allencrudo · 3 years
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Incase you were wondering what the most effective types of social media advertising are in 2021 :)
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allencrudo · 3 years
Papa Johns Brand Makeover
According to CNN Business, Papa Johns unveiled numerous changes to their brand, including a whole new logo, new advertising and restaurant designs.
Papa Johns ditched the word “pizza” in their logo while keep only “Papa Johns”
Their advertising will switch to a new color palette to match the brands ingredients. As well as a font change to resemble the stretchiness of their dough
Updated locations will include a more open concept kitchen as well station as a more take-out friend.
I believe its healthy and smart for a well established company , like Papa Johns , to go through a rebranding stage. Not only is it nice to see and use something new, it also is a great way to promote your company and spread the word of the new and improve changes.
Check out this article!
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allencrudo · 3 years
Facebook Changes Name to Meta!
Facebook the number one social network platform has changed its name to Meta.
The reason for this name change is that the company is aiming on branching out to more then one product. This new name will apparently align with its future goals and aims.
 What are these future goals?
As explained by Matt Smith from his article on Engadget.com,  “ Meta’s take on the metaverse is “a new phase of interconnected virtual experiences using technologies like virtual and augmented reality.”
If you have ever seen the movie Ready Player One, then you will have a pretty good idea of what Facebook now Meta is aiming towards.
OPINION: I currently am excited to see what Facebook (Meta) can do with this new idea of theirs. I am also skeptical about how they will do it and the affect it can have on its users. I think time will tell when Facebook starts rolling on this idea.
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allencrudo · 3 years
Hootsuite 4/Client Project 4
Hootsuite module 4 explained in detail how to run and place any types of ads on your social media to attract those in your local community. Paid advertisement is a great way to reach those with specific interest that they and your restaurant have in common.
For the my client project step 4. I recommended to my client that they need to utilize their surrounding community to grow their online community. With having so many of local businesses and University events, there is a lot of room for opportunity to get their name out there.
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allencrudo · 3 years
Answering Questions about Big Data!
Bellow are a few questions that i answered regarding Big Data:
Q1 - what should businesses be aware of when using big data?
 A1 -  Businesses should be aware that our own government is not currently ahead of this problem and it is up to the business to get ahead of this problem for themselves to protect their data and their consumers data. Securities measure must be set in place to protect from hackers. Trade Secrets and Contracts that conform confidentiality, ownership and use restrictions should be set in place to legally protect from Big Data
Q2-What should consumers be aware of? 
A2- Consumers should be aware of which websites and companies use and sell your private data. Consumers should be aware of what companies and websites are asking you about yourself or what information are they wanting from you. Also consumers should read companies privacy policy to check if their comfortable with their personal data being shared with the company,
 Q3: What is the best way to balance the opportunities and threats presented by the development of big data?
A3: I agree with Doug Lalones solution to protect both businesses and consumer from big data. For example he states that Strong Privacy Policies work, as well as Vendor Agreements on what and what cant be done with data, Ensure security across all users on where data is housed, and Clarify what would happen in case of a sale, merger or bankruptcy
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allencrudo · 3 years
Does Big Tech platforms have the right to censor or ban conservative voices?
Do you believe that Big Tech should have the authority to police the expressions of their platforms users whose political viewpoint doesn't match what they agree with? 
I've seen it, you've seen it, we all have seen multiple “conservative” channels and voices banned and or censored simply because these specific platforms don't agree with them. In some cases these Big Tech platforms are not supporting their own actions when it comes to explaining why these chose to silence these users. 
(Opinion) I believe on defending Americas 1st Amendment and ensuring that those who want to speak freely on their  views offline or online have the right to do so. Big Tech companies are overstepping their boundaries by blocking people from speaking their mind. I do understand that these companies do have a right to do what they want with their platforms but i also believe that by doing this to people they are trying to divide the people of America and most importantly are losing business.
Check out this link on how 10 states are battling this same issue:
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allencrudo · 3 years
My Plans and Strategies Towards a Professional Social Media Presence
Here is a list of how I think I can push towards a more professional Social Media Presence:
-Keep it Strictly Business
-Stay Away From Politics
-Post/Repost about the industry your in
-Don't Get to Personal 
-Frequent Updates and Post
-Network WEEKLY
Currently being a college student i find it tough to keep a strictly professional presence online. My goal before graduation is to either create new accounts and delete old ones (Start Fresh), or go through all my accounts and clean it up to where you can only see professional post. This will help me get on the right track in the future and create a guideline on how i should post.
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allencrudo · 3 years
What are some important qualities to have as a social media consultant?
When it comes to consulting a business on their social media I believe the 3 most important qualities for the best results are:
Overall knowledge of different social media platforms- Knowing how to use and operate a variety of platforms is a great quality and in my opinion should be the number one quality a social media consultant should have. 
Knowledge of Industry- A good understanding of how a industry works will go a long way when it comes to social media consulting. Having this specialized knowledge will not only get you the job quicker but make the job easier.
Willingness to adapt quickly- As various social media platforms get updated frequently, it should be up to the consultant to learn and adapt to new changes and be able to communicate these changes to your client to keep them up to date with the platform.
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allencrudo · 3 years
Should You Fear Big Data?
Your private information is at risk due to big data. As your online visiting websites and plugging in your data or simply just browsing, your activity or behavior is being tracked and logged. This happens to almost anyone who is using a web browser or mobile device and your activity can be tracked with out you even knowing it. Big Data is a huge tool used to keep all your data that was tracked from you. Your data could then be packaged, analyzed and sold with out you knowing about it. This can effect you in ways you may have never thought. THAT CAN BE DANGEROUS!  If you value your freedom and personal information, i recommend you download and use a VPN (virtual private network) on all your devices. This will help not only you, but us as a society to keep information out of the hands of unwanted people or companies.
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allencrudo · 3 years
I think its smart to focus on self-care and to realize how social media usage can distract individuals from doing so! Glad to hear your experiment went well!:)
Social Media Assignment
For my BIS 315 class I had to record my screen time within a 24 hour period. I was then asked to create an experiment for myself to complete within the following 24 hours. I choose to challenge myself by giving up all social media apps for a 12 hour period. 
Here is how it went:
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allencrudo · 3 years
Thoughts on Louis C.K. hate on Cellphone & Sherry Turkles Interview
I would have to agree with Louis`s thoughts on Cell Phones. Phones and social media are toxic to not only children but adults too. Phones can be very distracting which block out whatever is happening in front of you. It ruins face-to-face interactions with people when your constantly checking your phone. I also believe its teaching the younger generation to be less social in person. Why talk to someone face-to-face when its easier to just send a simple text or snapchat? although it may be easier and more convenient, people need to learn real world social skills and this cant be achieved by staring at your cellphone 24/7
With Sherry Turkle`s interview with Bill Moyer she had talk about individuals identity online being possibly different then in person. This is something you see everywhere and it gives people a perception of who someone is by only seeing what they see online. Not only that, but most people use their phone all the time and it distracts them on what is going on around them. After listening to this interview its sad to hear about all of Sherry`s finding about phone distractions and how its shaping our society today.
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allencrudo · 3 years
Social Media Usage On A Workday
I had recently did a small experiment on my phone usage and social media usage during my work day. We all know some aren't aloud or able to use their phones at all at work, but we all do sneak a peak in the bathroom or on break or even while your working. I found that I maybe use my phone for less then 20 minutes total while at work but when i do im usually texting other coworkers, and/or scrolling through Facebook and TikTok. 
How often would you say you check or use your phone during your workday?
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allencrudo · 3 years
If its not going to benefit your future don't do it
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