aksharmaasher · 4 years
It was around 5.30 in the evening, Rajeev, 10 year old walked in sweaty, dirty and all tired after a having played outside with his friends in his locality since afternoon.
Rajani, his 6 year old sister, with muddy, dirty hands, has been helping and learning from her grandpa the art and science of gardening and agriculture in their backyard.
Radhika her 8 year old sister, was stuttering while reading out to her dad the ‘paal payasam' recipe from a book handwritten by her grandma that she had given to her mom at the time of their wedding.
Vasantha their mom, was on her way back from the local library borrowing and returning few books for the entire family. She also did some grocery and vegetables shopping on her way back home. She was very hungry and was eagerly looking forward for the family dinner.
Outdoor sports, gardening, cooking for family dinner, reading books and shopping from the local vendor..! Does this seem like some 80's summer vacation you spent at your grand mom’s? Well this nostalgic scene would become a sweet reality if our phones and internet die tomorrow! The internet and telecommunication has impacted individuals and the world as a whole immensely. It has indeed shrunk the world into a global village and made every individual a global citizen.
(Image source: SlideShare)
If one day we wake up to a world with no internet and phones what would happen…? Let’s see:
(FYI, technically the internet does not crash or come to an end all of a sudden like as though someone turned off a switch!)
• End of electronic communication:
This simply means no email, no social media whatsoever, no skype or any video conferencing. We will go back to the time that we use landline telephones to talk to people who are away. Watch series and movies on analogue channels. This means, we will return to the good old days of people respecting and acknowledging people who are physically nearby than someone who is virtually near.
• End of easy access to knowledge:
Whether to make our very own native food idli sambhar, or to build a satellite we have access to a broad range of knowledge and excess knowledge as videos and scripts in just a click of a button, which will be gone forever. This means we will go back to libraries, turn to encyclopaedias and swear by the newspapers and magazines, instead of YouTube, Wikipedia and google.
• End of e commerce:
Well the stock markets would have crashed, apart from that, all online shopping would have shattered. On the flip side, we will start going out physically to buy stuff, whether it is electronics, electrical, grocery or vegetables, we will choose as we please and oh! Well, the skill of bargaining and negotiating will be resurrected.
• End of digital economy :
Going to banks, filling in the pass, visiting the post office to pay the dues for the savings account (also post letters, send gifts and money order for dear ones) would become an inevitable task.
(Image Source: WordPress)
A news article on Telegraph says, with smart phones in hand the average person spends over 4 hours a day on their phone, be it constructively or destructively.
Let’s take a look into Surya's life. Surya is an independent adult living in the city away from her parents who live in her native town. On a Monday morning, Surya wakes up to the alarm of her phone. As soon as she wakes up, while still lazing on the bed, she looks into her WhatsApp for messages from family and friends. Responding to a few and just viewing the rest, she opens the outlook, to check for her office communication. She has by then, almost planned her week ahead. She gets ready and leaves home on the office cab. En-route she opens Facebook and views updates, wishes her friends celebrating their birthdays, liked and commented on few posts and also posted a ‘have a great week ahead’ pic. She opened Instagram, posted a selfie of how chic she dressed up for work. She reached office and there is an entire world held together by the internet. During break she called her parents back in their town and her sibling brother who lives with his family in a different country. They asked her to look into a certain prospect for marriage on Matrimonial site. She reluctantly said she would and closed the call. She then sent money online to the usual orphanage that she used to volunteer earlier, to her parents and her maternal uncle who has recently undergone a kidney transplant. She called it a day around 6 pm and on the way back home, ordered few household items and grocery online. As she had swiggy’d her dinner, she had time to clean up her home from the weekend mess while listening to Music and after a warm shower, relaxed with her dinner and Netflix on her couch. Later she slept and woke up to a new morning but with her regular routine; greatly supported and made efficient by her phone and the internet.
(Image Surce: The Hindu)
With internet and our phones being so much intertwined with our lives, it would be more than just difficult to live a life without it. We have all now been seasoned and tuned to the ease and versatility that it has given us. To unlearn and relearn to tune to such a life would be like going back two decades in time and human progression. Apparently humans have achieved the fastest progress in the last two decades. Therefore, life without internet and phone is a ‘U turn’ in modernisation and globalisation.
It will be a great pleasure to know about how you spent your childhood without Internet and Phones. You are welcome to share your views as well; in the comment section below. If you are interested in more such articles Like, Subscribe and Share for more.
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aksharmaasher · 4 years
It was around 5.30 in the evening, Rajeev, 10 year old walked in sweaty, dirty and all tired after a having played outside with his friends in his locality since afternoon.
Rajani, his 6 year old sister, with muddy, dirty hands, has been helping and learning from her grandpa the art and science of gardening and agriculture in their backyard.
Radhika her 8 year old sister, was stuttering while reading out to her dad the ‘paal payasam' recipe from a book handwritten by her grandma that she had given to her mom at the time of their wedding.
Vasantha their mom, was on her way back from the local library borrowing and returning few books for the entire family. She also did some grocery and vegetables shopping on her way back home. She was very hungry and was eagerly looking forward for the family dinner.
Outdoor sports, gardening, cooking for family dinner, reading books and shopping from the local vendor..! Does this seem like some 80's summer vacation you spent at your grand mom’s? Well this nostalgic scene would become a sweet reality if our phones and internet die tomorrow! The internet and telecommunication has impacted individuals and the world as a whole immensely. It has indeed shrunk the world into a global village and made every individual a global citizen.
(Image source: SlideShare)
If one day we wake up to a world with no internet and phones what would happen…? Let’s see:
(FYI, technically the internet does not crash or come to an end all of a sudden like as though someone turned off a switch!)
• End of electronic communication:
This simply means no email, no social media whatsoever, no skype or any video conferencing. We will go back to the time that we use landline telephones to talk to people who are away. Watch series and movies on analogue channels. This means, we will return to the good old days of people respecting and acknowledging people who are physically nearby than someone who is virtually near.
• End of easy access to knowledge:
Whether to make our very own native food idli sambhar, or to build a satellite we have access to a broad range of knowledge and excess knowledge as videos and scripts in just a click of a button, which will be gone forever. This means we will go back to libraries, turn to encyclopaedias and swear by the newspapers and magazines, instead of YouTube, Wikipedia and google.
• End of e commerce:
Well the stock markets would have crashed, apart from that, all online shopping would have shattered. On the flip side, we will start going out physically to buy stuff, whether it is electronics, electrical, grocery or vegetables, we will choose as we please and oh! Well, the skill of bargaining and negotiating will be resurrected.
• End of digital economy :
Going to banks, filling in the pass, visiting the post office to pay the dues for the savings account (also post letters, send gifts and money order for dear ones) would become an inevitable task.
(Image Source: WordPress)
A news article on Telegraph says, with smart phones in hand the average person spends over 4 hours a day on their phone, be it constructively or destructively.
Let’s take a look into Surya's life. Surya is an independent adult living in the city away from her parents who live in her native town. On a Monday morning, Surya wakes up to the alarm of her phone. As soon as she wakes up, while still lazing on the bed, she looks into her WhatsApp for messages from family and friends. Responding to a few and just viewing the rest, she opens the outlook, to check for her office communication. She has by then, almost planned her week ahead. She gets ready and leaves home on the office cab. En-route she opens Facebook and views updates, wishes her friends celebrating their birthdays, liked and commented on few posts and also posted a ‘have a great week ahead’ pic. She opened Instagram, posted a selfie of how chic she dressed up for work. She reached office and there is an entire world held together by the internet. During break she called her parents back in their town and her sibling brother who lives with his family in a different country. They asked her to look into a certain prospect for marriage on Matrimonial site. She reluctantly said she would and closed the call. She then sent money online to the usual orphanage that she used to volunteer earlier, to her parents and her maternal uncle who has recently undergone a kidney transplant. She called it a day around 6 pm and on the way back home, ordered few household items and grocery online. As she had swiggy’d her dinner, she had time to clean up her home from the weekend mess while listening to Music and after a warm shower, relaxed with her dinner and Netflix on her couch. Later she slept and woke up to a new morning but with her regular routine; greatly supported and made efficient by her phone and the internet.
(Image Surce: The Hindu)
With internet and our phones being so much intertwined with our lives, it would be more than just difficult to live a life without it. We have all now been seasoned and tuned to the ease and versatility that it has given us. To unlearn and relearn to tune to such a life would be like going back two decades in time and human progression. Apparently humans have achieved the fastest progress in the last two decades. Therefore, life without internet and phone is a ‘U turn’ in modernisation and globalisation.
It will be a great pleasure to know about how you spent your childhood without Internet and Phones. You are welcome to share your views as well; in the comment section below. If you are interested in more such articles Like, Subscribe and Share for more.
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