aka-karasu1 · 2 years
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Netflix’s Alice in Borderland (2020– ) dir. Sato Shinsuke
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aka-karasu1 · 2 years
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“He who has that sticker stuck on him will accomplish nothing in life.” 
– AsaShin parodying Jyuto’s quote 
Q: Fill in the blank for Jyuto’s quote. “He who is not courageous enough to take [???] will accomplish nothing in life.”
AsaShin and Alan: (already answered ‘Risks’ correctly but giving it their all to be impromptu comedians) 
Alan: “He who is not courageous enough to take [(or make) laughter] will accomplish nothing in life.”  (is this Sasara instead)
AsaShin: That’s right! Mine is: “He who is not courageous enough to take [(off) the Uniqlo size sticker which says ‘MMMM’ or ‘LLLL’ ] will accomplish nothing in life.”
Alan: (dying of laughter) That! Sometimes I too will forget to tear that off. It’s amazing you could think of that as an answer instantaneously! 
AsaShin: “He who has that sticker stuck on him will accomplish nothing in life.” 
Staff: (asking them to please move on) 
Source: Division Leaders Cross Talk Quiz 
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aka-karasu1 · 2 years
YO. *claps hands*. IMPORTANT THING.
For those of you who might not want to bother clicking on the link without knowing what’s up, Ao3 has a legal team and there are three new potential issues out there looking to become Problems for those of us in USA fandom spaces. I won’t cover all the details because I am very bad at understanding legalese but basically-
1. there’s a Bill that just got past the House of Representatives that is called SHOP SAFE and it basically means that ya’ll can kiss your fan merch goodbye on places like ebay, etsy, patreon, etc. For obvious reasons that’s really bad, not just for those of us who want to buy cool fan merch made by fellow fans but for those of us who can’t find/hold a regular job for various reasons and need to pay rent by selling this sort of thing.
2. there’s a proposed bill called the EARN IT act that is supposed to help crack down on photography/posting of child porn, which obviously would be a good thing, but it’s worded *so loosely* that it means anti-lgbt+ lobbiests/other people could use it to crack down on lgbt+ artwork/photography and force searches of internet users’ private materials. Which obviously is a big no-no on the privacy front.
3. there is a new proposal that would force websites, including Ao3 and other fan posting sites, to try to filter out “copyright infringing material”. Ie your fanfic/art/etc. These measures wouldn’t take into account fair use material and like-
You’re on tumblr. You lived through the nsfw-filtering ai fiasco like the rest of us. Do you really want things like that and like Youtube’s brain dead copyright strike system to become the norm for other websites and fan spaces?
Seriously read the blog post for all the details including how to help slap sense into the people trying to push this stuff through if you live in the USA. Also go yell at your local senator/representative.
Also also please reblog this so that other people can also yell at the idiots who won’t leave our fan spaces alone.
@hamelin-born thought you might wanna know about this/reblog this too.
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aka-karasu1 · 2 years
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aka-karasu1 · 2 years
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listened to Bohemian Rhapsody today… i’m so very sorry
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aka-karasu1 · 2 years
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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aka-karasu1 · 2 years
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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[WARNING/UPDATE] some general advice!! (making it even more official…)
this is for those of you who are still not convinced that posting screencaps, short clips, gifs etc of jstages and reposting pictures of actors on twitter is a REALLY BAD IDEA!!!
it was announced yesterday that a Japanese fan had unfortunately taken pictures at the venue of 舞台『Requiem』(which was prohibited!!) and posted those on SNS. the higher ups found out about it and they started their research… they found out that the girl was a fan of Kitagawa Naoya and contacted his agency which posted a statement yesterday.
they made it really clear that if things like this happen again there will be consequences for the culprit (e.g. banning from the official fanclub…) and asked everyone to delete anything that does not conform to the rules.
BUT what made me even more worried is another point mentioned in the statement…
>>if things like this keep happening Kitagawa Naoya might loose stage offers in the future<<
up till now I only talked about the actors agencies and totally forgot about producers, directors and co.  → if they are under the impression that the fans of a certain actor aren’t able to follow the rules, they won’t cast this particular actor!!!
so please be aware that your actions might affect your oshis ACTUAL JOB!!!
if you don’t want your oshi to loose possible job offers, please stop posting illegal content right under the noses (twitter…) of these higher ups!!
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
If courage isn’t the absence of fear but doing the right thing regardless of it, maybe confidence isn’t the absence of insecurity but knowing you have real worth despite it
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
Fandom Etiquette
I’ve been around for a really long time in various fandoms, and no one ever writes this stuff down. I’ll start. Please add to the list. We can’t expect people to follow “rules” they don’t know exist. 
written with the help of @unbreakablejemmasimmons
if you like something, reblog it. Help the artist get their work out there in front of more people. Share the joy that it brought you. 
if you want more of it, support it. This can be via commissions, reblogs, recommending the artist to other people, shouting in the tags, or sending the artist asks/messages. 
if you hate it, keep scrolling. Keep the hate in a message window with a friend, not in the artist’s notes. 
if you want to use it, ask permission. Artwork is beautiful and you want to show it off. But please ask the artist before you throw it into your header or your icon. 
if you use it, give credit. And not just a post where you say “Do you like my new icon? X made it!”. Put it in your blog description, that way when someone rolls around your blog three months from now, they also know where your icon/header came from. 
if you like something, reblog it. Help the author get their work out there in front of more people. Share the joy that it brought you.
if you want more of it, support it. Kudos are fine, but if you want more of the thing you like, you should comment. Subscribe to the story or the author. Send them a message about how much you like what they wrote. 
if you read it, kudos it. Or give it a thumbs up. And this is just if you managed to get all the way to the end. If you finished the story and you actually liked it? Comment and reblog. 
don’t demand content. Be patient. Stories take time. You can encourage without being demanding. Show your love for what’s there without telling them to post more often. 
be gentle with criticism. Some people want it and some people run away from it. If you don’t know what type of person the author is, it’s best not to go there. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything.”
ship and let ship. You love your ship and other people love theirs. No one needs to “win” when we’re all going to end up in tears anyway. 
if you hate it, stay out of the tag. This has two meanings: 1) don’t deliberately put hateful commentary in a tag and 2) if you  hate a tag, don’t go and read through that tag just to make yourself angry
if someone makes you something, appreciate it. Read and comment the fic. Like and reblog the artwork. Pimp it out and tell them how much you loved it. It’s a gift, treat it like one. 
if it’s a gift, put some effort into it. You signed up for that exchange three months ago and now it’s a week before you have to send the gift and you don’t have the time or the inclination to do the thing. Well too bad. Someone out there has been working hard in your gift, so you should do the same for them. 
none of us are “better” than anyone else. We’re all trash for our particular show/film/book/ship/artist/what-have-you. My fave is no better than yours and yours is no better than mine. 
actors are not their characters. They are people. Treat them like people. 
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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Have one more photo of Mario from Actors League ^^
Source of the photo: https://twitter.com/stage_natalie/status/1425668399766511621
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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Shall we proceed with our plan? Chishiya Shuntaro & Kuina Hikari ALICE IN BORDERLAND (2020— )
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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Please signal boost!
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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s-step on me  😳
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
Thinking about Chishiya holiday HCs while chilling on the beach myself
- he would definitely try to stay out of the sun because he easily gets a sunburn and it's simply too hot for him
- he wouldn't admit it, but the sound of waves is actually very comforting for him
- although he despises that there's sand EVERYWHERE
- observing holiday guests is boring because they are all the same
- but cat boi is fine with chilling in a tree's shadow for hours anyway
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aka-karasu1 · 3 years
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Mario updated his Twitter ^^ He retweeted an announcement of a special live broadcast about Actors Leage and wrote:
“It’s on the 23rd! If you would like to, by all means please check it out ”
The details of the broadcast are: - date of broadcast: June 23 at 21:00 Japanese time - broadcasting channel: Abema - participating members: Kuroba Mario, Wada Takuma, Wada Masanari, Arisawa Shoutarou - link where you can watch it (please note VPN is needed): https://abema.tv/cha…/special-plus/slots/DjJBAxqMRcPwfm…
Sources: https://twitter.com/m_kuroba/status/1405714361541296131
Source of the photo: https://twitter.com/ABEMA/status/1405428770429837316
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