alixix-art · 3 years
Critical Thinking
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Francis Picabia, L'Oeil cacodylate, The Cacodylic Eye, 1921
Created by Francis Picabia, a member of the Dada movement, this poster entitled "L'Oeil Cacodaylate" has a gray base on which a cacophony of calygraphed sentences can be observed. At the top of the poster the title of the piece is clearly written in bold red typography. The rest of the writing however is a mix of phrases, names, expressions and random words written with different types of pens. These words are accompanied by a painting of a brown eye, a portrait of Francis Picabia, and a few other pictures, more hardly distinguishible.
The concept behind the Dada artwork according to Tristan Tzara's Dadaist Manifesto is "Every page should explode, either because of its deep seriousness, or because of its vortex, vertigo, newness, timelessness, crushing humor, enthusiasm of its principles, or the way it is printed" (Novin 2016).
This piece by Francis Picabia was made during the hayday of Dadaist thinking, which had graphic design and typography at the core of its thinking (Novin 2016). Like many Dada works of art it was meant to cause scandal, by linking visual art and poetic inspirations (poems often formed from obscene language and images) (Novin 2016).
The Dada artworks were meant for audiences in the know, for people who adhered to the Dada philosophy. And if not, it was meant to provoke and offend, to break the mould of what was considered appropriate, and to "violate the cannons of classical aesthetics" (Novin 2016).
Novin, Guity. «Chapter 45; Dadaism; The meeting point of all contradictions.» A History of Graphic Design. 2016. http://guity-novin.blogspot.com/2011/08/chapter-44-dadaism-meeting-point-of-all.html (accès le April 3, 2021).
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alixix-art · 3 years
In his Manifesto, Daniel Fraga defines Ontological Design as “the design discipline concerned with designing human experience […] by designing objects, spaces, tools, and experiences, we are in fact designing the human being itself” (Fraga 2020). To be truly ontological, the object, tool or experience must engender new ways of doing or being and shape our lives to alter society (for example, printing or the wheel) (Escobar 2018).
Based on works by Winograd and Flores, Escobar goes on to define three pillars of ontological design: cognition is not based on the manipulation of knowledge about an objective world, the observer is not separate from the world they observe (they create the phenomenal domains in which they act), the world is created through language (Escobar 2018).
The first pillar of ontological designs points out that that every human has a different way of seeing the world, implying that everyone’s knowledge of what is around is in fact subjective. These differences in cognition can be accentuated by different abilities and disabilities may they be physical or mental. For example, Brickhouse Design is an architectural firm that provides designs of accessible homes to cater to each individual’s needs, for people for whom a “normal” house design would not align with their world (Design 2020).
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(Design 2020)
The second pillar of ontological design indicates that the observer cannot be separate from the world they are observing. Technology has challenged this notion with Virtual Reality games and technology. The reality is certainly virtual, but as the observer cannot be separate from the world they are observing, they now potentially find themselves in two different realities. The reality in which they are existing and using the virtual reality simulator. And the virtual reality in which they find themselves projected.
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(Build Review 2020)
The final pillar of ontological design says the world is created through language. Language is not only spoken language, of which there are 7000 in the world (Pauli 2019). But language also means any means of communication. Music can be a language as well as technology, art, or design. Anything meant to convey a message could be considered language. A design tool commonly used to communicate ideas is mind mapping. Mind maps can use words or drawings to convey specific ideas or pinpoint concepts and are often used in design processes.
Escobar suggests that for any designer to be “history-making”, must be able to disclose new worlds, and must also be aware that they are doing so, by showing commitment to the community and engaging in pragmatic activity to resolve disharmony (Escobar 2018).
Build Review. Virtual Reality – The Ultimate Safety and Training Technology. 2020. https://www.build-review.com/virtual-reality-the-ultimate-safety-and-training-technology/ (accès le April 3, 2021).
Design, Brickhouse. Brickhouse Design. 2020. http://brickhousedesigns.net/#!/index (accès le April 03, 2021).
Escobar, Arturo. Designs for the Pluriverse : Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds. Duke University Press, 2018.
Fraga, Daniel. "The Manifesto of Ontological Design." Data Driven Investor. May 28, 2020. https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/the-manifesto-of-ontological-design-7fdb19169107 (accessed April 3, 2021).
Pauli, Maren. Babbel. 3 November 2019. https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/how-many-languages-are-there-in-the-world#:~:text=There%20are%207%2C000%20languages%20in%20the%20world. (accès le April 3, 2021).
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alixix-art · 3 years
A Day in the Life - Smartphone Routine
8 AM - Snooze 8 o'clock alarm (10 minute snooze); repeat for an hour. Total swipes = 6. Time Spent looking at phone = less than a minute.
9 AM - Turn off alarm and wake up. Check notifications, start with instagram. Then Messenger. Then emails. Then misc. Total swipes = alot. Time spent on phone = 30 minutes.
9.30 AM - Enjoy first coffee. Swipe through intagram whilst watching The Simpsons. Total swipes = number of posts seen. Time spent on phone = 10 minutes.
9.40 AM - First cigarette of the day. Ritual tiktok time (tiktok timer set at 15 minutes per day). Total swipes = number of tiktoks seen+ignored. Time spent on phone = 15 minutes.
10.30 AM - Check ANZ. Total swipes = desperation. Time spent on phone = 1 minute of despair.
11 AM = Daily animal crossing tasks complete. Check Instagram. Total swipes = probably about 10. Time spent on phone = half an hour. 12 AM - Another cigarette. Scrolling through Instagram Reels. Number of swipes = 10 minutes worth of meaningless content. Time Spent on phone = 15 minutes.
1 PM - Watching Desperate Houswives on disney + whilst tchatting on insta. Number of Swipes = 1 per message received. Total Time Spent on phone = an hour if the conversation is good. 3 PM - Watching a movie, need to check main actors filmography. Google. Number of swipes = about 10. Time spent on phone = half an hour to check up on all the supporting actors filmographies as well.
5 PM - Tchat with mum about day. Mostly send funny animal videos. Number of swipes = look at that cat. Time spent on phone = another hour wasted.
6 PM - BFF in france wakes up. Share aesthetic videos and talk about music before she goes to work. Number of swipes = too many. Time spent on phone = 1 hour.
7 PM - Cigarette. Check youtube. Number of Swipes = 5. Time spent on phone = up to half an hour if its a friday.
9 PM - Pretend to go to bed. Scroll endlessly through all apps. Number of swipes = worrying. Time spent on phone = i'll say it's insomnia but it's two hours of screen time before bed.
Total swipes during the day = enough to give myself carpal tunnel. Time spent on phone = 462 minutes
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 7 - HB pencil
And finally a good old illustration
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 6 - Bottle of wine, brown paper bag, sock
Spur of the moment inspiration
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 5 - Animal Crossing
I love animal crossing and i was playing when i remembered I would make art in game, so i decided to use it as one of my mediums!
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 4 - Scrap yarn
I like crafts (knitting and crochet) and since I don't want to waste anything i use i have a jar full of off cuts and scrap yarn which i decided to mould into a flower.
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 3 - Crayons on my mirror
My mum gave me special oil crayons to use on windows and mirrors, i love them because i can personalize my room, without making anything permanent.
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 2 -
I chose to used adobe dimensions to challenge myself with a program i'd never used before. I selected premade 3D shames and arranged them to look like a flower. I filled the shapes with natural wood textures.
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alixix-art · 3 years
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Day 1 - Filters
For day one I used the first medium i set my eyes on - tobacco filters.
I laid them out on my tablet so they would have a dark contrasting background and photographed it.
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alixix-art · 3 years
For my seven day challenge of Make Something 365, I will be making a flower in different mediums found around my home ~
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