aliuss · 4 days
I read a harmful CRAB and I was so confused
people saying white rice is a harmful carb.. they could never make me hate you my beautiful princess..
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aliuss · 5 days
I want to see a work of fiction that reverses the "vampires are snobby upper class, werewolves are brutish lower class" stereotypes
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aliuss · 6 days
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aliuss · 7 days
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aliuss · 7 days
Lol I didn't go to my graduation
people say folks with adhd struggle with "delayed rewards" aka long term goals and as such we tend to focus more on short term rewards. what they don't talk about is that at when we Do accomplish long term goals we don't actually feel anything proportionate to the amount of work we did to achieve it. In my head I suffered for a while and then money spontaneously appeared in my bank account.
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aliuss · 7 days
Dracula and Jonathan’s Tango - from The Polish National Opera production of ‘Dracula’.
With Choreography by Krzysztof Pastor and Music by Wojciech Kilar.
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aliuss · 11 days
I'm about to start reading The Locked Tomb series... so here's what I know about it beforehand, since seeing a non-fan's idea of what something is about is always funny:
The main characters are Gideon, Harrow, and Nona. Are they all "the ninth"? The book titles seem to imply that. Ninth what?
They're necromancers
Also maybe nuns? There's some kind of religious aspect to it
God is a character. Or maybe he's a guy named John. I've heard "Jod", does this mean John-who-is-God or the ship of John/God?
They're in space, but this is not actually very important
I think it's Gideon and Nona who have a romantic relationship? But also they spend a significant amount of time apart
Is wearing skull face paint just a necromancer thing?
Side note: It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the woman(?) on the cover is wearing sunglasses and those aren't just the skull's eye sockets
There's something called a lector I think. Is that a necromancer-nun?
A writing blog I read years ago critiqued the magic system where one of the characters seems to sacrifice herself or something at the climax of one book.
The overall vibe seems to be dark comedy, chaotic but with grounds for some deep analysis about religion and such.
Let's see what I got right and what I was totally wrong about!
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aliuss · 11 days
I'm about to start reading The Locked Tomb series... so here's what I know about it beforehand, since seeing a non-fan's idea of what something is about is always funny:
The main characters are Gideon, Harrow, and Nona. Are they all "the ninth"? The book titles seem to imply that. Ninth what?
They're necromancers
Also maybe nuns? There's some kind of religious aspect to it
God is a character. Or maybe he's a guy named John. I've heard "Jod", does this mean John-who-is-God or the ship of John/God?
They're in space, but this is not actually very important
I think it's Gideon and Nona who have a romantic relationship? But also they spend a significant amount of time apart
Is wearing skull face paint just a necromancer thing?
Side note: It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the woman(?) on the cover is wearing sunglasses and those aren't just the skull's eye sockets
There's something called a lector I think. Is that a necromancer-nun?
A writing blog I read years ago critiqued the magic system where one of the characters seems to sacrifice herself or something at the climax of one book.
The overall vibe seems to be dark comedy, chaotic but with grounds for some deep analysis about religion and such.
Let's see what I got right and what I was totally wrong about!
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aliuss · 11 days
I'm about to start reading The Locked Tomb series... so here's what I know about it beforehand, since seeing a non-fan's idea of what something is about is always funny:
The main characters are Gideon, Harrow, and Nona. Are they all "the ninth"? The book titles seem to imply that. Ninth what?
They're necromancers
Also maybe nuns? There's some kind of religious aspect to it
God is a character. Or maybe he's a guy named John. I've heard "Jod", does this mean John-who-is-God or the ship of John/God?
They're in space, but this is not actually very important
I think it's Gideon and Nona who have a romantic relationship? But also they spend a significant amount of time apart
Is wearing skull face paint just a necromancer thing?
Side note: It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the woman(?) on the cover is wearing sunglasses and those aren't just the skull's eye sockets
There's something called a lector I think. Is that a necromancer-nun?
A writing blog I read years ago critiqued the magic system where one of the characters seems to sacrifice herself or something at the climax of one book.
The overall vibe seems to be dark comedy, chaotic but with grounds for some deep analysis about religion and such.
Let's see what I got right and what I was totally wrong about!
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aliuss · 14 days
Mods are asleep post trans ally eminem
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aliuss · 14 days
"No one wants to work anymore." Damn right brother. If I could sit in a beautiful field for 40 hours every week of my singular precious life I would
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aliuss · 14 days
hamasclemore i will put every song of yours on every last one of my playlists thank you for not being bitchmade when it mattered most
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aliuss · 16 days
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aliuss · 16 days
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aliuss · 20 days
Took me a while too
“Why did God create the appendix? So that surgeons don’t go hungry.”
— A surgeon
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aliuss · 22 days
You know, an interesting tumblr transformation that's happened gradually, and which I've seen no one talk about: ask-culture has essentially dropped off to nothing.
By which I mean, asks used to be WAY more of the tumblr economy. They used to be more common to send, and receive, and see. They were integral to the collaborative, forum-like behavior of old tumblr communities, not even to speak on the HUGE number of ask-blogs that used to exist to only be interacted with in ask-form.
I'm not saying this in a vying-for-attention way but instead in an observational way: I used to get way way more asks in like 2015, even with a fraction of my follower count. I wonder if it's due to the homogenization of social media sites? There's a lot more of this divide between "content creator" and "consumer" instead of just a bunch of peer blogs who would talk to each other. "Asks" aren't really a thing on twitter, are they? And as I understand it, the closest thing to an "ask" on instagram or tiktok would be a creator screenshotting some comment and responding to it in a new reel or video or whatever those content mediums are. Are asks just too tumblr-specific? Is that aspect of the site culture dying out as more and more people converge to using all their social media sites in the same way?
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aliuss · 23 days
top 5 theories for Alecto that definitely won't happen. bonus points for how unrealistic they are
ngl anon i have been just sitting on this because literally anything could happen in AtN...... Tamsyn Muir could be like actually, this is all an elaborate role play happening inside a Build A Bear and I would be like ok whatever you say boss. but here's an attempt
Gideon and/or Harrow goes Full Violent Revenge (on John). Just does not seem in line with the messages and themes of the book series, nor their characterization!!!
John is killed in general. Again, does not seem in line w the messages and themes and characterization. If John is dying it is bc he's lying down next to Alecto and they're going full In A Week by Hozier
Gideon and Harrow become the New Gods or otherwise become involved in Fixing The World after John. I don't think either of them would enjoy it, I think GIDEON would be particularly bad at it, I think they both deserve better. I also dislike this trope in general like the promotion to incompetence of it all. let them rest.
The ending of the book involves a new type of Lyctorhood with Gideon and Harrow. I just do NOT think that is where the story is going. every shade of lyctorhood, EVEN Paul, is portrayed as something violent and terrible and ruinous. there is no "Perfect Lyctorhood" bc that is an oxymoron, Lyctorhood is an inherently violent thing. No saving it etc
Ianthe dies. putting this in here bc i'm delusional
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