akuworld777 · 8 hours
More reasons why Zuko being the Firelord is objectively the funniest thing on earth:
He hasn’t been civilised in 4 years, his entire teenage experience consists of living on a boat and sleeping rough. The most stable bed he has was probably in Ba Sing Se he probably will just nap anywhere.
He has customer service experience which means he probably uses his customer service voice on his minsters.
Additionally he probably just wanders into to kitchen to get his own snacks and tea because he forgets what servants do.
He probably has no idea why he can’t just chase after an assassin he used to hunt the avatar for Agnis sake why is the captain of the guard demanding he stay in his room he’ll find the guy first (he’s probably right)
Katara probably has a free pass on Eco terrorism because what’s he going to do challenge her, she’ll beat his ass.
If he saw a minster doing something shady he will either invite lady Beifong to detect their BS or commit B&E and look for evidence himself.
He somehow found a baby dragon and raises it.
He will be far to willing to give Kyoshi island anything they want cause he feels bad and Suki scares him.
He randomly insisted on giving some earth kingdom village 100 ostrich horses.
The Avatar will just show up call him Hotman and demand the go on adventures and the Firelord will just dip because he’s been confined to long and has the Zoomies.
He takes far to much advice from Sokka and will genuinely believe if someone doesn’t get Sokkas plans they must be an idiot because Sokka is 16.
Sokka and Zuko also get into a lot of teenage rebellion phases by accident.
Toph just walks in breaks a wall of his palace and demands a field trip that always involves the Firelord having to explain himself to the cops.
He somehow knows every dangerous teen in the world and they all come for tea uninvited.
He has broken into both the NWT and Ba Sing Se.
He has a really well documented facial scar and official portraits but still disappears to be Lee the tea guy like no one knows.
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Bat dad meet Ghost dad
Several years earlier....
"JAAAAAAZZZZZZZZ!" Danny flew excited through the Ghost Zone with a little kid in his arms rushing past some of his former rogues as he made a B-Line for his sister that happened to be in the Zone too, currently in a deep conversation with Frostbite about something Danny hadn't cared to pay attention to long enough. But right now he had exciting news he really wanted to share with his sister. Even now as adults Danny tented to live out his childishness whenever he could especially when he and his family went into the Ghost Zone.
The Halfa came to a screeching halt as he grined brightly at his sister who looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, slightly amused at her younger brothers giddiness. "What is it Danny?"
"I got a son now!" Danny declared happily holding up a young ghost teen by the armpits into his sisters face.
The 'son' in Danny's hands stared at Jazz blinking owlishly as if the teen boy still needed a moment to catch up with what was going on and Jazz blinked back at the ghost and then at Danny. That was not a child but a teen ghost. Going by the size the kid was probably around 14 or 15 and he looked very much traumatised and Jazz could not tell if that was because of Danny or because of how the teen possible died.
"Danny what did you-" Her brother did not let her finish her question as he started rambling excitedly.
"He is a baby ghost Jazz! Look how young he is! I found him floating around aimlessly, his hunt hasn't even fully formed yet and when i picked him up there was that instant connection! You know the same-"
"I have with Clockwork and Pandora! I instantly knew he was mine! Mine to protect! Mine to guide! When I saw him I swear I just knew, I ghost adopted him the moment I made contact! He is family Jazz-"
"I just know he belongs with us! Look at him and tell me he doesn't have Fenton charms! I am sure Dan and Dani will love him too! He is such a cute little ghost! There is so much I can teach him! I will be the best dad ever to this wonderful little baby ghost! And-"
"Daniel William James Fenton!"
Danny bite his tongue instantly silenced when Jazz pulled out the full name call. Both him and the teen in his arms stared at her a bit shell shocked and in that moment Jazz couldn't help but hide a small amused smile at how similar Danny and the teen in his arms looked when they stared at her.
"Did you explain any of this to him?" She indicated to the teen, who's name she by the way still didn't know. Danny at least had the curtesy to look a little ashamed as Jazz pointed that out and let go of the teen so they could float on their own. She sighed with a fond smile before looking at the teen that looked a bit unsure between her and Danny now.
"What's your name?" She asked them with a friendly and encouraging smile.
Current time...
Jason was in a little bit of a predicament. Originally he really thought he never would end up in this kind of situation espacially since he didn't think he would patch up things with Bruce any time soon. But we'll here he was...
Life liked proofing him wrong.
Like with he fact that Jason could use a ghost wail in dire situation. And that something like that would naturally call his ghost dad onto the scene since he collapsed after it.
And like with how he woke up in the bat caves med bay with both Danny and Bruce standing over him and glaring at each other. Or at least he thought they were glaring at each other that looked like a pretty annoyed stare in his eyes from Danny and Bruce's jaw was really tense from what was visible and not covered by his cowl.
So all Jason could do was endure at the moment. Aaaaand refuse to make eye contact with any of his present siblings. Mainly Dick because he wasn't sure how to interpret the others' smiles. For a moment Jason wondered if he could hide out in his ghost-dad's castle in the Ghost Zone for a while until whatever storm was brewing with Bruce was over.
There was also a moment in which Jason wondered if there could have been anything done to avoid this... confrontation(?). Before feeling the need to face palm because his Aunt that sort of has been giving him free therapy told him repeatedly that communication was key. He never regretted not listening to her more than he was right now.
To be fair. Communication with Bruce espacially hadn't been his strong suit for a while now before and after his death.
"So you are his Bat-Dad?" Jason did not like the way Danny, his ghost dad was using the word 'dad' right now. Oh good was he trying to challenge Bruce?
"And you are his Ghost-Dad?" Bruce grunted, oh now Jason was sure Bruce was giving Danny a glare, and Danny was getting that protective look in his eyes Jason was all to familiar with from his time as a dead baby ghost.
He groaned loudly sinking lower onto the medbed. Why did these things always have to happen to him? At least he was lucky that his Ghost Aunt and Uncle didn't show up too.
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Single dad Danny (to deaged Ellie and Dan) meets his neighbor Selina Kyle after one of her cats get into their apartment and he finds his kids playing with it.
Cue meet cute where Selina at first is just flirting like always but Danny charms her (aka being a bit dense but somehow adorkable, its charming)
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Mooom stop, You're Embarassing Meee
The Justice League and Young Justice were too late, the summoning had been completed and whatever creature the cult had chosen to wreck havoc on earth was coming out of an ominous green portal.
The head popped out. It looked as if a piece of space was trying to imitate a human head but the constant movement made it appear as if it was burning and flowing underwater at the same time. A halo made up of floating pieces of ice gathered behind its head, glowing and rearranging itself to look like a wheel with never ending details. To top it all of a crown the deepest black anyone has seen sat ontop of it's head, embedded with five beautiful blue jewels. However, the longer anyone stared at them the more the jewels started to look like eyes.
The head turned towards the cult members, freezing them in a blink of an eye, the attack too fast for them to comprehend. It then set its sights on them, scanning the heroes before a giant hand?...Claw?... Some weird mixture of both reached out towards them with insane speed.
Someone shouted but it was too late, the creature already had him in its grasp and bring him up to its face and–...actually, it doesn't seem to be harming him at all, much to everyone's confusion. Furthermore it is as if it was...lovingly nuzzling him?
Superboy looked red in the face and rather embarassed?
"Mommm, stop, you're embarassing me infront of my team."
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
"Right—" He fiddles with his sweater. "Sorry about the- uh, time travel and stuff."
Batman was so confused.
"My Gramps, he kind oversees those? He found out you were my favourite to watch, gave you more adventures because of me."
Batman huffs, turning in the chair to view the child fully. "You know I'm batman,"
"And Bruce Wayne, yeah."
"Do you have a name too?" He's slowly switching over to Bruce, watching the child.
"Danny, uh- sir."
His name was Danny, he appeared out of nowhere as he was on the bat computer and apologised for something.
Now wasn't that a reason to apologise if all things.
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Dc x Dp Prompt #21: Petition to the King
I haven’t done one of these in a while so here we go:
AU where Thomas and Martha Wayne live in the Ghost Zone version of Gotham and have been collecting signatures from the other ghosts there for a few years now. Since the Ghost Prince Phantom has finally come of age and is now able to hold court/assemblies they approach him with their official petition and beseech him: Please allow them avenge their grandson and countless other souls, who’ve signed agreeing to the petition, to haunt and torment the Joker for the rest of his living days. May he never find peace even in sleep, even in death.
Danny being the gracious prince he is agrees. Even going as far as to take the names of literally everyone on the list and create a haunting rotation, for who gets to torment the Joker on which days, with Thomas and Martha having first dibs.
The grandson in question is a revenant and thus also eligible to be put on the haunting rotation so Danny decides to reach out and go to Gotham himself and ask if he wants to haunt the Joker with his grandparents. Thomas and Martha tag along bc they wanna visit their grand-babies, their son, and their partner who raised him.
Jason isn’t sure what to make of his doting ghostly grandparents, the beautiful interdimensional king, or the apparent laundry list of people ready to mess with the Joker’s mind, but hey! If he can’t kill the Joker, eternal torment isn’t a bad deal to swing!
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Okay so another dpxdc, Danny is Bruce’s younger cousin. Through Maddie, on his mother’s side. He’s about 5 years younger than Bruce, so Bruce had just left on his training montage journey when Danny went in the portal. Technically, Phantom ends up being on of the first vigilantes on the scene.
Years later, Danny, ID untold to everyone but his team, Jazz, and Valerie, figures he should reconnect with family, since he went awol for a while doing ghost duty stuff.
He quite literally drops in at Bruce’s house, and wow yeah now he remembers why Vlad’s flaunting paired with his horrible taste in everything always had him unimpressed, besides the obvious of course. And Bruce has adopted a kid. Huh. Feisty little guy.
Danny does try to keep in more contact after that, but still ends up dropping in sporadically throughout the years.
Featuring: At one point after Jason gets back from the League, Danny just straight up grabs him and dips. He never actually met Jason when he was living with Bruce, so he doesn’t even realize that a) this is his, they’re going with the term nephew. And b) that Bruce is now looking for his un-dead estrangled son. Danny is going to get this strangely not-dead child some medical attention.
With treatment and explanations actually going strangely smoothly, and Jason set up for actually scheduled doctor appointments, Danny takes him back to the mortal world and offers to take him all the way home. Jason accepts, and Danny is faced with the realization that he kidnapped his nephew when he watches invisibly as Jason walks up to his cousin’s house and immediately gets tackled by a sobbing Dick and Bruce’s newest kid Tim.
Later on in the plot, Bruce does end up going through time and Tim gets estrangled from the family and goes searching for him. He’s midway through his plan when his Uncle Danny shows up by literally picking him up by his jacket, and they both end up staring at each other directly outside of the League of Assassins’ base, Tim breaking out and Danny breaking in.
Technically, Tim is the first one to find out who Danny is. Jason knows that he’s half-ghost and all that, but Tim is the one that gets to go collect the Infini-Map from the yetis and go on a jaunt through time and space to find Bruce, so he’s the only one so far that puts together that Danny is a strangely big deal in the infinite realms.
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Danny Fenton really likes his boyfriend, okay.
Him and Damian have been going out for three months already, and he hasn't tried to kill him, doesn't favor Danny over Phantom or vice versa and has helped him with his school work and now Danny's a confident B minus student!
Things are going great!
Which is why he's suprised when he wakes up and finds himself in a cave. Specifically, the Batcave.
Danny respects Damian and his family and their privacy, which is why he hasn't gone down in their basement unless Damian has stated he wants Danny down there. After all, Danny hasn't let Damian down in his basement, solely because he didn't want to freak him out with his parents portal.
They both know their respective families are strange in their own ways, and Damian has admitted he likes not having his family butt into his business. Danny can agree, which is why realizing he's in Damians basement is weird.
Danny has experience with getting kidnapped, so he doesn't panic, obviously. He looks around in amazement of all the stuff in Damians basement, especially the giant penny and Dinosaur.
He also realizes he's not alone, he can't physically see Damians siblings and dad, but he can feel them, especially Jason, who's near the Batmobile. Damians dad is somewhere up on the top of the cave, alongside Damians sister, Cass.
"So, Danny," Dick says, he's the only visible person in the cave and he's wearing his Nightwing suit yet has his domino mask off.
"Hi, Dick." Danny replies back, craning his neck to stare at the display of suits, from here he can't see Damians but knows it's there.
"You and Damian, huh? You've both have been going out for a while already, you two must be getting pretty serious." Dick says, normally he was cheery to the point that it freaked Danny out, but right now he had a small edge to his voice.
"Going on three months, yeah. He's great. Hey, why am I tied up in your dad's basement?" Danny asks, now staring at Dick, confusion lacing his tone.
"Well, as his oldest brother," Dick starts, "and Mother Hen!" Jason yells from the side, getting shushed. "I, as well as our family members, want to make sure Damian's with someone nice who wouldn't break his heart, he's sensitive."
Danny is pretty sure Damian would actually hurt Dick if he heard him say that, especially in front of his family, but he stays quiet.
Without waiting for Danny to speak, Dick barells on, "It's nothing personal, just... the man up there's a bit paranoid, and I am inclined to agree. Which is why we're here."
"I mean, Damian is way out of my league. You could ask anyone, they'd tell you." Danny said, purposely starting something that he'd know would set Dick and Bruce off. "Someone absolutely terrifying and really hot. Like, I have a terrible love life, which is why I'm happy Damian's stuck by me this long, y'know?"
Dick's face pinched around the time Danny started saying Damian was hot and he inwardly smiles, starting to feel anger radiate from the top of the cave all the down to where he and Dick were at.
"Plus, Damian is super smart, my grades have never been higher! And he's really good at fighting, we were play fighting once and he did this one move that threw me on the ground with him on top of me. Not to mention he's crazy flexible, Damian did this one trick that-"
"That's enough." The deep growl of Batman hisses from right behind Danny.
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
DPxDC Prompt
Danny is summoned in full Ghost King regalia to stand before the Justice League.
They are concerned with the news of a new entity coming into power in the realms after hearing members of the dark speaking of it and want to be sure he will not become a threat.
The meeting goes surprisingly well at first, the king is not openly malicious and seems to be willing to make a deal with them. Until he isn't, when they add to the deal he cannot harm any living person within their realm he refuses and goes ruthlessly emotionless.
It is such a dramatic change the Justice League members cannot help that their hackles raise, the king coldly meets Batman's glare and says "As long as there are still living that hunt my people for the purpose of torture and extermination of our kind as a whole I will never surrender the means to defend my people, unless you are willing to surrender your ability to do the same"
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
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Master of Space? A little Cosmic Boy???
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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akuworld777 · 9 hours
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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akuworld777 · 10 hours
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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akuworld777 · 10 hours
Danny, The Hunter And The Kryptonian
Danny accidentally finds himself in the middle of a fight between Lobo and Superman and is not pleased at all. He had assignments due and these two idiots decided that a royal rumble was just the thing he needed at 4 a.m.
So he may have said a few unsavory words towards them which resulted in them halting completely and listening to him in shock.
Now they both think a child from their species survived and has been hiding here on earth because Danny was unaware he gained omnilingualism.
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akuworld777 · 10 hours
Fish Are Friends Not Abominations
The entire Justice Leage have been on edge lately watching as a giant creature the size of planet dart around the Milky Way galaxy in an almost panicked state. Despite it's very appearent size it hasn't done anything harmful, passing through planets and stars with intangibility.
Constantine on the other hand was freaking the fuck out. There was a giant realms being with a crazy amount of power searching for something and it felt like the universe itself was holding its breath. He was honestly at his witts end when he felt it.
"YOU! What do you have?" He stopped his pacing to look at Batman's traffic light child.
"That's none of your concern." Robin snapped back.
"Robin." Batman's voice cutting through their little conversation. By now every JL memeber was watching them.
"It's nothing–"
"Oh yes it is, now let me see it."
As if on que a tiny glowing humanoid creature popped into view ontop of Robin's head cooing and making warbled noises.
Constantine paled.
Robin took the being from his head and held it in his arms, pulling out a batarang and giving it to the thing which then began to bite it.
"Robin." Batman started, voice firm but sounding tired.
"This one found me first." He countered.
"It doesn't matter how you found it, we need to–" Constantine's words were cut off as the large creature released a noise that sounded almost like a whale but something like warbled speech mixed into it. What happened next sent his heartbeat into a marathon and his stomach to a deep trench.
Robin's little creature stopped chewing on its toy and responded with a cry of its own.
Welp they were fucked now.
The large creature's head snapped to their direction, eyes directly on the watchtower as if it could perfectly see them from such a distance and sped towards their location.
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akuworld777 · 11 hours
The Summoner
So! Danny is not the Ghost King.
But he still has a good relationship with a LOT of Powerful and not-so-powerful Ghosts in the Zone. So much so that they have given him their Summoning Circle's with a blanket permission to Summon them any time. Not like they have much else going on...
This all leads to a hilarious situation where Danny can't use his Powers for whatever reason and is forced to Summon his friends for help. In front of a group of Heroes.
He has to explain everything to them, but accidentally convinces them that he has Summoning Magic and the Ghosts are all on his Contract. He also mentions Saving people from Ghosts and the JLA realize that he is a child Hero.
They ask him if he wants to join Young Justice, and Danny hesitantly agrees.
Now Danny is on Young Justice and the entire team thinks that he is a Hero with Ghost Summoning Magic.
And his name isn't Daniel "Commit to the Bit" Fenton for no reason.
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