amberplusandi · 5 years
After the Party
This is the first chapter of a post-finale Andi Mack fanfic I’m doing for fun (may not finish it and it’s not that well written, but hey, it’s for fun). It’s focused mainly around Tyrus but it’ll have other characters and plot lines in it too. Hopefully you enjoy!
Click here for the next chapter when it comes out.
Cyrus arrived home to find the place dark and silent, which wasn’t surprising considering the party had run well past 3am.
He slowly and quietly made his way up to his bedroom, pushing the door shut behind him. He knew he should probably go to bed so he wouldn’t be exhausted for lunch at the Spoon tomorrow, but he just couldn’t fall asleep. His mind was still buzzing from the events of that night; when he told Andi it had been life changing, he wasn’t exaggerating.
He whipped out his phone and pulled up the contact info of the one person he couldn’t get off his mind. Cyrus had a million things to say to him, there was just too much to talk about. In the end, he could only manage to send a simple and blunt-
Cyrus: Hey
Cyrus didn’t even know if TJ would still be awake. Him and Amber left the party nearly an hour earlier than Cryus had, so why would he still be up? But his doubts were wiped aside when not even a second later, his phone screen lit up with a familiar “ding!”
TJ: Hey
Cyrus didn’t even know how to respond. Usually the conversation flowed so naturally between the two boys, but this time there was something new there, something neither of them knew how to navigate.
Cyrus: So about tonight…
Cyrus: Where do we go from here?
TJ: I don’t know. I’ve never done anything like this before.
TJ: But I do know I’d like to hold your hand again.
A grin spread across Cryus’ face as he read that last message. Holding TJ’s hand, he had never felt so vulnerable, and yet, so safe. It was ten minutes of pure, blissful silence. No, it was more like an unspoken conversation. Well, that was before Amber walked up behind them and TJ pulled his hand away.
Cyrus understood; he wasn’t ready to tell everyone right there and then, but it was still so hard to let go.
Cyrus: I’d like that.
Then Cyrus found himself typing out a question he didn’t think he even had the courage to ask.
Cyrus: So what are we?
Cyrus could see TJ start and stop typing three times before he finally sent a response.
TJ: I don’t know. I just know I like you, Cy. And I don’t want to keep that a secret either.
TJ: I know I pulled away when my sister showed up, but I just wasn’t ready to deal with everything then and there.
Cyrus: That’s ok. I’ll move at whatever pace you need.
TJ: Thanks for saying that
Cyrus: What comes next?
TJ: I don’t know. Maybe…
TJ: Do you want to…
TJ: Possibly
TJ: Go on a date?
TJ: If that’s not too weird
Cyrus: Of course it’s not weird
TJ: Maybe the trampoline park?
Cyrus: Are you sure you’re okay with a place that public?
TJ: Yeah, I think I’m sure. I’m just not ready to tell my family yet.
TJ: Either way, I’d never give up an opportunity to see your somersault skills again.
Cyrus: I’ve improved! I can do two in a row now!
TJ: Can’t wait to see it. Tomorrow at 2?
Cyrus: Tomorrow at 2 it is. See you then.
TJ: See you then :)
Cyrus: And go to bed, it’s late!
TJ: I could say the same thing to you!
Cyrus: Touché
TJ: Goodnight, underdog. And thank you.
Cyrus: Thank you for what?
TJ: For saying yes
And with that, TJ put his phone on his dresser and rolled over in bed. He snuggled deeper into the blankets, his brain on fire.
Sitting on that bench with Cyrus, it felt unreal. The moment it ended, he stopped believing it even happened. He couldn’t believe Cyrus really liked him the same way he liked Cyrus. He couldn’t believe he actually risked it all and reached out for Cyrus’ hand.
What even possessed him to do that? And why hadn’t he done it sooner?
He expected to wake up the next morning and find out he dreamt the whole thing. But for right now, he was still living in that world. The world where he’d held Cyrus’ hand. And he was content with that.
Even after he’d long since drifted off to sleep, a smile was still plastered across his face. TJ was, for once, at peace.
Cyrus woke up at half past ten to the sound of his alarm clock blaring. He was still exhausted, considering he didn’t end up falling asleep until six in the morning, but he pushed himself out of bed anyway.
He didn’t like the taste of coffee much, but he put on a pot and ended up drinking two mug-fulls by the time he was ready to leave. The bags under his eyes may be deep, but the caffeine in his veins ran deeper.
He walked out into the crisp spring air, taking in the bright green grass thriving as the last patches of snow disappeared from the ground. As he headed over to the Spoon, his stomach screamed for taters.
When he walked into the familiar restaurant, he found Buffy and Andi already seated at a booth in the corner, deep in conversation. Out of the corner of his eye, he also noticed Amber working.
Yesterday he’d found out that TJ had been the “annoying little brother” Amber often referred to during their sessions, and it was still so weird to him. He couldn’t really see the resemblance.
He slid in beside Buffy and gave his friends a peppy “Morning!”
“Well you seem to be in a good mood,” Andi noticed.
“I’m always in a good mood when it comes to taters,” Cyrus pointed out. “So what are we talking about?”
“Buffy was just about to tell me what happened between her and Marty at my party,” Andi explained.
“Oh?” Cyrus inquired, turning to Buffy.
“Let’s just say Marty and parties go really good together.” Buffy hinted.
“Oh, come on,” Andi prodded, “don’t leave us guessing.”
It didn’t take much convincing for Buffy to crack. “Marty and I kissed!” she squealed.
“No way!” Andi squealed almost as excited as Buffy herself.
“You and Marty have been a long time coming,” Cyrus mentioned, grinning.
“Yeah, I guess so. We just had a lot of hurdles to jump over to get here,” Buffy said.
Before anyone could say anything else, Amber walked up to their table. “You all ready to order?” she asked, with a genuine smile. How different she was from when they’d first met her.
“We’re still waiting on Jonah,” Andi told her.
But just as she said that, the door chime rang out, and Jonah walked in, taking the seat beside Andi.
“Hey guys,” he said to the group, “what’s up?”
“Actually,” Amber started, “I’m gonna go on break soon, mind if I join you all after I bring out your food?”
“Of course,” Andi replied without hesitation.
“Ok, awesome,” Amber said, walking away.
When Amber was out of range, Buffy seemed to realize something. “She didn’t take our order.”
“We always get the same thing anyway,” Jonah replied.
“Fair,” Buffy admitted, “it’s just nice to know we have options.”
“Anyway,” Jonah changed the subject, “what are we talking about?”
“Andi’s party,” Cyrus said.
“You throw one mean party, Andiman” Jonah praised. “And I was pretty surprised when TJ started playing the keyboard. I always assumed the piano in their house was like an antique or something.”
“You’ve been to TJ’s house?” Buffy asked. “When?”
“I dated Amber, remember?” Jonah reminded her.
“Oh right,” Buffy said. “Still weird we never knew Amber was a Kippen.”
“I did,” Jonah pointed out.
Buffy rolled her eyes.
“Anyway,” Cyrus butted in, “I know you were all probably planning to hang out for a bit after lunch, but is it okay if I leave early? I have a date.”
“A date?” Andi exclaimed, excitedly. “With who?”
Despite her question, Cyrus noticed Andi and Buffy exchange knowing looks.
“If you already know who it is, then why are you asking,” Cyrus replied.
The two girls exploded at the confirmation of their suspicions, bombarding Cyrus with questions
“When was this?”
“How’d it happen?”
“Who made the first move?”
“At the party last night,” Cyrus interrupted. “We were just talking and boom, he took my hand and, well, that was that.”
“I can’t believe it,” Buffy started, “I mean I can, but still. It’s so weird that he, I mean, yeah he’s a lot nicer now, but-”
“What Buffy means to say,” Andi interjected, “is that we’re happy for you Cyrus.”
“Thank you.” Cyrus couldn’t hide his grin.
“Who are we talking about?” Jonah demanded, completely out of the loop.
But just as Cyrus was about to speak, Amber showed up with their food and slid into the booth beside Jonah.
“Taters!” Cyrus shouted, half trying to distract Jonah from the topic at hand so he can avoid mentioning his date with TJ in front of Amber, and half legitimately excited to finally be eating after only ingesting coffee all day.
Cyrus began stuffing his face full of tater tots, and thankfully Jonah’s burger kept his mouth busy long enough for the subject to change.
“It’s going to be so weird having you all at Grant next year,” Amber mentioned. “Having you all at my school is going to make my life a lot more interesting.”
“Actually, I’m not going to Grant,” Andi admitted, “I’m gonna be at SAVA.”
“No way!” Amber exclaimed. “I heard that school is impossible to get into… Not that I wouldn’t expect you to get in with all those amazing crafts you create,” she added. “Congrats.”
“Thanks Amber,” Andi smiled, “that means a lot.”
“How about a celebratory pie? I’ll pay for it. You guys like lemon?” Amber offered, a twinkle in her eye.
“No, I couldn’t possibly-” Andi began.
“Too late, I’m already buying it,” Amber notified her, before walking up to the counter.
By the time they’d all finished eating, it was already half past one, and Amber had gone back to work.
“I gotta run,” Cyrus informed everyone, looking at his phone. “Tell Amber thanks for the pie.”
“Have fun on your date,” Andi told him.
“Tell us how it goes,” Buffy added.
Wait, I forgot, who was your date again?” Jonah asked, not remembering that Cyrus had never told him in the first place.
Unfortunately, Jonah still didn’t get his answer, because Cyrus was already halfway to the door by the time he finished his question.
Despite being weighed down by four hours of sleep, a bowl of taters, and one too many pieces of pie, Cyrus was absolutely invigorated, every nerve in his body electric with excitement for his date with TJ.
Date with TJ.
Even thinking those words gave him goosebumps. And it was about to happen, for real. He was so giddy, he nearly ran all the way there.
Unfortunately, he ran a little too carelessly and he banged straight into someone, knocking both of them to the ground. When he finally got his barings, he realized he’d managed to bump into the one person he absolutely did not want to see today.
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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ryan from hulu: a saga (part 1)
on a real note, don't forget to keep contacting hulu about picking up andi mack AND producing a season 4 (don't forget to mention that). also don't forget to participate in the renew andi mack party this saturday!
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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i know that now
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amberplusandi · 5 years
us: hi have you heard about an–
hulu agents:
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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Week Ending July 29th, 2019
Ineffable Husbands Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Tyrus TJ & Cyrus, Andi Mack
Bellarke Bellamy Blake & Clarke Griffin, The 100
Sprousehart Cole Sprouse & Lili Reinhart, Actors
Supercorp Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Phan Daniel Howell & Phil Lester, YouTubers
Jikook Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS
Klance Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Harringrove Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Stucky Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Bakudeku Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Preath Christen Press & Tobin Heath, Athletes
Stony Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, the Marvel universe
Kiribaku Kirishima Eijirou & Bakugou Katsuki, Boku No Hero Academia
IronStrange Iron Man & Dr. Strange, the Marvel universe
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Muffy Buffy Driscoll & Marty, Andi Mack
Bumbleby Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Drarry Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Spideychelle Peter Parker & Michelle Jones, the Marvel universe
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous week. The ones in bold weren’t on the list last week.
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amberplusandi · 5 years
i know y’all were focused on kira finally leaving but why has no one talked about these dorks dancing in the background
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amberplusandi · 5 years
tj’s parents: here’s our darling thelonious jagger kippen :)
tj’s grandparents:
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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oh hi, could u believe they are boyfriends now?
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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amberplusandi · 5 years
in the future
wedding officiant: cyrus goodman, do you take this man, thelonious jagger kippen to be your—
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i was bullied by you when we first met and your name was thelonious jagger kippen the whole damn time?!?
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amberplusandi · 5 years
does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes
me, knowing full well tj is gonna look back at buffy: wow i can’t believe we’re getting a tyrus lookback scene on monday !
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amberplusandi · 5 years
Are the texts in the app done? Seems like they’re done?
If so, may you live on forever in our hearts, you strange dinner-discussing, canon-expanding, sometimes-surprisingly-gay things you. Thanks for giving us something extra to be wild about during the week between episodes.
I present these TJ and Cyrus texts in your honor.
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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an evolution;
credits to @fluphies for this incredible work over the past 2 seasons!! you are god tier along side terri minsky
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amberplusandi · 5 years
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#the smile he only does when he’s around tj
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amberplusandi · 5 years
imagine if somehow Tj ends up with Cyrus omg
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amberplusandi · 5 years
2x10: Cyrus breaks up with Iris on a bench
3x20: Cyrus gets together with TJ on a bench
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