alexan-2031 · 4 hours
sorry for being a hater i want to be a lover but everything pisses me off
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alexan-2031 · 8 hours
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Doctor Who Rogue
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alexan-2031 · 10 hours
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Doctor Who Rogue
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alexan-2031 · 11 hours
My favorite part of doctor who ever is when the doctor does their whole “I refuse to kill this villain/monster because of merciful moral reasons” bit and then immediately follows it with “so instead I will trap them alone in a barren hell dimension for all eternity”. It’s like that’s worse, though. do you get why that’s worse.
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alexan-2031 · 22 hours
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1.02 | 1.06
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alexan-2031 · 1 day
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alexan-2031 · 4 days
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Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. - William Russell 1924 - 2024
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alexan-2031 · 5 days
thinking about it again. 73 yards did NOTHING for me. it's such a nothing episode. you keeping thinking something interesting MIGHT happen and then it never does. there's no payoff but not even in an interesting or satisfying way where that's the point. it has no impact on ruby because it's an erased timeline. it doesn't have any impact on the doctor because he vanishes first thing.
do we learn anything about ruby? no, not really. she doesn't really do anything. she just becomes sort of listless and accepting of her new life, which is probably what most people would do in her position. and then she decides she's there to take down roger ap gwilliam. and then she does. and then the episode just fucking ends. and there aren't really any answers to anything.
that part where kate said the doctor is gone was so ridiculous too. girl no he's not. he lives in donna's house. just go and check. knock on his door. like are we supposed to believe 13.5 and all the other versions of the doctor disappeared too or that he's an asshole and prioritizing his vacation over everything else?
and like, ruby took down roger ap gwilliam and also got like revenge or whatever for that other intern girl who he assaulted but like... that entire timeline was erased. it never happened. and what are we supposed to do with that? in the regular timeline roger ap gwilliam still does nuclear war because ruby isn't there to stop him with her creepy eldritch horror self. yay?
and like. rtd has been hyping this up as the best thing he's ever written? it's quite literally not even fucking close. it's not even close to the best doctor who episode he's ever written, let alone everything else.
but we're promised a welsh folk horror and/or a political drama because of the premise and it literally doesn't deliver on either of them. it abandons the horror premise partway through and it never even gets started on the political drama aspects of the story. it could have just been a character study but this is easily the most boring and flat episode for ruby so far.
and like also i'm sooooooo fucking sorry but everyone talking this episode up for how deep and complex it is and sucking rtd's dick about it is fucking ridiculous. if moffat wrote this episode yall would have rightly called him out for it being all setup and no payoff. but when russell does it its fine? russell is allowed to do all setup and absolutely 0 fucking payoff?? because he's rtd? i swear to god if this episode was written by ANYONE ELSE yall would have torn it to shreds but if nothing happens in an rtd episode it's ok? give me a break
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alexan-2031 · 6 days
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“When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal? For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!”
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alexan-2031 · 8 days
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Who is she?
Susan Twist in Wild Blue Yonder as Mrs Merridew The Church on Ruby Road as Woman at Concert Space Babies as Gina Scalzi The Devil's Chord as Tea Lady Boom as Ambulance 73 Yards as Hiker Dot And Bubble as Penny Pepper-Bean
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alexan-2031 · 8 days
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The trio they would've been.
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alexan-2031 · 8 days
the world wasn't ready for ricky september, no the world didn't deserve ricky september. they knew he'd be too powerful they had to kill him off
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alexan-2031 · 8 days
Here's an incomplete list of the things that haven't been explained from this episode btw (spoilers!):
🔹if it was the Artificial Intelligence that was killing people, how did it create real actual monsters?
🔹why would it bother creating the monsters if it could just use the dots to break people's skulls?
🔹what happened to their home world? I mean, I guess it was the monsters too but... Did people out there live in bubbles as well? If not then why didn't they fight the monsters?
🔹if people in their home world lived in bubbles too how did they... Y'know... Make babies? Raise their kids until they're old enough to use bubbles too? A town where everyone wears the bubbles works as a concept but an entire planet? Idk it's weird. Such planet would've existed for like a year because everyone would've only been interested in being online
🔹and why would the parents send their kids to this town if they can just lead the same kind of lives on their home planet?
🔹why was Ricky the only normal person in there? Managing to stay the only normal person from an entire population... Idk
🔹how did the Doctor and Ruby find out about the monsters problem? Why couldn't they get inside the town if the TARDIS can materialize anywhere? The TARDIS doesn't need to physically move, it disappears and appears
It all feels like a half-baked pie
OK, so overall the new episode is fine. Not great, not horrible, just fine. The concept is really interesting but I don't think it was used properly.
But... Am I the only one who thinks RTD isn't good at writing endings for his episodes? It's like he gets tired by the end of a script so he just writes whatever. As a result, we don't get a satisfying conclusion to the story.
And what's with never explaining anything? He didn't really explain the creatures or some other stuff from this story. Just like he never explained a lot of things from previous episodes. I mean... As a writer, you can get away with one mysterious story, sure. But you should explain your stories, develop them properly, and it's so frustrating that he just starts an episode quite strong and then makes it mediocre
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alexan-2031 · 8 days
OK, so overall the new episode is fine. Not great, not horrible, just fine. The concept is really interesting but I don't think it was used properly.
But... Am I the only one who thinks RTD isn't good at writing endings for his episodes? It's like he gets tired by the end of a script so he just writes whatever. As a result, we don't get a satisfying conclusion to the story.
And what's with never explaining anything? He didn't really explain the creatures or some other stuff from this story. Just like he never explained a lot of things from previous episodes. I mean... As a writer, you can get away with one mysterious story, sure. But you should explain your stories, develop them properly, and it's so frustrating that he just starts an episode quite strong and then makes it mediocre
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alexan-2031 · 15 days
Kate: the Doctor's not here anymore
Me: Nah, I'm pretty sure there's a spare Tennant!Doctor living with Donna. He's got a TARDIS too. He might've been able to help if only RTD remembered his own plots
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alexan-2031 · 15 days
so she...stopped nuclear war and then stopped herself from stopping nuclear war?
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alexan-2031 · 15 days
Seriously, here's what doesn't make sense:
If the old woman really was Ruby all along, then there are some questions:
1) why did she ruin her own life?
2) how did she do it?
3) why did she save herself in the end instead of doing it all over again?
Oh, and the storyline with the Prime Minister was a waste of time apparently because now that the whole thing didn't happen Ruby won't stop him anyway.
Major spoilers for the new ep:
Well, this episode had the potential to be great. The first half was really good. And then... You know, I don't really like it when things aren't explained at all, and the only explanation we get is 'well, that's because of magic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ '
1) where was the Doctor the entire time?
2) if that old lady was Ruby, why did she follow herself? Why wasn't she reflected in photos? Why did she scare everyone away from Ruby? (And what exactly did she say to make them run away?)
3) it made no sense for the Prime Minister to resign. Talking to the old woman made people run away FROM RUBY, not quit their jobs
4) let's suppose old!Ruby followed herself to change things. We know from the episode that it was she who caused all the bad things happen to Ruby. How exactly did she manage to undo it all in the end instead of just repeating the circle? By all logic it should've happened again. And again. And again.
5) oh, and it would've been nice to know how she travelled to the past and got this mystical connection to the young Ruby
No, I don't like the explanation 'well, magic can cause all sorts of weird stuff, so who cares'. Not in Doctor Who.
Hell, I'd even prefer the explanation 'it was all just a nightmare Ruby had' to this
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