alexhullinger · 4 years
Primary #6 & Secondary #6
When the article by Mike Roger’s Rolling stone hit the public on March 25, 1976 there was a huge uproar. Now that the public eye knew who Henrietta was especially her races many were very upset, including the black panther party protesting. On page 197, it goes on by saying how Victor McKusick and Susan Hsu published their research results in science. However, they used names under the heading. Which, in odern day society it is illegal to publish a name in a article without getting permission from that person themself. On page 197, it states, “ Today, no scientist would dream of publishing a person’a name with any of their genetic information, because we know how much can be deduced from DNA, including the risks of developing certain diseases. Publishing personal information like this could violate the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and result in fines up to $250,000 and up to ten years in jail.” It may have seemed ok to publish someone’s personal information without them knowing back in the day, but in our modern day society it is not acceptable.
From coming across the HIPPA act in the book I was curious of what it protected a persons information from. The HIPPA act to sum up protects a patient’s health information from being exposed without a patients consent or knowledge. The article goes more in depth about what health information it protects, the security, and detailed rules about this act. Overall, it gives a lot of information on how and why it is not ok to give out a patients information without their consent. A real life example would be if you are at physical thearpy and you see someone who is injured and ask your therapist what happened to them, they say they can’t release that information because of the HIPPA act.
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alexhullinger · 4 years
Primary #5 & Secondary #5
Most of the Lacks family seems to have little to none, knowledge about Henrietta’s cells. Along with, doctors not sharing clear information, and the correct information with the family. While reading I came across a shocking part. On page 186, the Lacks family has to give blood. Yet, they think it’s to test to see if they have cancer, but that’s not what the real case is. It appears the family is confused on what the blood is being used for, and Deborah is very stressed about the blood being drawn, she thinks she might have cancer.. “ She didn’t know the blood was for a researcher in California who wanted some samples for his own HeLa research, and she didn’t know why McKusick’s assistant was calling her and not her brothers- she figured it was because the problem her mother had didn’t affect boys. She still thought she was being tested for cancer.” I am still very confused on, why the medical field in this book is trying to keep everything a secret from the family. Also, I am lost on how, and why the Lacks family is doing whatever the doctors say, without for sure knowing what they are getting into. It seems the Lacks family has been getting taken advantage of, and not knowing that they are. I think most of the family is scared that they are going to end up like their mother did, and that’s why they are doing whatever the doctors say.
This article explains that there should be no reason to be afraid of taking a medicine that you think could help you. Not everything is needed to be prescribed by your doctor, yet if you are concerned about taking something, then ask your doctor. However, many believe that you always have to do what your doctors say because the know everything that’s going on about you and in your body. That’s not always the case. Sometimes the doctor could be wrong about a diagnosis or the medicine you are on is not working. Everyone is different from inside and out. It’s important to use your best judgement to rely on just the doctor but it is important to really know what you are being diganosed. Like Deborah she just relys on what the doctor says no matter what. When, in most of the Lacks medical history, it appears the doctor is not always right. Though, they might not be fully educated from school, it is never hurts to ask more questions from your doctor or even conducting your own research.
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alexhullinger · 4 years
Primary #4 & Secondary #4
Throughout the book and as I learn more about the Lacks family, I started to realized that they have many health problems. For instance, in the book it stated on page 168, “ Day had prostate cancer and asbestos-filled lungs. Sonny had a bad heart, and Deborah had arthritis, osteoporosis, nerve deafness, anxiety, and depression.” Seeing that the Lacks family had all of these heath issues I wondered if the fees of the visits and medicine were getting covered. Yet, Lawrence went on on page 168 saying, “ If our mother so important to science, why can’t we get health insurance?” This really shocked me that they do get some fees waved off from Medicare, but it is very little. I agree with the Lacks family that everyone in that family should have health insurance free and have any medical bill covered. Henrietta Lacks did so much for advancement in medicine. Along with, she wasn’t aware that her cells would be taken from her. Overall, I think it is very fair to say that anyone in the Lacks family should get free health insurance.
After reading about heath care I wondered why doesn’t everyone get free health care in America. Health care is a very brouad topic and can be very confusing. It has many factors behind why all Americans don’t have health care, one factor is our taxes would be much higher. Yet, while reading this article it talked much about how in 1945 it was very difficult for African Americans to recirve free health care. Not being they didn’t qualify for it but because of their skin color. This made me think about the Lacks family. I had questions thinking if Henrietta was white would the family have free heath care today? Or would’ve Henrietta been brouadcasted more about how she was the one with the saving cells, but only if the had a different color skin? All in all, there are many what ifs, in this book about if this was different then would this happen. I this article does a good job of putting things into perspective on how health care is not decided on just one thing.
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alexhullinger · 4 years
Primary #3 & Secondary #3
I found this really interesting while reading on page 121 Skloot made a very important note about Henrietta. Skloot mentioned the dates of when Henrietta’s own mother died. (July 12, 1888- October 28, 1924) Skloot goes on by saying, “ Henrietta was barley four years old when she lost her mother.” To add on , Henrietta did not grow up with a very strong mother figure. Just like Henrietta’s daughter Deborah, she did not get the chance to grow up with her mother, who would teacher her many through life things. I think that because both Henrietta and Deborah had trouble coping with the passing of their mother, and that they never had the chance to feel loved from a mother. Yet , they did not have a mother for a while in the picture but comparing both of their lives they did not ever get the chance to have a strong and trustful relationship with a parent. Both Henrietta and Deborah are independent and kept to themselves.
When I was reading and I was thinking about how hard it would be for a young child to lose a parent I wanted to see the effects it left on a child. Through this article author Romeo Vitelli who has gotten their doctorate in Psychology from York University in Toronto, Ontario in 1987. He is now since 2003 went into private pratice being a psychology doctor. In his discoveries with patients it has appeared that children who lose parents young stuff from depression, always are anxious, not doing well in school/not motivated. This made me think of Henrietta and Deborah. Though Henrietta had a slight bit of an education it seemed she wasn’t ever motivated to get back into school and change her life around. On the other hand, with Deborah she seems to be anxious most of the time because of the loss of her mother, and the disgusting things that happened to Deborah without Deborah being able to speak up. This is why on edge because she never knows what is to happen next because of the experiences in the past. Overall, it is very upsetting to lose someone so young and try to grow up without that type of love and guidance.
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alexhullinger · 4 years
Primary #2 & Secondary #2
When someone makes a huge impact we celebrate them by doing something meaningful in their name or for them. While Rebecca Skloot was on her journey of anwsers about Henrietta Lacks, while Skloot was in Baltimore the town of where Henrietta was looked up to. Skloot met a lady named Courtney Speed who was an important lady in Turner station in Baltimore. Speed was known for founding the turner station heritage foundation, kingdom economic system, and Henrietta lacks legacy group. On page 73 Skloot gets to know more about Turner station and Courtney Speed. It appeared that Turner station was a place that looked up to Henrietta Lacks. Therefore this was said by Courtney Speed, “February first is Henrietta lacks a day here in Baltimore county, ”she said. This February first is going to be the big kick off event here at the library! We’re still trying to put a museum together, even though the Cofield situation did cause so many problems.” Though Henrietta passed away she still made such a huge impact on not just Speed but Turner station that they wanted to make a museum for Henrietta. Building this museum is a great way to cope with a passing and help people know the true Henrietta for herself and not just her cells.
After doing some research I came across this article talking about how Turner station honored Henrietta. About 150 people attended the ceremony to celebrate her. Along with the Henrietta Lacks Legacy group that was started by Courtney Speed. The day was a great day to celebrate Henrietta for the human she was kind and strong. That day she is know as Henrietta and not a cell name HeLa. Everyone in Baltimore looks forward to this day to celebrate her and remember her.
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alexhullinger · 4 years
Primary #1 & Secondary #1
It is very obvious in the book of The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks that Deborah, Henrietta’s daughter has had a very hard time accepting and trying to cope with her mother’s death. Especially trying to accept her mother has passed though her cells still live. On page 8 Deborah states, “ People got rich off my mother without us even knowin about them takin her cells, now we don’t get a dime. I used to get so mad about that to where it made me sick and I had to take pills. But I don’t got it in me no more to fight. I just want to know who my mother was.” I found this very heartbreaking because Deborah had to cope with her mother’s passing in frustration and anger. Reason being, is from Deborah’s perspective her mother cells were taken advantage of. It is very hard to find closer in ones you lost shen you barely knew them. Therefore, having people constantly talking to Deborah about her mother only made her more upset because she felt they don’t care who her mother was, they only cared about Henrietta’s cells.
As I read more into the book about how Deborah was bothered by who wanted her cells. The man who wanted her cells was George Gey. In this article it states that without permission George Gey took Henrietta’s cells. Gey kept her cells a secret and continued to keep the cells alive even after Henrietta’s passing. After about 25 years later after Henrietta’s passing her family was notified that in fact Henrietta’s cells were still alive, but Henrietta her self wasn’t. This article relates back to Deborah accepting her mother’s death. By finding out that a part of her mother was alive, yet not at the same time... it is very difficult to process in ones mind. I can’t image how her family felt knowing that her cells were still alive but Henrietta wasn’t. I think many only thought of Henrietta as a cell and not an once alive human being.
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alexhullinger · 5 years
I found this really intresting in how film can be art. Most would not consider film as a type of art, but it is! From the makeup that the actors wear, to the amazing props... it all ties in together on how film is in fact art!
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Timothée Chalamet as King Henry V aka Prince Hal “The King” (2019)
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alexhullinger · 5 years
This is so true! On how there is so much art in little areas that you may not realize. I think that having creative and unique designs truly does make an object standout. I also agree that turning regular things into something that is more interesting gives the uniqueness of what was once regular, and now it hides a hidden message behind the piece.
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Aman Kyoto, 1 Okitayama Washimine-Cho, Kita-ku , Japan,
Transformed by Kerry Hill Architects
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alexhullinger · 5 years
This is the game I love. Soccer is one of the truest forms of art. Many think that in soccer all you do is kick a ball. Yet, it is so complex and difficult, but if the sport is played right it is very beautiful. I have been playing soccer since I was five. From personal experience soccer is not something easy to pick up. Soccer is such an aggressive and intense game. Art is shown in soccer by skills that players possess throughout the game. The game is fast paced and anything can happen at anytime. From amazing passes to the winning goal, soccer is the most intriguing game. It may be questionable on how there is art in soccer. However, If you include the right mindset, team chemistry, and correct skills it makes soccer perfect. Having all of those characteristics are the ingredients you need to create a perfect piece. Therefore, the piece can flow, and the game will bd insane and engrossing to watch and or play in.
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alexhullinger · 5 years
Photography is amazing. It’s so interesting and intriguing on how there is so many ways to get a perfect picture. It is very agreeable that photography connects to art. During photography after taking a shot the object that was presented to be photographed is the star of the show. Therefore, to get a perfect picture you need the perfect object to get a shot of. I can relate to this, reason being is when I am trying to get a satisfying picture I want it to look the best. Which is why if I was to take a picture of the sunsetting over the ocean, I want the sunset to be in the perfect position. I would want the colors to be pretty and have a relaxing look. As well as, the waves to be curling over the water at the perfect moment to get that crisp picture. Photography is very challenging, but when it is done right everything flows together, and looks beautiful just like art!
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Ravageurs take photos. | Gordon Parks by Bruce Davidson
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alexhullinger · 5 years
I am blessed and fortunate to be able to travel to many places around the world with my family. From experience, I agree that traveling creates so many incredible memories. It is really important to get out of your regular comfort zone, and explore the world. There is so much that you are truly missing out on. The world has so many new things to offer that you want to experience once in your lifetime. Therefore, you need to get out and travel or go do something you have wanted to do. Life is too short to not be adventurous every once in a while. Go explore and experience new things!
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South Island (New Zealand) | rachstewartnz
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alexhullinger · 5 years
Today is Halloween ! Many do not realize but art is hidden all over on this day. From the creative costumes that people make, to carving cool designs in pumpkins art is shown almost everywhere, during this day. It probably doesn’t even cross your mind but, when you are trick-or-treating you get a variety colorful candies. These candies are sealed in colorful packaging and festive designs, because of the holiday. Just like art you need a color scheme, and you need to have a design so you can create a successful art piece. To add on, during Halloween most people like to make regular things festive on this day. Some examples is making food but adding a twist to it or making something plain into a Halloween character. For instance, making Ghots suckers. This is where you put a napkin over a sucker, and put a ribbon to tie the napkin to stay down. Then, you draw two eyes and a open mouth, on the napkin to resemble a ghost saying “boo!” Antother example, of turning something plain to fit the holiday season requirements is making mummy hot dogs! Which you wrap dough around a hot dog and bake it so when it comes out of the oven it looks like a “wrapped mummy.” There is so much more that I could add about how art is incorporated in Halloween. Yet, everything I stated is the most important things that incorporate art on Halloween. P.S. Happy Halloween!🎃
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alexhullinger · 5 years
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Hands down the best hot coca ever! Dessert Oasis Coffe Roasters is amazing. There are multiple locations one in Rochester, Royal Oak, and Detroit. I love going to Dessert Oasis because it’s not like a basic Starbucks it’s a whole different vibe. Meaning, the environment is completely different as well. The small cafe is so cute and comfy inside. As you walk in the door you smell fresh ground coffee. You look to your left and see a live band playing soothing music. Everyone is at ease, and you can tell they are enjoying themselves. Chairs, couches, and tables fill the room. On the old brick walls colorful and interesting art is posted onto the walls from local artists. When you place your order you are not handed a boring buzzer that you would get at a restaurant to tell you your order is ready, you get a playing card. As soon as your order is ready they bring out what you ordered and trade you playing card for what you what you are about to indugle in. Like in the picture above if you were to get hot coca you don’t get a wasteful cup, you get a mug like in the old days and get to use the mug until you leave. Also, on your drink you get a different design everytime, that is so creative and makes you feel fancy! Everything about this place is so different from the ordinary Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts. Dessert Oasis screams art, not only by the neat designs on your drink, but the tiny little things the cafe holds that makes it so unique!
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alexhullinger · 5 years
You listen to music when you are happy, sad, and or upset. Music is way to cope with your emotions. Sometimes you need music to clear your mind or even help calm yourself down. The lyrics impact you, on what emotion you are feeling at that moment. Music influences us through the rhythm, and meaning behind the lyrics. Art and music are very similar they both share emotions, and have a meaning behind the piece. Shawn Mendes, he is a growing artist. He has many hits that most people know. Yet he has other songs that have a deep meaning beneath the lyrics. Through his music he expresses his emotions that most people in our society can relate to. For instance most of his songs are about heartbreak or young love. Therefore, it is easy to write about what is going on in his life and his personal experience because most of his audience goes through similar situations. Shawn Mendes is known for impacting teens in a positive way through his music. He is a good role model to look up to, and can give teens a sense of hope in a situation they might be in. Back in May of 2017 there was a terriost attack at the Manchester area during the performance of Ariana Grande. It left about 23 dead and at least 139 injured. After this, a couple weeks after, the London bridge was attacked as well. Mendes was devistated by all of the attacks, and decided to make an impact on the world creating the song “Youth”. He collaborated with Khalid a modern artist who also creates meaningful songs. The song “Youth” sends a message saying though there is sicking people in this world, and they do terrible things... the hate will never win. This is important because, you don’t realize how much music influences not only you, or teens, but eveyone one around the world. Just like art it can be small and simple, or large and complex but can be impactful.
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alexhullinger · 5 years
Fashion is how we express our own self and emotions. Reason being, is eveyone expresses themselves through what they wear. Everyone has their own unique style. Some may like to stand out more by what they wear, when others like to be more conservative. Most of the time you are judged on what we wear. People tend to treat others differently depending on what that person may be wearing. Most of the time the you may choose may reflect on you and your personality. Through fashion you can express your emotions. For instance if you feel tired or lazy you dress in a comfy, like a sweatshirt or sweatpants. Or an another example, is if you have a professional job interview you dress nice, and formal to give a good first impression. Your style can influence others to make a fast judgement about you, and your style gives an impression of what kind of a person you may be. However, the way you dress or sense of style you may like doesn’t always define you. Like art, the piece may look a certain way, but deep beneath the art picece, the artist was trying to express something different. Judgement can be deceiving based off of looks. Just as art you may think it’s one thing but, it’s something different that you may have not been expecting. Fashion is way to create yourself into a living art piece. This is why art ties in with fashion because of the inspiration that art gives off that we are able to express. Therefore, we can express what we see and feel into real life because of how fashion influences us.
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Libertine, Spring/Summer 2020
📷: Rachel Scroggins
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alexhullinger · 5 years
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Golf is art. You may think golf, is art? How? Think about it, art and golf both resemble each other. When you start a art piece you have a outline, of what you are going to do. The same applies to golf, you have a outline of the course and hole. Next, to start an art piece you need a certain tool, if you were to paint or create something. Along with golf, to start you need the right club to use to start off the hole. Following in art when you are done with one tool, you need another tool to use. So it is easier to get close to finishing the art piece. Which in golf to continue with the hole, you need a different club to use for the next shot. Also, while creating the art piece pressure, and speed is important, on what you are trying to create. This is why golf ties in with art because of, pressure and speed. When taking a swing you need to know how fast, and hard you are going to hit the ball. Therefore, you can know if you need to hit it harder, or softer so the ball can get to the hole. As in art having harder or softer strokes improves the art piece. To add, on when you are about to finish the piece you are finishing the touches carefully, so you don’t mess up the piece. When in golf, on the green you have to be very careful with where you are going to hit the ball. So if you mess up you don’t get strokes added to the hole. Lastly, when you finally finish the art piece it is completed and done. When you get the ball in the hole it is picked up, and out of the hole and you are done. All in all, when you are done with the piece, and done with the hole you reflect back on what you did. You see the mistakes that were made, the really good parts of what took place, and how you did overall. Golf and art are both different in their own ways, but in the end golf and art are very similar. This is why golf is indeed art.
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alexhullinger · 5 years
Venice, Italy. Pictures don’t do justice on how beautiful this city is and it’s history. This past summer I had a trip of a life time to Europe. One of the countries we visited was Italy, and one main city we went to was Venice. When I walked out of the airport right into the city my jaw dropped. I was shocked at how beautiful Veince was, and how it was just like the movies, but I was really in Venice. I couldn’t believe that all of the canals, gondolas, and how the buildings were on water were all right in front of me. I was taken away by the amazing architecture that the buildings had, and how deatailed they were. During our stay in Venice, we took a gondola ride in a canal. When I was in the gondola, and looking at all of the buildings it was absolutely crazy to see the history of this city, by traveling through the water. I couldn’t believe how old the buildings were, and how much was kept the same from centuries ago. The city Venice it’s self is it’s own art but so is the St. Mark’s Basilica. When we went into the town square, right in the middle back of the town square was the beautiful catherdral St.Mark's Basilica. The details on the outside of the catherdral words can’t describe. The richness of color it showed, along with, the details it presented, from the top of catherdral all the way to the bottom. The catherdral was completed in 1092. Therefore, the catherdral has been there for quite a while, and is a big piece of art. The catherdral has meaning not only to people of Venice but people around the world. All in all, Venice is an amazing city and had so much art within it. The buildings are so interesting, and so breathtaking of exquisite architecture. I see why people are so drawn into the city because of the vibe you feel being in the city, being surrounded by amazing history and beautiful architectural buildings. 
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Venice, Italy | 26.09.19
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