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Cryptid of the Day: Vampire Bat-Man
Description: Sometime between 1988 & 1996, in southern Illinois, a couple claimed to have seen a massive vampire bat that nearly smashed into their car while driving down the highway. They kept the sighting to themselves until 2019, when they told paranormal investigator Lon Strickler.
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The creature that wants to kill you will not growl.
The function of a growl is as a warning. It is a communication that violence is available as a tool, but is not preferred. Other outcomes, besides your death, are available and should be considered.
But the creature that wants to kill you will not growl.
If your death is the goal, then growling will only serve as a delay and may result in your escape, which runs counter to the goal. There will be no growl, no warning. There will be no snarl or hiss or bluster. The creature that bares its teeth with the intent to kill only does so to bring closer its fangs to your demise.
The creature that growls does not want to kill you, but will if it must.
I advise you to appreciate the warning. You may not receive another.
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Actually useful shit to have as a witch
You really don't need all the fancy bullshit every tumblr influencer will ever tell you to use. Here's my countdown ofaxtually useful shit.
A pocket knife, preferably with a wood handle. Use that bitch for everything, enchant it, carve symbols in it. It will absolutely be your best friend.
A good bag or backpack with a couple of plastic or ziploc bags in it. If you ever run off into the woods to find minerals, bones, plants, etc. A set aside bag and some things to store your treasures in becomes a necessity.
Basic divinatory sets. You don't have to buy fancy shit, learn to divine with playing cards and dice, or learn geomancy, lithomancy, or rune casting with homemade sets. A tarot deck is nice, but it isn't necessary when you've got so many other divinatory aids available.
A nice sized chunk of scrap cloth. When you process dried plants or sort new ones, that shit can and will get everywhere. A scrap piece of muslin or linen can help contain all of that mess and make clean up way easier.
A stash of good rocks. Draw sigils or symbols on those babies and leave them in the garden, the windowsill,property boundaries, under the stoop, etc. You can never have too many good rocks.
A pendulum, for fucks sake. The cards are going to be vague as hell when you're trying to figure out yes or no questions, and using a candle to communicate with spirits is really fucking hard outside. If you can't afford one, find a nice chunk of pointy quartz and learn to macrame.
A workspace. Everyone talks about having big fancy altars, but no one mentions that you need a good surface to do all your work on.
Storage, so much storage. I'm not talking about mason jars and pill bottles, I'm talking about where you put all the things you put in those jars. Having a workspace with drawers is immeasurably helpful.
A broom and water source. You're going to be cleaning up after yourself a lot, it's helpful to have a jug of water and a broom that stays by your workspace.
A mode of cleansing. I make a salt concoction to scatter around my workspace on short notice and store it close by.
On that note: SOMETHING TO CANCEL SPELLS WITH. Eventually, something will go wrong. You'll want to end that spell immediately. Have something to do it with.
A strainer. If you don't have a blender, rub dried plants across it to get a powder. If you do have a blender, you can strain that powder with it. Either way, if you intend to powder shit, get a strainer.
Small trays. It makes drying flowers so much easier if you have a small metal surface to contain them with- then just stick those suckers in a southern window and let em go.
Yarn/string scraps. Having a box or drawer of scraps makes trying this up to dry easier and a bit less wasteful.
A stash of offerings for whatever you work with. Honey for fae, coins for graveyard gatekeepers, alcohol for ancestors, etc.
Protective talismans or charms. Once you're into all of this stuff, you'll likely stick your nose in something you shouldn't. Having basic protection with you or in your workspace is incredibly important. A key and hagstone with red string is simple and effective.
A lighter- so many people forget the most basic shit. You're going to want to light shit on fire if you're a witch.
And a last tip- if something is too hard for a mortar and pestle, a plastic bag and hammer works too.
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The Dullahan is a creature from Irish mythology described as a headless horseman. The dullahan is said to ride on a black horse and carries his head under his arm. Although the dullahan is typically described as male, female dullahan have also been written about. The creature is described as having flesh with the consistency of moldy cheese, eyes constantly scanning the countryside and a whip made of human vertebrae. If the dullahan calls out the name of an individual the one called by the dullahan will drop dead instantly. Other versions say that it will throw a bucket of blood at their target. To protect oneself from a dullahan a person would have to carry gold on them at all times.
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the hag in folklore actually is symbolic of men being afraid that when women get older we’ll realize how shit they really are and eat them which is fair and they should be
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Norse Index
Æser (Æsir, Male Gods)
Balder (Baldr, Baldur) - Light, purity, rebirth
Brage (Bragi) - Poetry, eloquence, wisdom and music
Delling (Dellingr) - The new day, dawn
Forsete (Forseti) - Justice and reconciliation
Frøy (Freyr) - Vaner, virility, fertility, the sacred religious position of royalty, prosperity, good weather and sunshine
Heimdall (Heimdallr) - The senses, premonition or foreknowledge
Hermod (Hermóðr) - Bravery, spirit, possibly a former mortal hero/king elevated to the Æsir
Hjuke (Hjúki) - Man, lunar activity, lunar phases, moon craters, brother of Bil (the Scandinavian children in the moon)
Hod (Höðr, Hodr) - The blind god, darkness, rebirth, second chances
Høne (Hænir, Hœnir) - Survival, sense/spirit, beauty,
Lodur (Lóðurr) - Blood, warmth, life, 
Loke (Loki) - Change, creativity, ambiguity, impulsiveness
Magne (Magni) - Strength, development, son of Tor
Meile - Son of Odin, brother of Tor
Mime (Mímir) - Wisdom, knowledge, memory, advice
Njord (Njörðr) - Vaner, the sea, harbours, ports, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth/prosperity, and crop fertility
Od (Óðr) - Madness, fury, eagerness, excitement
Odin (Óðinn) - Father, war, battle, victory, death, wisdom, runes, magic, poetry, charms
Tor (Þórr, Thor) - Thunder, lightning, storms, rain, strength, protection, hallowing, healing, fertility
Ty (Týr, Tyr) - Law, sacrifice, heroism, glory, war
Ull (Ullr) - Skiing, archery, hunting, weapons, shields, personal combat, oaths
Vidar (Víðarr) - Vengeance, atonement, preparation, survival, silence
Vilje (Vili) - Will, willpower, moderation, the middle, wit, intelligence, touch, sense, motion
Ve (Vé) - Countenance, appearance, facial expression, speech, hearing, sight
Våle (Váli) - Revenge, bravery, daring, marksmanship, survival, rebirth
Åsynjer (Ásynjur, Female Gods)
Bil - Woman, lunar activity, phases of the moon, sister of Hjuke (the Scandinavian children in the moon)
Eir - Help, healing, protection, mercy, grace, calm
Fjorgyn/Jord (Fjörgyn/Jörð) - Earth, the world, nature, greenery
Frigg - Mother, love, fate, prophecy, marriage, birth, midwifery
Frøya (Freyja) - Vaner, fertility, love, passion, sex, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, magic, war, death
Fulla - domesticity, cleaning, housekeeping, listening, confidant, secrecy
Gersemi - Precious, beauty, blonde hair
Gjevjon (Gefjun) - Virginity, plowing, female independence 
Gnå (Gná) - Messenger, errands, crossing planes of existence, travel through land, air and water
Hnoss - Treasure, beauty, brunette hair
Idunn (Iðunn) - Youth, vigour, apples, love
Ilm - Fragrance, aroma, smells
Irpa - Guardian goddess, Hålogaland
Lin - Weddings, domestic sphere, flax, onion, fabrics
Lovn (Lofn) - Benevolence, kindness, gentleness, consolation
Nanna - Loyalty, empathy
Njorun - Soil, the land
Rind (Rindr) - Princess/goddess/giantess, mother of Våle from the East
Rån (Rán) - Sea, protection from drowning, fishing
Sigyn - Loyalty, burden, sadness
Siv (Sif) - Fields, wheat, fertility, family, wedlock
Sjavn (Sjöfn) - Love, sex, desire
Snotra - Wisdom, intelligence, cleverness, appropriate conduct
Sol (Sól) - The sun, warmth, daylight
Syn - Refusal, denial, speaking out, legal defence
Såga (Sága) - Seeress, all-seeing, companionship, drinking partner
Torgerd Hølgebrud (Þorgerðr Holgabrúðr) - Guardian goddess, Hålogaland, heathen shrines
Var (Vör) - Honesty, awareness, caution, carefulness
Vår (Vár) - Oaths (and punishing oath breakers), pledges, agreements, betrothal
Jotner (Jötnar, Elemental Giants)
Aurvandil - Star, planet, Orion & Big Dipper constellations
Bauge (Baugi) - Farmer, money, wages
Dag (Dagr) - Day, light, rides Skinfakse
Fornjot (Fornjótr) - Ancient giant, ancestor, original, owner
Frosti (Jökull) - Cold, winter, frost, ice, icicles, glaciers
Fårbaute (Fárbauti) - Hitting, striking, cruelty, danger, violence
Geirrød (Geirröd) - Entrapment, cruelty, aggression, violence
Gyme - Hills, Mounds
Helblinde (Helblindi) - “Hel Blinder”, “All Blind”
Hyme (Hymir) - Brewing, cauldron, thick skull
Kåre (Kári) - Wind, scathe, howl, sails
Loke (Loki) - Change, creativity, ambiguity, impulsiveness
Loge (Logi) - Fire, wildfire, 
Mime (Mímir) - Knowledge, wisdom, memory, counsel, Mimes Brønn (Mímisbrunnr)
Mokkurkalve - Clay, life, innocence, childishness
Norve (Narfi) - Narrow, oppressive, closed in, difficult birth
Rungne (Hrungnir) - Strength, brawling, fighting, whetstone
Snø (Snær) - Snow
Surt (Surtr) - Fire, heat, burning, blackness
Suttung (Suttungr) - Mead of poetry, orphaned, eagle
Tjaste (Þjazi, Thiazi) - Abduction of Idunn
Torre (Þorri, Thorri) - Black ice, frost, cold, winter
Trym (Þrymr, Thrymr) - Uproar, King of Jotner, 
Vale (Vali) - Unlucky, wolf, murdered his brother Norve
Vavtrudne (Vafþrúðnir) - Riddles, weaver of tales
Utgards-Loke (Útgarða-Loki) - The outer places, magic, illusion, beyond society, an alternate plane
Yme (Ymir) - The big bang, primordial, birth, the ancestor of all, elemental
Æge (Ægir) - Sea, ocean, sea creatures, protector of sailors
Gygrer (Gýgr, Elemental Giantess)
Angerboda (Angrboða) - Grief bringer, sorrow, Iron Wood
Aurboda ( Aurboða) - Gravel, mountains
Bestla - Mother to Odin, Vilje and Ve.
Driva (Drífa) - Snowfall
Fonn - Snowdrift
Gerd (Gerðr) - Beauty, light, fertility, earth
Grid (Gríðr) - Greed, vehemence, violence, impetuosity
Hel - Death, Helheim (the underworld), Náströnd (“Corpse Shore”)
Hyrrokkin - Fire smoked, smoke, strength, wolves, serpents
Jernsaksa (Járnsaxa) - Iron knife, mother to Magne
Lauvøy (Laufey) - Needle, slender, weak
Menglød (Menglöð) - Lives in a castle guarded by Fjölsviðr
Mjoll (Mjöll) - Powdered snow
Natt (Nótt) - Night, darkness, nightfall, counting time, rides Rimfakse
Skade (Skaði) - Damage, archery, hunting, skiing, winter, mountains
Vetter (Vættir, Beings) & Other
Alver (Elves) - Light/Dark/Black, personification of nature
Andvare (Andvari) - Dwarf, “careful one”, waterfall, fish, wealth, magic ring called Andvaranaut
Ask og Embla - The first humans, ancestors of humanity
Diser (Dísir) - Female protective deities/spirits, fate
Dverger (Dvergar) - Dwarfs, metallurgy, wisdom, smithing, mining, crafting
Einherjer (Einherjar) - Honoured dead, fallen in battle, sent to Folkvang or Valhalla
Fenrisulven (Fenrisúlfr) - Death, destruction, rage, the end of times, fen-dweller
Kvase (Kvasir) - Wisdom, knowledge, skaldship, poetry, mead, blood, juice
Midgardsormen (Jörmungandr, Midgard Serpent) - Sea serpent, poison, self-reflexivity, cyclicality
Norner (Norns) - Weavers of fate, Wyrd, destiny, birth, death
Sigurd Fåvnesbane - Stag, hero, wisdom, prophecy, speak to birds
Troll - Isolated natural landmarks, strength, slow, dim witted, 
Valkyrjer (Valkyries) - Choosers of the slain, Odin’s maids, spirits, ferocity, death, ravens, wolves, 
Vedfinn (Viðfinnr) - Father of Hjuke and Bil
Vetter (Vættir) - landvette, skogsvette, husvette, vannvette, sjøvette, havvette, hulder, nøkken, draugen, nisse, troll, huldrefolk deildegasten, dradokke, trollkatt, basilisk, krake, utburd, lyktemenn, varulv, marmæl, lindorm
Volund (Völundr) - Blacksmith, magical powers, sword maker, hero, alvedrotten (Chieftan of elves)
–list curtsy of hedendom 
Web links
Runes & other divination
What/ where
charms/ folk magick
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Do you design a lot of characters living in not-modern eras and you’re tired of combing through google for the perfect outfit references? Well I got good news for you kiddo, this website has you covered! Originally @modmad made a post about it, but her link stopped working and I managed to fix it, so here’s a new post. Basically, this is a costume rental website for plays and stage shows and what not, they have outfits for several different decades from medieval to the 1980s. LOOK AT THIS SELECTION:
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There’s a lot of really specific stuff in here, I design a lot of 1930s characters for my ask blog and with more chapters on the way for the game it belongs to I’m gonna be designing more, and this website is going to be an invaluable reference. I hope this can be useful to my other fellow artists as well! :)
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The tikbalang is a creature from Philippine folklore. Described as a bony creature with the head of a horse and elongated limbs, it lives in mountains and forests.
Tikbalang like to confuse and frighten travellers, causing them to become lost or to walk the same path again and again. Some beliefs state that the tikbalang are guardians of nature, and can be found at the foot of large trees.
Some stories claim that the tikbalang come from aborted foetuses who have returned to earth from limbo.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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Next Time You’ll Know Better
Have you ever walked into a room and found a vampire?
No, not the sexy kind, but a foul creature with bony limbs and ashen skin? The kind that snarls as you enter, like a beast about to pounce? The kind that roots you to the spot with its sunken, hypnotic eyes, rendering you unable to flee as you watch the hideous thing uncoil from the shadows? Has your heart started racing though your legs refuse to? Have you felt time slow as the creature crosses the room in the darkness of a blink?
Have you shuddered with fear when it places one clawed hand atop your head and another under your chin so it can tilt you, exposing your neck? Have you squirmed as its rough, dry tongue slides down your cheek, over your jaw, to your throat, in a slithering search that’s seeking your artery? Have you felt its hot breath release in a hiss against your skin when it probes your pulse—the flow that leads to your brain? Has its tongue rested there, throbbing slightly as if savoring the moment? Have you then experienced a sinking, sucking blackness as you discover that not all vampires feed on blood—some feed on memories?
Well, have you?
Maybe not. But let me rephrase the question:
Have you ever walked into a room and suddenly forgotten why you came in?
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The woods are lovely, dark and deep 🍃🍂
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Paintings of The TV Show “THE STRAIN”.
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1000 Picspams Challenge | #17 - Faeries
I don’t believe in magic- You will, when you see her (x)
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I want someone to write a book where Mermaids are the women thrown off ships when the sailors got afraid because having a woman on the boat is bad luck. And as they sink to the bottom, legs tied together, they change slowly until they can breathe, until they can use their tied up legs to swim. And they drown sailors in revenge, luring them in by singing in their husky voices still stinging from the salt water they breathed. 
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An inviting stare
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From a tourist site for Rauris Valley, in Salzburger Land:
“Schnabelperchten are figures with long beaks, knitted jackets, patched women’s smocks and straw slippers, and are equipped with a basket on their backs, large scissors, needle and thread, along with a broom. The beak is artistically and elaborately bound from large sticks of wood and farmhouse linen. The Schnabelperchten make their way through town on the 5th of January, on the eve of Epiphany.”
By the way, they cut you open with their giant scissors if your house isn’t tidy. Better clean up before they come.
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Gryla is an Icelandic monster that eats children around Christmas. According to folklore she is the mother of the Yule Lads, but this association has only been present since the 17th century. Although Gryla is mentioned in poems from the 13th century, her association with punishing naughty children has been constant throughout her existence. She is able to sense when children are misbehaving. Around Christmas she kidnaps children who disobey their parents,and takes them to her home in Dimmuborgir where she eats them with her husband.
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