alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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kai: ok someone has to fess up
kai: i left a container in the kitchen downstairs for after my run n guess what, the container isn't even here anymore IT'S GONE SOMEONE STOLE IT
kai: there was very valuable leftovers in there u know this is not appreciated
ric: that was your container?
ric: well im the snack police and im not sure if youre aware, sir but leaving your leftovers unattended in a high risk area (the kitchen) is a crime
ric: just because they're leftovers doesn't mean they deserve to be left !!
ric: but don't worry...i put them in the evidence locker for safe keeping (my stomach)
ric, two minutes later: (pls don't kill me im too pretty to die)
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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“ i would say you doing that is a shock, but then i’d be lying. i gotta ask, though; what on earth possessed you to do that? also, is there snapchat video ‘cause i kinda want to see that. ”
“you know me too well, elle,” he winked, a little too proud of his rhyme. “nothing possessed me besides the spirit of having a wicked good time.” he shrugged. “i came, i saw, i smoked. . . and it's probably on someone’s snap, try marco’s — could have been yours if you answered your phone and came with me!”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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“ oh, ric, you really know how to get a laugh outta me at your own expense. ”
“you know how it goes, baby — if anyone's gonna drag me, it's gonna be me.”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
her nose delicately wrinkled,  though whether in amusement or DISGUST was anyone’s guess.  ❛   slightly DIFFERENT situations,  but points for creativity.  i can’t actually picture how that would work  ;  did you have much success  ? ❜
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ric smiled in a far off glassy-eyed way, always happy to oblige. “ — i’ll be frank with you annie: i’m preeeetty out of it. now whether that's from the dope or the candle wax i accidentally inhaled out of the third and fifth candleholder i don't know, but if it's the latter then let me tell you: that menorah was dank as f u c k.” 
“ — why? you want a hit?”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
yo sorry team i know i haven’t been on today but i swear to god i will be on tomorrow this weird theme discourse literally consuming my dashboard has taken all the energy out of me but once again !! i will be back to ruin the quality of this rp w my incompetency and illiteracy tomorrow xoxoxo
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
5:35 pm. where the hell was she? she was five minutes LATE.
god, he hated that. he hated that he knew that she was five minutes late ( well, five minutes and twenty-seven seconds, not that he was counting... ), he hated that it mattered. he hated that he’d changed out of three different shirts already and even more pairs of pants before he got here and he hated how long he’d spent in the bathroom mirror nervously running his hands through his hair or frantically checking his phone like some pathetic teenage girl.
his watch flashed again: if only to mock him. 5:36 pm. six minutes late and still no josefina. he paled visibly. what if she wasn't coming? what if she had forgotten? or what if she hadn't forgotten and just didn't care? suddenly fraught with panic, ric was about ready to hit call when a familiar figure appeared in the doorway. at the sight, his heart skidded to a momentary stop in that unforgiving bermuda triangle he called a chest, but he couldn't let her win or his walls crumble down, so he acted like it was nothing . . .
— like she was n o t h i n g.
"damn slowsefina, i said be here in ten minutes, not ten y e a r s !" he exaggerated, crossing his arms over his chest. "i'm a very wanted man these days, bragado. i didn't think you were coming, so i told anya to oil up and meet me upstairs tonight instead of tomorrow. ugh, great, now i have to /cancel/ . . .” ric sighed like this was some great inconvenience and lifted up his phone for emphasis, pretending to type something incredibly urgent.
“see what you make me do?"
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
“ i’m wildly impressed by your innovation under the given circumstances, honestly. you might be ‘ruining hanukkah,’ but at least they have to give you props where props are due. think this might be a forgive and forget situation, or are your ancestors going to haunt you for years to come? “
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ric clutched his heart melodramatically. “all i’ve ever wanted was for you to be proud of me, dad.” he wiped away a few fake tears for emphasis. “ — but right? what’s a guy got to do to get a little respect and recognition around here?! the grinch ruined christmas and that motherfucker got a book, a movie, a song, millions of dollars and and i can’t even get some measley props? unbelievable.” rubbing the back of his neck, he sighed looking at ali solemnly. “i’m hoping it’s your run-of-the-mill forgive and forget sitch, but if my ancestors start haunting me, of course i’d do what any rational person in my situation would do: cut my hair, don my father’s armor and join the chinese army to restore honor to my family.”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
“okay, but real talk. smoking out of a menorah ? a necessary life skill. “
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“that's what im saying! i don't need calculus everyday, but i do need to get high everyday, so why waste valuable tax payer dollars on a bunch of classes we don't fucking need?”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
“i, uh …. well - i’m …. pretty sure those two scenarios are a little different?”
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“kai, my guy, as much as i appreciate your intellectual insight, i beg to differ.” ric began, employing his long practiced skill of persuasion. “if they were turning up and i was also turning up were we not doing the exact s a m e thing?” chewing on his lip, the blonde paused briefly to consider the other boy’s argument. “…plus even if they were different, do we not live in a world that prides itself on accepting differences? is that not why were being filmed 25/8? to show that yes, we’re all from different places but we can all manage to coexist? 
— and in that case it would be p r e t t y shitty to berate someone for doing something ‘a little differently’ like the hannaukah haters did, would it not?”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
“ — i see how it is. people turn up tonight and it's ‘festive’ and everyone l o v e s it but i smoke out of a menorah once & it's ‘disrespectful’ and ‘ruining hanukkah alaric’.”
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
hi guys !!! oOh my gosh hello im absolute garbage at intro posts but oh man heyo im crissy ! tbh im basically the worst and i write too much and spell everything wrong but i love all of you already and i can’t wait to rp with u all im literally like ??? im not breathing right rn and maybe its half bc im sick but def half bc im grossly excited 2 be here aHHh !!
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buuuuut enough about me! this is alaric, aka schmiddy aka #sluttyschmiddy420, gem of germany according to the public but honestly…..my son…who i plucked…right out of the garbage…loser mctrashface but he’s really pretty so i forgive him a little? anyways! baby boy grew up in a pretty lonely loveless enviro so doesn’t really know what “Love” is but update he is always good for a fuck so ;)))) hey ladies and gents (don’t do it don’t stroke his ego or anything else for that matter smH i hate u ric stop being a troll)
if u want to plot feel free to hit me up on the ims or on aim @probablycrissy id love to chat or plot or anything u want!! ok im rambling so im gonna peace and lie down bc im still Shook from how lit and wonderful u all are pls everyone wife me thank xx
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
my gf is german and she just forgot the word for slug so she asked me “how do you call snails without homes” 
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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the carrie diaries: sebastian kydd
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
I say, you do have a heart!’ ‘Sometimes,’ he replied. ‘When I have the time.’
Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty Days (via palmerwrites)
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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alarvcs-blog · 7 years
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Austin Butler & Tyler Posey by Henry Garfunkel
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