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@random-gif-sex @rostislavay854 @1500jemberly-blog @feelslikewonderland @naughtyfucker-blog @mikackerman @itspronouncedlife @christfranks-blog @sleepingtodreamabout-you-blog @doctoraze-blog @rawrliz-blog @thedevianted @potatoandbananaspeakstoyou @shakadams-blog @thivyaxoxo-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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@random-gif-sex @rostislavay854 @1500jemberly-blog @feelslikewonderland @naughtyfucker-blog @mikackerman @itspronouncedlife @christfranks-blog @sleepingtodreamabout-you-blog @doctoraze-blog @rawrliz-blog @thedevianted @potatoandbananaspeakstoyou @shakadams-blog @thivyaxoxo-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.
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Love stumbling into stories like this.
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I couldn’t help myself…
Twas The Night Before Rogue One
Twas the night before Rogue One and all through my shack, Not a wampa was stirring not even a sarlacc. The lightsabers were hung by the moisture vaporator with care, In hopes that the Deathstar plans soon would be here.
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The fans were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Darth Vader danced in their heads. Director Krennic prancing around in his snowy-white cape, As we slink around looking for a very important data tape.
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And Jyn with her blaster, and Cassian in his cap, Had settled on delivering the Empire a nice little clap back. I looked at my tickets, my second viewing is a go, I can’t even wait to talk about my new favorite droid, K2SO.
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Now, Bodhi! Baze Malbus! Now, Chirrut Imwe! Mon Motha! Bail Organa! And Saw Gerrera! Let us proceed! We’ve got a mission to do, it’s got to be won, Our only hope before the New Hope, they are our Rogue One!
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The empire’s so greedy, most definitely not a chum, And I’m proud to say that I am, in fact, proud Rebel scum. May the Force be with you all, on an exciting tomorrow night, When we make the jump to hyperspace at the blinding speed of light!
via Twas The Night Before Rogue One
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How to prioritise your goals
You might have lots of goals for the future, from getting a new car in a year’s time to enjoying a comfortable retirement in 30 years. The trick is prioritising your goals and putting a plan in place to reach them.
Even if you’re able to afford all of your goals, you need to focus on the right ones at the right time. Otherwise you could be concentrating on the wrong ones for your current situation and ultimately miss out on your dream future.
It really comes down to how you should use your spare cash right now to hit all your goals. Should your money go to luxury products or your retirement fund? A new car or an education fund for your children?
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Five steps to prioritising your goals
1. Start by writing down all your goals
Your goals are unique to you and could be absolutely anything – from boats and new babies to big houses and inheritance funds. Writing everything down gives you an overview of what you want to do with your money.
2. Work out how much money you have
Before you start putting your goals in order, it’s a good idea to get a snapshot of how much money you have. That way you can see what’s realistic for you.
3. Put each of your goals into one of these groups
a. Short-term – these are the things you want as soon as possible, like a new car, a second home or a once-in-a-lifetime holiday
b. Long-term – these are your goals for well into the future, such as leaving a big inheritance for your children or retiring early
c. Essential – everyone’s definition of essential is different, but retirement and protecting your family will probably be more important to you than anything else
d. Non-essential – these are the things you’d love to have, but you’re not in a hurry to get them
4. Match up short-term and essential goals
These are your high-priority goals – the ones you consider essential and want to achieve as soon as possible.
It could be that you need a new car in a few months’ time when your first baby arrives, or a retirement fund that you need to access in less than 10 years.
5. Start looking at investments
The right investment depends on three things:
· Your prioritised goals
· Your attitude to risk
· How much time you have for investing
Want to know how investing can help you to grow your wealth? Read more articles at HSBC’s Live Richer site.
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concept: me, speaking a foreign language, my pronunciation is perfect and my accent is indistinguishable from that of a native speaker. I am able to pepper my speech with slang and idioms and I can express subtle differences in meaning with ease. I have extensive knowledge of grammar and technical terms and produce well structured analyses of literature using correct writing conventions.
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- Enabled Phantom Lancer in Captain’s Mode [?]
- Juggernaut’s agility growth reduced from 2.85 to 2.4
- Juggernaut’s Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 120/125/130/135
- Juggernaut’s Bladefury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
- Axe’s Berserker’s Call no...
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Is there a way too booast your confidence, i have a speech soon and i really want to feel confident when talking in front of people.
-Stop caring about what other people think. - A professor told me a long time ago that most people hardly pay attention or would even remember your presentation in class (assuming your talking about a class speech).
-Know what you are talking about. - If you are afraid you’ll mess up, make sure you know the in’s and out’s of what you are talking about. For my English paper/presentation, I wrote about the life cycle of cicadas. I did hours of researching and knew far more than I had to know for that presentation/paper. But it felt good to know, that you know what you are talking about.
-Your audience is ignorant. - The term ignorant has negative connotations, but what it does mean is that your audience lacks knowledge that you must give them in your speech. That means if it sounds like you know what you are talking about then they will believe you know what you are talking about.
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here’s your daily reminder that
you aren’t worthless
you’re worth more than you think you are
you mean a lot to someone
you’ve done something to make someone laugh or smile
you’ve laughed and smiled
you’re good enough
you deserve to be happy
you’re allowed to be sad
you’re you and nothing can change that
and there’s no one else you need to be
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Educational Jargon Generator
We will grow strategic paradoxes through the use of centers
We will synergize synergistic communities with synergistic effects.
We will reinvent process-based need-to-knows within a balanced literacy program
We will expedite school-to-work liaisons within a balanced literacy program
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