stain Envelopes letters  are available Sea Shells Journal entries
you'll  pre-write prompts before your trip on  a couple of  pages, such as:
“A Beautiful Moment:”, “Thoughts & Date”, “Things that Made Me Smile” Photos from the trip
Printed off on  a moment  printing camera/phone printer Vintage Instax polaroid for travel journal photos I really like this vintage looking Instax for fast photos for travel journaling! Polaroid camera  for fast  Travel Journal Pics Click here to shop for your  Polaroid camera to instantly print off pics for your travel journal! Polaroid Insta Pics  for fast  Travel Journal Photos inspect this awesome bundle to urge your travel journal started!
Photos from the trip Draw  an area  for your photos and print later Drawings of surroundings Places to eat/tips for next time you go Packing list Practical facts about prices of tickets Advice about what you enjoyed/didn’t When and Where headings Quotes
that you simply  search  beforehand
that you simply  hear while traveling
Names  of individuals  you met
My travel journal with postcards and vintage maps A couple of pages out of my travel journal! Contact information for people you meet Small poems inspired by your surroundings Prose sketches  of individuals  you meet A hand-drawn map of your surroundings Watercolor drawings Sand, stuck to  the rear  of clear tape A bucket list for the trip Drawing of the skyline String art A collage “open when” notes from friends/family who are sending you off A ribbon bookmark + pencil attached  thereto Postcards (bought new) Vintage postcards
Bought in cute little thrift stores, with old messages on the rear already!
Vintage Maps
attend this cool website and print off (FREE) real vintage maps of the places you're going! Cute Travel Journal Tape Keep your journal CUTE by buying these travel-themed tapes for postcards, maps, and everything else!
A map for coloring  altogether  of the places you  attend  on the trip Bought stickers Calendars
Free printable ones are often found anywhere!
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A couple of pages out of my travel journal! A bracelet A necklace/beads A bookmark A pressed coin A book page Travel themed free printable
Here’s a couple of mines that  I even have created for you! Travel Picnicking Packing List for Paris
Photo booth rolls A perfume sample you liked (or didn’t) Recipes Etchings
Of gravestones or raised street names or cool textures
A drawing bought from a street artist
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
How to Choose Travelers Notebook Inserts
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I remember the day my first Traveler’s Notebook (TN) came within the mail, to be quite honest everything else stopped. Everything that had been high on the priority list was bumped, I needed inserts, pronto! Being my first go at it, I wanted to form my very own  (I wasn’t close to await them to return in, are you crazy!).
So I set about designing some ready-made inserts and put them abreast of my Etsy shop. I made a cute little meal planner, a grid booklet, dot grid booklet, blog planner, monthly, weekly, and daily booklets, even a homeschool insert and need to work assembling all of them in my TN.  it had been plenty of labor, but it had been cheaper than buying booklets and that I bespoke them to suit my life, I assumed I used to be good to travel .  it had been literally but a month later that I discovered bullet journaling and my entire system went out the window! Today I'm getting to share a touch of how my TN has evolved over the past year and a fast video flip through to point out my current travelers' notebook inserts and the way  I even have them organized. How to Choose Inserts for your Travelers Notebook | Travelers Notebook DIY | Travelers Notebook Inserts | Travelers Notebook Ideas | Travelers Notebook Printables | Travelers Notebook setup | Travelers Notebook pages | Travelers Notebook planner | bullet journaling | bullet journaling  during a  travelers notebook | bullet journal | bullet journal video | bujo junkies
PIN ME! What  to seem  for in Travelers Notebook Inserts
What works on behalf of me might not work for you. Are you trying to find blank inserts to try to bullet journaling or doodling or art in? Or are you trying to find pre-fab inserts that have the framework there for you to only fill-in? Etsy is my attend for inserts, there are numerous on there, but  I even have to admit it took me a short time to work out what terms to look, what size I needed and what I needed to seem for.  I'm getting to share all that info with you to *hopefully* make the method a touch easier!
Search keywords you would like to seem for: Midori inserts, standard inserts, travelers notebook inserts, dot grid inserts, grid inserts, blank inserts, saddle stitched inserts, bullet journal inserts.
What you would possibly want to consider:  believe what you would like to use this for.  does one need tons of pages or are you trying to find monthly inserts that you simply can change out each month?  on behalf of me, after the work  I even have invested, I prefer as many pages as possible.  due to this, I'm currently using the most important inserts I could find with 60 full pages (double most book sizes).  I exploit tons of heavy lettering,  felt-tip pen pens, and fountain pens in my bullet journal so I also needed inserts that were heavier weight paper in order that my pen didn’t ghost or bleed through to the opposite side. So I  looked for inserts that were made on 28lb. paper.  I really like the framework that the dot grid gives me,  it's light and clean and keeps me writing straight.  I prefer the design of rounded corners and nice crisp white book as against ivory. It’s the small things that make the difference. I searched long and hard for an insert like this and truly couldn’t find one, they weren’t made that big or that awesome. So I reached bent my paper crafting cousin and enticed her to line up a store and provide me with inserts! 😉  they're  AMAZING! If you would like to grab some like mine, CLICK HERE or on the image below.
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How to Choose Inserts for your Travelers Notebook | Travelers Notebook DIY | Travelers Notebook Inserts | Travelers Notebook Ideas | Travelers Notebook Printables | Travelers Notebook setup | Travelers Notebook pages | Travelers Notebook planner | bullet journaling | bullet journaling  during a  travelers notebook | bullet journal | bullet journal video | bujo junkies How to  found out  your traveler's notebook inserts
Now that you simply have your inserts, how does one set them up? As I said, I  wont to have an insert for EVERYTHING. If you saw yesterday's post you'll know that I already had too many inserts to stay up with, the key's having the minimum amount that you simply can actually maintain. Now that my inserts are so thick, I downsized to only  3.  I even have one for my brain, one for my chaos and one for my spirit. First up is my collection insert, next  I even have my #momlife insert, and last  I even have my prayer insert. I threw during a  few of the old inserts that I can’t do without (and are a thing and manageable in there) including my meal planner insert from my Etsy shop and a blank brain dump insert.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
Bullet Style Travel Journal – Free Printable Layout
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Travel journalling is tough. whenever  I  attempt to keep a daily journal on the road I give up- it’s the way an excessive amount of effort. Bullet Journalling, though, has been an ideal companion to travel. Most folks take many photos once we travel, but I created this layout to record the experiences and memories that photos can’t quite capture: bringing experiences of all five senses into a layout that will be quickly jotted down over breakfast or tea break. Scroll to rock bottom of this page for instructions to download a printable template.
Why Bullet Journalling over Long Format?
You probably know the drill: You pack a journal for your trip, make an idea to journal faithfully all the memorable details of your travel destination, and inevitably the journal returns home stuffed under a pile of dirty linen with a couple of scribbled pages at the best
So what if there were a far better thanks to the travel journal?  I feel that way is adapting the bullet- type journal to travel journaling!
Maybe you've got already experimented with bullet journaling as a speedy thanks to record important events, thoughts, and to-do lists,  or even you're completely new the bulleting sort of journalling- my travel bullet journal style layout works great for bulleting pros and amateurs.
Bullet journalling is increasingly related to elaborate photogenic spreads created painstakingly for social media- but don’t be thrown off by these complex layouts- your journal doesn't need to be pretty to function a tangible record of your travel memories.
The Unique Role of Travel Journals
Travel Journaling seems like thanks to remembering everything that my photos cannot capture: my camera roll records sights I saw and a couple of faces of individuals  I met, but the photos never capture the essence of an area within the way that a couple of words during a  journal can capture. In fact, research indicates we remember things much better once we describe them than once we take a photograph. My First *Successful*  plan to  Travel Journal
When I  depart on my first solo international trip, I had the prospect to experiment with several different methods for keeping a journal on the road from Italy to Bosnia and back.
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Previous trips attempts at travel journaling would find me exhausted during a  bedroom after an extended day trying to write down paragraph after paragraph of the day’s experience. It wasn’t fun in the least and that I haven't once looked back over the long format journals kept during those trips. Experimenting with different formats of travel journaling helped me find out what works on my behalf me  It seems two formats work rather well for me: 1. an art/doodle style visual travel journal, and 2. a bullet journal layout specifically made for capturing the meaningful moments and experiences of traveling- without the time or energy investment that long format travel journals require.
After experimenting with various layouts while I used to be in Italy, I created this minimal version. One of the bujo layouts I attempted  while traveling in Italy Travel “Bu-Jo”: Keep it Simple
Staying minimal is vital. If you've got the time, and it brings joy,  you'll embellish your layout with sketches and illustrations of belongings you see on your travels,  except for me, I find it helpful to stay my art and my bullet journal separate – or a minimum of on separate pages of an equivalent notebook.  once I sit right down to bullet journal I would like to be ready to collect my reflections and memories and no quite  10 or quarter-hour.  this suggests longer for adventure and fewtime stressing over making my journal pretty –  actually, the real layout pictured here may be a  page I created after he came back. HINT: My bullet journal – like most real people-  may be a  mess. I find layouts to be helpful for planning and organization, but also know that mistakes and overflowing sections are a part of the method. I make my bullet journal work on behalf of me, not the opposite way around.
Mindfulness, Travel, and Journaling.
A recent University of California study revealed what psychologists suspected: taking a photograph of something actually decreases your mind’s ability to recollect the thing photographed. However, mindfulness was shown during a  study by UC  Santa Barbara to enhance memory and recall. Why do I mention this?  due to journalling, which by definition may be a  process of mindfulness, actually changes the way you remember and integrate your experiences during travel during a  way that photographs cannot.
One huge advantage of travel is how we come to understand ourselves better as we experience different environments.  the private growth that comes through these experiences is essentially associated with how mindfully we engage those experiences.  a method to maximize these sorts of experiences for private growth is to be mindful of those experiences. Mindfulness involves turning an eye fixed towards one’s felt experience – a growing awareness of being in one’s body and experiencing the planet through our senses. (For me, this also includes the sense of intuition – read more about mindful bullet journalling as  how  to grow intuition)
To help you're taking a couple of moments to mindfulness to mindfully reflect on your travel, this layout invites you to journal things that your camera can’t catch: The flavor/scents/textures/sounds of places you went, reflections on meaningful experiences, your favorite a part of the day,  and therefore the moment the majority challenged you. These five categories make a balanced layout that's so fast to fill out and an excellent thanks to quickly record a travel journal during a  bullet style format while you're on the road.
I hope this #travelbujo layout and thoughts on why journalling matters are helpful and galvanizing   you're  liberal to  create, build, and reimagine for your journal  supported  this layout
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
10 Unique Travel Journal Prompts for Better Writing
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Keeping a journal is one of the simplest ways to record all the incredible memories we make on trips.  I really like looking back and reading all the small details about places and remembering my favorite funny stories. Writing during traveling is often a whirlwind once you are taking in new things and on the move. Without travel, journal prompts, it’s easy to stay to the facts; today we went here/the weather was this/we ate that for dinner.
The hard part is recording those emotional details,  those that transport you back to the instant you wrote it and therefore the memory was still a reality. These little details are special things worth remembering.
Sometimes it takes extra effort to extract these details, and that’s ok! Take a breath and really examine your surroundings. Ask questions you wouldn’t normally ask.  attempt to see things from someone else’s perspective. That’s where the important stories are hiding. Keeping a couple of prompts available makes this process an entire lot easier!
Travel Journal Prompts
Do an extended-term before and after comparison. Before leaving, what are your expectations? What does one  THINK this place is going to be like? Afterward, How were you right or wrong?  to actually make this special, take it a step further and begin writing before you even plan the trip,  albeit it's over a year away. Something on the flip side, writing more thoughts long after a visit  Is anything that happened still affecting your life today? What are  people happily eating or excited to see? I tend to write down the foremost detail in my journal about what I'm eating or cool things I find at markets. Turn that view around and appearance at what people  (especially locals) are excited about.  albeit it's something documented to you,  it's going to be rare or special to other cultures. I’m not talking about stereotypical “the French like baguettes!” Imagine a booth at a farmer’s market is selling out of a particular quite apple.  what's special about those apples? What are people getting to make with them? Interview your travel partner. What do they believe your destination? How do they feel about their experience so far? Getting out of your head and into someone else’s offers an entirely new perspective. Describe the worst thing that happened. Yes, it’s easy to only write on the great parts of travel and ignore the bad. I’ve been guilty of that. I mean, who wants to recollect getting pick pocketed or losing your luggage? The thing is those bad days are still a part of your story.  within the end they'll be the stories you tell the foremost sort of a  disastrous day I had in Iceland! What sort of music did you hear? Whether it had been on the radio or street musicians, write what you hear and the way it connects you to the situation  Does the music remind you of the other times or places? Don’t write anything, draw.  albeit you say you can’t draw,  roll in the hay anyway! Sketch a delicious plate of food, local clothing, or a single building. Taking the time to record how you see something is such a lot more memorable than snapping an image Afterwards, a note of any special details or colors that you simply used. What are you wearing, and why?  believe both why you brought something and once you wore it. Like saying, “I brought my favorite black scarf to wear in Paris so I might  look chic on the streets.” Maybe you went out and purchased modest clothing for an Eastern county or chunky sweaters for Norway.  write on it!
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what's happening within the world?  I used to be in Scotland once when the people were close to voting on whether their county was to become independent or stay a part of the UK it had been a very exciting time to be there.  albeit you’re not visiting somewhere with a serious political debate raging, a notice of what's happening altogether parts of the planet and the way it affects the people around you. what's  trending  within the  local magazines and newspaper?  devour  a couple of  and see what’s going on! Cut out any interesting articles and pictures specific to your location and write on why you chose them.  I even have a recipe clipping for Lobster Chowder from a touch town circular I found in Maine. I could write on that chowder for days. How is that this place celebrating? If you're visiting during a vacation  (big or small)  note of how homes and shops are decorated and what special holiday items they need  Take a couple of minutes to research the cultural traditions of that place and see how they're being reflected.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
Planning a Trip? Here are 10 Bullet Journal Page Ideas To Help You Plan and Organize the Journey
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Two of my favorite things: Travel and Bullet Journals! I  desire planning a visit are often even as fun because of the actual trip. Just creating your itinerary, doing all the research, and making lists and to-do’s leading up. Ugh!! Just writing about it gets me excited!
Perhaps you thought your bullet journal was only for simple,  a day things like grocery shopping lists or remembering your homework. And although that’s an excellent use for it, the BuJo is multi-dimensional and great for any situations in life you’re planning.
Before we dive right in, I would like to say the tools  I even have found and use for Bullet Journaling. If you’re just starting out on your BuJo journey, these are the tools I wish I had purchased at the start rather than overpriced books and markers that ‘professional bullet journal-ers’ recommended me.
I exploit this journal, which may be a  dupe to the cult-favorite Leuchtturm1917.  the sole difference is that the pages aren’t numbered. No biggie. this is often the black pen I exploit for writing in my dailies and such. I buy these colorful markers for decorating. Metal Stencils to assist me decorate and style my journal.  they are available with a touch carry case and ruler.
That’s it. And to be completely transparent, I only use the markers and stencils a few times a month,  once I  found out new pages, or am bored and need to embellish  The bread and butter of a bullet journal is just a pen and a notebook you carry with you often  Don’t get too crazy within the beginning as you work out what pages do and don’t work for you.
Similar Post:  what's  Bullet Journaling and the way  Do I Start?
How Do i exploit  A Bullet Journal For Traveling?
The answer: However you want! The long answer:  to make packing lists, itineraries, keep track of reservations, dates, stay within your travel budget, or as memorabilia and paste pictures from your trip into the journal!  the chances are endless. there are numerous moving parts of a visit you actually can get over excited with it however you please.
Create a Travel Bucket List
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Even if you don’t have a visit arising having a travel bucket list is such an excellent idea to urge inspired. Just seeing the word ‘Paris’ and a touch doodle of the  Eiffel Tower makes me feel better.  I'm going off into my very own head and visualize myself in these beautiful cities, what I’ll do when I’m there, who I’ll meet,  the entire shebang!
Anything that helps you are feeling excited may be a  great point This travel bucket list brings out the small kid in me.
Make It Your Own With Cute Pictures
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Create a Packing List
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
How is it that  albeit  I’m a chronic over-packer, I always forget something. With a packing list prepared  a few  weeks  before  the trip (before  the strain  of traveling starts  to line-in),  you'll  assure yourself you won't forget
Travel Savings Tracker
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
A nice vacation is often such an excellent motivator. Keep yourself accountable with this travel savings tracker and before you recognize it, you’ll get on the beach sipping pina-Coladas.
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A Color World Map
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
This is such a nifty idea! Create a world map and color the countries you’ve been to.  one of my life goals is to travel to each country 9within reason)  within the world, so having my map full may be a  big goal on behalf of me
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Create  an idea
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Plan your whole trip on a BuJo spread. Create your packing list, write down belongings you want to try to and see, and even paste a touch map so you don’t get lost!
Plan That Dream Summer Roadtrip
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
You absolutely need an idea for a road trip. It isn’t one among those belongings you should just wing. Look to Kara for inspiration in creating a gorgeous and functional spread for that dream road trip through the Carolinas or Rockies.
Create Memorabilia
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Quite possibly my favorite thanks to using a Bullet Journal is to fill it with memories and pictures! You BuJo is such a private a part of your story,  sort of a  diary during away. Fill it with happy, beautiful memories of your travels to seem back on and remind yourself of the good trip you’re taking.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
5 Must Have Accessories for Your Travelers Notebook
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Here are my top tips and concepts for producing your own DIY traveler's notebook journal. From inserts and covers to clips and washi tape, I show all my favorite accessories and allow you to know where to urge them!
In my post about my bullet journal pages for bloggers, I showed my very own travelers notebook and my peeps went NUTS  eager to know where I got all my cute and artistic accessories, I figured why not allow you to in on all my secret best places to seek out cool and fun travelers notebook bits and bobs.
please note : I often recommend resources, some I receive an affiliate commission for at no additional cost to you, these all help to stay this site free for you! Travelers Notebook Cover
Okay, this one is super personal but I really like  my Dyan Reaveley Dyalog Travelers Notebook Cover Best Travelers Notebook Accessories - Dyan Reaveley Travelers Notebook Cover - Believe #planner #travelersnotebook #bujo
She is so cute and fun and, let's just catch on out there, PINK!  I really like that it's bright and makes me smile to possess it in my bag!
This one is formed of canvas and is sort of  “large”, meaning that there's an enormous spine area that allows you to put plenty of notebooks in there without the sides of the duvet pulling in and exposing the notebooks inside.
I have 4  within the picture and will needless to say put another two back to back and fit them in easily!
I saw a Facebook live the opposite day and therefore the lady who makes these had like 10 inserts, folders, stencils and hers was about 8 inches tall!!  that's an excessive amount of on behalf of me to lug around, I might probably split it in two and perhaps have a piece planner and a family planner if I needed that a lot of notebooks!
You can find all types of cool covers on Joggles or Etsy! Travelers Notebook Inserts
Now comes the “meat” of a travelers journal… the inserts! Yellow Paper House Inserts
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When I first started with bullet journalling I found the cutest inserts on Etsy! Yellow Paper House has all different sorts of inserts and therefore the cool thing about them is theirs are COLORED!
You can pick rainbows or gold, pastels or primary colors.
Pros of colored paper… one thing that I loved about using colored paper was that I could easily find out which insert was which! I used a yellow/gold one for my marketing and a blue one for my planning.
Cons of colored paper…  needless to say get light-colored inserts. The blue you'll see peeking out of the other was WAY too dark to use, I could hardly see the writing!
Also,  they need pre-printed boxes and calendars you'll just enter start using. I found this super helpful once I  was just getting started and really didn't skills to use blank inserts. Yellow Paper House Travelers Notebook Inserts... Awesome inserts from Etsy! Their products are super well made and fun to use. Great for your DIY Travelers Journal. Dialog Travelers Journal Inserts
Now I exclusively use the Dyan Reaveley Travelers Notebook inserts.  I really like them for a few reasons…
First they're super heavy paper that you simply could do artwork on (she uses them more for artwork than for planning).  I prefer this because I can use any quite pen and not really worry about it bleeding through. A Sharpie Ultra fine works great! Ranger Ink Dyalog Inserts - Travelers Journal Notebook Planner Inserts ... Great products for creating your DIY traveler's notebook cool and functional.
Second, I prefer that they'all an equivalent color!  I do know funny since the primary ones I got were all different colors. But  I even have found that I prefer the contents and concepts to be the star, not the inserts!
Dyan has different backgrounds like grids, dots, handwriting, etc.
The only pre-printed one I exploit now's the weekly Agenda which is simpler than drawing out each week's days like I did last year!
I love that the various inserts have pretty, bright covers that are fun to use in my Instagram planner pictures in order that i do not just have picture after picture of the precise same planner all the time! Travelers Notebook Accessories
Now for all the various bits and bobs that make Travelers Notebooks so fun! Folders
I LOVE   that you simply simply can put a folder in to feature anything that you want to hold around. I used mine for receipts while I used to be  Christmas shopping and now  I even have stencils in there. Dyalog Travelers Notebook Pocket Folders or Inserts ... great for organizing your DIY traveler's journal.  a part of my favorite planner accessories products post! Clips & Washi Tape Clips and Washi Tape For Your Travelers Notebook Accessories
Since I  visited all one colored inserts, I prefer to possess how to separate my different sections and find my weekly agenda page.
I have an enormous stash of washi tape that I run down the edges of planner pages so I can find them easily.  you'll put them on the long spine the way I do or across the highest, i really like how colorful this makes my notebook feel without being obtrusive to my planning!
These Dylusions Creative Dyary Clips are my favorites immediately but I'm going back and forth with all different sorts of clips! These are  excellent fun thanks to flip right to the page you would like Accessory Bag
Alright, I saved this one for last because it CHANGED MY LIFE!
I know it just seems like every other bag for pencils and “stuff” but it's that band across the rear This allows you to  “hook” it to your planner and keep all of your pens, clips and tape handy! Ranger Ink Dylusions Dyalog Accessory Bag - Perfect for storing all of your planner "stuff" in your traveler's journal. From my great accessories products post!
I put mine on the rear cover and it acts as a touch holder for extra papers and pages that  I even have torn out of my notebook inserts.
If you do not get anything today, needless to say get the accessories bag! How To Use A Travelers Notebook
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Many of the things that I exploit are from the Dyan Reaveley Dyalog planners so I assumed it might be fun to allow you to see her explanation of the products! Most of what I showed  is that this year's release, but the old products are still available to a Joggles (my FAVORITE planner store!) I used the “old” bird one that's really called “Dream”. As you'll see it had been well-loved and packed to the gills with notebooks. It did fray a touch but honestly, I actually liked that look and knew  
it had been   because I used it hard all year long!
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
How to create a Travel Journal and how to set it up
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Let's talk about Travel Journals... I will be able to guide you through creating a gorgeous memory keeping book of your holidays, my preholiday set up's, what to require with you and what to gather and save whilst on holiday.  I will be able to share a number of my travel journal/smash book style pages in my two completed journals; my handmade and my Moleskine Notebooks cahier journal.
I now have a complete of two fully completed travel journals of my holiday adventures. I always set them up before I'm going on holiday in order that they're able to be easily filled in whilst there. So grab your scrapbooking / smash book stash and obtain creative.  the chances of various layouts are endless, just let your creative imagination run wild and obtain sticking! How to create a Travel Journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes
How to create a Travel Journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes Pre-holiday  found out  of my Travel Journal I always found out the pages before I'm going using ink pads to distress the page and mixture of ephemera, stickers, journaling cards and washi tape, then I actually only got to fill it in when I'm away. I also add things like envelopes to make pockets to store receipts and tickets/brochures. A printed google map of where you're going and hotel information may be a  nice addition too. I usually stick the photos in once I revisit home, as i do not have a mobile printer. How to create a Travel Journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes Resources  to require  with you: I pack a kit of washi tape, Pritt stick, scissors and colored pens in order that  I can update on the go or within the hotel or by the pool. What better thanks to spending each day than sitting within the sun together with your journal? Whilst there you'll devour many things to use in your pages; hotel paper, hotel leaflets, trip information, stubs, flyers, pretty paper bags that gifts are bought in, bingo/raffle tickets if you play, postcards, beer mats, holiday programs/schedules, restaurant business cards, activities schedules, the list is endless.
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How to create a Travel Journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes The journal above was a homemade journal that I put together employing a  sort of different papers, all different sizes.  I prefer to use a mix of papers otherwise you could use scrapbook paper to offer different backgrounds to offer the journal individuality. These pages also include an insert from a mindful coloring book also as project lifestyle journaling cards and ephemera. I cut the paper to size, then put it through the stitching machine to bind it, but you'll use an extended armed stapler instead or hand sew it. How to create a travel journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes
Travel journal found out  - Kerry may._.Makes Black paper is some things  I wanted to undertake for this journal.  I even have seen some lovely journals using white and gold pens and that they really stand out on a black background. I also added a touch of watercolor on the edge of the page and topped it off with some journaling cards from Mrs. Brimbles. These were within the Mayor's June box I feel.
For further inspiration see my two completed travel journals within the videos at rock bottom of this post. How to create a Travel Journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes
How to create a Travel Journal and the way to line it up - Kerry may._.Makes Travel Journal / Smash Book Videos My completed Travel Journals are filmed below.  you'll see how the pages came alongside all the writing filled in. Enjoy the videos and be happy to subscribe to brand spanking new updates and videos.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
10 Bullet Journal Travel Page Ideas To Inspire Some Serious Wanderlust
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Planning a Trip? Here are 10 Bullet Journal Page Ideas  to assist  you to propose  and Organize the Journey
Two of my favorite things: Travel and Bullet Journals! I  desire planning a visit are often even as fun because of the actual trip. Just creating your itinerary, doing all the research, and making lists and to-do’s leading up. Ugh!! Just writing about it gets me excited!
Perhaps you thought your bullet journal was only for simple,  a day things like grocery shopping lists or remembring your homework. And although that’s an excellent use for it, the BuJo is multi-dimensional and great for any situations in life you’re planning.
Before we dive right in, I would like to say the tools  I even have found and use for Bullet Journaling. If you’re just starting out on your BuJo journey, these are the tools I wish I had purchased at the start rather than overpriced books and markers that ‘professional bullet journal-ers’ recommended me.
I exploit this journal, which may be a  dupe to the cult-favorite Leuchtturm1917.  the sole difference is that the pages aren’t numbered. No biggie. this is often the black pen I exploit for writing in my dailies and such. I buy these colorful markers for decorating. Metal Stencils to assist me decorate and style my journal.  they are available with a touch carry case and ruler.
That’s it. And to be completely transparent, I only use the markers and stencils a few times a month,  once I  found out new pages, or am bored and need to embellish. The bread and butter of a bullet journal is just a pen and a notebook you carry with you often  Don’t get too crazy within the beginning as you work out what pages do and don’t work for you.
Similar Post:  what's  Bullet Journaling and the way  Do I Start?
How Do I exploit  A Bullet Journal For Traveling?
The answer: However you want! The long answer:  to make packing lists, itineraries, keep track of reservations, dates, stay within your travel budget, or as memorabilia and paste pictures from your trip into the journal!  the chances are endless. there are numerous moving parts of a visit you actually can get over-excited with it however you please.
Create a Travel Bucket List
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Even if you don’t have a visit arising having a travel bucket list is such an excellent idea to urge inspired. Just seeing the word ‘Paris’ and a touch doodle of the  Eiffel Tower makes me feel better.  I'm going off into my very own head and visualize myself in these beautiful cities, what I’ll do when I’m there, who I’ll meet,  the entire shebang!
Anything that helps you are feeling excited may be a  great point  This travel bucket list brings out the small kid in me.
Make It Your Own With Cute Pictures
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
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Create a Packing List
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
How is it that  albeit  I’m a chronic over-packer, I always forget something. With a packing list prepared  a few  weeks  before  the trip (before  the strain  of traveling starts  to line-in),  you'll  assure yourself you won't forget
Travel Savings Tracker
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
A nice vacation are often such an excellent motivator. Keep yourself accountable with this travel savings tracker and before you recognize it, you’ll get on the beach sipping pina-Coladas.
A Color World Map
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
This is such a nifty idea! Create a world map and color the countries you’ve been to.  one of my life goals is to travel to each country 9within reason)  within the world, so having my map full may be a  big goal on my behalf of me
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Create  an idea
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Plan your whole trip on a BuJo spread. Create your packing list, write down  belongings you want to try to to and see, and even paste a touch map so you don’t get lost!
Plan That Dream Summer Roadtrip
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
You absolutely need an idea for a road trip. It isn’t one among those belongings you should just wing. Look to Kara for inspiration in creating a gorgeous and functional spread for that dream road trip through the Carolinas or Rockies.
Create Memorabilia
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
Quite possibly my favorite thanks to using a Bullet Journal is to fill it with memories and pictures! You BuJo is such a private a part of your story,  sort of a  diary during away. Fill it with happy, beautiful memories of your travels to seem back on and remind yourself of the good trip you’re taking.
Is your goal to travel? Then you’ll love these great BULLET JOURNAL TRAVEL page ideas and spreads. Let me take you on a journey from a bucket list wishlist, to an itinerary tracker and map page in your traveler's notebook, to saving up the budget, to enjoying your travels, to capturing your memories during a  scrapbook, with diary entries and doodles. Get bujo inspiration from these unique and artistic travel journal ideas to plan your next getaway #bulletjournal #bujo
What does one consider these spreads?! Comment below how you’re using your Bullet Journal to plan your travels!
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
20 Things That Need To Be In Your Travel Journal
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We’ve all seen those Insta-worthy, “oh-my-god how could any travel journal be so pretty,” and secretly prayed to the Pinterest gods that at some point we could also be ready to create something as beautiful. Eventually, I faced my fears and created my very own and here’s what I added!
1. Plane Tickets.
PIN IT 2. Polaroid Pictures.
Grab your Fujifilm camera and take those artsy pics!
3. Event Ticket Stubs. 4. Sketches.
PIN IT 5. Maps.
Map where you’ve been so you've got a cute visual of your journey!
6. Artwork From Museums.
Print off mini “Starry Night” paintings to recollect all the gorgeous work you’ve seen.
PIN IT 7. Postcards.
3 for $1? Yes, please!  this is often the right thanks to filling your page with beautiful pictures of your travel destinations. 8. Itinerary.
Keep a schedule to recollect where to travel and what to try to to 9. List of Favorite Things.
Don’t forget any of these random cups of coffee and songs you heard at restaurants. the right travel journal entry!
10. Trip Playlist.
PIN IT 11. Stickers!
BUY ALL  the lovable  STICKERS! 12. Stamps. 13. Dried Flowers.
See Also Essentials  you would like  For Long Flights Travel Essentials  you would like  For Long Flights
14.  belongings you  Heard People Say.
Keep track of all the wild slang words and quirky sayings. 15. Tea Tags.
Good tea, bad tea, all tea.
16. Snippets from Local Newspapers.
If any wild news happens, get the official report back to decorate your travel journal. 17. Foreign Currency.
PIN IT 18. Brochures. 19. Business Cards.
20. Paper Bags/T-Shirt for the duvet
The perfect thanks to cover your DREAM travel journal.
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
Our Favorite Tips for Keeping a Travel Journal
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Travel journals are a fun and artistic thanks to remembering your most meaningful travels. While I record my favorite tips, tricks, and locations here at a lover  Afar, I knew I wanted to start out a handwritten journal to record how these destinations make me feel. Starting a travel journal was something I assumed about for an extended time before I started writing because I used to be worried that I might start one then quickly provides it up or forget to write down in it. I did tons of rummaging through  Pinterest for inspiration,  and that I was honest with myself about what would work on behalf of me and what wouldn't work. Below are my favorite tips for starting a travel journal and maintaining with it as you hunt down more adventures.
Keep it simple! –  once I  studied abroad 10 years ago (yikes!), I used to be great at keeping a daily travel journal of my adventures. That’s not the case anymore, so I’ve learned to line realistic goals. I’ve been ready to continue with my travel journal over the past year by keeping it simple.  for every trip I take, I write out my itinerary and fill it in with a couple of daily highlights and favorite memories. When experience really stands out, I take the time to write down a paragraph approximately about the impression it made on me. Consider including your packing list, a vocabulary list, your goals for the trip, or fun descriptions of your travel partners.  a fast intro to how you made the decision to visit a specific location can set the stage for the remainder of your entries.
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By keeping it quick and straight forward  I’ve created a routine that I can stick with and that I anticipate to writing a touch bit every day either on a train or plane or in my hotel in the dark
You don’t  need to  be an artist to possess   a gorgeous journal! –  I'm not an artist. Sometimes I do a couple of fun little sketches in my journal, but my journal is usually decorated with little paper bits that I  devour along the way. It’s faster. It’s easier. I can’t mess it up,  and that I don’t need to wonder if it’s ok
I keep track of which countries I’ve been to by coloring during a  map that I traced for every continent.
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Top Souvenirs  to incorporate  in Your Journal
Postcards Plane and Train tickets Luggage Tags City Maps Tickets to Museums and Sites Polaroid Photos Candy and Food Wrappers
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
How to Add Extra Space to Travelers Notebook for Journaling
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One of my favorite things to try to when I’m working through a devotional is to actually make it my very own Give me all the ribbons, stickers, printables, and more. Because Illustrated Faith features a  TN included in their devotional kits, it’s the right little playground for my crafting heart to actually embellish those pages. Plus I can’t wait to share with y’all my favorite thanks to adding extra journaling space.
How to Add Extra Space to Travelers Notebook for Journaling
Printable stickers and journaling cards are the right thanks to including all of your prayers, reflections, etc. as you're employed through the devotional. I just released my latest collection “Wild Blooms” in my Etsy shop that has many adorable designs to assist you as you study through Wild[flower]. Below may be a  sneak peek at one of the new designs.
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Check out the video below where I’m flipping through my TN for this kit and showing how I decorated all the pages in preparation for this study.
If you haven’t grabbed your kit yet, then head over to Illustrated Faith. If you favor a digital version of the devotional that you simply can print off yourself, then they need that available too. Also you'll find some add-ons that pair perfectly with the kit for your journaling.
How to Add Extra Space to Travelers Notebook for Journaling
Don’t forget to grab your printables and begin getting your supplies ready from your stash while you serve the kit to arrive. Let me know within the comments below which printable design in “Wild Blooms” is your favorite.
How to Add Extra Space to Travelers Notebook for Journaling
How to Add Extra Space to Travelers Notebook for Journaling
Below are a couple of more pictures showing the within pages of my TN with tip-ins, pockets, and more. God bless!
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anaslaarfaoui · 4 years
12 Things Most People Don't Think to Include in Their Travel Journal
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12 Things  most of the people  Don't Think  to incorporate  in Their Travel Journal If you're keen on traveling as I do (obviously haha), then the likelihood is that you've got how to document the memories from your trips. If you are looking for how to try to  so, let me recommend a travel journal.
Every person journals differently. If you look around  Pinterest for inspiration,  you will see pages crammed with beautiful drawings. My travel journal is different from that. I can barely draw a  drawing  (no really. They always find yourself wonky with uneven arms and legs). So the maximum amount as I might like to be ready to draw exactly what I see and knowledge when traveling, I can't. But that hasn't stopped me from filling the pages of my journal until the spine looks like  it's getting to hand over and just explode.
If you would like some inspiration for what to incorporate in your travel journal (especially if you cannot draw), then you've come to the proper place. to not toot my very own horn, but I prefer to think my travel journal is pretty awesome... Okay. So maybe I'm tooting my very own horn a touch ... Anyway, let's get to the inspiration!!
The plane, Bus or train Tickets
an excellent memento of the route you to urge to all or any of the various places you visit!  i exploit  tape runners  to stay  them  in situ .
Postcards are super cheap to shop available just about anywhere within the world and are an excellent depiction of the place you're visiting. I mean,  they're meant to send home to your family and friends to form them jealous... I mean...  allow them to know you're thinking of them and need to share the view
I prefer to incorporate stickers from the places I visit in my journal. If I'm going to a restaurant or bakery I actually like and that they have a sticker, I definitely get one.
Coffee Sleeves
once I  travel I always make it a goal to prevent at an area cafe a number of the simplest coffee I've ever had has come from these little holes within the wall places. If the coffee I buy comes with a cardboard sleeve on the cup that has their logo or the name of the shop, I keep it to incorporate in my journal.  I exploit washi tape to carry them in situ  
Business Cards
once I  enter little shops, bakeries, etc I tend to grab business cards.  it is a  great (and free!) memento to feature to my journal. I mean, if I ever want to travel back,  I even have the address right there in my notes!
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is sensible, right? Include pictures of your favorite parts of your day. See a cool statue? Snap an image and put it in your journal with some decorative washi tape!
Both postage and ink. Are you in a  foreign country? Grab a few postage stamps.  they are not expensive and they are different everywhere you go! Are you visiting a National or State Park? Most have an ink stamp with the date and place,  within the novelty shop that's liberal to use.
What you ate or drank
Every place has their own food and drinks. Why not write on them?  you'll never get the experience again.  you'll also include (clean) wrappers of candy, snacks or maybe teas in your journal.
Smell, weather, sounds, etc
One thing I always do once I  go someplace new, is stop, close my eyes and take it to beat  Is there a smell of wood burning in fireplaces?  or even damp leaves? Write it down.  is that the sun beating down? Is there a continuing drizzle of rain? Write it down. Are there constantly honking horns?  or even it is so quite that you simply can hear the animals scurrying across the bottom  Write it down. These are the items you're less likely to recollect down the road. But these are the items that structure new places.
People you met
I do know  I meet some amazing people once I  travel. I always include them when writing in my journal. I mean, I do not want to ditch them!
Foreign Coins
After your trip,  does one have pockets filled with random change? Add it to your journal. I mean you have already got it anyway, right?
Ticket Stubs
What better thanks to showing the tours you went on or the places you've gone to?
Whenever keeping a travel journal make certain to require the time to write down at the top of every day. If you do not it's extremely easy for the times to run together and to forget important details of your trip.
Most importantly, have fun. Write, draw, bullet, do whatever you would like .  it is your journal and documentation of your journey.
What does one include in your travel journal?
Disclosure: This blog post may contain affiliate links or endorsements that I'll receive compensation. Your purchase helps me still bring you tips and adventures. But as always, the views and opinions are my very own .
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