albumsbyweeks · 7 years
Second Listen
Format - Apple Music streaming Output device - Car stereo Setting - Driving
Things Noticed
From the sound of Bowie's voice, he could be 65 years old on his first album.
The production is remarkably crisp, though the version on Apple Music does have some wonky '60s stereo mixing from when stereo recordings were novelties for audiophiles.
The acoustic guitar riff on "Come and Buy My Toys" reminds us of "Don't Tell Me" by Madonna. We are fans of both songs.
Is there an underlying theme of commerce/buying and selling? Ref: "Come and Buy My Toys", "Sell Me a Coat"? We will be listening for this on future spins.
0 notes
albumsbyweeks · 7 years
First Listen
Format - Apple Music streaming Output device - Apple AirPods Setting - Office interior/exterior
First impressions Surprising, but perhaps not entirely unexpected. A very British, somewhat pastoral, kinda crooner-esque record. Sounds very of its time to us, though we are not an expert on late '60s pop music. Now we know where Matt Berry is coming from (we are big fans of Matt Berry's musical works). Pretty excited to give this more spins.
Stand-out tracks "Come and Buy My Toys" - love the guitar line "Join the Gang" - cynical fun, kinda shatters the pastoral vibe "She's Got Medals" - just what
0 notes
albumsbyweeks · 7 years
The First Week, the First Artist, the First Album!
With groundwork laid, let us embark! We begin this journey with an artist we are at once well aware of but in whom we are nowhere near well versed, to wit: David Bowie. In accordance with our compact, we will be working through the 37 releases credited to David Bowie and categorized as albums on AllMusic, in chronological fashion from earliest to latest. Thus we begin Week #1, Artist #1, Album #1 with 1967′s David Bowie.
0 notes
albumsbyweeks · 7 years
Disclaimer/Letter of Intent
We played clarinet for two years in elementary school. We took choir for 6 semesters in high school. We know the requisite power and open guitar chords to play Smoke on the Water. We have diverse taste in the music to which I listen. These are all the claims we make to music aficionado status. It is highly likely we will say dumb/uninformed/ridiculous things in the course of this blog.
This blog is intended to be useful to no one but us.
This blog is an attempt to kill two birds with one stone.
Bird the first: Write more.
Bird the second: Listen to more music.
To the extent this blog is interesting to others, we welcome feedback and discussion. We make no claims as to the accuracy or efficacy of the text contained within. Consult your physician/attorney/spiritual advisor before beginning any blog consumption program.
Letter of Intent
Our initial plan is to select a recording artist in whom we are interested - indeed, perhaps familiar - but whose catalog we wish to more fully explore. Each week we will listen to an album in their catalog, moving chronologically from earliest to latest, according to AllMusic (albums only, excluding compilations, singles & EPs, et cetera).
We will endeavor to listen to the album each day, ideally in whole but at a minimum in part. We will further endeavor to write something regarding our experience of listening to the album each day. This may be a quick note or a lengthy dissertation. Toward the end of the week we will write some sort of closing statement on the album and preview the next week’s selection.
As it happens - and purely by accident - we are writing this launch statement on a Tuesday, which seems appropriate as Tuesday was historically Record Release Day in the United States (which we are just now learning was changed to align with the rest of the world on the new New Music Friday as of July 10, 2015 - we’re already learning so much!). Thus the blog will roll over from one album to the next on Tuesdays.
We will continue in rampant and unabashed nosism so far as it amuses us, despite being neither afflicted by parasitic worms, nor burdened with rodential pocket-dwellers.
Any or all of these declarations are subject to change at the author’s whim, though efforts will be made to communicate changes in a timely fashion.
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