alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey - Part 14
Why The Discouragement and Depression Came
Okay, so even after I knew about the devil’s sneak attack of discouragement and depression, and even after rebuking and resisting him, I still couldn’t seem to get rid of the discouragement and depression. And I’m almost ashamed to say it, but it caused me to remain almost prayerless for several weeks. I did ask the Lord why that was, but I got no answer until a just recently.
So just to be honest, it’s been about one whole month now that I’ve been feeling discouraged and slightly depressed. It started about one week into doing all that fasting that I did for like 2 weeks straight. My theology told me that fasting should make me feel more in love with God and cause me to hear him even more and be closer to him, etc., and I have experienced some of that in the past, but my experience this time was practically the opposite. The longer I went, the more discouraged I seemed to become and it even got to the point where I wasn’t hardly spending any time praying at all. It was at this point that I stopped fasting just to see if that would help, but it did not. I continued to feel discouraged and remained almost prayerless for the next 2 weeks.
This made me wonder if I was really fasting with Jesus like I thought I was, and I wondered if I had strayed into some kind of works based self-effort (that God wasn’t in) in an attempt to get him to come through for me. This contributed to my decision to stop fasting because I didn’t want to continue in my own self effort if God wasn’t in it. And God had never actually told me to fast for any particular length of time like the 21 days I was aiming for. It was just something my brother recommended and something I believed in and wanted to do, and I had asked God for the grace to do it and he had actually granted it to me.
So I kept asking the Lord about this and I believe I finally got my answer. It just came to me as an impression. It’s actually the 2nd time it came to me. The 1st time it came I was not in a place where I could write it down and it came so subtly that I had actually forgotten about it, until it came again. Let me see if I can explain it.
It’s like God was saying to me that the discouragement and depression came to me not because I was doing something wrong or because I shouldn’t be fasting, but it came because of the fact that I was praying and fasting. This is because it came from the enemy in an attempt to stop me. The enemy sent the discouragement and depression to stop me from praying and fasting because he wanted to stop me from getting any more breakthrough than I had already gotten. This just came to me as an impression but I believe it to be from the Lord.
How could I have not seen that? I should have known that was the case but for some reason I didn’t. I remember now something similar I read about in a book called “When God Walked The Earth”. It’s not scripture of course but one man’s revelation, and it included some of what Jesus went through when he was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. It was during this time that he fasted for 40 days, and the book describes a great cloud of depression that the devil and his demons caused to hang over Jesus as he was fasting and praying those 40 days. But we know that Jesus didn’t give up or give in to it, but stayed with it until the breakthrough came and the angels came and ministered to him. Wow, I should have known.
So the lesson is that when fasting and praying for breakthrough stay with it even though it might seem like it’s doing no good or even if it seems to be making things worse. That’s easier said than done, I know, but stay with it until you get the breakthrough. This could very well mean that the angels of God will break through the enemy lines in the 2nd heaven and come and minister to you as well! Wow, I can’t tell if it was me saying that or if it was the Holy Spirit in me!
What’s a good scripture for all this, Lord?
Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey - Part 13
Dream - New Ordering System
Dream: I needed to replace a bad hard drive in a customer’s computer and the new drive had to be ordered. One of my co-workers (who I think was also a friend) helped me order the new drive using a new ordering system on his computer that I was not familiar with. This ordering system allowed him to order the drive so that it came with the customer’s data already on it (well that would be nice). So the only thing I would have to do is put the drive into the customer’s computer and I’d be done.
Afterward I tried to retrace the steps for how my coworker/friend placed the order in the new system but I couldn’t figure it out. I remember going to like a warehouse building and maybe one other building looking for something but I can’t remember if I was looking for my co-worker/friend or what I was looking for. I just remember that I couldn’t find what I was looking for and couldn’t figure it out.
Action: Receiving help with a new ordering system to order/replace a customer’s hard drive. Emotion: ? Setting: This was the day after I had finished writing about Deliverance by Faith. Word Definitions:
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I see that a hard drive can mean Intellect or can mean Mind of the Spirit, but I don’t know what the customer’s data would represent and the word “data” was not in the book. Their data could also be called their files (also not in the book) but filing cabinet was and it means Heart or Memory. So if the hard drive means their mind or intellect then their data might mean the memories that are stored there. Okay I’m hearing the word “Knowledge” so I’m thinking that the customer’s data represents their knowledge. But who is the customer anyway? The word customer is not in the book, and neither is client, patron, or computer user, so I don’t know what the customer represents.
Lord help! What’s it mean?
Your customer represents those you serve/minister to as you are sharing your experiences and teachings with them. You are helping to replace their old hard drives/the natural intellect and way of thinking with a new drive which is the mind of the Spirit. The coworker and friend who ordered the new drive is Me. It is my will and my doing that their minds and yours be renewed to think like I do.
Okay, so what about the word “Knowledge” that I heard you say that the customers data represents?
When my people receive the mind of the Spirit and are being led by Me then this will at times come with supernatural knowledge that is not known by their natural mind but which comes from Me.
Yes, thank you Lord but what are you trying to tell me, and why couldn’t I figure out how to use the new ordering system myself?
You are not supposed to order things by yourself. I’m am your co-worker/co-laborer; the one who is working alongside you in the Kingdom. You are not supposed to do anything by yourself. You are supposed to do everything in co-operation with and alongside of Me.
Yes Lord, but I know there is a point you are trying to make with this that I’m not quite getting. Please tell me. And also, why then in the dream did I feel that it was my job or duty to learn the ordering system myself?
Concerning healing and deliverance, you are trying to learn how to get results for yourself and then document the process/formula that works, and then use that process/formula to make it work every time. But there is no process/formula that works every time, not separate from Me anyway. I AM the way, the truth, and the life. There is no way that works without Me. I AM the true vine and without Me you can do nothing.
Yes Lord, but I didn’t think I was trying to do it without you. I thought I was doing it with you.
You do at times do things with Me, but your natural tendency is to drift the other way and begin attempting to do them without Me, and this happens without you realizing it. That is why I’m giving you this dream, so that you will realize what you are doing.
Thank you, but I still don’t fully get how I’m doing things without you Lord. I don’t want to be. Can you explain further? I mean I know that my desire to spend time with you has waned the last couple weeks and I don’t know why, and I haven’t been praying as much/spending as much time with you because of it. Why is that Lord? And is that what you are referring to?
Yes, that is part of it. The reasons why are many that the enemy plays on. He’s been sneaking in subtly/almost unnoticed with just slight discouragement and even mild depression so small you hardly even notice it. Then after you get used to feeling that way he will gradually increase it just to see how much he can get away with. Add that to your weariness from all the trials and your desire for ease and comfort, and you’ve practically laid down and let him lull you to sleep. You wouldn’t put up with him doing that if it were full blown depression all at once, but you’ve been putting up with it a little at a time almost unaware.
Yes Lord I see it now. I’m so sorry, I’m just so weary and tired from all the trials like you said. Sometimes I just want to rest.
Resting is good, as long as long as it’s resting in Me, but lying down and not resisting the enemy’s sneak attack is not. You’ve still been resisting his lying physical symptoms and that’s good, but be aware of the sneak attack and don’t forget to resist that as well.
There are several unclean spirits operating together in this attack. The two you know about are named discouragement and depression, but there are also two others you don’t know about. One is named weariness, and the other is called lying spirit. Weariness makes you feel weary and tired. Then lying spirit will whisper in your ear and say “It’s okay, you deserve to rest. You’ve been through a lot. It’s okay to feel weary. Go ahead and lie down and take a break for a while.”
Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! You demon spirits of discouragement, depression, and weariness, and you lying spirit, SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF HERE IN JESUS’ NAME!!!!!!
Thank you Jesus that you have given me power and authority over all the power of the enemy!
1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 12
Deliverance by Faith
Okay, so after the breakthrough that I reported on in my last post, I hate to say it but I did then experience some setback. I first felt some discouragement and even mild depression for no real reason for a few days. Then had some pretty bad flu-like symptoms for 3 days straight. I say flu-like because it’s not the real flu where it’s contagious and you have a fever and runny nose or cough, but it still feels like the weakness, achy head, and wooziness of having the flu.
I tried standing against it, calling it a lie and commanding it to go in Jesus’ name but it didn’t seem to help at all. I also did not take any Milk Thistle on purpose and tried trusting in God alone for my healing and deliverance but that didn’t seem to help either. By the third day I felt so bad that I did go ahead and take some Milk Thistle and it did seem to help a little, but I still felt terrible. By that evening I texted my former Pastors who are still friends and asked them to pray for me. They texted back that they were praying and I did actually start to feel a little better and felt even better as the evening progressed. I don’t know if I ever posted about it but I didn’t leave my former church, the church actually closed down so I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. But my former Pastors (husband and wife co-Pastors) were wonderful and we have stayed friends and stayed in touch at least a little.
I admit that it is somewhat discouraging to me that I’ve still been experiencing these crazy symptoms off and on even after God showed me that many of them are lies of the enemy and not real health problems at all. I wish I knew for certain though which one’s are lies and which ones are not. And I guess I need to explain what I mean by lying symptoms a little better. When I say they are not real health problems but lying symptoms, I’m not saying that they are just in my mind. They are indeed real symptoms that are felt physically in my body, but they don’t have real physical root causes in the natural. Their root cause is from the spiritual world (like from a spirit of infirmity for example) to try to get me to believe that they are real so that they can stay. That doesn’t mean that they can’t cause real physical problems, they indeed can, but their origin is spiritual and not physical. But once the spiritual issue is taken care of and removed, then the physical body can heal; Even though it may not be instant because there could still be some residual damage left over from the spiritual assault that needs time to heal.
As I said, I wish I knew for certain though which symptoms are lies and which ones are not. They could even all be lies but I don’t know for sure. I do believe that the symptoms I was having at the time I received the breakthrough were definitely lying symptoms. These were the symptoms of feeling pressure in my chest and shortness of breath, and also the flu-like symptoms as well. These all went almost completely away that day that I was calling them all liars. And the alarming symptoms I previously described I believe to be lying symptoms as well, since God basically came very close to saying that they were, once before. But as far as all the other symptoms (like my back, muscle, and foot pain issues, etc.) I don’t really know if these have real natural causes or if they are also lying symptoms from the enemy. Please show me Lord.
I heard nothing but the next day I happened to run across something I had written about several years ago (which I had titled “Deliverance by Faith”) that kind of answered my question, or at least part of it. This was from back in 2013…
Deliverance by Faith
I want to share with you today about a dilemma that I went through. It was something that I couldn’t understand at all and I had to seek God for the answer. And it has to do with my back problems… And I’m going to tell you the answer that I got from God.
Back to my dilemma… Several months ago on a Sunday (in August 2013), I received prayer for my back at church from my pastors and two other ministers who attended church there, and I received some deliverance that I didn’t even know I needed.
One of the ministers (named Sonshine) said that she saw these tentacles wrapped around my spine that were pulled out from the top and pulled all the way out. Then she saw a bright white liquid being poured on, coating and resurfacing my whole spine. I couldn’t tell any difference right away but over the next few days I really felt a big difference. Even though my back didn’t feel 100% healed and still felt feeble, I did notice that it didn’t knot up and hurt all the time for no reason any more, and most of the pain was gone.
But after a few weeks the back pain and muscle knotting came back and I went forward for prayer again. I think the same 4 people prayed for me again. Again Sonshine said she saw a vision and saw this almost monkey looking demon sitting on me with claws in my back, and said that he ran off (as if in pain).
Again my back got better for a few weeks. Then the problems came back again. This time I could also occasionally feel an un-natural stabbing pain in my neck as well. I knew that this was a spirit of infirmity of some kind and it finally dawned on me that all these years of back problems have been caused by this spirit of infirmity. It’s been afflicting me the whole time and I didn’t even know it, until now.
So God gave me this deliverance (a gift of deliverance, basically) just to get me to realize what the problem was (that there was a spirit of infirmity there). But what I couldn’t understand is why I couldn’t seem to get rid of it myself. When it came back I knew it, I could tell, and I commanded it to leave me in the name of Jesus. And I kept commanding it to leave me every day (and confessing scriptures) but it was still there and I could still feel it. I received prayer for this at church again several times since but it didn’t help this time.
This was a big dilemma to me. I couldn’t understand it. I knew I had authority over the devil but I couldn’t understand why the spirit of infirmity wasn’t leaving. So I started seeking the Lord for the answer to this, because He’s the one who knows, amen. I also sent an email to the Pastors and to Sonshine explaining my dilemma and asking for their prayers.
Sonshine called me back the next day or so and tried to tell me the answer (and I think she had the right answer), but for some reason I just wasn’t getting it. It just didn’t click. Then a few days later I woke up in the morning (on a Saturday) and said “Hello God, good morning…” and the answer just suddenly came to me.
God said, It’s just like when you’re standing in faith for your own healing and you have to stay in faith that it’s done and be unmovable on that stand of faith over a period of time. God revealed to me that it’s sometimes the same with deliverance. (I had understood that for healing but it didn’t occur to me for deliverance.) God said, You know your authority and that the spirit of infirmity has to obey you, so stand unmovable in that even if it doesn’t happen instantly, and stay in faith that it is done, steadfastly over a period of time. Then the infirmity will not be able to stay for long.
God also told me that it’s the same thing that I myself had once taught to a young believer at work named Corey who was who was gifted as a seer/prophet. God said, it’s the same thing you once told Corey about partial gifts of healing or temporary deliverance. Wow, how could I have missed that?
The Teaching that God had me to share with Corey (via texts & emails)
In a text, Corey asked me to pray for him. He said…
“Pray for me. I need strength.”
“Strength for what?”, I asked.
“To do God’s will. And I'm still struggling with addiction to Smoking!!!!!!!!!!   Do u think God will take this awesome gift from me if I continue to smoke?”
“No way will he take it from you! The gifts and callings of God are without repentance (Rom 11:29). That means they are irrevocable! He doesn't take them back no matter what!
Don't sweat it. If U have to smoke then smoke. God would rather U not because he loves U and knows that it's not good for U. But he doesn't condemn U or anyone who smokes.
Concerning the craving to smoke, God has taken that desire away from you supernaturally several times, right? But it keeps coming back, or tires to.
Here’s one thing I’ve noticed about when God gives gifts of healing or deliverance like this (My main experience is with healing). When God gives healing as a pure gift there is very little faith required on the part of one who received it. God usually does this more-so for children or new Christians or even for lost people. But then when the Christian is a little older / a little more mature in the Lord, God will still give them partial gifts of healing or deliverance to help them along and help them believe that it is theirs. The partial gift may be that they are partly healed/party better, or it could be that they get completely better or completely delivered, but that it only lasts for a temporary period of time.
Why does this happen? Because the rest of the healing or deliverance, we are supposed to receive by faith. That means believing we already have it before we feel it or see it. We are a little older now, so we’re supposed to know that God loves us and has already given us this thing we need (not based on what our body feels but based on knowing that God’s word is true and that he has already given it to us because of His love and grace).
So if you are experiencing only partial healing or only temporary deliverance, then rejoice. That just means that you are not a baby Christian anymore!
Healing can come sometimes by the gift of healing operating, but healing always comes every time by operating in real faith! It just may not be as instant. The same goes for deliverance. Even though it may not be instant, just keep believing that it is already done, even while you’re smoking. Just keep thanking God that He has already delivered you from it and that you have no desire for it any more.
That doesn’t make God mad at you. He sees that and rejoices over you and says “Look at My boy, he’s believing what he doesn’t see or feel! He’s got real faith!” Then the manifestation starts to take place over time. That’s how faith works. That’s real faith and patience (Believing what you don’t see steadfastly over time). “…through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Heb 6:12)
Don’t worry about it if it’s not instant. It took 2 years for that mole to fall off my neck after I commanded it to in Jesus’ name. But it was gradual and it got worse before it got better. But I didn’t let that change my belief that it was already done. (That really taught me a big lesson, not to give up no matter what or how long.) “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Gal 6:9)
The trouble is, that you feel the craving to smoke, so you think it’s not done or that you need to be delivered again. (No, God gave you the deliverance so you would know that it’s yours! Stand in faith for the rest if it!)
Or… Here’s the hard one… You think if I smoke then I have failed God and I must not be believing. No, that’s what the Devil wants you to believe, so you will let go of your faith. And he will try to condemn you over it.
Even if you have to smoke. Just thank God with every cigarette that He has delivered you from it and that you have no desire for it any more. Don’t stress it. Rest in it, in His finished work. “IT IS FINISHED!””
After I sent him that teaching he replied that he felt something happen, “Something inside of me just changed”, he said. And he hasn’t had near the desire to smoke ever since. (Hasn’t smoked now in about 5 years.)
When praying for others you can many times get instant results (especially if it’s a young Christian or a lost person). But when praying for yourself (if you are a mature Christian) it will sometimes take a stand of faith over a period of time. And God has shown me that the same is sometimes true for deliverance from spirits of infirmity, addiction, or any oppression from the enemy. Stand in faith and stay in faith steadfastly and unmovable until you get the full results.
And keep telling that thing it can’t stay, that it’s defeated, and it has no choice but to obey you and leave! Keep quoting scripture to it. The word of God is the sword of the spirit. It cuts into the spirit world and cuts into those demon spirits and hurts them! Keep up your faith and keep up your confession and they won’t be able to take it for very long. They’ll have to flee!
Wow, I really need to take my own advice. I had practically forgotten about this teaching that the Holy Spirit had me send to this brother some 5 years ago.
I know now that this Deliverance by Faith teaching is only part of it. Since I now also know about the emotional healing part that comes through real forgiveness from the heart, then I should be able to combine the two and hopefully get more results. I am therefore making the following notes to help myself remember everything that I should be combining/implementing together.
• Operating in Love, which includes Forgiving from the heart – which brings emotional healing – so that you give no place to the devil. • Combine that Love with Faith that comes by hearing God’s voice, which happens as you spend time with Him in fellowship and prayer. • Combine that Faith with Patience (even for deliverance), knowing that God has already done it for you, and remain steadfast on that stand of faith over a period of time. Through faith and patience inherit the promises. • Trusting always in God alone, and not in what you can do in the natural. That doesn’t mean you can’t do natural things like eating healthy, etc. but that should not be where you put your trust.
Thank you Jesus that you already have delivered me from all spirits of infirmity and from all their lying symptoms! You lying symptoms, you can’t stay and you can’t keep coming back! You’ve got to go and stay gone, in Jesus’ name!!! I am delivered from the power of darkness and am translated into the Kingdom of God’s Son!
Colossians 1:12 giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
Wow, when I first started writing this I felt bad to be reporting about my setback, but now I’ve wound up encouraging myself. Thanks Holy Spirit, for leading me through this!
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 11
Some Breakthrough & The Next Test to Pass
One afternoon after work, my clothes had just came out of the dryer and I was hanging them up in the closet when I heard this…
“Are you done?”
(And I knew it was referring to me trying to do things in the natural to help my health issues.)
“Yes Lord, I’m done trying to make it happen”, I said. “There’s nothing I can do anyway.”
Along with all the other things I’ve been trying, the previous week I had tried taking some thyroid support supplements (Iodine and Selenium) to see if that would help with my health issues but the iodine made me feel like I was dying for two days after taking it (and I had taken much less than the recommended dosage). Then a few days later I was eating some watermelon and flavoring it with some iodized salt. After two whole slices I started feeling that dying feeling again from the iodine in the salt. It wasn’t as intense this time but it lasted a couple days. The small amount of iodine in the salt probably wouldn’t have bothered me if I hadn’t just overdosed from the iodine supplement the week before, so my body still had too much of it.
The third day I was feeling better but then suddenly had some alarming symptoms. I’ve had these symptoms many times before and it’s hard to explain but I will suddenly feel very weak and faint, and it feels like every organ in my body is crashing into a state of dysfunction. Even my heart seems to do a lot more fluttering when this happens. The only thing that usually helps me feel a little better when this happens is an herbal supplement called Milk Thistle. So when this crash happened I took some Milk Thistle again. A few minutes later I heard this…
This is the next test you must pass. You will have to stop running to natural remedies for help every time you experience alarming symptoms. This is hard for you, I know, but I am with you to strengthen you. You must get to the place where you can trust me alone. You have done well with the first challenge of the enemy and have not held anything against me in the midst of your suffering, but now you must pass this next challenge.  
Yes Lord, please help me! I want to trust you for this but I need real faith from you in order to do it. Please speak faith to me Jesus!
I heard nothing else right away but it reminded me of what the Lord had spoken to me about testing, and it quickened my mind to understand more about what he said. He basically said that there were two things that I would be tested/challenged on. The first was the temptation to blame God for my suffering, and that test I’ve now been passing with flying colors. But the second one I now understand is the temptation to not trust God to come through for me or to give up on trusting him by looking to other things for help instead of to him. This is a hard one for me, especially when I’m experiencing very alarming symptoms. Help me Jesus!
Remember, these challenges to your faith are not from me but from the evil one. Remember I told you that every step along the way would be tested/challenged by the enemy. He will send alarming symptoms to test your faith, to see if you really do believe what you say you do.
Yes Jesus, thank you. I almost forgot that THESE SYMPTOMS ARE NOT EVEN REAL! Most of them are lies from the pit of hell. Or is it all of them? I don’t know for sure but it doesn’t matter. I am healed by your stripes either way Jesus!
After taking the Milk Thistle the alarming symptoms gradually went away but I still felt bad and gradually began to feel worse as the day progressed. Particularly the feeling of pressure in my chest, wooziness, and shortness of breath steadily increased until by the time I was home that evening it felt like the weight of the world was sitting on my chest, and I even started to feel some flu-like symptoms again as well. To distract myself from the suffering I played a video game with my wife and then watched a little TV. Afterward I read some in the Bible in Psalms and prayed a couple of the prayers from there that had to do with deliverance from my enemies. I then put my Bible aside and got still in God’s presence.
The next thing that happened was very unusual and hard to explain, and even seemed somewhat foolish to me, but WOW, did it ever produce astounding results!
I wasn’t in God’s presence for more than one minute before something I believed to be true in my mind became so very real to me in my heart. It was the fact that these symptoms weren’t even real health problems in the natural at all but were lying symptoms from the devil! I suddenly began calling them all liars and calling the devil a liar! And I got LOUD about it! And I got stupid about it!
And I began to laugh at my symptoms and at the devil as I was calling them big liars! I’m not sure why but I just felt like laughing at them! Ha Ha Ha, you Liar, you’re not real! “HA HA HA, YOU LIAR, YOU CAN’T STAY!
My laugh sounded half way fake, like I was doing it by faith, and half way real, a little bit like hilarious laughter. I may have been laughing as much at myself and the way I sounded as I was at the devil and his lying symptoms.
Amazingly after about 5 minutes of this I could feel all the poor health symptoms starting to leave! Encouraged by this I kept it up. Then these thoughts started flooding my mind… “That’s just a coincidence.” “LIAR”, I shouted!!! “That’s just the Milk Thistle kicking in.” “LIAR!!!” “But that’s just…” “LIAR!!!” I wouldn’t even let him finish his sentences any more. Over and over I kept doing this for every thought that came. “LIAR!!!” “LIAR!!!” “LIAR!!!”
I kept this up for 15 minutes or so and to my amazement all the symptoms went almost completely away!!! And I felt the presence of God on me so strong! I could still feel just a little of the pressure on my chest and wasn’t able to get 100% rid of it but it was at least 90% better. My feet were also hurting pretty good (and have been for months now) and that symptom never did get any better but everything else did. Well not everything but all the other symptoms I was having at the time did. I am so very encouraged by this experience now that I don’t know what to do with myself! After all these years I’ve finally been able to take back at least some ground from the enemy!!! What a liar he is! Such a big fat liar!
All of that may sound somewhat foolish to you, and it kind of does to me as well, but the scripture says that God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
1 Corinthians 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1 Corinthians 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;
I know that’s not all of it and I will have to go through more testing from the enemy and even stand against those alarming symptoms, but I now know that his defeat is possible and I truly can overcome him through Christ who strengthens me!
I am also pleased to report that I’ve had to come off of my blood pressure medication because it started making my blood pressure too low and my blood pressure is now completely normal without it. I’m not exactly sure if this happened when I was calling all those health symptoms liars or if it was because of all the fasting I’ve been doing, but I’ve lost 12 pounds so I am happy about that!
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 10
The True Riches
At one point during all of this, I stopped getting revelation on these things for some reason and I wondered why? Even the revelation I had already written down now seemed to be dry and lifeless to me. “What’s going on Lord?”, I kept asking. I later realized that I had not been fully tithing, and wondered if that was in any way related. I mean I was still giving most of it but I had held back some of it to help pay some of my medical bills. Just to let you know, all of my Christian life I had always been a tither and have even always tithed on the gross amount before taxes, but then when I started getting piles of doctor bills I started tithing only on the net and then sometimes even held back some of that to help pay the bills. God eventually did come through for me and paid off most of the doctor bills, but I continued tithing only on the net and occasionally even held back some of that when I had more doctor bills to pay. I know the bible says…
Mal 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.
So it says that tithing opens the windows of heaven. I know this scripture has always been taught to mean financial blessing, but does opening the windows of heaven really mean that, and/or does it also mean spiritual blessings like revelation from heaven? I didn’t know for sure but when I stopped getting revelation from God just to be safe I immediately gave an offering to make up for the amount that I hadn’t tithed on, and to my surprise I immediately started getting revelation again. Wow! This scripture now comes to me…
Luke 16:11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
The true riches are revelation from God and the things of heaven. Even faith itself might be considered one of these true riches. I know I would certainly consider it heaven’s currency. Look at this same scripture in The Passion Translation…
Luke 16:11 If you have not handled the riches of this world with integrity, why should you be trusted with the eternal treasures of the spiritual world? (TPT)
Even though I gave an offering to make up the difference for the part I hadn’t tithed on, I still only tithed on the net amount after taxes. And since more revelation immediately started coming to me I thought that God must be fine with me only tithing on the net, but then by the next pay check I was dry and had stopped getting revelation again. I then tithed again on that paycheck but only on the net again. I did this on purpose to see what would happen (To see if I would start getting revelation again or not). I did not. I was still in that place of feeling dry and hearing nothing from God (and this occurred even while I had been fasting more than ever). I had gone a couple days without praying a whole lot though (except for my normal everyday praying in the Spirit, which can sometimes be a little impersonal), so just to be sure that wasn’t it, the next day I spent almost an additional hour in God’s presence in prayer and in worship. This too seemed pretty dry. Another day went by and still nothing. So just to see what would happen, I decided to give another offering to make up the difference between tithing on the net and the gross. And guess what happened. Almost immediately I started hearing from God again. Wow, I guess I’m supposed to be tithing on the gross then. That settles that!
This may not seem like it should have anything to do with receiving healing but indirectly it actually does. Hearing from God is of extreme importance for receiving healing on the level God expects me to be on, and since not fully tithing was adversely affecting my ability to hear from God, it was definitely hindering me from receiving the healing that God has for me. I know this to be true because shortly afterward, like a day or two later, I did actually receive some healing. Yay!!! I am so very encouraged about that, and I want to tell y’all all about it but I need to explain the progression that lead up to it first, and this issue with tithing was part of that progression. I sure never would have thought so, but it really was, at least for me. I’m not trying to tell anyone else what they should do, I’m just sharing my own experience, and I now know for me personally, that this is what God expects from me.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 9
Fasting with Jesus
Concerning my previous post about the different levels of maturity, I wanted to say that I didn’t mean to make it sound like it was all about works or about doing works to get healed. Healing comes by faith in Jesus and not by works. I do understand that, but there are things we can do that will increase our ability to hear God speaking to us, and real faith to be healed comes by hearing him speak to us. It’s not about performing enough, it’s about a love relationship where we are so in love with God that our heart’s desire is to always be with him. Thank you Jesus!
I also didn’t mean to sound like I was saying that mature believers can’t get faith by reading or hearing the written word. But they will need to be in a place in their relationship with God that they are hearing him speak to them through the written word. Otherwise hearing the written word alone is not going to impart much faith to them. I hope that clears it up, or at least helps a little. But now on to fasting. Fasting is another thing that will increase our ability to hear God’s voice, so that’s what I want to share about next.
As I’ve already mentioned before, for quite some time I’ve not been able to fast near as much as I’ve wanted to. I found out from firsthand experience that I just couldn’t do it myself. And that’s pretty much what the Lord had told me before; that I couldn’t do it without him or by myself. So I’ve been asking him to help me with that. Every day or two I’ve asked him to show me how or give me the grace to fast.
Then one day (5/24/18) at lunch time I went and got my lunch out of the frig. Before I ate I asked Jesus if he would allow me to fast lunch that day. Afterward I was still hungry so I started to take my food to the microwave to warm it up to eat, but for some reason I decided to wait just a couple minutes. And then something unusual happened. After 3 or 4 minutes I noticed that I wasn’t hungry any more. I believed the Lord had answered my prayer for the grace to fast so I put my lunch back in the refrigerator and didn’t eat until supper that evening. The funny thing is, now I’ve been able to fast just about any time I want to and have been doing it quite often and even consistently now for the past two weeks. Wow, thanks Jesus! That’s a miracle right there! Oops, I didn’t mean to say that I’ve fasted for two weeks straight. Just that I’ve been able to fast a meal or two whenever I’ve wanted for the past two weeks.
Jesus did say “when you fast…” and not “if you fast…” (Matt 6:17), and said that ‘when the bridegroom is taken away, then we will fast in those days’ (Matt 9:15), so just so you’ll know, it is still biblical to fast under the new covenant. We don’t fast as a way to coerce God into doing something, we fast in order to get closer to him and hear his voice more clearly. When used together with prayer/spending time with God, fasting is a powerful tool that increases God’s presence and anointing on our lives. It seems to multiply everything that is spiritual and godly, and causes us to desire God and the things of God more than our normal desire - “Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord…” (Isa 58:6,14). Fasting also helps us to hear God’s voice more than we normally would - “Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’” (Isa 58:9). Not only that, it also says that “Your healing shall spring forth speedily” when you fast (Isa 58:8). Praise God!!!
Isaiah 58:8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you;
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 8
Healing For Every Person on Every Level !
As I’ve been continuing to pray in the Spirit every day, God has now given me another revelation about all of this. I saw something like several different levels that Christians are to progress through on their journey and relationship with God. And he has healing for each person who needs it on the level they are on. (Actually, it’s on the level that they are supposed to be on. Some of us are not where we are supposed to be.)
One thing that I already knew about this (which God has now given me more detail on) is the fact that there is a difference between the “Gift of Healing” operating to heal someone (as one of the 9 gifts of the Spirit) and healing that is received by faith alone even when no gift of the Spirit operates for them.
For example, in my experience I’ve noticed that it’s usually fairly easy to get a lost person or a baby Christian healed of almost any kind of pain or of some other minor things when I pray for them, but for more mature Christians it doesn’t seem to work nearly as often. And that’s not just my experience, in the body of Christ as a whole it’s much less common for older Christians to get healed then it is the younger ones. (And I’m not necessarily talking about their natural age, I’m talking about spiritual age – As in, how long they’ve been saved and/or how spiritually mature they are. This has to do with how much opportunity they’ve had to learn from anointed bible teachers and grow/mature in the Lord.)
For example, you might see 20 people come forward for prayer in a healing service, and then see only one or two of them get healed. Why is that? Did God love those two more? No. Did the two who got healed have more faith than the others who didn’t? Most people would say “Yes”, and that is sometimes the case but most of the time it is not. Most of the time the truth is that those getting healed in a prayer line actually have less faith! What? What are you talking about, that can’t be right, can it? Yes, you heard me right. Most of the time they have less faith. The reason for this is because most of the healings that we see taking place are happening only when the “Gift of Healing” operates to heal someone, and the “Gift of Healing” operates with little or no faith required on the part of the one receiving the healing. And most of the time when the “Gift of Healing” operates it operates only for those who are newly born again/younger/less mature believers, or for the lost, or for young children.
That’s why you will see many older, or more deserving, or more faithful Christians not get healed even while in the same prayer line as less deserving, less faithful, or even sinful people who do get healed; and this can happen even while the older, more mature Christians are operating at a greater level of faith then those who did get healed. This can make you think that God is not fair or doesn’t care about you, but that is not the truth. When we have done what it takes to grow and developed our own faith then we won’t need a gift to operate for us in order to be healed. The goal is to get to where we can receive healing for ourselves by operating in our own faith.
The reason God is healing those he does as a pure gift of healing with little or no faith required on their part is because they are only new born babes in Christ and haven’t yet had the time to develop their own faith; or because they are just young children or even lost sinners who don’t have their own faith yet. The rest of us are required to learn and grow and develop faith for ourselves, so we don’t have to depend on whether or not we maybe might get a gift sometime. When we’ve developed our own faith we won’t need a gift.
But I’ve done that and done that, over and over. I’ve studied and learned and read the word and confessed healing scriptures until I was blue in the face and I still couldn’t get healed!!! What am I supposed to do???
Well, that’s why I’m writing you all of this. Because I’ve had that exact same problem for many years! And I’ve read every healing book and listened to every healing teaching and confessed every healing scripture over and over and tried everything and done everything and I still couldn’t get healed!!! Even while I was praying for and getting other people healed, I still couldn’t get it for myself. I mean, I’ve been healed of some minor things before but my overall health has been on a steady decline for many years.
So I’ve made it my goal in life to find out the answer to this huge dilemma in the body of Christ. God actually told me several years ago when my health problems started getting worse that I would learn how to overcome this and then I would teach many others how to overcome it as well.
So concerning what I mentioned that God showed me, I saw several different levels that Christians are to progress through as they mature on their journey and relationship with God, and that’s what I want to describe to you next. I know that what I saw was only a simplified form of the true reality, so as I describe it to you keep that in mind. Here are the basics of these levels as they were shown to me in a way that I could understand them.
•    1st Level – Beginners
The beginning level is for non-believers and for new born Christians and for young children. On this level God has healing for these people by the “Gifts of Healing” where healing is more freely given by God as a pure gift rather than by faith. These “Gifts of Healing” don’t require a lot of faith to receive, or any at all in some cases. Healing at this level is normally manifested by receiving prayer for healing and/or by the laying on of hands to heal the sick, or even by God acting alone to heal the person sovereignly.
•    2nd Level – Young Believers / Spiritual Youth
The next level is for like the spiritual youth / teenage / growing young believers who have had some time to learn and have had some teaching, and who should be in the beginning stages of developing their own faith. When I say teenage or young believers I’m not talking about their natural age. I’m talking about their spiritual age (their level of spiritual maturity). A 30 year old man who just got saved is a new born Christian on the beginner level. Another 30 year old who’s been saved 15 years could still be a spiritual youth, or if he’s matured faster, could be a maturing believer. On this Young Believers level God will sometimes still give “Gifts of Healing” or sometimes give only partial gifts (which could be partial healings or temporary healings). This is to encourage these young growing Christians that He loves them and wants them healed but wants them to also start growing and learning to exercise their own faith. So he will at times give them a partial gift to where they are partially or temporarily healed as a way of saying “I Love you and have healing for you. I got you started, now it’s time for you to start learning to receive the rest of it by faith”. In order for them to receive the rest of it by faith, they will need to build their faith to the point where they can believe that they already have it before they see it. In order to do that they will need to feed on the word through anointed preaching/teaching and/or feeding on the written word by reading and confessing the scriptures that promise them healing. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)
•    3rd Level - Maturing Believers
Next there are the maturing believers. These are those who have had a few years of good instruction in the word and who should already know the principles of faith for healing and how to receive by faith. On this level God expects the believer to have and operate in more of their own faith (and it’s not just those who are actually on this level that he expects this out of. It’s also those who are supposed to be on this level by now that he expects it from as well). On this level God may occasionally give a partial gift of healing but even that will be rather rare. This is because these maturing believers should already understand and be able to operate in their own faith to receive the promises of God, and not just be dependent on a gift all the time. Healing can come sometimes by the gift of healing operating, but healing always comes every time by operating in real faith.
These maturing believers should not only have already developed a habit of reading, hearing, meditating on and confessing the word in order to receive their healing, but they should also have developed a close relationship with God so that they are now hearing his voice at least on a somewhat regular basis. In order for them to receive their complete healing, they will need to be hearing not only the written word of God but also the spoken word of God that he speaks personally to them, and they will need to hear him more than just occasionally.
There is at least one prerequisite to all of this that I know of. Even if the believer has done what is needed to obtain faith for the level they’re on, if they have not first met this prerequisite then it’s not going to work for them. This prerequisite is of course, forgiveness. If there is any unforgiveness in their heart toward any person, toward God, or even toward themselves, then they will not be able to operate in faith to receive healing or anything else. Faith always works but it works by love, and if you are in unforgiveness then you are operating outside of love, because love always forgives and never holds any account of a suffered wrong. This is why emotional healing is so very important, because you could have unforgiveness in your heart and not even know it. As I’ve had to learn the hard way, just because you made the decision to forgive doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve forgiven in your heart.  A person on the beginners level or possibly even the young believers level might be able to get away with some unforgiveness in there heart and still get healed, but those who are maturing believers or mature sons will not.
•    4th Level – Mature Sons
The last level is for those who have fully matured in Christ (or those who God expects full maturity out of by now). And women are in no way excluded from this call to be sons. If we men can take part in being the bride of Christ then Christian women can also be His sons. The word son in this context and in many places in the bible is simply referring to those who have come to full maturity in Him. For those who have matured to this level, these are the true Sons of God that the scriptures talk about in Romans 8:14&19. These are those who walk and act so much like Jesus that you can hardly tell them apart. These who have fully matured will be able to receive very little from God by simply hearing the word preached or by reading and confessing the written word. For those on this level more will be required of them. They should have matured enough by now to where they are in constant fellowship with God and are almost constantly hearing His voice; continually hearing the rhema spoken word of The Living God, from which the greatest faith comes. Although the written word is still very much necessary to anchor themselves to, it alone will not be enough for them. They will need the true manna that comes down from heaven, the Living Word Himself, and this will require more from them. ‘To whom much is given, much will be required’ (Luke 12:48)
As I was typing this and meditating on it, the Lord spoke to me again and said, “Just as the faith to be healed of sleep apnea came to you from hearing My rehma spoken word which you heard in the dream interpretation, so will you receive faith to be healed of your other infirmities by hearing My rehma spoken word.”
Wow, thanks Jesus! Lord, I know I really need to be able to do more fasting so that I can hear your rehma spoken word more, and I really want to fast more but haven’t been able to very much. Since one of the health symptoms I’ve been having is feeling like I’m starving or a feeling of low blood sugar it’s been very difficult for me to fast. What should I do Lord? Please tell me how…
I heard no answer yet, but I do remember he told me that I couldn’t do it without him. So I guess somehow I’m going to be doing it with him. I wonder how that works?
As you can now see, each level not only has its own expected level of maturity and faith for the believers on that level, it also has its own set of conditions/allowances for how God will allow those on each level to get the measure of faith that is needed in order to receive healing or any promise of God for themselves on their level. This has to do with the level of closeness and intimacy with God that He expects out of each believer as he or she progresses in maturity through each of these levels.
•    For example, on the 2nd level God allows young believers to obtain the necessary level of faith imparted to them simply by hearing the word preached or by reading and confessing healing scriptures. And if they are doing this according to the level of revelation they’ve been given, then they should be able to receive any needed healing for their physical bodies by doing just those things.
•    For the maturing believers on the 3rd level, God may also allow them to obtain some faith by hearing the word preached or by reading and confessing healing scriptures, but they not only will need to spend time hearing and reading the word, they will also need to begin hearing from God for themselves. The written word alone will not always be enough for them, they will also need to begin hearing The Word Himself – Jesus, The Living Word of God! This will require that they develop a relationship with God by also spending time with him in prayer and in fellowship until they learn to hear His voice.
•    And for those who are expected to be on the 4th level of being a mature son, hearing the written word and even occasionally hearing God’s voice will not be enough. It is at this level where we should be so in love with God that we are always longing to be with him in constant fellowship and communion. This is much more than just reading the written word or listening to the preached word. This is a lifestyle of intimacy with God that occurs when you have fallen so in love with him that you are continually giving yourself to him with much prayer and even fasting. On the previous level you might have been able to get away with not doing that much fasting but here you will not. Not if you expect to walk in the level of faith that is needed in order to receive healing for yourself or receive any of the other promises of God. In order to obtain the faith for healing that is needed on this level you will need to be consistently hearing God’s voice, and that just doesn’t happen without some type of consistent fasting and consistently spending time in communion and fellowship with Jesus in prayer.
Okay, do you see my mistake? I almost made it all about faith, faith, faith again. It’s so easy to slip right back into that when most of the teaching you’ve had on healing is always about faith, but there’s more to it than that. With God it’s all about the heart, the heart, the heart, so he can bring healing to your wounded soul. Then the body will much more easily come in line with God’s will of strength and health. I didn’t fully realize that when I was first typing this, but now the Holy Spirit is stepping in again and leading me into more truth. I correctly wrote what I saw God showing me, but I didn’t see everything the first time; and I know I’m still not seeing everything, but I’m now seeing more. God is after your heart and wants to save your soul. That has so much more meaning than just what we normally think of as saving the soul. We normally think of it meaning salvation/being born again, but the saving of your soul has so much more meaning on so many levels. It also means to be saved from emotional torment and to be healed from the wounds in your soul. Jesus said he was anointed to heal the broken hearted!
And the levels I described above are not just about growing and maturing into greater measures of faith.  They are also about growing up in love and in godly character, and in an ever increasing relationship and intimacy with God. It’s not just about faith. Obedience to operate in love is also a huge factor that is usually overlooked. Faith won’t work without Love – “Faith works by love”. When we carry bad feelings for someone in our heart or soul then we are actually in unforgiveness and without realizing it we are failing to operate in love. Therefore, no matter how much faith we have, our faith won’t work, because “faith works by love”. Most sincere Christians are doing this without even realizing it (I know I was). And even when they do realize it, that doesn’t mean they know how to rid themselves of these bad feelings. So learning to forgive from the heart and receive emotional healing is another topic that I know I will eventually teach on, but I’m just beginning to learn it myself.
The reason that many older Christians aren’t healed is not just that they haven’t developed their own faith. More often it’s because they haven’t grown enough in love and in relationship with God so that they are hearing his voice, and haven’t been taught how to forgive from the heart so that all the harmful emotions are flushed out so their soul can be healed. Another factor is the fact that the longer we’ve been alive the more opportunity we’ve had for these negative emotions and wounds to build up in our soul. So by the time we’re an adult we can be so very weighed down with so many hurts and wounds that spiritually we are almost completely overcome by the weight of them. We need to learn how to clean house and then keep it clean. We also need to understand that this is not something we can even do by ourselves. We have to do it together with and in co-operation with the Holy Spirit in us, and we need to allow Jesus the forgiver within us to flow through us with rivers of his love and forgiveness to us and to those who have hurt us.
When our soul is cleansed of all the negative emotions and is healed, then our heart/spirit is at peace. When our heart is not at peace then that’s an indicator that we have some wicked thing in our soul that needs to be cleansed. Okay, so since this next scripture is now coming to me, I’m now wondering if when we don’t have peace in our heart then that’s what this scripture is talking about when it talks about our heart condemning us.
1 John 3:21 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God.  22 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.
Wow, when our soul is cleansed from all the negative emotions and is healed then our heart is at peace/is not condemning us. THEN whatever we ask from God we receive because we truly are submitted to him in our heart and soul (not just in our actions) and THEN we will always live to do what pleases him! Lord, please continually search my heart! Please find and expose every wicked thing in me, and please take it out!
Psalm 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
Yes Lord yes! Let it be so. So be it - Amen!
Wow, that was so good I wanted to end it there but I also just noticed the word “anxieties” in that scripture. Anxiety is the exact opposite of peace. When we have any anxiety or lack of peace then that means there is something there that has not been dealt with and cleansed from our soul through real forgiveness on the heart level.
And now there is one more thing that the Holy Spirit wants me to say about all this. Concerning the different levels of maturity that I described above, there is something else He wants us to notice about them. Looking back at these levels from Beginner to Young Believer to Maturing Believer to Mature Son, please notice something. As we advance through these different levels, notice the gradual progression from dependence on man and on gifts and on word formulas, to an ever increasing and total dependence on God and on relationship with him! God never wanted you to be in a relationship with a formula or even with the written word, he wanted you to be in relationship with him. You then begin to realize that it was him all along. It was him in the people and him in the gift, it was him in the word and in the formula. It was always him all along ever working to draw you closer and closer to himself. It was him in the dream and in the vision, and in the still small voice of your thoughts. It was Him. It was always Him. It always was, always is, and always will be… HIM!
…And Real faith comes by hearing HIM!!!
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 7
Dream - New Tires for My Car
I dreamt that I had just gotten new tires put on my car but as soon as we started driving and had gotten a couple blocks away the car died and wouldn’t start. I think my wife and son were in the car. Actually I think it was my wife who was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Then after the car died and she couldn’t get it to start, I took over and tried starting it myself. If I gave it a lot of gas and then tried starting it, it would fire up and rev real fast for a second but then would immediately cut off. We got out of the car and were standing there looking at it. Then I remember saying “I just bought new tires for this car and now it won’t even start”. Then I woke up.
Action: Getting new tires and trying to drive my car. Emotion: ? Setting: Receiving emotional healing for myself and having much more peace, but still haven’t had any manifestation of physical healing.
Word Definitions:
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I know my car can mean me and/or my ministry. Tires can mean where the rubber meets the road (Where our faith is outworked/walked out to completion). But fitting/putting on tires can mean preparation for ministry.
So I know this has something to do with what God is doing in me as he is taking me through emotional healing and giving me greater understanding and revelations about faith and healing and helping me to have greater trust in him. But I’m not sure specifically what he is trying to tell me in this dream. I mean it seems like stuff that I already know, about him showing me a new way of doing things.
What are you trying to tell me Lord?
Your wife was driving the car when it died. She represents the church/my bride. Your car, which is you and your ministry were being driven by others/operated the way they told you it should be done. And when you tried to start and drive the car according to the same old way of doing things that you’ve been taught, it wouldn’t work.
I’ve given you a new set of tires/a new way of putting the rubber to the road/applying your faith to the problem and walking it out to complete manifestation of the results, and you’re not going to be able to drive your car the same old way you used to, and my church needs to stop trying to drive it the same old way as well. It’s going to take a better set of skills than what you possess in order to get your car/you and your ministry driving/operating the way I intend for it to run. This means that both you and your wife/my church are going to have to get out of the driver’s seat and let Me drive!
WOW!!! Yes Lord. Please do! I yield to you Jesus! Please be the driver of my car from now on! Please drive me wherever you want me to go!
Okay everyone, this might not sound like it has anything to do with receiving my healing but actually it does, and it is speaking directly to a situation that has been happening in my life these last few weeks. On one side I had my older brother telling me what I should be doing to receive my healing, and on the other end of the spectrum I had another minister telling me something exactly opposite. And here I am stuck in the middle trying to follow the leading of Holy Spirit, and all the while both sides keep telling me that I’m wrong for not doing things exactly their way! Wow, we all really do need to learn to honor the voice of the Holy Spirit in one another. Anyway, they were really trying to help and I do appreciate that, and I am thankful for them. And while there is truth in what both sides have told me, and even though I respect and honor both of these ministers, they are still not the Holy Spirit to me. So I guess I’m going to have to stop listening to what other people tell me and even stop doing what I think, and just strictly follow Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit as best as I can from now on.
Thank you Jesus that I am your sheep and I do hear your voice. Please help me to hear you even clearer Jesus!
John 10:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 6
The Path of Life
Okay, so to backtrack just a little… I realize it’s possible that I could have given the devil too much credit for all the suffering I’ve gone through and that I described a little of in my previous post. I am aware that some health problems are from natural causes alone, while others have spiritual causes. But the devil is the author/originator of all sickness anyway so I tend to blame him for all of it whether he is directly or indirectly the cause. At least that’s better than blaming God. Well enough about that. Now on to what I really wanted to talk about…
So after God had given me the right perspective and I had gone through some testing and felt my faith start to wane a bit, I felt that it was then okay for me to start listening to Kenneth Hagin again to help keep my faith built up. But when I kept trying to listen to his teachings every day it came to a point where it became so very dry and boring to me, like there was no life in it at all. Several times I asked Holy Spirit why that is. Then one day while driving home in the car and praying in the Spirit I asked him again saying, “Show me your way Lord, show me your path; the path that I should be taking. Lead me to where there is life, to your life. I then heard this scripture...
You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy; At your right hand are pleasures forever more. (Psalm 16:11)
I then had a revelation. God‘s path, the path of life that we are to travel on is a place of joy and enjoyment, not a place of dryness and lifelessness or boredom. When the path we’re on becomes dry and lifeless then that’s a good indicator that we’ve strayed from His path – the path of life! Whatever God’s path is for me, it’s a path that will bring joy and enjoyment, and will be full of life! Thank you Jesus!
Now that I think of it, writing all these emails and blog posts about all of this has been very stimulating and enjoyable to me, so I know that this is at least part of what I’m supposed to be doing. But keeping myself built up in faith is also something I’m seeking to find an enjoyable way to do. I do like reading the word some, but I’ve really come to hate reading healing scriptures over and over again like some dumb robot.
This scripture just now comes to me though… “Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord…” Oh, that’s from Isaiah 58, and it’s talking about when you fast then you shall delight yourself in the Lord. I know I need to fast at least a little and do it somewhat consistently, and I really want to. I mean it’s a desire of my heart to do, to help me to get closer to Him. My poor health symptoms have seemed to be somewhat less intense over the last week or so, so maybe I won’t have so much trouble fasting this time. Not that I’m depending on that for my healing, but just to be closer to him, that’s my desire.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 5
The Testing
This whole time I kept up my practice of praying in the Spirit for about an hour a day, and was also doing other praying and worshiping as well. And I kept being hit with one health symptom after another, including pressure in my chest, shortness of breath, acid reflux burning my throat (even while taking prescription Nexium), chronic fatigue, joint pain, intermittent wooziness/dizziness/light headedness/feeling faint, and intermittent fiber myalgia type of muscle pain.
Even though I had felt such a strong faith and confidence in God after he had spoken that word to me in the shower that day, it only lasted a couple days before I could feel it starting to wane. I could tell that my normal everyday trust in God was still lacking, so I began to ask him about it and actually did get an answer from him. See that next below…
Lord, how do I trust you better? My trust seems to be based so much more on my past experience than it is on your word alone and I can’t seem to shake that. What can I do?
Remind yourself of those past experiences that did work for you. Remember getting healed of the sleep apnea and let that experience increase your trust in me. Remember getting delivered of the stabbing pains in your head and let that experience increase your trust in me. Remember the time you were simultaneously healed of both MSG poisoning and the flu within minutes and let that experience increase your trust in me. Any time you are tempted to not trust me, keep reminding yourself of these successful experiences and cast all your cares about any past failures on me. Also remember the 2 times you stood against carpel tunnel pain in your forearm and got healed within a couple hours. And the time you commanded that mole to fall off your neck and how the piece that was attached to your neck started getting smaller and smaller over time until it was hanging by a thread and finally came right off.
Wow, thanks Lord! I had forgotten about a couple of those.
Well, the devil just kept up his lying symptoms. So much for thinking I could tackle my health issues one at a time. Nope, the devil made sure to hit me with one symptom after another and sometimes several at once. I was even hit with lying symptoms in my vision one Sunday morning while at church. During the service I started to loose vision in my left eye. It was like these flashing streaks going across the center of my eye in a curve and I couldn’t see anything I looked directly at with that eye because the streaks were in the way. And I could see the streaks even when I closed my eyes. And no, I wasn’t seeing a vision. I’ve seen visions before and this was not that. This was something the enemy was doing to mess with my optic nerve or vision receptors in the brain or something, but by the time church was over it had faded away.
So far I have been able to stand my ground believing that I already am healed and I’ve not given in to the enemy’s temptation to blame God or give up trusting him. Actually, since receiving the emotional healing that I did, it’s been almost no struggle at all against the temptation to blame God for my suffering. But, the physical suffering has been terrible.
Thursday night (5/3/28) I started to feel like I was dying. The suffering was indescribably terrible and there is no way for me to explain it in a way that anyone could understand or comprehend it without them experiencing it for themselves. If I were to make a feeble attempt to explain it, I would say that the only thing that could even come close to comparing it to would be that it felt like a combination of starving to death and having the flu at the same time, but that doesn’t even begin to describe it. And I wasn’t fasting, I was eating normally. I couldn’t sleep all night because of it and the next day wasn’t much better. But thank God it did start getting a little better by that afternoon and was mostly gone by the next day (Saturday).
So instead of me tackling one health issue at a time, with Holy Spirit’s help I’ve been taking them on as fast as the devil is throwing them at me. Every time I have a symptom I thank God that he already has healed me, and knowing that I must pass the test/challenge of the enemy, I refuse the temptation to stop trusting God or get mad at him about it.
I’m sure some well-meaning Christians would say, “Why don’t you just rebuke the devil? Why are you letting him attack you?” And I would have said the same thing myself just a few years ago. Well, I did rebuke the devil and command him to stop attacking me, and I did it many thousands of times over several years, and concerning my current health issues it did absolutely no good! You can’t just rebuke the devil when he has a right to be there because there is darkness in your heart or soul. Any negative feeling you carry in your heart is an open door for him to afflict you and cause a wound in your soul; and in some cases, even to afflict your body. Not only does he have a right to dwell in darkness, he also has a right to test/challenge your faith, to see if you really do believe like you say you do. He does this by bringing lying symptoms to see if you will fall for them or not. At the same time he tempts you to believe that God is not faithful, that he didn’t keep his word, and that he didn’t heal you. If you believe his lies then the symptoms can remain because you believe in them.
The scripture says to ‘Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee’, but resisting the devil is not just saying “I rebuke you devil, get out of here and stop attacking me”. You resist the devil by not yielding to or falling for his temptation. This is not just the temptation to commit outward sins like lying, stealing, or sexual sins. It also means to not yield to sins of the heart like anger, jealousy, resentment, bitterness. These are all sins of unforgiveness where the person committing them is neglecting to operate in love. Love always forgives and never holds anything against anyone. If you fail to resist the enemy’s temptation (fail to love) then you are not submitting to God and the devil doesn’t have to flee. So when it comes down to it for matters of your own heart, submitting to God and resisting the devil are exactly the same thing.
For your consideration…
1 Peter 1:6 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials,  7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,  8 whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,  9 receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.
1 Peter 5:10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 4
The Right Perspective
The following Monday morning (4/30/18) I woke up with a headache and a feeling like I was catching the flu, but I was feeling so much faith and confidence in God at the time because of the word he had just spoken to me (about not trusting in what I could do but trust in him alone) and I felt so very in love with him because of it that I just kept thanking and worshiping him for everything he was. I wasn’t doing it to try to get healed and I didn’t even really expect this, but within 15 minutes all the flu-like symptoms were gone!
Then later that day the Holy Spirit began to download more understanding to me. It’s almost like it was Jesus who spoke that first word to me and then the next day Holy Spirit started teaching more about what Jesus meant by what he said. Thank you Holy! I also now know that I would not have been able to pass that first test of temptation to blame God if it were not for the emotional healing that I first experienced. And I’m sure that I still need more emotional healing as well.
I think the biggest two revelations that I got out of this word are first that pursuing more faith is not what I needed to be doing at the time, and second is the fact that the enemy tests/challenges everything you do when attempting to take back ground from him.
Also, Holy Spirit showed me that when I kept doing all this stuff to try to get enough faith to somehow make it work, it was really just unbelief (believing that it hadn’t worked) when the truth is that I already am healed but it’s the devil who’s been providing the lying symptoms and has been getting me to believe it hasn’t worked. And it was a real heart revelation to me when God said that the enemy tests/challenges every step/every piece of ground you try to take back from him. I mean I kind of already knew that in my head, but I now have a heart revelation of really knowing it because God spoke all this in my heart/spirit, not just in my head. I now don’t think my problem has been that I somehow needed to get more faith. I needed the Spirit breathed revelation of what the enemy is doing so I would be able to resist his temptation to blame God for the suffering and not give up on trusting him. And I needed the emotional healing even to do that.
I was trying to do all this stuff to build enough faith to somehow make it happen, but I believe what the Lord is saying to me is that He already has healed me and it’s not more faith that I need, it’s the revelation of what the enemy is doing so that I will know not to fall for his lying symptoms and think that it’s not working and not fall for his temptation to blame God.
I know now that I am to embrace suffering. Not to love it or want it to stay, but to see it as the opportunity that it truly is. The opportunity to pass the test and overcome the enemy by not yielding to his temptation to blame God or give up on trusting him.
All the stuff I was doing to try to get healed I was doing from a wrong perspective that was based on a misbelief. The misbelief that I wasn’t healed and therefore needed to do more stuff to somehow make it work. If I’m believing that I have to somehow make it work then I’m actually believing that it hasn’t worked (which is unbelief), when the truth is that it has worked and I am healed, whether I’m currently experiencing it or not! I see now that it’s not my job to make it work. It’s only my job to believe it’s done and to pass the test/temptation of the enemy by not believing his lying symptoms and not give in to his temptation to blame God for my suffering and to stop trusting him.
Now I just need Holy Spirit’s leading on how to proceed with my tackling these bad health symptoms. I would prefer to tackle them one at a time, so I don’t bite off more than I can chew, but I don’t want to do it by myself but do it together with Him. In everything I do, I want to do it together with Holy Spirit/in co-operation with Him, and I don’t want to do anything without Him or without His direction/approval. Trying to do it without Him is what keeps getting me in trouble, so I hope everyone can understand why don’t like to just follow some formula just because people tell me to. That has never worked well for me.
Scriptures to contemplate (Parentheses added by me)…
1 Peter 2:24 …by whose stripes you (already) were healed.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved (saved, healed & delivered) through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,  9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 3
The Advice of Man vs. The Leading of The Spirit
Some days later, I started texting with my older brother asking him for prayer and for his advice on receiving physical healing. He prayed about it then recommended I start listening to 2 hours a day of Kenneth E. Hagin’s teachings and to also do some partial fasting (eating only one healthy meal a day for 21 days). But I was only able to do the fasting like 1 day out of the first week I tried it. I did start listening to the Kenneth Hagin teachings though, and was actually enjoying it, but after a few days I saw one of his teachings titled “When healing doesn’t come” and thought “that’s one I need to listen to”, and started listening to it. Then brother Hagin proceeded to teach about how God gives gifts of healing more freely to baby Christians and lost people (something I already knew) but then proceeded to teach on why the more mature Christians don’t get healed, and began saying how God expects more faith out of them and was basically saying the reason they don’t get healed is because they don’t get in the word and develop their own faith and that if they would just get in the word and develop their own faith then they would get healed. This started to make me feel so very deeply sad and the more I listened to him talk about it, the more greatly saddened I became. I have always gotten into the word. Since my new birth I have pursued  practically nothing else but seeking after God and pursuing faith and healing and his kingdom and his word. I got here in this place of poor health while in pursuit of Him and his word, and to hear someone say that the reason I haven’t gotten healed is because I’m not in the word developing my own faith is like stabbing me in the heart and kicking me while I’m down. What have I been doing with my whole life if I haven’t been in the word pursuing faith in God!
Anyway, this just made me feel so very hopeless and depressed. I remained depressed for 2 days but then on Sunday morning (4/29/18) I had a moment of supernatural clarity while in the shower when the Lord began speaking to me. Afterward I had perfect peace again. I hesitate to tell you what he said to me because it was not at all like the advice my brother gave me and almost sounds like it was going against faith; but somehow I know that it’s not, and somehow I know that it’s right. I felt such a big relief and felt at peace. Here is what the Lord spoke to me while I was in the shower that Sunday morning… I typed it up as best as I can remember.
“Sam, stop listening to man and to what they tell you to do. Stop trusting in some pastor or some gifted preacher or even in your own ability to do enough or believe enough to somehow make it happen. You can't walk without me or even live without me; you couldn't even breathe without me unless I allowed it, and you sure can't believe without me. In me you live and move and have your being.
Rest in me and put your trust in me alone that I am taking care of it. Stop putting your trust in yourself and in your own ability to pray enough, to hear the word enough, or to fast enough. Trust totally and completely in me alone that I am enough and I am taking care of it.
You can't fast by yourself or even have faith by yourself. It's by my grace through faith and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. If you could do it by yourself then you would have something to boast about and you would have the opportunity for pride. But if you allow me to do it in you and through you then I alone get the glory and your only opportunity is for greater trust and faith in me.
Also know that everything will be tested; each and every step along the way will be tested/challenged by the enemy. You have already passed the first test in this part of your journey with me, and this is the first time you've successfully passed it. This time when you suffered with an unexplained illness and were bitterly temped by the enemy to blame me for not keeping my word you did not, but stayed in peace with me. This is the first time you've been successful in doing that while being so greatly tempted, therefore the first test is passed.
Also know that any test that is not passed will be repeated over and over again until it is passed. It is your choice to keep wandering in the wilderness of suffering or to move through it by refusing to give in to the enemy's temptation to hold it against me or to give up on trusting me.”
Wow, this must have been why the Lord spoke to me the week before and said to “Be prepared for some big suffering”. He knew the suffering/testing was going to come from the enemy and he was giving me a heads up/ warning so that I would be able to continue to trust him through it and not give in to the temptation to get mad at him about it. This may seem ridiculously obvious to everyone (to not let yourself get mad at God) but I would like to see anyone who could go through 15 years of ever increasing health problems like I have and not struggle against the temptation to be mad at God about it. Especially when the whole time all I’ve wanted to do is love and serve God with all my heart (And also when I’ve believed in healing the whole time and have been in the word developing my faith as best as I could the whole time as well).
I can see now that there is sometimes more to it than just faith, faith, faith all the time. There may be other issues involved like the need for emotional healing or deliverance. There may be deep seated emotional pain from all the years of suffering. I know there was for me. And the Bible does talk about other things that are needed besides just faith. It says that…
• Without love, your faith won’t work. Faith works by love. • Without works, your faith is dead. Faith without works is dead. • Without patience, you won’t endure long enough to receive the promise. Through faith and patience inherit the promises. • Without accurate knowledge, you won’t know to do any of this! My people perish for lack of knowledge. • And of course the need to forgive that even Kenneth Hagin talks about. But as I’m now learning, forgiveness is sometimes more than just a decision. It has to be done at the heart level until there is peace in your heart about the person or situation, otherwise it hasn’t truly been done in the heart/spirit. I can’t say that I completely understand that yet but I have at least now experienced it.
So there is more to it than just faith. Faith is indeed a big part of it, I do understand that, but it’s not the only thing there is to it.
I titled this chapter “The Advice of Man vs. The Leading of The Spirit”, but I want to point out that the advice my brother gave me was not actually wrong, and Kenneth Hagin’s teachings aren’t wrong either. It was just wrong for me to try following them from the wrong perspective and without the leading of the Holy Spirit. You will see more as to why that is as you read the next chapter of my journey. We need to learn to hear from Holy Spirit himself to tell us what we should do, instead of depending on what men tell us we should do.
1 Cor 2:5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 2
Beginning the Journey to Emotional Healing
Many months ago I had heard from God through several awesome dreams that God gave me the interpretations for. To make a long story short the culmination of the last of these dream interpretations was God basically trying to teach me a more effective way to receiving my physical healing. Instead of rebuking the devil and confessing healing scriptures over and over like some robot, he wanted me to (as part of my everyday fellowship/relationship with him) speak the truth in faith and in love to Him with thanksgiving. To be more specific, he said… ‘One of the reasons that many of my soldiers are taken out of the fight by the enemy is because they spend all of their time rebuking/speaking to the enemy and almost no time speaking the truth of My word in thanksgiving to Me. The greatest weapon is truth but the most effective way to use truth against the enemy is while engaged in relationship with Me speaking the truth in faith and love with thanksgiving.’ (You can read the whole dream if you wish at: https://alldayjesusfan.tumblr.com/post/165832751849/dream-shooting-monsters )
So I began implementing the Lord’s instruction and began thanking him that he already had healed me by the stripes that he took for me, and thanking him that he was giving me results where my health is concerned even when I can’t see it or feel it. And I continued to do this every time I had physical suffering and kept doing it for like 6 months straight but still saw no results. Then my back took a turn for the worse and I became so very disappointed and discouraged that I practically stopped praying altogether. It was like I couldn’t even force myself to pray, and that lasted for about 3 months.
Then one of the pastors at my church gave me a Kenneth Hagin booklet to read called “God’s Medicine” and told me to read it every day for 21 days. When I first read it, it just made me mad because it was basically just telling me to read and meditate on healing scriptures every day (something I had already done before for like 3 years straight and had never gotten much of any results). But the fact that it made me mad did cause me to realize that there must be something wrong with me that I need some emotional healing from.
Although I was not able to force myself to do much praying or fellowshipping with God, I found that I could pray in the Spirit, so I started praying in the Spirit for about an hour every day while riding back and forth to work (which was about a 30 minute drive each way). After a couple days of that I tried to start thanking God for my healing again but I would only be able to keep it up for a couple days before I would get mad at him and tell him that he wasn’t keeping his word. I would repent of it and would try to correct myself and say “Well I know that somehow the truth is that you do keep your word but it sure seems like you don’t”.
Then God gave me another dream where I was shooting a machine gun at all these bad guys who were holding many babies captive, but then I accidentally shot one of the babies. The interpretation was that shooting the machine gun was me praying in the Spirit, and the babies were the promises of God. God was basically saying that I was doing well to pray in the spirit but that I was killing the promise with the negative words of my mouth. I was like, “So tell me something I don’t know, God”. I knew I was doing it but I was so very discouraged and hurt and depressed about all the disappointments and all the suffering I kept going through that I couldn’t stop myself from doing it. I begged God to fix me and tell me how to stop feeling this way toward him, but I heard nothing else from him at the time. (And my normal God is good, God is right, God has keeps his word confessions where not helping this time.)
I did notice something different though, even though I didn’t hear any answer from God about it and even though I continued suffering from physical ailments, I noticed that it was no longer such a struggle for me to not blame God for it. I mean the feeling was still there somewhat but not nearly as intense.
I kept praying in the Spirit for at least an hour a day and seeking God for physical healing and after a couple more days I heard this…
The enemy will always seek to attack where there is an opening. An opening is any area where he is not resisted in faith or where emotional wounds remain unhealed. An unhealed emotional wound is an opening for demonic attack. It’s not the wound itself that causes the opening, but the lingering negative emotions that are there from when the wound was first inflicted. If there is lingering anger, resentment, or unforgiveness of any kind, then the wound won’t heal and the opening remains. These lingering negative emotions are not only the cause of the wounds but they can actually become a home for evils spirts to dwell in. They have authority to dwell in darkness. If you will never allow yourself to become offended then a wound can never be made. Or if you, from your heart, forgive the offending party, then the wound quickly heals and there’s no more opening.
Lord, please teach me how! Please show me any wounds and any unforgiveness that is in me! Please teach me how to forgive from the heart. And please teach me how to never get offended in the first place!
I have begun to teach you already. Keep seeking me for my instruction. Keep praying in the Spirit. And keep your eyes open for any teachings on this subject that I may send across your path.
Yes Lord. I would also like to know if emotional healing like this will bring physical healing. I mean I know it can in some cases, but will it in my case? I got no answer yet…
In the mean time I kept praying in the Spirit every day and then noticed that I was able to also start worshiping God and fellowshipping with him again. Then after a few days I had this thought come to me that wasn’t mine saying “Be prepared for some big suffering”. I wasn’t sure if it was God or the enemy speaking that to me, but strangely I felt peace about it. The next day after lunch I started to feel really bad and it just got worse. I also had another attack of sleep apnea that night but I was able to get rid of it and sleep after about 6 times of waking up gasping for air and telling it “No, I don’t have that any more. I gave that to Jesus and he has it so I don’t”. The next day I felt very bad like I was dying and stayed home from work. The 3rd day I still felt pretty bad but went to work anyway and started to feel better as the day progressed. It almost felt like having the flu but without any of the symptoms of fever, runny nose, or cough. I had all the weakness, wooziness, achy head, etc., and felt just so very terrible. Although this was terrible suffering, I noticed that I didn’t have my usual problem of getting mad at God about it. Something about him giving me the heads up seemed to help me for some reason.
Later, I ran across a teaching package on one of Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” shows called “The 60 Day Challenge to Achieving Complete Emotional Healing”. So I ordered it and began reading it and working through it. I’ve read several books/teachings on deliverance and emotional healing lately but this was one of the best and simplest ones I’ve seen. I’m only on the first few chapters so far but something already happened that I can’t quite explain.
This book not only teaches on forgiveness but it teaches on how to forgive from the heart. It also talks about forgiving in 3 directions. It says to not only forgive others from the heart but that we also need to forgive God and forgive ourselves. Not that God ever did anything wrong but that we sometimes get mad at him or get hurt and blame him for not doing what we think he should have done or for not stopping something bad from happening to us. Forgiving God gets your heart right toward him by releasing any judgments you had against him. Then after you have done that, also receive forgiveness from God for the unforgiveness and anger you had held in your heart.
I had thought that I had repented of holding things against God like 100 times before (and that should have been a clue that something was wrong right there) but for some reason when I followed the instruction as presented in this book something supernatural happened. I don’t know why but I started to cry and bawl like a baby almost uncontrollably. After a couple minutes the crying turned into joyous laughter and I was laughing and crying at the same time. During this experience I felt the weight of so much pain in my heart and soul, then felt a big chunk of that pain lift off of me. I know that’s not all of it and that I will need to continue to down this path of emotional healing but I know that at least it’s a step in the right direction. I feel at peace, and haven’t felt this much peace with God in a long time.
I also wonder if part of the reason why I haven’t been able to receive healing for my physical infirmities is because of the emotional wounds that needed to be dealt with and healed first. I know that unforgiveness and negative emotions can give place to tormenting spirits and can give them a foothold/place to attach themselves, and that’s nothing but trouble in every way, spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Here's a scripture to consider. At least one that I needed to consider and realize the gravity of…
Matthew 18:33 Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?  34 And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. 35 “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.”
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alldayjesusfan · 6 years
My Journey to Divine Health - Part 1
Introduction and Background
Hello everyone! I know I haven’t sent out any dreams or testimonies in a while but as many of you know, I’ve been having many health problems for several years and the suffering just got to be more than I could handle for a while. Thank God that it hasn’t been constant. Although it’s been terrible, at least the pain and the suffering has been off and on. And yes I have gone to doctors many times but never have gotten much help from any of them. And even though I’ve believed in healing this whole time, and even though I’ve even prayed for many other people who have been healed, for myself I’ve only gotten healed a few times of mostly minor things. But overall my health has steadily declined over the years.
Since some of you don’t know what kinds of health issues I’ve been dealing with here’s a list I made. I didn’t want to call it my list of health problems because I’m trying to believe for healing, so I called it “My Healing List”.
My Healing List
Back Pain/Problems / with 3 Budging Disks
Hip Pain/Problems
Degenerative Joint Disease
Degenerative Muscle Issue of some kind /
Unable to stand for more than 5 or 10 minutes without muscle pain and/or muscle strain
Heart Arrhythmia / Palpitations
Pressure in Chest
Shortness of Breath
Diminished Liver Function
Acid Reflux (even while taking prescription Nexium)
Intermittent wooziness/dizziness/light headedness/feeling faint
Chronic Fatigue
Re-occurring Intermittent Flu-like Symptoms
Persistent/Re-occurring Eye Redness
Persistent/Re-occurring Foot Pain
Intermittent Fiber Myalgia type of pain in my muscles
The heart arrhythmia/palpitations I have finally gotten mostly under control by taking the right electrolytes in the right amounts, but the rest of the health issue I’ve still been struggling with. But at the same time, God has begun speaking to me and has given me several downloads concerning all of this that I believe he now wants me to share. I hesitated to even want to start sharing any of this because of the fact that I still haven’t had any major manifestation of divine healing, but I have made some progress or at least taken some steps in the right direction. And God has revealed to me that part of the path (which he called “The path of life”) that he has for me to walk on towards receiving my healing is to share my journey and testimony along the way. It’s almost like he wants me to share it in faith, believing that my healing is already a done deal even before I see it happen. Well, that’s what real faith is, isn’t it? That’s also why he had me title it “My Journey to Divine Health” even before I’ve experienced that divine health. I sure didn’t want to call it that, but he says that boasting is excluded by the law of faith.
There are many, even millions of Christian believers in the earth who are in desperate need of healing but have not been able to receive it. And even though my life since Christ has been a testimony of miracles, for about the last 15 years I’ve really had a lot of health problems (including back and muscle problems) that I haven’t been able to make a dent in as far as receiving healing for. I’ve gotten healed of some things (like sleep apnea) and I was once healed of the flu almost instantly (like within 5 or 10 minutes) and a few other minor things. But many things I haven’t been able to even make a dent in and some have only gotten worse.
In my experience I’ve noticed that it’s usually fairly easy to get a lost person or a baby Christian healed. But the more mature Christians seem to rarely ever get healed. There’s something wrong with that! When I ask a pastor or a mature believe why they think that is, they usually say something like “Welcome to my world” or “We have the same problem”. There’s something wrong with that! In my opinion, this is a very big problem in the body of Christ! Most of the mature believers all have some kind of health problem that they can’t seem to get healed of. That’s just not right! So I’ve made it my goal in life to find out the answer to this huge dilemma in the body of Christ. God actually told me several years ago when my health problems started getting worse that I would learn how to overcome this and then I would teach many others how to overcome it as well.
So for the many many Christians who struggle with receiving their own healing, my hope is that documenting my own journey will wind up being a help to them. I think we really do them a disservice sometimes by only testifying about the successes, and never sharing the raw truth about the struggles we go through to get there. The story of the struggles while standing and trusting in God are, I believe, more powerful in helping people through their own struggles than just the testimony of the successes are alone. I don’t know about you but I just can’t relate to someone who only talks about everything being wonderful all the time and who says they never have any problems receiving anything they need from God. Not only can I not relate to them, I usually have a hard time even believing what they say.
Stand by for the next chapter in a few days…
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alldayjesusfan · 7 years
Dream - Fighting Ninjas
 Some kind of hand to hand fight took place between just 2 or 3 people (I think) but I don't quite remember the details except I think one of them got killed during the fight. I think there were 2 of them fighting against me and I may have been the one who killed one of them but I can’t seem to remember this part of the dream very well.
 I don’t remember if this was the same dream or a different one, but I do seem to remember one of the fighters coming down from the sky as if they were riding inside a cylindrical beam of light. They came from the sky to the ground in about one second. The second fighter came from the sky in a similar manner but came down much slower and was outside the beam of light and slid down it while holding onto it with one hand.
 After the fight ended, I suspected that I was being stalked and watched/spied on. There were some shops across the street from where I was, and even though the shops were closed (because it was after hours), I noticed a little girl and one adult (female I think) inside one of the shops. I suspected that they were the ones spying on me so I walked towards the shop to see what they would do and I was wanting to confront them.
 The little girl then came out and started to fight me. She appeared to be dressed like a ninja (in all black). I was fighting her back and was actually enjoying it, and I think the adult (female) also came out a joined in the fight about a minute later. And if I remember right, she was dressed as a ninja as well.
 I then woke up and didn't think I remembered this dream well enough to record it accurately so I dozed back off. I then heard the following statement which woke me up again. It sounded important so I got up and wrote it down.
 "If used a little further it is necessary to take military action for all the great concern."
 I’m pretty sure I remember this statement pretty accurately. I heard it clearly word for word and wrote it down right away. I’m not sure what it means but I have a feeling that the military action might be talking about angelic armies taking action. I’m not sure though if it means God’s angelic armies or the fallen angles of Satan’s army.
Action: Fighting in hand to hand combat.
Emotion: I don’t remember enjoying the first battle, but the 2nd one I did enjoy for some reason.
Setting: ?
Word Meanings:
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 The ninja girl was likely a demon or spirit of death. Why depicted as a young girl though doesn’t make any sense to me. I really don’t know what this dream is supposed to mean and don’t think I remember much of it very well either.
 What’s this all mean Lord?
 First of all, remember that all 4 of the fighters in the dream were dressed as ninjas but only one of them was in all black. The ninjas are demon spirits that have been fighting against you. The one in all black represents the spirit of death.
 Ok. And who was the first one that I killed and why was the spirit of death represented as a little girl?
 The spirit of death was represented as a little girl just to show you how small, weak and easily defeated she is. You even enjoyed fighting her this time, because it was like child’s play to you. This was not so with the first 2 ninjas you fought. You didn’t remember this part correctly but the one who was killed in the battle with the first 2 ninjas was you. You were not literally killed but this represents you being taken out of the fight (the fight of faith). Later when you got back in the fight you were even stronger than before and the second pair of ninjas/demons were more easily defeated.
 Lord, how or why was it that I was stronger than before this second time around?
 My strength is perfected in weakness. You are stronger now because in your weakness and inability you came to Me for answers and in doing so you heard from Me. And greater faith and strength came to you by hearing My voice.
 Wow, thank you so much! But what does that strange statement mean that I heard – "If used a little further it is necessary to take military action for all the great concern." ?
 You heard part of an angel’s conversation which took place in the spirit realm. He is one of My angelic commanders with ten thousand angels under his command.
 Wow! But what’s it mean, “If used a little further…”? If what is used?
 My word. If my word continues to be used/continues to be spoken in faith with thanksgiving then My angelic armies will have no choice but to carry out My word (that has been spoken by you) with military action against the enemy hordes who are hindering and sending attacks on your life.
 Thank you so much God… And what does that part mean about “for all the great concern”?
 It is My great concern… My great love and care for you, and all of heaven’s great love and care for you. We all love and care about you intensely, even the angels in My armies care greatly for you!
 Wow God! Thank you so much!
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alldayjesusfan · 7 years
Dream - Shooting Monsters
There was a whole group of us who appeared to be soldiers riding around in something like a big bus but it was twice as wide as a normal bus and looked to be almost totally transparent (you could see right through it). No one was sitting down in the bus but we were all standing and shooting at these monster looking things through big windows in the bus.
 We were shooting some kind of forced energy weapons that emitted a transparent beam of energy that was almost a foot wide that would tear flesh loose from bones and rip limbs off of bodies. But the monsters were very strong, fast and deadly, and managed to kill several of our men almost every time we engaged a group of them. We all seemed pretty terrified, and sometimes a solder would try to escape the bus and run away, but when they did this the other soldiers would open fire on him and kill him.
Action: Riding in a bus and shooting monsters.
Emotion: Afraid.
Setting: Being hit relentlessly by one health problem after another after another.
Word Definitions:
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The monsters must be demons and/or fear. Soldiers could be spiritual warriors engaged spiritual warfare. The bus type vehicle could mean the church in general or a large ministry. Since it was a double-wide bus I guess it could mean a prophetic/teaching ministry but I’m not sure. There’s definitely a battle going on but I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean. I guess it could mean the constant attacks that keep coming against my health but I’m not sure.
 Lord, what’s this mean?
 The soldiers are you and other spiritual warriors in My army. You are battling against evil spirits and the fear that keeps attacking you. You are fighting from a standing position while riding on the platforms of both your church and other prophetic and teaching ministries that you listen to and learn from. This is the double-wide bus.
 And what is this battle all about?
 The intent of the enemy is to stop you, to take you out of the fight of faith, and even kill you if he can. But I have prayed for you, that your faith would fail not.
 That’s sounds like what you prayed for Peter Lord, when you told him that Satan had asked to sift him. Lord, am I still being sifted? I thought that was over with.
 The enemy is allowed to attack where there is an opening. An opening is any area where he is not resisted in faith. This type of attack is not allowed by Me but by you. If your shield of faith is down you are open to attack.
 You must learn to stay in the fight, the fight of faith, and not give up but keep on standing. Only when you learn to defeat the enemy with faith will the attacks be broken. As long as you are on the earth, the attacks will never completely stop, but their power to affect or harm you will be greatly diminished when you learn to keep standing in faith and not give up. Remember you were all standing in the bus, not sitting, and you were fighting the enemy from that standing position.
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Lord, how do I learn to keep standing in faith and not give up? I’ve fought for so long, and I’m so weary! How do I do it?
Faith comes by hearing my voice, and continual consistent persevering faith that never runs out comes by continually abiding in me and never giving up in doing so. You know this but you don’t do it.
Why can’t I do it Lord? It’s like I stay so disappointed with you. Sometimes I almost loath abiding in you because I get such little results that it’s very disappointing to me and I can’t stand to keep it up.
You need truth. The first truth you need to know is that the problem is not with Me, but with you.
Yes Lord, I know that must be right. What else?
Next, whether you see any results or not, the truth is that I love you and am for you, and I am helping you get the results you need even when you can’t yet see it or feel it.
But when I don’t see it or feel it then that’s just more disappointment to me. Why am I so thick or hard headed that I just can’t seem to get it? What is it that I need in order to get past this Lord?
One thing you need to do is to start telling yourself the truth. The truth that I am giving you results even when you can’t see it. And put it in the form of thanksgiving to Me.
Ok Lord, do you mean like this… “Father I thank you that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus and thank you that you are giving me results where my health is concerned even when I can’t see it or feel it.”
Yes, that’s good. Now do that every day and spend time abiding in me every day as well.
Anything else?
Just start doing those two things and My Spirit will give you more as you go…
Yes God I will, and thank you so much!  
-         The next day…
Now I also have another question about this dream. I’m not sure how important this is but why did the other soldiers turn on and shoot their own fellow soldiers who tried to flee from the fight?
The weapons of your warfare are not natural physical weapons, but mighty spiritual weapons. Your greatest weapon against the enemy is truth. Shooting the enemy with your weapon represents speaking My word/the truth in faith. In most cases, you don’t actually have to speak to the enemy at all, just speak truth over the situation and thank Me for what I have done and am doing (according to My word) to resolve the problem.
One of the reasons that many of the soldiers were killed/taken out of the fight by the enemy is because they spent all of their time shooting/speaking to the enemy and almost no time speaking the truth of My word in thanksgiving to Me. The greatest weapon is truth but the most effective way to use truth against the enemy is while engaged in relationship with Me speaking the truth in faith and love with thanksgiving.
Wow God, I’ve been taught so different from that for so long. So can you tell me where that is in the Bible? I mean doesn’t the Bible say to resist the enemy and he will flee and also to speak to the mountain and command it to be removed.
There is a place to speak to the problem and also to command the enemy to flee but that is only one small part of how you are to conduct yourself in spiritual warfare. Your primary focus and attention should be on Me. It is from this relationship with Me that truth is able to be spoken in faith and in love with thanksgiving, and therefore be effective and produce results.
 And for where that is in the Bible, do a search for the word “thanksgiving” in the New Testament and see which verses bear witness to this truth. Also list any other scriptures that come to your thoughts.
 Speaking the truth in love, grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ (Eph 4:15)
 In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Phil 4:6)
 Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. (Col 2:7)
 Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving. (Col 4:2)
 Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 5:20)
 That’s great God but what about this being the most effective way to defeat the enemy?
 It’s the best way to stay in love and in fellowship with Me and not become disappointed while you’re going through attacks. It is out of this relationship with Me that the enemy will be defeated. And because you will be more able to continue in fellowship with Me our relationship will grow and you will hear My voice even more, and real faith that gets real results will come by hearing My voice; by hearing the spoken word of God!
 And here’s another scripture for you. As you listen to it, understand that one meaning of the phrase “bear fruit” is to “get or produce results”.
 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit (get results) of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit (produces much results); for without Me you can do nothing. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.  By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit (produce much results)… (John 15:4-8)
 WOW!!! Thank you so much Jesus!!!
 Wow, you said all of that awesome stuff and didn’t even really address my other question. I think what you said though was much more important than what I was asking about why the other soldiers turned on and shot their own fellow soldiers.
 I know the answers you need even when you don’t know what questions to ask. The soldiers shooting their fellow soldiers simply represents them speaking against their fellow believers who became too weary or afraid to continue fighting. This is how many of those in my army treat their fellow soldiers, but this not the right response, nor does it help the situation but actually contributes to many soldiers being taken out by the enemy.
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alldayjesusfan · 7 years
Dream - The Bear & The Wolverine
This live bear was tied down and strapped to the hood of a car and I was standing outside in front of the car. But then the car got shaken/rocked and the ropes loosened up and the bear got loose. The bear then stood up on 2 legs and angrily raised his 2 front legs with outstretched claws ready to attack/claw anyone he could (and I was standing right there). 
Just as he was starting to swing his claws at me, immediately his claws were sliced right off by another set of claws that were made of metal. Looking at what or who had just done this I saw Wolverine standing there (Ya, the Wolverine from the X-Men movies), and he had just sliced the bears claws right off in a flash.
Action: Standing outside of a car.
Emotion: ?
Setting: Struggling with my health and finances.
Word Meanings:
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I got nothing God. What’s it mean?
Wolverine is not a wolf, he’s a man. You need to lookup “man”.
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Ok, well that really narrows it down (not really, of course).
 The man saved you from the bear. The man had claws that are like sharp swords, and the man can heal. Who do you know like that?
 Well since you put it that way, You of course. You are my savior, your word is sharper than any two edged sword, and You are my healer.
 Yes it’s Me, and that’s number 2 and 6 on your list of dream meanings for a man.
 Ok, who is the bear Lord?
 He is your enemy, Satan. He wants to destroy you but I am saving you.
 What does it mean that he was strapped down to the hood of a car, and also that he got loose?
 The car is you and your ministry. You had the enemy bound but when your car started hitting big bumps in the road you were shaken and no longer able to restrain him. He then came after you.
 What did I do wrong Lord? Why did he get loose?
 Many things were done wrong and many others done well, but that’s not the most important thing. What’s most important is for you to know that I am here to save you when you’re not strong enough and even when you mess up.
 Thank you, but honestly, it doesn’t feel like you’ve saved me lately. It feels like I’ve been going through all hell and attacks from all sides.
 Not everything you’re going through is an attack. Some of it has been caused by your own mistakes, but I am here to save you regardless of the cause.
 It doesn’t feel like you’re saving me. Lord, please save me more… save me to the uttermost!
 I have saved you to the uttermost. My blood and the stipes I took for you were enough!
 But I’m still having health problems.
 Abide in me.
 But I got here while I was abiding in you.
 Need more results? Abide in me more.
 Really, that’s your answer?
 Yes, and be faithful to do what I tell you, and do what you know to do in the natural as well.
 Is this really You? That sounds like a copout to faith to me.
 If you were really in faith, you would already have real results. Until you get there, you need to also do what you can in the natural.
 Yes Lord. My faith has been so shaken lately, and almost shattered. Please help me to have real faith that gets real results.
 Abide in me. If you abide in me and my words abide in you you will ask what you will and it will be done for you because you will hear My voice and real faith will come by hearing my spoken word.
 Yes Jesus.
 Lord, I keep trying but I can never seem to keep it up. What do I do? How can I do it?
 You need hope.
 Yes Lord and I need results. Getting results will give me hope.
 A day or so later someone texted me saying that the Lord had given them a message for me. It went like this…
 “Hang in there. I know it’s been hard on you but things are going to get better.”
 Thank you Lord. That’s the hope I was needing…
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