amalur · 19 days
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a lorestone may tell you it’s secrets if you listen close enough ✨
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amalur · 19 days
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a lorestone may tell you it’s secrets if you listen close enough ✨
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amalur · 28 days
Just a quick doodle of Fomorous Hugues
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"There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance."”
— Fomorous Hugues
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amalur · 1 month
Bro, we are weaved together in the tapestry of fate. Our fates are irrevocably linked, bro. Bro, we are soulmates... Bro? Agarth? Are you listening to me?
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amalur · 1 month
Exactly how I feel, well said!
Replaying Kingdoms of Amalur after YEARS and I had forgotten how much I LOVE fighting with Faeblades and Chakrams. I add: how much I LOVE the concept of the faeblades. It is so much fun to turn around rainning death on everyone like I'm some kind of human spinning top. Gold.
Also, story wise? The concept of the Fae and their cycles and fate and so on in the universe is so... Well done and gorgeous? Yeah it is changing but still! Like the House of the Ballads and the Tellings and when we think that At Some Point in the Past these Tellings hadn't happened yet but now they are so integral to their worldview... It is well done. Very well done.
Also the world is amazing and I had forgotten how damn pretty and inspiring the fae places are. I want to enter the game and sink in the waters of the City of Ysa. I want to paint while in the House of Ballads. I want to sit and just Exist in the numerous old places of their people.
Just... Damn I had forgot how much I loved this game the first time I played.
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amalur · 2 months
We need more Fae content
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Ending the year right with a new game (Kingdoms of Amalur) and some Astarion doodles.
This was the year of self-indulgent art and relearning how to draw for myself after college. Things didn't take off until October, but they did take off.
Had a number of false starts on several projects, abandoned a few, went weeks without posting (or drawing), but I managed to eek out at least one finished piece every month this year (and learned a ton in the process)!
Thanks to all of you who interact with my blog and my art. Here's looking forward to an even better 2024!
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amalur · 2 months
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knife gf (Alyn Shir)
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amalur · 2 months
hey! if i recall correctly, you were a writer on kingdoms of amalur? after playing the demo over 10 years ago, i finally got around to playing the entire thing thanks to humble choice and re-reckoning. just wrapped up the main an hour ago and just wanted to hear where you were at with the game these days. what was your favourite part to write? what did you think turned out best? were there any darlings you had to kill as per the saying? and anything else you want to share about it
Aw, I’m so glad to hear you got a chance to play it! It did kind of disappear into the void for a while, so I’m glad that you got a chance to return to it! There are so many good games out there, and only so much time to play them, so thanks for spending your time on one of my babies!
So, I was responsible for building the main questline (along the broad story outlines of the higher-up folks, of course), and I still have fond memories of working on it. My favorite was writing for Agarth, which makes sense when you realize the character’s broad personality was basically just me. Originally, he was supposed to die early in the story, but people liked the character so much we kept him alive and made his inexplicable survival part of the story!
As for darlings that ended up on the cutting room floor, there were lots (as there always are for big games like this), but the one that hurt was the original plan for the final boss fight. Originally, you were supposed to slowly learn how to summon those alternate versions of yourself, and you beat the boss by summoning every infinite alternate version of yourself to team up and defeat them — literally using the freedom from fate as your weapon. But the realities of production meant that fight scene had to be scaled back and those “alternate selves” became enemies you fought. Not as narratively satisfying, I felt, but that’s how games go.
That said, my real regret is how the studio closed, terribly and painfully for everyone involved (look up Big Huge Games and 38 Studios to read that tale of woe, I won’t repeat my teary story here). It also meant we never got to work on the sequel, and I had a really exciting alternate take on the classic “orc” trope that I was sad never got to see light. My write-up for their culture and gameplay is still sitting in my design portfolio, waiting for the right project to take root…
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amalur · 2 years
much like the old admin to this blog, life has gotten hectic and adding to the blog hasn’t been my main priority. I want this to go to someone who will actively use it for our beloved game Kingdoms of Amalur and so we can keep the username so it won’t be taken over by spammy clickbait bots of any sort, so if anyone would like to inherit this blog, please message me <3
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amalur · 2 years
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Kingdoms of Amalur | Intro
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amalur · 4 years
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of all the songs in halls of lore there echoes none more grand than Oleyn’s many feats of might the Pure, and Lady of the Light
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amalur · 4 years
Sorry for the disappearance, you can imagine what I've been up to.
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Don't mind me, just loving the High King once again during my umpteenth playthrough.
What's everyone's thoughts on Re-Reckoning, if you've gotten it?
I know I'm very excited about the expansion DLC coming next year!
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amalur · 4 years
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We're all very excited to see some game play for the Re-Reckoning this Friday!
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amalur · 4 years
MrMattyPlays talks about the brand new expansion for 2021!
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amalur · 4 years
The day of Re-Reckoning is coming!
Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning is scheduled for release September 8th, 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, featuring stunning visuals, refined gameplay and all new content!
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#KingdomsOfAmalur #ReReckoning
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amalur · 4 years
So, it's finally happened and KoA is being remastered! The release date is August 18th, 2020. A little over two months away!
You can pre order it on Amazon for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. They are in talks of it also being available for the Switch!
There will be the standard game or the Collector's Edition, which comes with a lot of neat extras!
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amalur · 4 years
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My Fateless One! Just sort of started the game, she’s a finesse/sorcery build and she’s Goth as Hell. I love her.
And what a gorgeous Fateless one she is! I already adore her ♡
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