amendmade · 4 years
@houseofwclves  ,  adrien  agreste  .
SEBASTIAN  SHOULD  HAVE  FIGURED  that  he'd  see  him  .  he  knew  it  was  a  forseeable  potential  consequence  of  going  to  the  animal  shelter  .  but  ,  his  work  overtakes  everything  else  for  him  --  as  it  always  did  --  and  so  he  had  come  over  anyway  .  when  he  heard  about  the  break-in  in  the  building  next  to  the  shelter  ,  he  had  decided  to  investigate  .  while  he  had  ran  the  news  breaking  of  the  initial  story  ,  part  of  figuring  out  more  on  the  break-in  meant  visiting  the  neighbouring  businesses  .
IT  STILL  DOESN’T  ACTUALLY  PREPARE  him  at  all  ,  though  .  and  sebastian  hates  that  small  part  of  him  that  is  relieved  to  see  that  he's  okay  ,  knows  that  that  break-in  could  have  easily  been  in  the  shelter  instead  .  but  sebastian  keeps  a  blank  face  before  turning  to  adrien  .
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SEBASTIAN  FORCES  HIMSELF  TO  focus  ,  compartamentalise  and  do  his  job  .  he  keeps  the  initial  greeting  brief  with  a  ,  “  hey  ,  adrien  ,  ”  before  delving  into  why  he's  here  .  it's  better  this  way  than  wasting  both  of  their  time  .  “ so  two  nights  ago  ,  there  was  a  break-in  at  the  place  next  door  .  were  you  working  that  night  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
OPEN  from  :  vanitas  .
VANITAS  IS  TIRED  ,  EXHAUSTED  ,  really  .  but  when  is  that  something  new  ?  this  constant  dull  ache  that  hangs  onto  them  like  a  virus  .  tonight  is  a  busy  night  ,  at  least  .  they  had  taken  on  two  shifts  ,  someone  else  called  out  earlier  in  the  day  ,  and  well  .  vanitas  was  getting  paid  for  it  ,  so  it's  not  like  they  can  entirely  complain  .  but  fuck  ,  are  they  tired  .  their  body  is  going  to  hate  them  tomorrow  when  they  can  barely  stand  given  that  they’ve  been  standing  for  hours  already  .
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WHEN  SOMEONE  SITS  DOWN  in  front  of  the  bar  counter  ,  they  put  down  the  pint  glass  they’re  polishing  for  the  past  five  minutes  while  listening  to  someone  else  crying  about  their  lives  ,  the  typical  ‘  my  partner  left  me  ’  drama  .  they  internalise  the  sigh  of  irritation  they  want  to  give  .  before  finally  they’re  speaking  ,  keeping  their  voice  even  ,  “  what  are  you  going  to  be  drinking  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
OPEN  from  :  benoit  blanc  .
WORK  HAS  ALWAYS  COME  the  easiest  to  benoit  .  not  for  nothing  short  of  the  fact  that  when  it  came  down  to  it  :  his  job  when  taking  out  all  the  frills  and  intensities  --  was  simply  the  act  of  observation  .  that's  truly  the  prime  of  what  he  does  ,  and  it’s  never  quite  been  something  he’s  ever  been  able  to  turn  off  .  so  ,  when  he  spots  a  familiar  scene  :  an  act  of  pickpocketing  ...  there’s  really  no  other  way  he  can  see  it  as  .  a  slight  of  hand  ,  a  slip  of  movement  .  benoit  could  let  it  go  .  or  ,  his  morals  could  step  in  .
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ON  THIS  PARTICULAR  DAY  ?  it  appears  his  morals  are  stepping  in  .  he  walks  over  to  the  individuals  in  question  ,  the  victim  and  the  thief  ,  as  he  frowns  ,  “  now  ,  pardon  me  ,  but  i  saw  what  i  saw  .  and  what  i  saw  ?  a  theft  .  ”  gesturing  with  his  hand  ,  “  i'd  say  you  should  give  the  individual  their  belonging  back  .  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
@houseofwclves  ,  harry  potter  .
WILL  LOVES  HIS  KIDS  ,  there’s  no  doubt  or  question  in  his  mind  about  it  .  sure  ,  he  never  really  thought  he’d  ever  be  a  parent  .  but  after  being  one  ,  he  can’t  imagine  his  life  ever  not  being  one  .  the  paternal  instinct  in  him  feels  like  it’s  so  strong  that  it’s  had  to  always  have  been  there  in  him  .  so  even  if  it  hadn’t  been  in  the  cards  for  him  ,  and  even  if  it  had  been  a  struggle  ,  he  means  it  when  he  says  there’s  nothing  about  his  life  that  he'd  ever  change  .
THAT  DOESN’T  MEAN  THAT  ...  well  ...  that  he  doesn’t  get  exasperated  with  them  sometimes  .  even  fond  exasperation  .  being  a  single  dad  had  been  a  challenge  ,  especially  considering  richie  being  richie  always  caused  harry  to  become  ...  stabby  .  but  they’ve  grown  up  now  ,  all  of  his  kids  now  adults  .  and  while  he’s  done  his  best  to  raise  them  to  independence  ,  he  made  sure  they  always  knew  the  doors  were  always  open  for  them  if  they  ever  needed  him  .
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SO  WHEN  WILL  HEARS  the  front  door  open  ,  he  barely  startles  from  where  he’s  been  filleting  a  fish  that  he  caught  .  there  are  only  a  select  few  options  that  it  could  be  possibly  be  after  all  .  and  the  footsteps  ?  are  too  familiar  for  will  to  go  on  the  defensive  .  “  harry  ,  ”  will  greets  ,  only  looking  up  when  he  can  feel  the  presence  by  the  doorway  .  “  you  staying  for  dinner  ?  ”  if  there’s  something  wrong  ,  he’s  sure  his  son  will  more  than  let  him  know  .
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amendmade · 4 years
@drwatscn  ,  john  watson  .
IT'S  NOT  UNUSUAL  FOR  THE  FORCE  to  call  in  some  consultants  .  they’re  a  small  island  ,  after  all  ,  and  any  help  that  they  can  get  ?  is  appreciated  .  and  with  the  rise  in  crime  ,  it’s  increasingly  important  for  them  to  solve  crimes  just  as  quickly  as  they’re  coming  in  .  there’s  been  one  case  that  has  been  ...  stressful  .  one  that  they’ve  been  struggling  with  .  and  while  he  could  ask  for  detective  graham’s  insight  ,  there’s  just  too  many  cases  he’s  already  pushed  onto  the  man’s  plate  ,  including  the  active  kidnapping  case  .  taking  him  off  the  case  would  be  disastrous  .  but  ,  their  medical  examiner  is  at  their  wit's  end  ,  and  their  forensic  team  is  no  different  .  enter  :  john  watson  .
JOHN  HAS  BEEN  A  HUGE  HELP  in  the  past  .  and  it’s  his  assistance  that  he’s  counting  on  now  .  he  had  called  the  man  to  look  at  some  of  the  pictures  and  to  read  on  about  the  case  and  hopes  that  the  doctor  can  provide  his  insight  some  more  .  when  the  man  of  the  hour  walks  into  his  office  ,  he  looks  up  from  his  papers  ,  “  doctor  watson  ,  welcome  .  thank  you  for  coming  in  .  ”
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HE  STANDS  ,  PLACING  THE  REPORTS  down  to  shake  the  man’s  hand  ,  “  i'm  sorry  for  the  last  minute  call  ,  but  we  could  really  use  your  medical  knowledge  for  this  case  .  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
@glasshvarts  ,  eddie  kaspbrak  . 
RHODEY  DOESN'T  TRY  TO  BE  A  WORKAHOLIC  .  but  sometimes  :  it  really  does  end  up  happening  .  to  be  fair  ,  he  knows  he’s  had  a  rougher  time  at  work  than  usual  .  par  for  the  course  ,  with  the  rise  of  crime  ,  truthfully  .  he  knows  there's  not  much  that  can  be  done  on  that  front  .  and  he  figures  it’s  better  now  when  eddie’s  already  older  rather  than  when  the  kid  was  still  growing  up  for  rhodey  to  be  doing  long  hours  like  this  .  but  even  with  the  crime  rising  ,  it  does  put  into  perspective  what  matters  most  .
WHILE  HIS  SON  IS  OFF  IN  COLLEGE  ,  rhodey  cherishes  the  time  he  does  get  to  see  him  .  after  raising  him  since  he  was  just  a  baby  ,  he’s  always  been  overprotective  over  his  son  .  and  the  idea  that  something  could  potentially  happen  to  him  while  he  can  no  longer  keep  him  safe  ?  terrifies  him  .  but  he  trusts  eddie  and  knows  he  has  a  good  head  on  his  shoulders  .
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RHODEY  DOES  HIS  BEST  TO  MAKE  HIMSELF  as  available  as  possible  for  if  there's  ever  a  time  eddie  needs  him  or  even  just  wishes  to  see  him  .  he  does  his  best  to  have  lunch  with  his  son  when  he  can  ,  to  make  sure  he’s  doing  well  .  so  when  he  hears  the  front  door  open  ,  he  steps  over  and  greets  him  with  a  ruffle  of  his  hair  ,  “  hey  kiddo  .  has  everything  been  okay  ?  good  day  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
@drwatscn  ,  john  watson  .
ONE  WOULD  THINK  THAT  BEING  at  the  university  wouldn't  result  in  a  lot  of  injuries  .  but  it  shouldn't  be  a  surprise  with  the  rise  in  crime  lately  that  not  even  the  university  would  leave  harry  being  completely  safe  .  there  had  been  an  attack  on  the  law  department  when  harry  just  so  happened  to  be  there  weeks  ago  that  had  still  left  him  shaken  .  while  the  attack  hadn't  left  him  with  much  more  than  a  couple  of  scrapes  and  bruises  ,  his  shoulder  that  had  hit  the  wall  hadn't  particularly  healed  well  .  or  ,  it  had  healed  over  but  incorrectly  .  he  had  been  trying  really  hard  to  ignore  it  ,  but  now  ?
HE  WOULDN’T  HAVE  EVEN  GONE  to  the  hospital  had  it  not  been  for  the  fact  that  his  professors  had  noticed  harry  wincing  and  flinching  in  pain  one  too  many  times  .  he’s  just  about  to  go  schedule  his  appointment  when  he  spots  the  one  person  he  really  didn't  want  to  see  at  the  hospital  :  his  dad  .  who  ,  this  entire  time  ,  he  had  been  attempting  to  avoid  in  hopes  he  wouldn't  be  questioned  about  why  he  was  here  .  because  of  course  ,  harry  hadn't  told  his  dad  that  he  ...  just  so  happened  ...  to  have  gotten  hurt  .  it  hadn't  been  easy  hiding  even  the  bruises  and  scrapes  from  his  dad  given  that  he  hates  lying  to  him  ,  but  he  hadn't  wanted  to  worry  him  .  but  ,  with  his  dad  right  here  ?  it  looks  like  the  truth  is  coming  out  .  he  just  hopes  ...  well  .  he  hopes  he's  not  too  upset  .
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APOLOGETIC  SMILE  ON  HIS  FACE  ,  he  hunches  his  shoulders  in  a  bit  instinctively  making  himself  smaller  only  to  wince  when  he  feels  an  ache  bloom  in  his  shoulder  again  .  his  voice  a  bit  strangled  as  he  greets  him  ,  “  hey  ,  dad  ,  ”  and  after  the  pain  lets  up  for  him  to  grimace  no  longer  ,  he  adds  ,  sheepishly  ,  still  trying  to  dodge  the  elephant  in  the  waiting  room  ,  “  how’s  work  going  today  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
perchancetoheadbutt  ,  mulan  fa  .
Mulan smiled to herself as her favorite song filtered through her neon green ear buds as she ran through the neighborhood. She was sprinting midday for practice. Definitely not for fun. Who runs for fun? She kept her breathing controlled. She could pass the endurance test no problem, but she did not want to just pass it. She wanted to be at the absolute top of the class. She didn’t want to do it to beat the others at the police academy or set some record, but to prove herself. Make her father proud.
She felt herself slow down. She could take it easy just this one, right? Not gonna undo all her training if she-
With a quick look around, Mulan started what she liked to call dance fighting. It’s a mix of karate, ballet, and fun.
She twirled around with a high kick, the world swirled around her but. “Oh crap,” she gasped as she saw a blurred figure and tried to stop herself, ending up toppling over onto the hard pavement.
What she pictures:
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What she probably looks like:
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VANITAS  IS  ADMITTEDLY  JUST  NOT  even  really  in  the  mood  .  they've  been  focusing  on  just  staying  in  their  apartment  or  going  to  work  --  after  all  ,  there’s  no  real  reason  for  the  alternative  .  they’ve  never  been  one  for  venturing  out  their  apartment  without  a  purpose  .  it  just  so  happens  that  today  ,  unfortunately  ,  of  all  days  ,  they  can  no  longer  stay  inside  given  the  fact  that  (  as  of  last  night  )  they  officially  ran  out  of  all  of  the  food  in  their  apartment  .
SO  THEY’VE  GOT  THEIR  USUAL  PLAN  :  just  go  in  and  out  ,  a  simple  trip  to  the  store  ,  and  then  they  can  go  home  without  having  to  worry  about  anything  else  before  work  starts  at  ten  .  they  just  hate  having  to  cross  through  the  park  to  get  to  the  marketplace  to  get  the  sustenance  they  need  .  somehow  ,  by  some  fucked  up  nature  ,  things  just  always  seem  to  be  happening  in  the  park  .  from  people  busking  to  walking  their  pets  to  doing  fucking  tightrope  walking  between  trees  ,  things  always  get  in  their  way  .
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IN  THIS  CIRCUMSTANCE  ,  IT  APPEARS  that  that  notion  is  quite  literal  this  time  as  someone  actually  falls  and  tumbles  in  front  of  them  .  great  .  while  they  probably  should  go  forth  and  ask  if  she’s  okay  ,  well  ...  vanitas  never  claimed  to  be  a  kind  person  .  so  ,  instead  ,  they  find  themselves  having  sidestepped  the  toppled  figure  and  walks  around  them  .
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amendmade · 4 years
@glasshvarts​  ,  adam  parrish  .
FINALLY  A  RARE  DAY  THAT  HARRY’S  not  going  to  be  spending  his  hours  at  the  university  for  once  ,  taking  the  time  off  to  rest  for  once  .  it  does  say  a  lot  ,  however  ,  that  he  doesn’t  quite  know  what  to  do  with  himself  even  during  his  break  .  he's  so  used  to  pushing  himself  as  much  as  he  can  that  when  he  finally  gets  the  chance  to  relax  ,  he  doesn’t  know  what  to  do  with  that  chance  .  regardless  ,  he  had  decided  to  take  a  walk  ,  clear  his  head  .
IT  DOESN’T  TAKE  HIM  LONG  TO  REALISE  that  he’s  walked  himself  around  the  island  for  hours  at  this  point  before  he’s  finally  stopped  by  where  adam  works  as  a  barista  at  .  a  tiny  ,  fond  smile  on  his  face  grows  into  a  bigger  one  when  he  realises  ,  too  ,  that  he’s  visiting  right  as  his  boyfriend’s  shift  should  be  ending  .
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HE  WALKS  INSIDE  AS  THE  BELL  CHIMES  his  entry  as  some  of  the  staff  who  recognise  him  nod  at  him  in  acknowledgement  before  he’s  sitting  down  at  a  table  .  when  adam  is  close  enough  to  see  him  ,  harry  greets  him  ,  “  hey  ,  i  thought  i’d  visit  you  .  i  was  thinking  we  could  go  out  to  dinner  once  your  shift  finishes  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
@glasshvarts  ,  peter  parker  .
HARRY’S  FORTUNATE  ,  OF  COURSE  ,  to  have  a  good  support  system  for  when  he's  overworking  himself  .  it's  as  if  peter  has  a  sixth  sense  for  when  he's  distressed  ,  really  ,  because  he's  always  there  for  him  .  and  while  harry  hasn't  been  entirely  transparent  with  peter  ,  is  still  hiding  the  fact  that  things  have  been  off  with  him  ,  but  he  doesn't  want  to  worry  and  weigh  his  best  friend  down  with  all  of  his  issues  .  so  ,  instead  ,  he's  throwing  himself  into  his  work  .  at  least  ...  this  way  ,  he  can't  lie  if  peter  has  no  opportunity  to  ask  him  if  he's  okay  .  it's  so  incredibly  hard  enough  just  to  lie  to  adam  that  he's  okay  .  to  peter  ?  he  doesn't  know  if  he'd  sound  even  remotely  convincing  .
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BUT  WHEN  HE  SEES  PETER  walk  over  ,  he  doesn't  resist  the  smile  that  finds  its  way  on  his  face  .  “  hey  pete  ,  ”  he  runs  a  tired  hand  through  his  hair  ,  “  please  tell  me  that  you've  had  a  better  day  than  me  .  ”  and  after  a  beat  as  well  ,  “  and  that  you  haven't  had  lunch  ,  so  we  can  grab  something  together  .  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
@attractfm  ,  draco  malfoy  .
IT  COULD  BE  A  WORSE  DAY  ,  sebastian's  sure  ,  but  frankly  :  the  bar  has  always  been  low  .  keeping  your  expectations  at  ground  zero  stops  any  level  of  disappointment  he'll  feel  for  how  shitty  the  day  will  --  because  it  will  --  get  .  he  still  has  to ��wait  for  approval  on  his  article  regarding  the  girl  who  went  missing  since  the  festival  which  was  supposed  to  come  sooner  ,  but  his  boss  was  out  yesterday  .
HE’S  NOT  BOTHERED  BY  IT  .  seriously  .
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REGARDLESS , HE CAN PUSH  aside  his  work  for  an  hour  .  he's  sitting  at  the  place  where  he  was  expected  to  meet  up  with  draco  for  lunch  .  the  other  has  yet  to  arrive  ,  and  he's  just  about  to  check  his  phone  before  he  can  see  the  other  out  of  the  corner  of  his  eye  .  “  so  .  ”  he  offers  a  small  smile  ,  “  everything  all  good  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
ayuphoria  ,  juliet  capulet  .
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“  you  can’t …   loiter ,  ”   she  lamented .   it  felt  awkward  to  approach  someone  with  such  news ,   but   the  rules  were  the  rules .   to  be  fair ,   it  was  specifically  warned  against  in  the  shape  of  signs  decorating  the  street  down  which  the  shop  could  be  found .   to  sit  &  mooch  off  of  the  wifi  &  space  that  she  paid  for  without  paying  what  underpriced  sum  of  money  juliet  asked  for  was  anti - productive  for  both  parties .   plenty  of  students  came  through  &  studied  at  her  tables ,   but  at  least  one  or  two  of  them  tended  to  buy  something  in  order  to  placate  her  —  not  to  mention  that  the  caffeine  was  necessary  to  keep  themselves  working  during  the  late  hours .   “  i’m  sorry ,   —  i  hope  you  understand .  ”
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CHRIS  HAS  BEEN  SO  FOCUSED  ON  FINISHING  his  assignment  before  the  deadline  that  he  doesn't  realise  he's  been  sitting  in  the  cafe  for  almost  an  hour  without  drinking  or  buying  anything  .  it  doesn't  help  that  everything's  been  going  wrong  ,  with  him  having  to  restart  the  assignment  after  it  hadn't  saved  correctly  --  hell  ,  to  him  having  to  go  to  the  cafe  to  begin  with  because  the  wifi  in  the  apartments  was  particularly  shit  .  but  this  assignment  is  so  much  of  his  grade  ,  and  he's  unwilling  to  ruin  his  gpa  over  a  general  education  course  .  he  refuses  that  ,  frankly  .  he  pauses  when  he  hears  a  woman  talking  to  him  ,  glancing  up  and  at  the  time  .  fuck  .  he's  got  twenty  five  minutes  left  before  he  has  to  turn  it  in  .  “  look  ,  i  am  so  ,  so  sorry  ,  really  --  but  i  have  a  paper  worth  thirty  percent  of  my  grade  due  in  less  than  an  hour  --  i'll  buy  twelve  drinks  if  i  have  to  to  make  up  for  this  ,  but  i  really  just  need  to  finish  this  .  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
lucidmaleficent  ,  maleficent  .
It was already rare that Maleficent left her shop, rarer still that she left for anything that wasn’t terribly necessary. Yet, something in the florist compelled her to throw on a simple outfit and make her way down to the beach. Though she preferred the feeling of dirt between her toes instead of sand, she could not deny how wonderful that salty breeze felt. It was just light enough for her dark tendrils to twirl and billow around her sharp face. She’d decided to stop her stroll when her ears detected footsteps fairly close behind her. “Lovely day for a walk…” she started, turning to face the other as she continued, “Isn’t it?”
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BENOIT  TENDS  TO  PREFER  THE  RUSTLING  OF  TREES  to  the  crashing  of  the  ocean  .  truly  a  matter  of  personal  preference  of  course  .  but  that  doesn't  mean  that  he  doesn't  enjoy  a  peaceful  walk  down  the  beach  every  now  and  then  .  it's  a  nice  way  to  clear  his  head  ,  to  do  a  mental  reset  .  especially  after  some  of  the  long  cases  he's  been  doing  along  with  the  force  ,  it  helps  to  take  a  step  back  and  get  some  perspective  .  working  on  overworked  mind  never  helped  anyone  ,  after  all  .  he's  just  enjoying  the  tranquility  of  the  scenery  and  the  silence  before  it's  broken  by  a  woman's  voice  .  he  smiles  before  nodding  in  agreement  ,  “  quite  so  .  it's  always  good  to  get  some  fresh  air  ,  especially  on  a  day  as  nice  as  this  .  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
sogolden  ,  richie  tozier  .
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❝ be honest . ❞ when he’s sure he has their attention , richie raises his arms and lets the outdated , fringe-addled sleeves of his jacket fall into the empty space . it’s gaudy , it’s awful , and the worn black suede clashes miserably with the loud print of the shirt he wore so proudly . his questionable taste is something cruelly innate , it seems . ❝ ya think stevie nicks would approve ? hell , do you ? ❞
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WILL  IS  HAPPY  WHENEVER  HIS  SONS  VISIT  HIM  .  he  swears  he  is  ,  he  knows  they’re  all  grown  and  off  at  school  or  work  ,  and  he's  glad  to  see  them  when  he  can  especially  given  all  the  things  that's  have  been  happening  on  the  island  .  still  though  .  they  drive  him  insane  sometimes  .  he  finally  glances  up  from  where  he's  reading  a  case  file  to  see  ...  well  ...  whatever  richie  has  on  .  “  richie  ...  what  are  you  wearing  ?  ”  he  doesn't  stop  the  exasperated  but  amused  tone  his  voice  takes  on  ,  “  where  did  you  even  get  that  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
lucidmarta  ,  marta  cabrera  .
Marta was at a complete loss for what to pick out. She’d been in the antique shop for close to half an hour and had still not settled on what to bring home. Having lived in her little space for so long, she figured it was time for her to update her decor a bit. However, nothing really inspired her. As she walked, she paused at a painting that was sitting off towards the back. Staring intently at it for a moment, she summoned the courage to tap the shoulder of the person nearby. “Excuse me, umm…I’m so sorry, but I-I need a second opinion.” she said, pointing to the painting at the back of the room, “Can you tell me what you think of this painting? It…makes me feel something, but I’m not sure what.”
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AFTER  GROWING  UP  IN  A  HOUSEHOLD  hyperfocused  on  presentation  ,  sebastian  has  always  been  lectured  on  the  importance  of  a  good  decor  piece  .  and  while  he  definitely  wants  to  put  everything  about  his  life  prior  to  the  past  several  years  away  ,  he's  getting  sick  of  seeing  how  plain  his  apartment  is  for  once  .  which  says  a  lot  because  he's  so  rarely  inside  it  .  just  goes  to  show  how  much  he  actually  does  happen  to  despise  the  monotony  in  his  apartment  .  he's  just  looking  at  a  couple  of  things  to  put  in  his  bookshelf  when  he  feels  a  tap  on  the  shoulder  .  “  uh  ...  okay  ,  alright  ,  ”  he  turns  fully  to  look  at  the  painting  in  reference  ,  shrugging  at  a  beat  or  two  .  he  knows  what  the  writer  in  him  would  describe  the  painting  as  ,  but  the  realist  in  him  says  otherwise  .  “  i  mean  ...  it's  a  nice  painting  of  a  spring  meadow  ...  not  really  my  kind  of  thing  ,  but  it  could  be  yours  .  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
houseofwclves  ,  harry  potter  .
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to say harry is paying attention would absolutely be the opposite of the truth. as always he’s staring off, pen on paper with small doodles of mindless thought. none of it made sense but neither did his thought process. “i’m sorry– what?” he asked when addressed, “i didn’t hear anything you said.”
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CHRIS  REALLY  NEEDS  TO  PASS  THIS  CLASS  .  it’s  one  of  the  last  general  education  classes  he  has  left  for  his  upper  division  to  graduate  ,  so  he  knows  he  has  to  buckle  down  ,  focus  and  do  well  .  but  knowing  is  different  than  doing  .  at  the  very  least  ,  it  appears  he  isn’t  the  only  one  .  “  ...  i  don’t  suppose  you  have  the  notes  for  the  past  ten  slides  ?  ”
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amendmade · 4 years
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*  NOW  PLAYING  :  WHO  WE  ARE  by  IMAGINE  DRAGONS  .  don’t  look  now,  but  there’s  BENOIT  BLANC  over  there  with  their  GLASSES  !  they’re  never  seen  without  it  .  rumours  say  they  hail  from  KNIVES  OUT  ,  but  that  just  doesn’t  sound  right  …  after  all  ,  the  FIFTY  year  old  PRIVATE  DETECTIVE  has  lived  their  whole  life  here  !  if  they  didn’t  ,  surely  they’d  remember  SOLVING  THE  THROMBEY  CASE  .  either  way  ,  i  hope  they  enjoy  their  time  in  somnilia  !  /  daniel  craig  ,  cis  male  ,  he  /  him  .  
CLARABELLE  :  hi  benoit  !  thank  you  for  coming  to  meet  with  me  .  this  is  just  going  to  be  a  fun  little  interview  .  so  let’s  start  easy  !  just  for  the  record  :  what’s  your  name  ,  age  ,  gender  ,  and  pronouns  ?
thank  you  for  having  me  ,  ms  .  cruz  .  my  name  is  benoit  blanc  ,  i  am  fifty  years  old  ...  ah  ,  and  i  am  cis  male  ,  so  masculine  pronouns  if  you'd  please  .    
CLARABELLE  :  nice  !  so  what’s  your  birthday  ?  we  can  add  it  to  the  town  calendar  ,  so  that  residents  can  celebrate  the  day  if  you’d  like  !  
december  twenty  eighth  ,  but  --  oh  ,  as  kind  as  that  is  ,  there's  really  no  need  for  any  celebration  ...
CLARABELLE  :  do  i  look  like  an  astrology  person  ?  because  i  absolutely  am  --  what  do  you  think  your  astrology  sign  says  about  you  ?
well  ...  as  far  as  i  know  i'm  a  capricorn  ...  but  i ��can't  say  that  i  know  quite  much  on  what  that  entails  .  [  capricorns  are  known  for  being  hardworking  and  patient  ,  practical  --  and  not  to  mention  ,  responsible  .  ]
CLARABELLE  :  ah  ,  i  see  .  i  heard  you  have  something  that  you  always  bring  everywhere  with  you  .  could  you  tell  me  what  it  is  and  it’s  significance  to  you  ?
[  he  laughs  a  little  .  ]  oh  ?  they're  just  my  glasses  .  not  quite  deserving  to  be  shrouded  in  such  mystique  .  [  they're  brown  tortoise  round  glasses  .  they  are  not  so  close  to  his  being  that  he  can't  have  them  around  him  ...  however  ,  it's  useful  having  them  around  .  after  all  ,  when  he's  not  wearing  them  ,  it  gives  him  something  to  fiddle  with  .  he  always  was  one  of  those  people  who  had  to  mess  around  something  to  keep  his  mind  from  running  away  from  him  ,  and  his  glasses  provide  that  for  him  .  it  was  ,  in  ways  ,  helpful  to  ground  himself  with  .  ]
CLARABELLE  :  that’s  fair  !  so  what  has  life  been  like  for  you  in  somnilia  ?  what  was  your  childhood  like,  have  you  enjoyed  your  life  here  ?  is  there  anything  you’d  change  about  your  life  here  ?
my  life  has  been  perfectly  fine  .  i  grew  up  in  a  good  home  ,  started  my  own  private  investigation  services  .  i  have  my  wonderful  ,  wonderful  daughter  .  there's  truly  not  much  i  would  do  to  change  my  life  here  when  i  already  have  everything  i  need  in  my  life  as  i  have  it  .  [  it  hasn't  exactly  been  the  easiest  life  ,  of  course  .  oh  ,  he  had  great  parents  ,  and  his  father  was  the  one  who  inspired  him  to  be  a  private  detective  .  maybe  things  would  have  been  better  had  clarke's  mother  stayed  ,  but  he  had  stepped  in  to  take  full  care  of  his  daughter  ,  and  he  never  regretted  that  .  but  even  with  all  the  highs  and  lows  ,  there  was  nothing  in  his  life  that  he  would  change  .  sometimes  bad  things  just  had  to  happen  for  the  good  to  come  out  .  and  in  his  life  ...  there  was  plenty  of  good  that  he  would  never  give  anything  up  for  .  ]
CLARABELLE  :  what  do  you  have  to  say  about  those  that  say  life  here  isn’t  what  they  seem  ?  if  …  hypothetically  speaking  ,  all  of  this  was  fake  ,  what  would  your  real  life  be  like  ?
well  ,  i  cannot  quite  discount  what  others  have  said  since  i  wouldn't  quite  know  .  certainly  ,  the  idea  of  alternate  universes  isn't  something  new  ...  but  still  .  i  don't  quite  know  what  my  “  real  life  ”  would  be  like  ,  but  i'm  certain  that  not  too  much  could  be  changed  .  [  a  detective's  eye  was  never  one  that  someone  could  just  give  up  .  becoming  a  private  detective  was  something  he  always  knew  he  was  gonna  do  .  having  all  of  the  puzzle  pieces  lined  out  for  him  while  he  tried  to  analyse  every  part  of  the  board  ?  it  came  as  natural  to  him  as  breathing  .  oh  sure  ,  maybe  there  were  some  cases  that  he  hadn't  taken  on  ,  maybe  some  cases  that  he  had  .  but  the  idea  that  this  life  wasn't  truly  his  ?  not  something  that  he  could  accept  so  easily  ,  regardless  of  how  openminded  he  was  when  it  came  to  seeing  the  big  picture  .  ]
CLARABELLE  :  so  now  here  are  some  fun  little  questions  ..  what  is  your  favourite  place  here  in  somnilia  ?
how fun -- now i quite like the island’s park ... i know it can be quite energetic sometimes , but it’s always been quite enjoyable to people watch .
CLARABELLE  :  do  you  think  people  are  inherently  good  or  inherently  bad  ?
i  think  people  are  just  people  .  no  conditionals  about  it  .  not  everyone  is  a  kind  person  ,  but  then  there  are  those  that  are  .  perhaps  no  one  is  born  kind  ,  but  i  do  not  believe  that  people  are  born  bad  either  .  i  think  people  get  affected  by  the  way  that  they  live  .  and  that's  what  determines  their  nature  .
CLARABELLE  :  if  you  could  have  dinner  with  anyone  from  history,  who  would  it  be  ?
perhaps  thomas  pynchon  ?  he  wrote  gravity's  rainbow  .  now  i  personally  never  read  it  ,  but  the  title  ?  fascinating  .  the  path  of  a  projectile  determined  by  natural  law  .
CLARABELLE  :  if  you  could  learn  any  skill  ,  what  would  it  be  ?  
i  would  love  to  pick  up  learning  the  viola  .  what  a  gorgeous  instrument  ,  so  underrated  ,  but  such  a  delight  to  listen  to  .
CLARABELLE  :  who  or  what  do  you  aspire  to  be  ?
i  aspire  to  be  a  good  role  model  for  my  daughter  ,  of  course  .
CLARABELLE  :  well  !  thank  you  so  much  for  all  of  that  ,  and  i’m  so  happy  to  have  had  this  interview  with  you  .  i  hope  to  see  you  around  somnilia  more  in  the  future  !  
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