amysmysticmess · 6 years
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ready for halloween
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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A lonely MC comic I never got around to finishing. Maybe one day I will.
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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[ Mystic Messenger x Pokemon Crossover: Mint Eye edition ]
I participate in a Mystic Messenger magazine project as an artist on Amino and this time theme’s is ‘Fantasy’. I’ve been a Pokemon nerd for almost my whole life now, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to draw a Pokemon inspired piece.
Additionally, I hadn’t drawn Ray in a while and the overall theme of Mint Eye always reminds me a little of fairy tales or something fanasy-like so it fit perfectly!
Find the caterpie and you get a cookie.
- Admin Strawberry
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
MM Headcanon - Not The MC
So, this post is about meeting the characters after the plot of Mystic Messenger occurs.  MC is with someone else, and this is about being the soulmate outside of someone else ending up with MC.
He was working for Jumin to make money and get back on track on with school.  After all, Jaehee was now running her own cafe and not doing all the work for Jumin.  One day, he saw a pretty girl in a beautiful dress at the vending machine when he went to get a snack.  He tried to play it cool.  He took a deep breath, straightened his tie, and went to lean against the machine…but he miscalculated how close he was too it and nearly fell on his face.  But you looked at him…and giggled…
He introduced himself to you, and you gave him your name.  He asked what department you worked in.  You tell him that you don’t work there, but you are visiting your father who is one of the board members.  The two of you have a very nice, but short conversation.  After the board meeting releases, Jumin and your father find the two of you making a game of flipping a plastic cup on top of a water bottle.  Jumin is a little disappointed that Yoosung isn’t working, but he is glad that Yoosung found something to make him smile that wasn’t video games.
You start to visit your father more often to see Yoosung.  You leave him notes on his desk when he isn’t around.  When he is, you stop for a quick chat just to check on him and see how his day is going.  Once, while Jumin wasn’t looking, you even helped him organize some files.  Yoosung tracked down your father one day and asked his permission to date you.  Your father found Yoosung more than an acceptable man despite his quivering for his daughter.  
The next time you visit your father, Yoosung passes you a note as he follows Jumin to his next meeting.  You stop and read the note. Will you go out to dinner with me?  Yes or No (But your dad thinks it is a good idea so…)  You circle the ‘yes’ option with a heart, and you leave your number so the two of you can actually set it up, and then, you go and thank your father.
You were being dragged along by your boyfriend of a couple of months to look at expensive sport cars.  It wasn’t like either of you could afford any of these, but he liked to pretend that he could. You are standing next to one of your favorite models from this year while he is looking at something else.  Someone walked up behind you. You look up and see a red head with glasses.  You start talking about your favorite cars from the past.  He is letting you tell him why you like this brand and explain the engine.  He seems just so interested in every word you are saying.
Your boyfriend sees this and comes over.  He pushes himself in between you and the boy with the red hair.  He shoves you back a couple steps.  Unfortunately, you lost your balance and fell.  In your clumsy mess, you end up scratching the car a bit.  You almost start crying because there is no way you can afford to even have it fixed!  Your boyfriend panics and tells you to run.  He books it, but you are freaking out on the floor.  The red head kneels down next you and calms you down.  He asks you to sit there and wait while he talks to someone one.  Your boyfriend comes back, telling you that if you don’t leave with him now that he is breaking up with you.  You told him that you would rather walk.  So, now, you’re crying for a totally different reason.
The red head came back out some time later and dangled a set of keys in front of you.  “I came out to tell you that I was going to pay for the damage, but I heard what he said to you…so I thought you could use a way to get home,” he said as he placed the keys in your hand.  Now, you are sobbing into this stranger’s jacket. He smells like potato chips.  “I don’t even know your name,” you mumble.  “Its better if you don’t,” he said, holding you tightly, “but my friends call me Luciel.”  He gets you to calm down a bit so you can go sign paperwork.
You offer to buy him dinner since he bought you a car.  He asks if you can cook for him instead since he doesn’t get a lot of home cooked meals.  You agree.  The two of you get in your new car and drive to the store.  The whole time, he is making food puns and you almost pee yourself laughing.  Towards the end, you managed to pull one off that made him laugh until he was crying.  Once at your apartment, he is thrilled that you have a very affectionate pet.  He does like animals.  After dinner, the two of you find a movie to watch.  He falls asleep with his head in your lap while you play with his hair.  While watching him sleep, you realize that you can never let this crazy kid go.
In middle school, you were cast as a lead in the school production with Hyun Ryu.  He came over to your house to practice because his parents were so against him mingling in the arts.  However, your parents and siblings like to play out the side characters to help you better get into the scene.  They offered him to stay for dinner quite often.  Hyun was growing so close with your family.  He even came around after the play was over.  However, this ended when your father got a better job in another town, and you all moved away.  You and Hyun wrote notes in that script to each other before moving away.  The two of you shared your first kiss before you got in the car to leave.
Years passed.  High school passed.  University passed.  Careers began.  You were working at your first job.  It was good time.  You were doing well.  Life was great.  As you sat in the break room, your coworkers had on celebrity news.  You saw that there was a scandal going on between the famous Echo Girl and an up-and-coming actor called Zen.  They showed a picture of the two side-by-side.  You dropped your mug of coffee as you saw his face.  Your precious Hyun.  Your first love.  You told your boss that you needed to leave. Your boss told you that if you left that you were fired.  You shrugged and left.
A few days later, you tracked down Hyun’s address and knocked on his door.  He seemed a bit confused about who you were.  Instead of speaking, you held up the script, and a tear fell from his eyes.  He invites you inside, and the two of you talk.  He tells you abut how he met a girl that encouraged him to take this chance with expanding his career, but just when he thought he stood a chance with her, she chose to date his friend.  He was far too hung up on her to give Echo Girl the attention she wanted so she started all the drama.  You told him that you were here for him because you knew he needed you.  You explain what happened with your job, and he offers for you to stay with him.  You agree.
The scandal settled down once the paparazzi saw that Zen had a girl living with him.  When you were approached asking if you were his girlfriend, you neither confirmed nor denied.  Instead, you told them what a stand up gentleman that Zen is and that anyone who claims any different is lying.  You stayed with Zen for a week.  You even video chatted with your family over dinner.  The two of you really connected.  On the day, you were going to head back home, he grabbed your hand and looked you in the eye.  “Please, don’t go.  Don’t leave me to live a life without you again.  I know my life isn’t luxurious.  I don’t have much, but I have all the love in my heart, and you are the one I know that deserves to feel that love every day.  So, please…as my oldest and best friend, stay with me…forever.” 
Vacation!  Vacation!  Vacation!  With Jumin Han in bliss with his new wife, Jaehee was finally able to get her own vacation.  She had decided to go to New York City in America.  She had heard about all the different places to eat, the museums, places to see, and more.  Mrs. Han even made sure the company got her a luxury suite at a nice hotel with massage and spa treatment for one of the days.  She was even more excited about her first class flight.  It was even better to see that she got the window seat!  This was about to be the best week of her life!
Then, you sit down next to her on the plane.  She greets you merrily, and you return the enthusiasm.  The two of you have a little small talk, but it fades as the plane starts to take off.  You go to look out the window, and you happen to take a glance at her phone.  Her wallpaper is a photo her with the actor Zen.  You almost screech.  “Oh my God!  You have met Zen?!”  Jaehee nods happily, “Yes!  We are good friends!”  You tell her about how you love his shows, and the two of you immediately kick it off.  The two of you talk for the entire flight about life, hobbies, and interests.  The only time when you stop talking is when she falls asleep and her head rests on your shoulder, and you rest against her and take a snooze.
The two of you exchange numbers once the plane lands and agree to go sightseeing together.  Even as you head to your hotel, you are still texting her.  She shows you how amazing the room and everything is.  When you get to your friend’s apartment, you find out that the friend you are visiting has to work on the night you were going to see a show on Broadway.  So, you text Jaehee that you have an extra ticket and asks if you want to go.  After the show, you head back to her hotel for drinks.  The two of you have a blast while laughing and getting far too drunk.  You run to the pool and make friends with almost everyone you see.  Apparently, you also started sending texts of yourselves posing in your bikinis to some group chat app that she has.
Sobering up in the morning was a mess, but you managed to do it.  You went to small dinner.  You had coffee and biscuits and gravy.  You took pictures of it.  Jaehee looked like she was going to be sick when she saw the pictures the two of you shared with the messenger.  You told her that she looked great and those boys needed to recognize that.  Until she told you one of those boys was Zen, and then, you started getting self conscious.  The rest of the week was spent with Jaehee joining you and your friend while you took time to tour the city.  You guys went to all the major tourist attractions as well as some of the exciting themed restaurants, small bars, and even met an American actor.  On the day Jaehee had booked for the spa, she texted you and told you that after seeing that she found a friend, her boss’s wife paid extra so that you could join her.  So the two of you enjoyed a day of relaxing together.  You talked about personal things…including her confusing feelings for her boss’s wife.
By the end of the week, Jaehee was heading home, but you were still staying in New York City for another week.  You took a cab with her to the airport to make sure she got there safely.  It broke your heart to see her go.  You guys hugged for a long time at the terminal before you had to go your separate ways.  During your extra week with your friend, you text her nonstop.  She even risked texting while at work.  You talked to your friend about your feelings for the girl, and she tells you to take a risk.  When you get home, Jaehee greets you at the airport with a sign and a smile.  She said that her friend lent her a car with a driver to make sure you arrive home safe.  In the back of the car, you take a risk and kiss her quickly.  She is all flustered and doesn’t say anything about it, but she holds your hand on the ride home.
You worked at C&R under one of the board members.  You were the assistant to some big guy.  When Jaehee Kang put in her notice to start a cafe with some girl, you immediately requested and interview for the position.  Working under Jumin Han would look good on a resume.  Plus, you wanted to prove that you had the dedication to the company to be promoted to something more than a note taker.  The day of the interview, your heart was pounding.  You did a lot of research on Jumin.  You even tracked Jaehee down to ask for her advice.  So, you dressed the part.  You pulled your hair back in a professional, but not very flattering style.  You wore fake glasses.  Your outfit was very profession and conservative.  You kept your answers short and to the point.  With the recommendation from your other boss, Jumin hired you on as his assistant.
It started off very professional.  You did your work that he asked you to do.  You made sure that he stayed on task.  You watched his cat (and you loved it).  You even helped him plan some parties for a fundraising group he was a member of.  You never questioned much.  Everything change when the fire nation attacked you had to take a trip to another country with him.  The two of you had several meeting planned, but terrible weather crept up and everything was cancelled.  The two of you were stuck in the hotel together.  You posed playing a game to him to get to know each other since you had been working together for nearly a year and knew very little about each other.  Jumin cracked open a bottle of wine, and the two of you began to play a game of 20 Questions.  By question sixteen, two bottles of wine were finished, and the questions were far too personal.
After that, your partnership was a lot closer.  He seemed to be more comfortable with you.  He often invited you over to his penthouse to work on projects instead of sitting around the office all night.  It was nice because he often had food brought in, you could wear casual clothes, and Elizabeth liked to take turns on who she got cuddles from.  Some days, he stopped by your apartment on your day off to do some work.  “You look nice with your hair down,” he told you one day while on your couch, sorting through paperwork, “but please, don’t wear it like that at the office.  It would distract too many people.”  And that was the day that you realized that Jumin Han looked at you as more than just a coworker.
After two years, RFA recognized you as another official member since you helped more and more over the years.  That was the night that you were to dress formal for the event.  Jumin brought a fashion designer to work and had them personally design a dress for you.  When you told him that you couldn’t afford that, he told you that it was an expense on him as a thank you for everything you have done.  The night goes perfectly.  Everything is absolutely magical.  At the end of the event, Jumin approaches you, “I need to ask you something.”  “Yes?”  “Will you resign from your position?” Your heart broke for a moment.  “Why?”  Jumin seems fluster and blushes as he says, “I have a strict rule about dating employees.  I refuse to break that.  I cannot deny these feelings for you.  They are far too strong.  I couldn’t take my eyes off you tonight.  You’re beautiful, engaging, and everything I have been missing in my life.  So, please, resign your post so we can start a future together.”
You and MC met in middle school and became instant best friends.  When she texted you about having to miss your lunch date because she went to a strange apartment and was in the middle of planning a party, you immediately questioned all of her sanity, but if she wanted to do this, you were going to support her and go water her plants while she was away.  She made sure you got an invite to her party.  After all the drama she texted you about, there was no way you were going to miss this.  When Jumin Han got down on one need and proposed, you almost passed out.  You were the loudest one, screaming and applauding.  When she finished talking to the press, she immediately ran over to you and showed off her ring, her fiance, and her new friends.  “Hey!  You need to meet V!”  “Who is Q?  Or did you say T?” you ask.  She laughs and tells you, “V will be walking down the aisle with you.  He is going to Jumin’s best man.  At least, I assume.”  Jumin agrees and takes you to find V.  The man with mint eyes hidden behind sunglasses seemed almost out of place at such a formal place, but he was very charming.
You suggested that the four of you go out to karaoke one night for some bonding.  Jumin agrees to do anything MC wants to do especially if it means a night out V and a someone she obviously cares about.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy it, having a few drinks and snacks while doing silly performances.  Jumin and MC left the room go purchase more time.  V spoke up, “So how does someone like MC and someone like you become friends?”  You confess, “I wasn’t always like this.  I have depression and anxiety.  I was always terrified.  She stuck by my side.  She went to therapist appointments.  She held my hand when the medications were having bad side effects.  This whole journey to become this outgoing person I always dreamed to be wouldn’t have been possible without her commitment to our friendship.  So, when my friend told me that she needed to help some strangers in an apartment, I felt that I needed to support her too.”  “How do you feel about all of this?” V asked.  “I think that is about time that someone noticed how perfect she is.”  “I admire your dedication to your friend.”
The wedding came up sooner rather than later.  You had spent a lot of time with the rest of RFA while preparing for the big day, but V stayed away for most of the time for odd reasons.  It was a beautiful ceremony, and it was an even better reception.  You probably drank more than you should have.  You even convinced V to have more than he should have.  V asked you if you would go for a walk with him to get some fresh air.  So, you go outside, holding on to his arm.  “It was nice to be with them again,” he told you.  “Its funny that you would say that because I call bullshit on all your stories,” you told him.  “Excuse me?”  “V, you say you are travelling as a photographer, and yet, you can hardly see.  You aren’t doing what you are saying you are,” you snap at him, “and honestly, I don’t care much about your truth.  That is your business.  While you have been gone, I have been there for wedding planning.  I saw how much your absence hurts those people who care so much about you.  Especially Jumin.  I watched his face fade when his calls to you go straight to voicemail.”  V hung his head, “I have my reasons.”  You shook your head, “That must be one damn good reason to hurt people like that.”
You had to go away for a while for work not long after the wedding.  You talked to your friend on the phone.  She started telling you everything.  She told you about even more craziness.  She told you that V came to them and confessed a story about how his late girlfriend was actually alive and running a cult that led your friend to that apartment.  She told you how they found Seven’s brother in the cult.  She also mentioned that V decided to get the surgery for his eyes.  When she told you that V was finally able to actually see, you sent him a text that said, “I am proud of you.”  When you get back home, your friend offers you a room in the penthouse while you find an apartment.  Walking into the room, it is covered in your favorite flowers.  V is standing there with a bouquet and smile, “You heard the stories from her, but perhaps, you would be interested in hearing my truth now.  I followed your lead.  I started talking to someone, and now, I am able to talk to you if you can forgive me.” 
You worked at a greenhouse.  You adored the plants.  A redheaded boy and a brunette girl came in and asked about getting the guy’s brother a job with maintenance and far away from customer service.  You peeked over to see a boy with white hair tinged with pink, standing behind him.  He seemed to be really interested in the flowers.  You walked over to them and spoke up, “Why don’t I show him around while you guys talk?”  The redhead seemed apprehensive, but his girlfriend encouraged the interaction and thanked you.  You smiled at the boy and he followed you back to look at the various plants.  You told him your name, and he told you that his name was Saeran.  He was quiet, but he seemed to enjoy listening to you talk.
You two started working together a lot.  He never really spoke much, but he did enjoy your company.  When your boyfriend broke up with you, you called of work because you were just too upset to function. When you returned the next day, your boss said that Saeran had asked about you.  It was heartwarming.  When you walked out to the greenhouse, you were pretty sure you saw him smile.  “Are you okay?” he asked.  You nodded and told him, “My boyfriend left me for another girl, and I just…”  You started to tear up again.  “You should see the roses,” he said softly to distract you, “because they are blooming quite nicely.”  He took out his phone and avoided looking at you.  After an hour, his brother ran into the greenhouse with a couple grocery bags, “Saeran, what kind of emergency requires all the flavors of ice cream?”  Saeran went and took the bags from his brother and handed them to you, “Ice cream makes me feel better when I am sad, and I didn’t know your favorite flavor…so I made sure there were enough options.”
After that, you two went out for ice cream after work everyday.  He didn’t really want to share his past stories, but he talked about what it was like living with his brother and his girlfriend.  He told you about how he loved his brother, but it was hard getting over everything that happened.  You listened to him talk and never judged him.  You just liked seeing him open up.  Your ice cream dates turned into him coming over to your apartment for a bit to get away from the insanity of his sibling and wife.  They were fun and crazy…and too much for him.  He enjoyed being quiet.  He liked watching movies, the food you cooked, and the blanket on the back of your couch.  One night, he fell asleep during a movie.  He was adorable.  And then, he started twitching in his sleep.  He started screaming as her jolted up.  Then, he confessed everything that happened to him.
A couple months later, he moved in with you.  He thought that having some space from his brother might help him feel more independent, but he was still far too scared to live on his own.  You had no problem with it.  On the first night, you were watching a movie where a couple kissed.  He looked over at you and said, “Would it be going to far if I told you that I want to share a moment like that with you?”  You smile at him and shake your head, “No because I want the same thing.”  “I’ve never done that before,” he confessed.  “Just trust your instincts,” you told him.  He leaned in as he place his trembling hand on your waist.  First, it was just a couple simple kisses.  He started to pull away before he went back in for more.  Your tongue brushed against his lips and they parted.  After a few minutes, you both pull away, panting a bit.  He blushes as he tells you, “I could do that forever with you.”
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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The best gift. Happy birthday Jumin Han.  Please just ignore the opposite bangs of his side face, I found it out when I finished everything. Q w Q
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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as much as i love yoosung i never draw him… tbh i don’t draw cute boys enough so i’ll have to work on that 
☆please DO NOT REPOST or delete captions!☆
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!!!!!!!!! @sinkoriin
thank u for bein a nasty bitch with me all the time💦💦💦🐙
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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(and then this bitch, THIS BIG BITCH, has the audacity to say he’s flattered. FLATTERED)
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
Had some wine. Played Dream Daddy. Are you ready for this.
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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“goodbye~ don’t you miss me when i’m gone, cause you’re the f*cking reason that i’m not around.” i was able to finish this concept i had in mind a year later after i sketched it. felt some inspiration from lund’s song, broken– this is available as a poster size print on my shop!
{ instagram | shop | commission } → please do not reprint / repost my artwork.
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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I messed this baby 😭
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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Having fun doing this xD
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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Baehee with her son jay
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
Yoosung, pointing at MC: That’s my girlfriend, suckers!
Zen: Your wife, Yoosung.
Yoosung: My wife! Even better!
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amysmysticmess · 6 years
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“Got Anymore of that wild in ya?”
Dream Daddy Aesthetics
/ Robert / Craig / Damien / Mat / Hugo / Brian / Joseph /
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