amasmodeus · 6 years
Naruto Shinden - Chapter 2
This isn’t a translation, it is just the impressions I had when trying to read the second chapter of the novel that I bought (I didn’t ask a translator to translate the novel). Some parts may be wrong. Read at your own risk. Let’s go:
Chapter 2
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amasmodeus · 6 years
Still no reply. Guess these people don’t have much to say when the truth bomb is dropped. 
Why Boruto And Himawari Would Be Better Kids If Jiraiya And Neji Were Alive
I swear, I’ve gotten so many rude comments on my post regarding this. This is the last post I’ll make on the topic, unless someone actually comes to me with an open mind for a conversation about it. Anyway, let’s look at what we know about Boruto and Himawari as is.
This is long so it’s going to be under the cut. Also this has been in my drafts for 24507623 years so I’m finally posting it.
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amasmodeus · 6 years
It’s very clear on the on-set that this is some very weak, underhanded dig at the NaruHina children and their parenting. Most of all, it comes across as you white knighting for Naruto and bashing his children in the process, which is self-contradictory. You’re transparent, but sure, I’ll bite.
It’s clear from the on-set that you’re deliberately being obtuse regarding Himawari’s behavior during the Hokage one-shot. You made it clear straight away that you acknowledge that Himawari is a child and thus privy to childish behavior and you have no issue with this. But then you turn around and criticize her childish behavior towards Naruto, which is a contradiction. You can’t have it both ways. Himawari is a child having a spat with her brother. Clearly neither Boruto or Himawari heard Naruto yelling when they were fighting. Which goes back to your original point—this is typical childish behavior. Himawari doesn’t deserve to be crucified for this. She was a child going through the same childish fit most children go through when they’re at her age. Children like their toys and don’t want their siblings taking their shit. It doesn’t necessarily make her spoiled or incapable of understanding the significance of no. Naruto wasn’t purposely attacked and knocked out by Himawari. Sure, Himawari deserves to be reprimanded for her actions and she probably was; however, this incident doesn’t define her as a bad child when she’s consistently been portrayed as extremely well behaved. As for her Byakugan awakening and being so proficient with it? It’s irrelevant. She’s clearly just extremely naturally talented and she should have enough experience with Gentle Fist to know what it is, on top of Naruto being caught off guard. No point in getting upset about this common trope.
Your argument about her being just as bad in the Boruto movie isn’t even worth my consideration, because pre-movie material debunks your entire argument outright by making it clear that, unlike Boruto, Himawari is mature and understanding of her father’s job and quietly accepts it without complaint. Which pertains directly to Boruto acting out towards his father—he’s getting mad for his sister’s sake because she won’t express anger or frustration towards her father. But we’ll get back to that later when we discuss Boruto.
For the sake of your argument, I’ll give your criticism of her in Boruto the time of day even if it is moot. Blatantly put, you’re doing little else here but white knighting and making excuses for Naruto when the narrative and Kishimoto made it clear that Naruto is not without fault. There’s nothing substantial here. To start with, “Himawari should just shut up and be quiet about her father being busy and not being available to her.” Yes, just like how Sarada was understanding about Sakura never telling her anything about Sasuke. Or how Sarada never left the village to find her father without her mother’s knowledge because she refused to just sit back and be blindly “understanding” while she never saw her father. Disregarding your obvious hypocrisy here, Himawari, as I already stated, is canonically stated to be understanding of Naruto’s job and knows how big of a responsibility it is and doesn’t complain. Still, you have the audacity so sit here and attack a little girl for dare showing a sad face because her father, who promised to be at her birthday in person, sends a clone that not only dissipates in the middle of a happy moment, but drops and ruins her birthday cake. “A pitiful look”. Nah, the only thing pitiful is this entire argument I’ve wasted my time going out of my way to even bother rebuking. Addressing my earlier point, this is you white knighting for Naruto and placing all the blame on the victim here—the little girl who had her birthday ruined. A birthday that Naruto himself admitted to ruining, as shown in the scene where he was in his office and commented that he “screwed up”. Naruto doesn’t need somebody defending his actions when he himself was unwilling to excuse his own actions. Yes, Naruto’s job is important. And yes, the clones do retain the memory. But at the end of the day, it is not the real Naruto. The real Naruto made the mistake of making it look like he prioritized his office work over his daughter’s birthday by having his real body at the office and sending a clone (note that he had promised to make it to the birthday, not send a clone)—a clone that he wasn’t even able to keep materialized.  
What I said about Himawari during the Hokage chapter also applies to Boruto, so I’ll move on to your issue with Boruto in the movie. Yes, Boruto is certainly arrogant and selfish during the movie. A lot of his misbehavior is a result of his animosity towards Naruto. He feels like he has something to prove to Naruto, so he lashes out. This doesn’t make him a bad kid, since Boruto has shown time and time again he’s the child of Naruto and Hinata in that he’s heroic and always has his heart in the right place. All his resentment is directed towards his father, none towards Hinata. And his resentment is understandable, despite what you claim. You can sit here and blindly bash Boruto as a badly raised child, when that’s contradicts the story Kishimoto wanted to tell. Boruto grew up with a father always there. When that was taken away suddenly, he reacted like many children his age did. He cheated and acts arrogant because he wants to prove that he’s better than his father who he is always unfairly compared to, but it’s clearly a mask of insecurities and lack of confidence in his own talent. And if you had the slightest of understanding about Boruto’s character, you’d understand just how selfless he is. Thing about Boruto is that most of his anger is less about Naruto not being there for him and more about Naruto not being there for Hinata and Himawari. Boruto cares deeply about his mother and sister. It’s made very apparent that Boruto gets so angry towards Naruto because he sees that Naruto’s busy schedule hurts them so much. But since they don’t show their frustration, he gets angry for them. Which is why he made it clear that while he could take Naruto missing his birthday, he would not tolerate Naruto missing Himawari’s birthday. Boruto is far from the conceited, self-entitled child you make him out to be. And his faults and issues are well-addressed, laid out, and resolved in the movie. He ultimately understands and comes to a compromise with Naruto. In the Boruto movie, he was a flawed and dynamic character, with clear and understandable reasons for his actions and he grew to understand what his faults were. Hardly the person you’ve tried, and failed, to paint him as. Naruto and Hinata raised a great son and daughter.
It’s a bit funny how you dedicated one short paragraph to Jiraiya and Neji. Please, this obviously had little to do with them and more for you to use them as an excuse to bash Boruto and Himawari. Neji wouldn’t need to teach them discipline and respect because they both have respect. As I’ve tiredly repeated, Himawari is stated to be mature and respectful for her age and other than Boruto lashing out at his father, he’s shown to be respectful to his mother and other adults. Compared to Naruto who was comparatively a (lovable) cocky little shit at Boruto’s age, Boruto and Himawari are far more mature. And Boruto and Himawari don’t need to be taught to get along. One fight doesn’t define their relationship which has been portrayed as incredibly healthy and loving. Out of all the dysfunctional sibling relationships in the Naruto series, theirs is the most positively portrayed. They’re probably each other’s closest person. And all the things you claimed Jiraiya would teach them is something they’ve already come to known. You can keep trying to ignore Boruto’s character development in the movie, but he always had pride in his family and did learn to better appreciate being a shinobi and began to take his training seriously. He’s going to make the most of his talents, without Jiraiya and Neji. Though yes, while having Neji and Jiraiya in their lives would have benefited Boruto and Himawari, they have never needed them to grow to be good kids, because their parents have done a good job of doing that themselves.  
I don’t mean to sound too harsh, but stick with your SasuSakuSara family. Your input on the NaruHina family is clearly misinformed and I felt like I wasted a great deal of my time explaining very simple shit to you. Thanks.
Why Boruto And Himawari Would Be Better Kids If Jiraiya And Neji Were Alive
I swear, I’ve gotten so many rude comments on my post regarding this. This is the last post I’ll make on the topic, unless someone actually comes to me with an open mind for a conversation about it. Anyway, let’s look at what we know about Boruto and Himawari as is.
This is long so it’s going to be under the cut. Also this has been in my drafts for 24507623 years so I’m finally posting it.
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amasmodeus · 6 years
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By the amazing SekiBeing, a key animator of the Naruto/Boruto anime. 
He was forced to delete this animation because people, especially SasuSaku & SasuNaru shippers, complained about this piece of fanart animation. His offical reason for deleting this was because he feared he’d trouble the Boruto marketing team but that’s nonsense because he already drew and published some slightly lewd NaruHina art in the past. There is proof of SasuSaku shippers demonizing him because he drew this art.
Please follow SekiBeing on:
If you support Naruto and NaruHina, please encourage this man to further draw pieces of art like this. Don’t let the worst part of the Naruto Fandom discourage him to draw NaruHina art. Follow his accounts and let him know that he is loved by us.
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amasmodeus · 6 years
Since you translated the tweet about seki, could you translate all of the japanese comments? I heard that he deleted it because the fans didnt like it
Oh boy. Ok if this will help you sleep anon! I am going to attempt to translate every single comment reply from the Japanese (and I accidentally put in a chinese one, hope you don’t mind) fandom that I found out of a total of 87 replies to his most recent tweet in order.
私は黄さんの絵やアニメートがとても好きですし、NARUTOやBORUTOについても深い愛を感じる作品であふれていて、今回の動画の二人の笑顔もとても好きでした。 削除については黄さんのご意志を尊重したいです。芝居についての熱意も伝わってきました。どうかこれからもアニボルをよろしくお願いします!
I like his picture and animation very much, NARUTO andBORUTO are full of works that feel deep love, and I also liked the smile of the twoof the movies this time. I respect his decision to delete  the picture, since it was his own will.  Please continue!
黄さんの勉強熱心なのは知ってますよ。 いつも更に上手くなりたいという向上心に私も頑張ろうって励まされてます。 そして素敵な作品でした。 いつもありがとうございます。
I know that he is keen to study. I am encouraged totry my best to improve my constant desire to always be better. And it was awonderful work. I am always grateful for your help. (This comment was so cute omg )
Since he apologized by removing the picture, I don’t blame him. People cannot seem to express their opinions civilly.
I was pleased to see his work! It was very nice. Thank you verymuch!
謝らないでください。 黄さんは何も悪いことしていません。 描いてくださってありがとうございます。これからも自由に描いて頂きたいです。どうか表現の幅を縮めないでください。これからも応援しています!
Please do not apologize. You did not do anythingwrong. Thank you for this drawing. I would like you to draw freely in the future.Please do not shorten the range of expression. We support you in the future!
In my personal opinion, it was a warm picture that conveyedfeelings that I like from Naruto! I am glad that you can keep drawing Naruto and painting even between work.
問題ありません. お前は素晴らしい。 私たちはあなたの図面が好きです。頑張れ!!
No problem, you are wonderful. We like your drawings. Hang inthere!!
It was a nice animation so it was nice to see it even for amoment. I am a big fan of his. There are lots of things to do when you work,do not be afraid to work hard
わたしは好きでした。そんな問題になるほどとは思ってません。 これからも素敵な作品を楽しみにしております。
I liked it. I do not think there was any problem. I amlooking forward to a wonderful work in the future.
I can not understand what is wrong with them (naruto and hinata)being a legal couple… (this comment is referring to it being a nsfw kinda thing)
I do not care about some criticism  and I am happy to continuepainting freely in the future. We’re rooting for you.
おはようございます。 わたしは、NARUTO、BORUTOが大好きです。黄さんの絵やアニメートも好きです。 しかし今回の件は許せません。岸本さんのNARUTOです、BORUTOです、勝手に私物化して描かないでください。描くとしてもこのような仕事で使うアカウントに載せないでください。プロ意識を持ってください
Good morning. I love Naruto, [and] Boruto. I alsolike his picture and animation. But this time we can not forgive. Naruto [and] Boruto are Kishimoto’s works, please do not personalize it and post itwithout permission. Even if you drew it please do not put it in the accountused for work. It’s not professional. (This was a critic of the animation and disliked that Seki posted it on his main Naruto drawing account instead of posting it on a more personal account. )
It is such a shame that you regretted posting, but I washappy to see a nice illustration! Thank you very much! ! We support you in thefuture!
Please do not mind that situation. It was good >
おはようございます。NARUTO大好きで躍動感のある画像をいつも見て刺激受けてました。すごすぎる!!誰なんだろうと思ってチェックしてNARUTO見てない人にも知って貰いたいなって。 だから今回のお話は凄く寂しいです。 一回のミスで辞めるのは勿体なさすぎる気がします。黄さんの絵まだ見たかったです
Good morning.  I always liked the image with a feelingof dynamism and received stimulation using Naruto [the characters]. It was so amazing!! I wonder who posted it,check it (in hopes to find the picture again) and Naruto (marketing company ) don’t want people who to see it anymore. That’s why the story of thistime is very lonesome. I feel like quitting quitting with one mistake. I stillwanted to see the picture (this person is mainly sad that it got taken down and can not find the animation anymore)
毎週楽しみにボルト観てます! これからもカッコいい原画期待してます!
We watch Boruto to have fun every weekend! I am expecting more cool and original pictures from now on!
多くの人があなたを応援していますあのけしからんやつらの言葉は無視してください これからもナルヒナ絵お願いします!
Many people are cheering for you, please ignore the words of those “haters” (could be referring to the marketing company or a few critics, not sure), please continue to draw Naruhina!
Thank you, really, you always love your work (meaning as in he is passionate about his works) and I will always support you ヽ(爱´∀‘爱)ノ (the text emoji thing has the characters for love) (this was the chinese comment btw) I hope that one day you can buy your personal blog at home!! I also hope Seki will not be affected by some critic’s comments. This is your freedom and we respect your creative freedom!!!
Do not mind all of that, I like your drawing!
ヒナタはあんたらのようなオタクの欲望の化身の薄汚いキャラだってのがよく分かったよ NARUTOとBORUTOを汚染する娼婦
(Anti Hinata troll saying she’s a whore that contaminated Naruto and Boruto I am laughing so hard I’m not even gonna fix this one it makes no sense)
So in conclusion, yes there were a few critics of the animation and were not liking that he posted on his work account. But you can clearly see that (probably the majority) of the Japanese fandom support him and are kind of sad that he took it down because of marketing reasons. They are also defending him from nonsense hate comments. 
Oh and edit: these translations may not be perfect word for word since I am currently trying to study both chinese and Jap. But, this is how I read and understood each and every comment.
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amasmodeus · 6 years
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my heart can’t take it
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amasmodeus · 6 years
落書き、新年寝坊シリーズ!いま見たら「成人日の翌朝」にしても悪くないなぁ。😂練習課題は日常芝居、肌触れる感じ、乳揺れ、4コマ打ち。今年も宜しくお願いします~ #BORUTO #NARUTO #naruhina
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amasmodeus · 6 years
“we’re totally satisfied with SasuSaku” “but we’ll whine and bug people to give us more material anyway”
Can they get any more obnoxious and self-entitled? 
Prepare for gigantic levels of SasuSaku salt. This is gonna be good.
Dis gon be gud
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amasmodeus · 7 years
Naruto’s platonic feelings for Sakura were genuine. His romantic feelings never grew past a superficial level and other than Sai’s declaration of Naruto loving her, Naruto himself never gave any indication that Naruto was in love with Sakura. It was never anything but a crush and there’s no fault in the Last treating it as such. 
Why does it seem like fans just forget canon facts wen it comes to explaining the last movie?? Instead of coming up with a unique theme for NH to justify the content that has given by the writer in manga, the last just decided to retcon and destroy the core themes of Naruto to elivate NH.. it just pissed on narutos bond (his genuine like/love for Sakura by turning it into a competition) , his traits by showing as if Naruto is a monkey who can't tell the diff b/w food and people :(
I think you’re making it seem much worse than it actually was. The core themes of the series weren’t destroyed due to the mistakes of one movie, Naruto’s bond with Sakura as a whole wasn’t pissed on because there was far more to it than just his crush on her, and there’s also far more to Naruto’s character than just his apparent obliviousness.
Now, I certainly agree with the core elements of your point - the movie did indeed do a disservice to Naruto’s feelings towards Sakura, and it made little sense to depict him as someone who was too dense to decipher between materialistic and romantic affections. But I think the way you’re describing it is going a little overboard. It’s not like the entire series, or even Naruto’s relationship with Hinata was ruined due to how the movie was done.
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amasmodeus · 7 years
Haven’t been able to find it, personally. Sorry about screwing up the name by the way, *Rie. 
Hey, Rei, didn't Naruto, Hinata, and Boruto's VAs recently have a tv interview? What ever happened to that?
I wondered about that too…. wasn’t it a tv program? I never saw it. But it’s gotta be online somewhere right? :u
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amasmodeus · 7 years
Why are anti-Hinata antis consistently the stupidest? Y’all are the ones that let your own delusions guide how you view Hinata. She was just shy as a result of low self esteem from her shitty upbringing. Don’t see how that translates into a submissive moeblob whose entire existence is fanservice.
How is someone who consistently stood up for herself (Chunin exams), put herself in dangerous situations for people she cared for (Confession), and continued to have and give motivation to Naruto the motivational speaker himself when he was at his lowest during the war a doormat? Her entire character started off as a girl with debilitating low self esteem who became mentally and physically stronger.
At this point in the Boruto series she is a mother lmfao. No matter how she behaved when she was a teenager (y’all truly love to flanderize her shyness huh), she would eventually have to go through some sort of change because of this difference in her life. I don’t see how that is her trying to be “like other characters” 
But considering most of y’all only really have fanfiction to look forward to cause y’all’s ship sank and/or fanfiction is the only way your ship doesn’t suck, I suppose it is somewhat understandable why your screeds against Hinata sound like bullshit pulled from a fanfic :)
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amasmodeus · 7 years
To add to this, Hinata has undergone, at the very least, a decade of off-screen character development and growth as a wife and mother of two children. She’s a mature, 30-something year old ass woman. Under no circumstances would she be the same person she was when she was 16. Which is a moot point regardless, because Hinata was showcasing an increasingly assertive, strong-willed, and confident personality as the manga progressed, coming to a head in the war arc where she rallied a group of Shinobi and TnJ’d the man himself. Any hints of her ever being a doormat was wiped off the map when she had the gall to psychologically pick apart her superior cousin in a death match where he threatened to kill her and even attempted to do so. By the time she and Naruto were dating, her shyness was all but gone. The stern mother who runs the household and is willing to raise her voice, discipline, and put her children in their place is merely a natural progression. 
This is all common sense, but antis have shown to be lacking in this. They’re deluded and hung up in their headcanons because of their petty hate for a fictional character, but canon is just going to keep proving them wrong, like it has again and again and again. And we’re just going to keep saying “we told you so” like fuckin’ clockwork. Regardless, I’m enjoying the salt and I’m looking forward to more. 
Anti’s watch Hinata this episode and act like they ain’t never seen a Silk Hiding Steel/Yamato Nadeshiko character before.
They insist Hinata’s SUPPOSED to be a meek subservient housewife that lets Naruto run over her but ummm…that’s never been the case with them? Like at all? Naruto may be the King of Talk no jutsu but she’s the only one to consistently Talk no Jutsu HIM.
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amasmodeus · 7 years
The irony? Sakura has been shown to be the only wife in Naruto so far to legitimately be the non-dominant and submissive one in her marriage. But they don’t want to acknowledge that simple fact. 
They get upset when Hinata isn't a meek housewife that let's Naruto walk all over her. And, at the same time, they get upset when Sakura acts that way towards Sasuke. What's up with that? Do you want 'em strong or nah?
They think Sakura has a monopoly on the “strong, assertive wife” trait when she doesnt have that to begin with.
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amasmodeus · 7 years
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amasmodeus · 7 years
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Himawari Icons
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amasmodeus · 7 years
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so uncool.
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amasmodeus · 7 years
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