aikokoharu · 7 months
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Head of the Gojo Family and teacher Geto. (If those bad things didn’t happened…/_ \)
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aikokoharu · 10 months
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aikokoharu · 1 year
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― pairing : Chris x Fem! Reader ― content warnings : wolf AU, Chris is a wolf, reader is a witch, soulmates, medieval settings ― word count : 3.939 ― notes : part two (coming soon!!)
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Quickly spinning on your heels, you hastily hid yourself behind an oak tree, your heavy cape hugging your frame and its cape successfully hiding your face from the woods' prying eyes. “Damn King going on a hunt when I need to gather herbs,” you thought, annoyed. With a harsh tug, you freed the part of your dress that was stuck in a lump of roots near your feet, an annoyed whiff escaping your lips.
«Gowns are impractical.» your witch Mentor told you, many years ago. «Unpractical but stylish.» you justified yourself, back then.
“I should have listened to that old lady,” you thought to yourself, as you quietly started to make your way back home; truth was, you only considered a dramatic change of style as occasions like this happened. After all, you were a powerful witch, you could wander anywhere without fearing anyone; you only needed to be quick and stealth during those few times where you roamed in the King’s territory to gather few of the herbs you needed for your spells. Sharpening your ears, you took the hint to move once again, trying to be as quick as possible to finish your task. Your basket was almost completely full of everything you needed, and haste suddenly became your best friend, since you knew that the King and his men would be back soon and you needed to get back home quickly. You were not banned from the King’s territories, in fact, you have been requested many times to work as a medic for the Castle, but you always refused, answering that you did not want to be part of the King’s domain. You were a witch, and your Mentor had always taught you that witches only belonged to the Moon and answered to the laws of nature. Witches could never belong to a King, trapped inside a Castle.
Small, pained whines caught your attention, and you froze in your steps, trying to identify where those noises were coming from; those complaints definitely seemed not human. Drawn by a strange force, you changed your original direction, your feet walking towards those little cries almost as if something was steadily pushing you towards that way.
«Oh, no.» you whispered, catching the attention of the creature –a large grey wolf, which immediately sapped its head towards you, big and inquisitive red eyes staring back at you with a wary snarl.
Your brows furrowed, wondering what to do. Wolves and witches had never been on good terms, but how could you leave it to die? Your eyes shifted on its form, laying on its side, grey fur covered with blood, which slightly pooled around its frame.
“Screw that,” you thought as you swallowed loudly, slowly placing your basket on the floor, and taking a hesitant step closer. The wolf growled at you, still wary of your presence, and you halted your steps once again. You knew it could not attack you due to the amount of blood staining its side – you deduced that it was a quite big wound, but nothing guaranteed you that the wolf would not try to bite you as soon as you were within its reach. You were enemies, after all.
«Okay, I-I’m not trying to hurt you,» you lift your hands, taking off the hood on your head, so that the wolf could see that you were not challenging him, in fact, your eyes never once tried to hold its gaze, «I know you don’t understand human language, but I want to help you.» you said, sincerity transpired through your voice, and since his growl momentarily stopped, you took it as a sign to get closer.
For a single second, you thought that maybe, just maybe, the wolf understood what you said, but that thought disappeared from your mind as soon as, kneeling next to its side, you hesitantly touched its grey and bloody fur, drawing your hand back as the wolf whined again, painfully. To your dismay, it was indeed a large wound, and judging by the look of it, it must have been pretty deep, too. Your shoulders fell in dejection, you could not heal the wolf using a spell, it would take too much time and neither of you were safe out in the open; you needed to take him to your house to treat him back to health.
“It must have been the King and his men,” you concluded, “may Artemis curse them.”   You were never particularly fond of wolves – you basically grew up both fearing and despising them due to your mutual and unmotivated hatred, but you couldn’t stand how humans decided to make a ricreative activity out of something like hunt.
«I’ll take you to my house to heal you. However… I fear the way back won’t be comfortable for you.» you mumbled the last part, getting back on your feet and untying your cape by the small, neat ribbon in the middle of your collarbones. The wolf was still cautiously looking at your every move, and you ignored him, carefully spreading your dark green cloak on the ground. The wolf was far too big and far too heavy for you to lift it up and carry it all the way to your cottage, so you decided to move it on your cape – with extreme difficulty, so that you could at least half drag, half carry it. Your eyes flashed golden as you casted a spell on the both of you, making the wolf’s weight partially non-existent and also, that any human that crossed your way back would not have seen you. It took you a lot of effort and all the strength you had in your body to walk back – your basket full of herbs obediently floating in the air and following the both of you.
You made sure to be as careful and attentive as you could, trying not to worsen the wolf’s wound and stopping as soon as its whines seemed more painful. A part of you wanted to wonder why the wolf seemed so obedient and less wary of you, but the part of you focused on getting home unharmed had the upper hand.
Your cottage was not particularly big; in fact, it was quite humble to belong to a powerful witch. You could have had any house you wanted and yet, you decided to settle there: two floors, grey and uneven bricks, a large garden around the perimeter of your house – part of it served as a small vegetable garden, everything surrounded by a wooden fence.
It was humble, but it was fairly distant from both the woods and the closest village, and you loved it.
You dragged the wolf’s still whining frame – which you found out being a he, all the way to your house. Your forehead was sweaty, your body completely ached, you most definitely needed a bath, and you were sure that your cape was definitely damaged, but still your main thought was to check his wounds, since the fear of them being infected made way into your brain.
Your eyes flashed golden once again, and some pillows and blankets re-arranged themselves on the floor near your small sofa, in order to create a bed large enough for him to be comfortable.
Carefully, you laid the wolf on the makeshift bed, taking a deep breath and slowly stretching your arms in the vain attempt to get rid of the ache and soreness on your limbs. Absently, you kicked the bloodstained cape out of your reach, and quickly knelt next to him. You took another deep breath, aware of the wolf’s red eyes plastered on your face, watching your eyes flashing golden once again as you casted spells, once after the others. Next to you, immediately made their appearance a small basin full of steaming water with a white cotton cloth immersed in it, you reached out to the tools in mid-air, focusing on the wolf’s wound.
«This is going to hurt, please don’t bite me.» you mumbled, barely above a whisper, unaware that he heard you loud and clear. You carefully began to wash his wound with slow but firm strokes, your heart skipping several beats anytime he whined and writhed in pain. Trying to be as delicate as you could, you meticulously wiped away all the blood, the steamy water in the basin now of a reddish colour, and once the wound was clean enough, you quickly stood up and walked towards you small kitchen, hastily creating an herbal compress using your marble mortar and pestle.
What you feared the most ended up being the truth: the wound was infected. You massaged a side of your temple; you have never felt so stressed in your whole life. The wolf’s life at this point was completely in your hands. The wound was too big and infected to heal by itself.
«Okay, big boy. It’s gonna hurt – like, a lot.» you dared to look at him in the eyes, feeling a random sensation in your stomach, but didn’t gave it any importance as you kneeled once again next to his side and coated your fingers with the herbs, slowly spreading the medicine on his would while casting a healing spell. Although you were completely focused on what you were doing, the wolf’s painful whines raised goosebumps on your skin.
You closed your eyes, running a hand through your hair and trying to ignore the sensation of exhaustion spreading around your body, and as you also tried to ignore the headache you got anytime you used too much magic in so little time, you felt a tentative bump against your skin. Your eyes shot open, and your gaze locked with the wolf’s big, red eyes. He repeated the action, nudging his nose against your knee, noticing how the emotions behind his eyes definitely shifted from wary to gentle, almost as to say “thank you”, and you let out a short, breathless laugh as you erupted into a wide smile.
«It’s still infected,» you hesitantly reached towards the cotton bandages floating next to your head, «But at least, you won’t die.» you muttered to yourself as you proceeded to create a tight bandage around his side.
Once you finished, your brain finally took notice about the huge grey wolf now asleep in your living room, and you decided to take a hot bath and get a nice change of clothes. Your new provisory bed became the small sofa right next to the peacefully sleeping wolf, so that you could check up on him every now and then.
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A week passed pretty quickly, and you most definitely ended up giving up the majority of your sleeping schedule in order to watch over the wolf – not like the strained howls coming from the woods nearby would have let you sleep anyways. The fact that he was not conscious most of the day worried you more and more, not to mention that the infection had not yet gave any sign of healing despite the herbs compresses and the continuous use of magic.
What surprised you, was that anytime the wolf was conscious, he seemed to somehow search for your presence. If you were kneeling on the ground, busy with his bandages, he would place his large and fluffy head on your legs, making you giggle because, «don't be silly, how am I supposed to heal you like this?» Therefore, he would just nuzzle his nose against your thigh and settle for placing his paw above one of your legs. It was not an unpleasant feeling, instead, something about it made you feel warm, somewhere among all the concern you were feeling.
You’d still spend your days with your nose buried in all the books in your house, some of them scattered on the floor in a disordered way, desperately looking for a way to definitely help him.
As your Mentor always taught you, infections irredeemably lead to fever, and the wolf’s fever irredeemably led you to one of the biggest scare in your life.
You woke up around the middle of the morning due to a loud noise of bones cracking right next to you, and you opened your eyes just in time to see the big and grey wolf you have been treating for over a week, shifting into a brown haired boy around your age.
Needless to say, the loud and shocked scream that instinctively left your lips woke him up, and to your surprise, instead of threatening red eyes, your gaze was met big, brown and confused eyes.
«Y-You!» you shrieked, unable to move due to his head still on your lap. The boy, which you just realized being stark naked, groaned, reaching over to rub his face with his hand.
«Chris.» now, you didn’t expect his voice to be so… Beautiful.
«What? Who is that now?!» you tried to keep a calm voice, frantically moving your gaze around the room and trying to look anywhere but the boys’ toned and pale body.
You felt him chuckle, «It’s my name, witch.» he mumbled, his voice strained due to him still being in pain. «My body shifted back due to the fever, I’m sorry.»
You stared at his face as he slowly shifted around, laying on his back and turning his head so that now, his nose was almost pressing against your navel.
Before you could even think about a proper answer, he doze back to sleep, mumbling a soft, almost inaudible «thank you.» before falling back into unconsciousness.
Mindlessly, your right hand reached out to gently caress the other’s brown hair – a gesture that you did quite often with his wolf form since his grey fur was so incredibly fluffy and relaxing to caress, as you stared into the void for several minutes.
«He’s a werewolf,» you mumbled with a frown, the fingertips of your left hand carefully hovering above his features, «and he’s hot.»
Chris eventually shifted back into his wolf form within the next hours, and you tried to ignore the loud noise of bones cracking, since it seemed really painful.
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The routine fell back into normal, even after the shocking news. A blush would sometimes cover your cheeks anytime the random thought of him having a human form crossed your mind, but you focused on his infected wound, which luckily started to heal.
Chris managed to spend at least half of the day awake now, and your spells were finally more effective than they were before. Your magic mixed to wolves being able to heal faster, resulted in Chris spending a bit of the day in his human form, and you being incredibly flustered about it.
You grew up with your mentor witch, who was a woman; the only boys and men you have ever met were the villagers, but you have never been alone with a boy, let alone having one inside your house and, well, completely naked. You resolved the matter quickly, giving him a blanket and excusing yourself for not having clothes that suited his body. Chris just shrugged, thankful for being alive in the first place.
«I’m not going to lie, witch.» he spoke in a soft, tender voice as you helped him sitting on the wooden chairs of your kitchen. «I literally owe you my life.» You laughed loudly at his statement, sitting down in front of him on your small wooden table, after placing two plates full of food in front of the both of you.
«Indeed you do, wolf.» you answered with the same tone, playfully pointing a wooden fork towards him. «I hope I didn’t grow white hair due to all the pent up stress and lack of sleep.» You mumbled, more to yourself. «Even if I could definitely embrace the title of “scary, lunatic witch”, now.»
An unexpected and melodious sound naturally drew your eyes back to his face, making you almost drop your spoon. Chris was chuckling, his eyes closed in two crescent moons and his mouth tightly closed as he kept chewing his food, but yet his smile was incredibly cute and the dimples that framed it contributed to make him even more handsome.
«How did you manage to end up like that?» you asked, clearing your voice, secretly hoping that by changing the topic the blush covering your cheeks would have faded, and your quickened heartbeat would have slowed down.
Chris sighed, heavily, «Me and my pack were on a hunt, we stumbled upon some hunters which had… Enchanted weapons.»
«And they just left you there on your own?» You asked, incredulous, watching as Chris nonchalantly shrugged before answering you.
«Alpha’s orders are pretty absolute, you know.» he explained, politely smiling as you got up from your chair, collecting both your plates and spoons and casting a quick spell so that they’d wash, clean and set back into their place by themselves. You noticed Chris watching in awe your eyes flash golden once again, and questionably raised an eyebrow at him.
«It’s cool,» he immediately explained, «Your magic, I mean, it’s pretty cool.»
You smiled at him, before shaking your head. «You can shift into a wolf, I believe you’re the cool one.»
Butterflies erupted into your stomach as Chris’ dimples showed up again, beautifully framing his wide smile.
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Even if Chris’ wound was healing, you still did not move back to your bed upstairs. Instead, you would rather spend your days talking to him, both of you occasionally sitting on your sofa facing each other. You tried to confront Chris about why even if you were supposed to dislike each other due to centuries of mutual hatred, you got along pretty well and anytime, Chris would brush it off, adverting his gaze with a nervous laugh and saying that he really had no idea. He did not convince you at all, but you let it go.
«Do you think they’ll come looking for you?» your hands brushed against Chris’ ribs, as you changed cleaned and disinfected the wound once again. You were both sitting on his makeshift bed, a blanket covering his crossed legs as he obediently kept his arm in the air, so that you could easily finish.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him nod. «They most definitely will. We recently started living nearby, so it won’t be too hard for them.» the goosebumps on Chris’ skin anytime your hands brushed against his skin definitely didn’t go unnoticed.  «I could still come visit you, sometimes.» he added, tentatively.
Hearing his words, you felt once again that familiar sensation of unexplainable warmth, wondering why in the world could seven words even made you happy, your heartbeat soaring because “Yes, I’d love to see you again”.
«The feeling of falling in love is very like the feeling of fear. Your heart beats fast. Your senses are heightened. You grow light-headed, maybe even dizzy. Be wary of it, young witch. It might make you immensely powerful, it’s true. But, it might also mark your downfall.» you briefly lost yourself in thought, as you recalled what your Mentor had once told you. You did not notice how the arm that Chris was obediently keeping in the air eventually lowered, until he took your hand in his.
With hesitant, gentle movements, he silently kept his hand on top of yours, guiding it above his heart, your wide eyes meeting his soft gaze. His heartbeat was matching yours: rapid, wild, fearless.
Chris’ soft gaze was locked with yours, his gentle and warm eyes giving you the confirmation that he knew you were falling for him, and he was falling for you, too.
You breathed out a sigh, your eyes glued together and shy smiles plastered on your faces. As if you were magnets, your lips eventually met, slowly, tentatively. Chris firmly kept your hand above his heart as he other snaked around your neck, weakly gripping your nape. You and Chris kissed like two distant lovers meeting after painful lives spent looking for each other. You could feel his soft breath against your cheek, helping you realize that it was real, and you balanced yourself, placing your hand on Chris’ naked shoulder as if it was your only anchor to reality. The kiss was soft, almost shy. Chris would giggle against your lips anytime your noses brushed together a bit too roughly, and you would giggle along with him, before kissing each other again, feeling already intoxicated and addicted to his soft lips and warm skin. Chris pecked your lips once, twice, before placing your foreheads together, your fingers now interlocked above his heart.
«I don’t want to sound cheesy or anything, but,» Chris unexpectedly raspy whisper broke the silence. «I knew you were the one as soon as you found me in the woods.» he smiled, rubbing your foreheads together as he was met with your confused expression «Wolves just know who they are supposed to spend their life with.» he mumbled. You lips met, parted, and met again for countless times that night.
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Sunny spring days were your favourite. The weather was not too hot, the wind would gently blow and most importantly: laundry would dry quickly. The amount of covers and blanket you have been using to create Chris bed was insane – you did not even know why you owned so many blankets in the first place.
Lost in thoughts – wondering if using your magic to collect the blankets instead of doing it manually, you definitely did not realize that a pack of wolves made their way towards your house, not until, as you collected one of the blankets from the clotheshorse in your garden, you suddenly faced a large, black and threatening wolf.
You instinctively shrieked, the wolf’s deep red eyes staring into your soul. It was like a deja-vu, but now the wolf had a black fur and by his side appeared another black wolf out of nowhere, but its eyes were mismatched: one was deep blue, and one was yellow.
The more you walked backwards, the more they followed you while growling menaciously, as if they were on a hunt and you were their prey. With the corner of your eyes, you saw more of them, and as you were about to cast a spell to stop them, you heard Chris’ authoritative voice.
«Oi! Why don’t you stop scaring my mate?» Chris was leaning on the doorway, a blanket hanging loose around his hip and white bandages hugging his stomach. «Changbin, Hyunjin, back off. Now.» You were still hugging the blanket close to your chest, as you saw them obey immediately, lowering their heads and putting a reasonable distance between you and them.
Chris’ arm draped around your shoulders. «I hope you have seven spare blankets.» he told you, an amused giggle on his lips.
«Why would I need more blankets-» the question died in your mouth, as they began shifting in front of you. Seven naked boys took place of the seven threatening wolves, and your gaze immediately shifted to Chris’, as your eyes flashed yellow and immediately made blankets fall over their heads.
Chris laughed loudly, kissing your forehead. «Do you want to meet them?» as you answered with a shy nod, he raised his voice, «Come on, boys, let’s go inside. Family meeting.»
“I’m gonna have to do the laundry again.” You sighed, and let Chris walk you back inside.
As your eyes met, you both erupted into shy giggles, and Chris pressed your body closer to his, affectionately kissing your temple.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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aikokoharu · 1 year
the perfect pair ! - 2:20am
“feels so good baby” soobin groaned into your ear, burying his head into your neck as he relentlessly thrust into you.
you knew he wasn’t one to get jealous easily, often vocal about how toxic and “just stupid in general” the overprotective boyfriend trope was, so why was he so worked up? he was the one who begged you to come to dinners with his friends, forced you to watch anime with him and kai, dragged you to every spur of the moment trip they’d think up- why was he so shocked you actually spoke to them?
“bet yeonjun couldn’t fuck you like this, right? pussy’s all mine, so wet for me” he grunted, voice muffled. lifting his head, you were finally able to take a good look at him since he first pushed you down, stripping you without a word. lips bitten red and hair ruffled, soobin looked completely wrecked.
“f-fuck, please say it baby? say you’re all mine, need to hear it so bad” soobin whined, rough hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise.
“a-all yours soob! belong to you, your girl!” you gasped out, his lips harshly coming down against yours before his fingers desperately rubbed at your clit.
“gonna f-fill you up and fuck, show everyone you’re all mine” he spoke, “you want that too, right? want me to make you a mommy?”
the words coming out of his mouth pushed you over the edge, loud moans of his name spilling from your lips.
“fuck ‘s so tight, g-gonna cum for you” soobin whined before immediately spilling into you, his forehead pressing against yours as you both rode out your highs.
pulling out with a wince, he flopped down next to you. “no more texting yeonjun, ‘kay?” he smiled, pressing his lips on your temple.
“he was locked out soob, i don’t know what you expected me to do.” you laughed pushing at his chest.
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aikokoharu · 1 year
seungcheol as your boyfriend
notes: decided to do it for cheol this time he's so Boyfriend (trademark)
he's playfully competitive with you and you almost always end up in a play-fight with him, loud laughs filling the room as you both attempt to tickle each other
when you get cold he always takes your hand and puts it in his pocket, kissing your pink nose and being extra sweet with you. when you're just standing still, he makes sure he's your personal heater– hugging you from behind and squeezing whenever you shiver or complain that you're cold. he also lightly scolds you and makes sure you're extra bundled up the next time you go out when it's cold– and yes, two scarves are necessary, he doesn't want his love freezing up on him.
if you have flavored chapstick on you best believe he'll be stealing a kiss whenever he gets the chance, smiling at how you scrunch up your nose and telling you that you taste so good in a sweet, low voice. when your cheeks inevitably turn red, he kisses them, too, telling you that you look so pretty when you're shy for him.
you play with each other's fingers whenever you're bored, both equally touchy and soft.
he whines and pouts at you whenever you cuddle kkuma, complaining about how he's your boyfriend and he should be getting the unlimited cuddles.
whenever you complain that your legs hurt from walking too much, he's immediately crouching down to give you a piggy back ride.
he has the cutest reactions whenever you praise him for anything. you were shy at first, holding back how you really feel in fear of being too much and scaring him away. however, after seeing how he hid his face and his ears turned red when you told him how much you loved his verse in their recent song, you started letting all the sweet praise in your mind out, loving how he still gets so flustered.
he takes care of you in a bunch of small ways– blocking sharp edges with his hand so you don't hit your head, rolling your sleeves up for you when you're doing something like cooking or painting, zipping your jacket up when it's particularly cold. he shows you how much he pays attention to you and cares and though it might be small, they matter just as much to you.
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aikokoharu · 1 year
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indulgence || vampire!c.sc x f!reader
summary: dating a vampire gets... complicated when you're on your period
warnings: swearing, menstruation, blood, smut 18+ (additonal warnings under the cut)
word count: 4k
a/n: this contains some cross-posting from my main blog so if you recognize some of it that's why!!
masterlist + ko-fi
[additional warnings: fingering, shower sex, unprotected sex, period sex, blood drinking-- BUT NOT *THAT* BLOOD]
Seungcheol groans, tongue running across his fangs. He tries to convince his brain to retract them... but no dice. So he keeps his mouth shut and hopes the problem will solve itself on his own. He’s wishing in vain, of course he is. His fangs aren’t going to disappear unless he quenches his thirst which is out of the question tonight because he’s stuck at work. 
For a vampire who hasn’t tasted a drop of alcohol in the last half a century, he’s a pretty good bartender, at least that’s what people tell him. The tips he made backed up his suspicions as well. Although, he wasn’t sure if that had as much to do with his mixology skills as it did his shameless flirting. That’s how he met you, after all.  
Only, you were completely uninterested which meant that Seungcheol just had to have you. His flirting with customers was usually empty, just a means to rack up cash and pass the time. Usually, it worked like a charm. But you were unimpressed. He was eventually successful, winning you over with his sparkling personality… and his dick. 
Now you’re at the home you share, waiting for him to get off of work. Seungcheol felt guilty leaving you home alone on a Saturday night, but the two of you had bills to pay and weekends were the most lucrative shifts so it was a sacrifice he felt he had to make. You understood, of course. You always did. But tonight he could tell you were a bit disappointed. Hell, he was too. 
You had been in the middle of undressing each other, about to fall into bed together, when Seungcheol’s phone went off, reminding him of his shift. 
You had been needy all day and Seungcheol hated making you wait even longer but his boss had already been on his ass for being late this week so he couldn’t finish what he started. He promised you that he would come straight home after work, though, so he wouldn’t be able to hunt until after making you cum a couple of times. Not that he minded, obviously. Everything paled in comparison to sex with the love of his (after)life, even satiating his infernal thirst. 
Cheol knew you would be more than happy to kill two birds with one stone; you had offered to quench his thirst on more than one occasion, but he always had to turn you down. It’s not that he didn’t want to drink from you, it’s that he knows he wouldn’t be able to stop if he did. 
The first time Seungcheol got you alone, away from the crowd and the noise of the bar, he almost pulled a Twilight ala the first time Edward met Bella in biology class. He hadn’t been able to pick up your scent in the midst of all the chaos, but as soon as he stepped outside with you he was overwhelmed by it. You’re irresistible, in more ways than one, and resisting the urge to sink his fangs into you every time he sees or smells you is a torturous battle he puts himself through daily. 
But it’s worth it. It’s all worth it to be able to spend part of his eternity with you. He would walk through hellfire, invoke God’s name, drive a wooden stake through his own heart just to be by your side. 
Seungcheol works until close, counting down the minutes until he can finally kick all of these people out and get home to you. Once they close all of the patrons tabs and turn off the neon OPEN sign, Seungcheol helps Soonyoung restock behind the bar and tip out the other employees until they’re the last two left. 
He watches as Soonyoung pours bourbon into a low ball glass for himself. He points the bottle towards Seungcheol. 
“Wanna drink?” 
Seungcheol rolls his eyes. “Very funny.”
“You know, it kind of sucks that vampires aren’t able to consume other things. No pun intended.”
“We are, it’ll just make us sick.”
“You know what I meant,” Soonyoung says flatly. 
“Yeah, well, believe me, I know. I’m the one living in these conditions.”
“You’re not technically living.”
“Now who’s getting hung up on the details?” Seungcheol points out, grabbing his coat and folding it over his arm. “Anyway, I’m out of here. I already stayed longer than I promised I would.”
“Alright, well, don’t forget to take your cut of the tips. You made the most tonight, as usual.” 
Seungcheol smirks at his friend and pats his front pocket. “Way ahead of you.”
You’re not in the living room when Seungcheol arrives at home but the fire is still going in the hearth. It’s dwindling now, left untended for who knows how long. Had you already gone to bed? Seungcheol knew you weren’t much of a night owl, but you had been so eager when he left, and you had been texting him throughout his shift, so he assumed you would still be awake. 
He finds you in the bedroom, curled up in a ball underneath the blankets. You’re not asleep, just lying in bed. You lift your head from the pillows just slightly to greet him. But instead of smiling you pout at him.
“Baby?” he asks, hurrying to the edge of the bed in concern. 
“I started my period,” you whine and burrow further under the covers. 
Oh. Seungcheol is surprised he didn’t pick up on it as soon as he got home. Granted, he had been distracted, but still. The scent of your blood, your scent, has always been so overwhelming to him that you usually don’t even need to tell him these things. It was like the first night he met you all over again. Now that you’ve said it, though, all he can smell is you. Everything else ceases to exist, blending together in the background like white noise. It’s like the first night you met all over again. 
He stiffens and clears his throat, blinking away the self-indulgent thoughts that threaten to overtake him. 
“I’m sorry,” you add when he doesn’t respond. Evidently, you think he must be disappointed so Seungcheol is quick to explain his lack of reaction. He kneels onto the bed, situating himself at the edge of it where he had been standing. 
“You scared me, I thought there was something actually wrong with you!”
“There is something wrong with me!” you cry dramatically. 
He cocked his head to the side in confusion. “Hm?”
“I ruined our plans.”
“Baby, what are you talking about?”
You roll your eyes as if you’re annoyed you have to spell it out for him. You probably are. “Our sex plans! We were both looking forward to having sex and now we can’t anymore.”
“Says who?”
You lift yourself up, eyes wide and blinking. “Cheol... we can’t.”
“Why not?”
“You know why. You won’t even let yourself feed off of me, you really think you’ll be able to control yourself when it looks like a crime scene down there?” 
“I’ll be fine,” he insists. “As long as I don’t drink your blood, there won’t be a problem.” You look skeptical, but seem to be considering it. “I just want to take care of you,” he continues, “I feel bad having worked you up just to leave you hanging.”
“I’ll manage,” you assure him. 
“But you don’t have to. I’m offering.”
“Seungcheol, I don’t know...”
“Does it make you uncomfortable?”
“Period sex?”
“No, well yes, but not like that. I meant does period sex with me make you uncomfortable?” Seungcheol pauses and reaches out to touch you, laying his hand over yours. “Does it scare you?” Do I scare you?
It’s as if you can sense the question he’s actually asking and answer accordingly. “Of course not. You could never scare me. I trust you. God knows how many times I’ve begged you to drink from me. I just don’t want you to put yourself through torture just so I can get off.”
He squeezes your hand and smiles weakly at you. “Nothing is torture if it’s with you.”
You fall back onto the pillows, groaning. “You’re so cheesy!”
“You love it.”
“I do love it,” you admit easily. 
“Let me make you feel good?” Seungcheol asks, bringing your hand up to his mouth so that he can kiss the back of it. He trails kisses up your arm slowly, making you shiver as the chill from his lips sets into your skin. He looks up at you when he reaches your elbow, waiting for your answer. 
“Only if you want to.”
“Baby, I want to. Do you want me to?”
“Yes,” you confess, finally letting your eyes flutter shut as you succumb to the feeling of his lips on your body. 
“I’ve been thinking about this all night,” Seungcheol tells you as he peels back the covers to reveal your body. You’re still in your pajamas, but at least now you’re not a formless lump underneath all of those layers. It gives him better access to you, more to work with. He knows he’ll have you naked soon enough. “It was so hard to focus at work knowing you were waiting for me at home. I kept having to run off to the bathroom to adjust myself just so people wouldn’t notice I was hard.”
“Fuck,” you whisper, sounding defeated. 
“And those fucking texts you kept sending,” he growls, “you’re a menace.”
“I wouldn’t have to be if you had finished what you started,” you tease. 
Seungcheol knows you’re right, he had left you high and dry tonight after all. 
“I guess I deserved that,” he sighs. 
“Still, you played dirty.”
“It got me what I wanted, didn’t it?”
Seungcheol rolls his eyes at you but can’t help smiling at the same time. He loves when you’re a little bratty- or a lot bratty- but he’ll never tell you that. Not like you don’t already know. 
He shifts upwards so that he can hover above you, cupping your face with one of his hands. You lean up into the kiss and let him slip his tongue into your mouth. Seungcheol takes the lead more often than you, and tonight you’re letting him have total control. You allow him to set the pace, not wanting to further test his resolve when it was already so thin. 
Seungcheol moans into your mouth and you reciprocate. He rolls his hips into yours and you whimper at the friction, arching your back and pushing your hips up to chase the feeling. He chuckles but gives in, letting you rut against him. 
Then, you break away to catch your breath, staring up at him with longing. Your pupils are blown, making your eyes look almost as dark as Seungcheol’s get when he’s hungry. He figures it’s kind of the same thing, bloodlust and well, regular lust.
“Should I take a shower first?” you ask. “Would that make it... easier?”
“Sure, if you want. Whatever will make you comfortable.”
“I think I will,” you decide. “That way I won’t feel as icky.”
“Do you want me to join you?” 
“Do you want to join me?” you counter with a smirk. 
“Like anyone would ever turn down the chance,” Seungcheol reasons with a shake of his head. “But I figure this way we can kill two birds with one stone. It’ll make less of a mess, if that’s something you’re worried about.”
You nod immediately and visibly relax a bit. So you had been worried about that. Seungcheol pats himself on the back for knowing you so well.
“Can I... can I rinse off a little by myself first, though? I know it’s not gross, I’m not gross, but I still feel a little embarrassed-”
“Of course, baby. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
“I know, but I just didn’t want you to think it had anything to do with you.”
Seungcheol just has to kiss you again when you clarify. You were always thinking of him, putting him first. He didn’t know what he had done in his lifetime to deserve you, but whatever it was surely couldn’t be a viable concession. He can’t even conceive a noble deed that would suffice as payment for your partnership. Planting hundreds of trees, saving a family from a burning building, fostering dozens of rescue animals, none of it would ever be enough to equivalize that kind of trade-off. It was pure luck and nothing more.
You giggle against Seungcheol’s lips and he melts into the kiss even more, leading you right back to where you started. Eventually, you manage to break away again. 
“Cheol!” You push his chest lightly. “C’mon, we don’t have all night.”
He eases himself onto his side so that you can get up. You roll out of bed and scurry off into the bathroom. He hears the water start and a few moments later he hears you humming. He waits until you call him in and even then he’s still sure to knock on the little rolling door that separates the bathroom from the bedroom. The mirror is so fogged up already that Seungcheol wouldn’t be able to see his reflection if he had one. You like your showers hot, but he wasn’t sure if you had always been that way or if it was something you’d picked up after spending all of your time with someone whose body was perpetually cold. 
Seungcheol is quick to undress, setting his clothes in a pile on the floor with yours and then joins you in the shower. 
“Hi,” you say shyly.
“Hi,” he responds and closes the gap between you. 
He pulls you close, wrapping both arms around your waist. You let him hold you like that for a minute and then shift so that he’s able to get under the stream of water. You laugh as his hair begins to fall in his eyes, but you’re quick to sweep it out of the way and Cheol thanks you with a kiss. 
This time, he draws back first, wanting to take a moment to admire you. 
“You’re so pretty,” he murmurs quietly, moving one of his hands down to squeeze your ass. You can only moan in response. With one arm still around you he begins to kiss his way down your body until he reaches your tits, taking one of your nipples in his mouth and humming around it. 
You arch your back, pushing your chest into his face.
“S-sensitive,” you whine. 
Seungcheol chuckles against you, stimulating you even more and you gasp, bringing your hand to the back of his head to hold him in place. 
“I know,” he manages to get out with your boob still in his mouth. 
“Please, don’t tease.”
At your request, Seungcheol releases his hold on your ass and begins giving attention to your clit instead. He uses his thumb to rub slow circles on it and you can feel him smile when you shiver. He switches his mouth to your other breast as he continues to play with your clit, picking up the pace ever so subtly. 
He knows it’s not enough to get you off, which is exactly why he does it. It’s not that he doesn’t want to make you cum- he just prefers to tease you first. He lets you rock into his hand, chasing the feeling. He thinks you’re grinding against his hand, but in reality you were trying to get him to move his fingers lower and lower until they were inside of you. Eventually, he picks up on this and gives in, but not without teasing you a little more. 
He slides two fingers into your cunt at once, but only up to the first knuckle before he’s pulling them back out. He repeats the motion a couple of times, turning your knees to jelly. Thankfully, he’s able to hold you upright with his free hand to keep you from falling to the shower floor. 
You whimper and push your hips forward to try and get him to go deeper, but he just tsks at you and shakes his head. 
“You could use your words, you know.”
“You know what I want,” you grumble. 
“Do I?”
“I think you have a pretty good idea.”
“Yeah? And what is that?” You groan and Seungcheol retracts his hand fully, holding it out of reach. He tries not to look at his fingers, tries not to think about sucking them clean. “Want to hear you say it, baby.”
“Want your fingers...”
“Where do you want them?”
“Inside of me. Please, Cheol.”
“Fuck,” he hisses, dick twitching noticeably against your thigh. 
Your answer had satisfied him, but now you can’t stop talking. You ramble even after he’s pushed his middle and ring fingers inside of you to the hilt. 
“Want you to stretch me out so I can take your cock... please, please, need it.”
“Your mouth gets so filthy when you’re like this, huh? So desperate to be full.” 
“Can’t help it,” you rasp out, fucking yourself on his hand now. “It just happens...”
“Happens when you feel good?” he finishes the thought for you and you nod. “Must be doing something right, then.”
“You’re doing everything right,” you moan. 
Seungcheol knows he’s found your g-spot when your body seizes up and you whine his name. He tugs you upright and hooks his fingers inside of you, repeatedly pressing into it. 
To make it even better for you, he spins you around so that your back is to him and hugs you close. In that position he can easily rub your clit at the same time he fingers you. The only drawback is that he can’t see your face. It’s a small price to pay in exchange for making you cum all over his hand, though. You lean back against him, letting him support most of your weight.
“Close?” he mumbles, kissing your neck. He can feel your pulse right beneath his lips, can feel your heart rate spike as he rubs your clit a little harder. He opens his mouth just slightly, letting his fangs brush against your skin. He knows that if he were to apply a little bit of pressure, if he would just sink his fangs into this spot on your neck, he’d be able to taste you. The idea is tempting. But Seungcheol is more than used to resisting temptation. He wouldn’t be fucking you right now if he wasn’t. 
The teasing drag of his fangs makes you shudder and clench around his fingers, effectively answering his question. “Gonna cum for me?”
You start to nod but then stop abruptly, yanking on his arm to get him to stop. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, unable to hide the panic in his voice.
“Nothing, nothing, just didn’t want to cum before you fucked me.”
“What, why?”
“Because I wanna cum on your cock,” you say like it should be obvious. 
“You can cum more than once, you know.”
“Yeah but... I just want your dick inside me, is that so wrong?”
He laughs. “You should have just said so!”
“I’m saying so now.”
He’s been hard for so long now that he’d be an idiot to argue any further. “Fair enough.”
Seungcheol pulls his fingers out of you and rinses them underneath the showerhead. His throat tightens and his stomach churns as he watches your blood disappear down the drain but he pushes it all down in favor of focusing on the task at hand. 
“You sure about this?” he asks, hoping it doesn’t sound as strained as it feels.
“Positive. How do you want me?”
“Here, just lean your back against the wall. I’ll do the rest.”
You position yourself as he’d instructed and take a deep breath in preparation for the stretch. Seungcheol wraps an arm around you and hoists one of your thighs up to his hip so that he can push himself inside of you. You both sigh in relief when he bottoms out, and you tilt your head back, letting it rest against the cool tile wall. 
“If you feel like you’re gonna fall, just hold on to me, okay?”
“Okay,” you squeak. 
Seungcheol knows he’s pretty big, and he tries not to be too cocky about it, but it’s hard not to be when you can barely speak just because he’s inside of you. You give him the go ahead to move so he begins to thrust shallowly. Immediately, your eyes roll to the back of your head and your body practically goes slack in Seungcheol’s hold.
The extra lubrication helps you adjust to his size fairly quickly. You urge him to go faster with a squeeze of his bicep and Seungcheol obliges easily. He’s stronger than the average human even when he hasn’t fed in a while so he’s able to hold you in place as he fucks you, slamming his hips into yours again and again. 
“So full,” you mumble.
“Just like you wanted, right?”
“Fuck, baby, I’ve been thinking about this all night.” He’s telling you what you already know but he knows you like hearing it anyway. “You’re so good to me, letting me fuck you like this. Trusting me, loving me, fuck baby, I’ll lose it...”
This is supposed to be about you, but Seungcheol’s already dangerously close to the edge. He’ll cum if he keeps talking about how much you love him, about how much he loves you, so he decides to shut up. 
“You’re the one that’s good to me,” you say breathily. 
“Don’t,” Cheol rasps out, knowing if you elaborate any further he won’t be able to hold back.
You pull Seungcheol into a kiss instead. It’s desperate and hungry, exactly what you’ve been feeling all day. This time your tongue ventures into his mouth against your better judgment. Against Seungcheol’s better judgment. He doesn’t think to stop you until your tongue catches on his fangs and suddenly his mouth fills with blood. Your blood. 
You both freeze. You draw back, eyes wide, blood trickling from your lips.
All this time. All these years. He’d been so careful. Had exercised self-control even though every fiber of his being was constantly screaming for him to give into his instincts, his carnal desires. Allowing himself to indulge in sex with you tonight had been a mistake. 
He could spit it out. But what would that do? It was still too late. He’d still be able to taste it, would always be able to taste you lingering on his tongue no matter what he did. How would he be able to resist you now that he’d crossed that line?
“Swallow it.” Your voice snaps Seungcheol back to reality, back into the moment here with you. You bring a hand up to his face and cup his cheek gently. “Swallow it, it’s okay.”
His resolve fractures in that moment, threatening to shatter completely as he does what you tell him and swallows. 
It’s like something inside of him snaps. He groans at the taste of you, rich and sweet and addictive. He’s cumming before he can register what’s happening, burying his head in your shoulder with a hoarse cry of your name. 
His orgasm triggers your own, likely heightened by his venom that was now in your bloodstream. You cling to him, nails digging into his back as he weakly fucks you through it. 
The water is starting to get cold by the time you both come down, panting like you’d just run a marathon. You’re beaming at Seungcheol, clearly proud of him for not killing you. He’s not sure that feat is necessarily deserving of your reaction, but he doesn’t want to kill the mood so he keeps that particular opinion to himself. 
“Does this mean you’ll drink from me now?” is the first thing you say to him, which to be fair, he should have seen coming. 
Seungcheol sighs, shaking his head as he grabs the bottle of shampoo off the shelf to wash your hair. “Baby steps.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove @tantofaz123-blog @lee-hjyjn @ateez-star @baesgyus @likexaxdaydream @sunniesoobin @thefairwhitelight @pretty-thoughts @yutayoongi @redamancygnf @hoe4wonwoo @yeostars @i-might-be-in-love-with-hao @camrenrodrigoswift1 @nichobins @bfwonu @arikimtanapon @ammcg0119 @redspider267 @fwess @horangipowerr @soobzao @kuleo26 @k00kiemonster99 @poutypoutybin @jeonghanspinkhair @jadiekinzz @yo0nspoon @djj6112 @drama-1998-girl @kjdlashes @5xiang @yeritheloml @slut4seokjin @nc-teen @jungkookswife24069 @tannieflix @romromthedeer @urvashi435 @aurumness @sunghoonth @y00nzin0 @saatans @ksy-horanghae @haogyuslut @crushonwoo @rinshabitat @ivivz @cixrosie @princessofallthatsweird @friseealamode @candidupped @joshuahongnumbers @bxby-bloom @guavagyu @zhangyixingxing1 @foxdaisy @emotionalwreckkk-blog @imonanotherlebel @vern0nsworld @cyjsfairy @jihoonliker @freakyfriedrice @yeosayang @myaerii @lenireads @itbtoblikethatsometimes @vernonburger @soonhoonietrash @tinkerbell460 @shmooooo @tweetiebirb
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2K notes · View notes
aikokoharu · 1 year
very nice
pairing: scoups x gn!reader
words: 690
warnings: none. this is just fluff after sex.
a/n: listen i don't know what happened here. this isn't smut it's just suggestive. hi @97-liners!
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"there a reason why you're feeling up my back?"
you giggle at seungcheol's words, smiling against his shoulder.
many things have changed during the course of your relationship with seungcheol - the two of you know each other better than ever, and have managed to somewhat perfect the art of communication and compromise - two things you'd argue are necessary for a relationship to work. some things haven't changed in the years though, like how there are long stretches of time where you don't get to see each other due to conflicting schedules, and how each reunion is inaugurated by sex - hot, messy, desperate sex - followed by hours where you lay in each other arms and talk about everything and nothing, basking in the comfort that the other's physical presence provides.
so predictably, here you are - lying in your boyfriend's arms and catching him up on recent life updates (for the second time, he already knows most of it from your calls and texts - ah, modern technology), giggling at every kiss he steals while you're talking. at some point, your hand started drawing patterns on his back, feeling up the muscle that has built up from the many hours seungcheol has spent at the gym.
"i guess i am", you press your fingertips slightly, smiling slyly at his slight intake of breath, "can't help it, you have a nice back".
"do i?", he murmurs, letting you maneuver his body so he's lying on his stomach, half your body resting on his back.
"yeah", you trail your fingers down his back, fingernails scratching very lightly, "very nice".
"that's what you said about my tits", he grumbles, "do you say that about anything?"
"just anything about you", you scoot closer to whisper in his ear, one leg thrown over both of his, "i think everything about you is very nice", you run your lips lightly over the lobe of his ear, chuckling against the soft skin when he whimpers, "i think you're very nice".
"so cheesy", he retorts, soft pink rising up his neck, "you're so cheesy".
"you love it", you press a kiss at below his ear, murmuring against his skin, "i love you".
"i love you too, fuck - ", he twitches when your fingertips reach his butt, scratching lightly, "tickles, babe".
you giggle, leaving one light scratch before relenting and moving your hand up, shifting to press kisses on his back. it's quiet then, just the sound of your pecks against his skin and his sighs filling up the room, your hands now massaging his muscles.
"i think i need to work on my grip strength", you muse, feeling your hands cramp up, "i can barely put any pressure".
"i think your grip strength is perfect", seungcheol turns his head to the side and pipes in, his smile audible.
"oh god", your hands pause, your lips moving to nip at his ear, "that was so bad, choi seungcheol".
"hey", he whines, finally turning around and wrapping his arms around you, "don't call me that".
"what, your name?"
"my full name", he pouts, "you know i don't like it".
"fine, scoups".
"no, stop that", he moves a hand to hold your jaw, making you meet his mock-serious eyes, "call me what you call me".
your smile stretches to meet his fingers on your cheek. he really does make it so easy.
"daddy?", you whisper.
"no, fuck - ", he groans, "baaabe".
"fine", you relent, your attention moving towards the thigh he's slotted between your legs, "cheol", you lean in to kiss him, "baby", another kiss, "love".
"fuck, i love you", his hands weave in your hair, his leg pressing up against your core while his lips envelope yours.
out of all the things that have changed during your relationship, your favorite is probably how familiar and comfortable the two of you have become, and how neither of you is afraid to lean into it - whether at restaurants where you remember each other's preferences, or during late-night calls where you're not afraid to call the other out on unhealthy habits, or in moments spent in bed, where you embrace the silliness.
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aikokoharu · 1 year
pt. 2 mansplain.
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pt. 1 manspread
around 3 weeks had passed since ‘that’ night. you had stumbled back to your room with the aftertaste of cheol’s cum in your mouth and as you collapsed on your bed, exhausted, you decided it was a mistake.
so, you started avoiding him. in person that is. both cheol and his thick cock were still on your mind - memories of him bringing you to orgasm every night.
despite that, you did everything possible to make sure you wouldn’t run into him. so much so, that you kind of knew his schedule at this point. but it was stressful. your room was gross, dishes piling up since you could only go into the kitchen late at night to eat, and your sleep schedule was a complete mess. all the sneaking around and late nights had made you pretty fucking irritable. or maybe it was what happened 3 days ago.
Keep reading
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aikokoharu · 1 year
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             ᕬᕬ   ⁈   💐   ១
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aikokoharu · 2 years
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Upphlutur, Icelandic corsets
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aikokoharu · 2 years
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220806 Suga’s Instagram Story
A screenshot of a page from “Life Lessons” by David Kessler and Elizabeth Kubler. This excerpt from the original English, along with additional translations are included below.
If you dance at a lot of weddings, you’ll cry at a lot of funerals. This means if you’re present for many beginnings, you’ll also be there for many endings. If you have many friends, you’ll experience your share of losses. If you feel that you’re suffering great loss, it’s only because you’ve been so richly blessed by life. If you’ve made a lot of mistakes*, that’s better than having lived a life where you did nothing. It’s not unfortunate to have stars that you cannot reach What’s unfortunate is not having unreachable stars
(T/N: These last few lines are not in the original excerpt and have been translated by us.)
Trans cr; Ali & Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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aikokoharu · 2 years
Silent Cry (3/?) - B.C & K.S
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Pairing: Bang Chan x reader / Kim Seungmin x reader
Genre: Angst, Smut
Warnings: This content is for a mature audience
Synopsis: It felt so natural
It was a couple of days after that dinner. At first, things had been quite tense, but you decided not to engage in his tantrums, it didn’t take much for everything had calmed down a bit. You had asked him to take a break from work and have a day off, to spend it with you, to have a nice date, to act like a fucking husband. And surprisingly he didn’t put any objections, he just nodded his head and said he would check his schedule.
As for you, the week had transitioned quite slowly, you decided it was time for a change. Routine had become too much for you so maybe getting a job was the way to go to change that. You cringed at the idea of getting a job to not be bored, god if your younger self could hear herself.
Chan had offered you a job as his secretary, but the idea of working in an office made you gag, so you went out to the city to find something. While you were there you thought it would be nice to stop by Seungmin’s bakery, see how he’s doing, buy something, see if he remembers you…
The ring in the door announced your arrival, and to that, you were welcomed with the deafening sound of trays hitting the floor. “Seungmin? Is everything alright?” You came closer to the door that led to the kitchen, but no going in, not wanting to intrude. 
“Y/n? Is that you?” His voice echoed, you could hear he was struggling with something.
This time you stuck your head out, wanting to check on him, “Need any help?”
Seungmin was sitting on the floor, completely covered in flour, a pinkish sauce was splattered all over the floor and trays were scattered on top of it. The look on his face made you giggle, he was done for the day “Hey, what happened? Did you trip? Or were you trying something new?”
“Oh yeah, you know this technique where you throw everything onto the floor and the glaze becomes the perfect consistency? I was trying that.” He tried getting up but failed miserably, slipping because of the glaze and landing right on his butt. “God sometimes I hate my job.”
You knew he didn´t mean it, but it still made you laugh, “Common I’ll give you a hand.” You went up to him, trying to be careful not to slip, you grabbed his hand making sure to hold him strong enough so he didn’t get hurt, “There we go,” You said too soon, in a second, you both were completely holding onto each to not fall. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, I appreciate the help, either way, Mrs. Bang.”
Mrs. Bang. That name felt like an ice bucket being spilt down your back, it made you shiver, and a bit nauseous. “Yeah.” Your throat turned dry.
“I’m sorry, I know you didn’t tell me your name, but someone at the office gave me your name, umm I think it was Mr. Seo Changbin, he mentioned you were married to one of his associates.
Of fucking course it had been Changbin. The always so loyal friend to your husband and your living nightmare. He had always been an asshole to you. You better treat Chan good, Y/n, he is such a handsome man and well there are many beautiful women we work with. You remembered his words, they always made your blood boil, fucking trust fun kid.
“Yeah, to Bang Chan, you met him.” You said looking down, for some reason you felt ashamed.
“Oh, Mr. Important, thought you were just dating, he doesn’t seem like your type but I’m not one to judge. If you two are married, he must be nice.” He gave you a small smile.
You decided to not say anything, what would be the point?
“Hey, would it be too much if I asked you to stay and help me clean this mess in exchange for coffee and all the cake you want, would you take it?”
Didn’t even have to think about it, the words out of your mouth, “All the cake I want? I’d be a fool not to take it.”
And in the next hour was spent not only scrubbing floors and trying to get the pink substance out of the kitchen stationery but also getting to know the cute brown-haired boy. You know knew he is twenty-one years old, he’s from Seoul and he used to be a statistics analyst, so maybe you had a type. But after a couple of years of working behind a desk, he decided it wasn’t something he wanted to do with his life and left everything behind him. Not caring what his parents would say or if a bakery sounded like a crazy thing to jump to, he just knew he needed to do it. I know I may be a fool, but I just wanted to be happy, you know? He said. No, he wasn’t a fool, he was brave, and he had some courage you could only dream of having.
He asked you about Chan, how you two had met, and about your marriage. Your first instinct was to lie about it and tell the story you always told to anyone who would ask at dinner parties or office events, but you hesitated. Right now, you didn’t have to fake it, you were not in that world. So you told him… everything. About the arrangement, about your wedding, and Chan. Apologizing a few times, not wanting to overshare or overwhelm him with details of your life, but every single time you looked up he was there, looking at you, closely listening, reassuring you it was okay to keep going. It was so easy to talk to him, it felt so natural.
The coffee and white chocolate cake warmed up your heart, and your belly; it had been a few hours since you got to the bakery, and time had flown by. It wasn’t until a notification popped up on the screen of your phone you realized what time was it, almost midnight.
You gasped, running to grab your stuff and thank him for the food, “Oh god, it’s so late. I’m so sorry I kept you here, you must be exhausted.”
“No, no it’s all good. I like your company anyways.” He said, a slight tint covered the tip of your ears, and you thanked everything because your hair was covering them. “Good night, Y/n.” He smiled brightly.
You smiled back and a thought crossed your mind, no, you were too shy to ask. But just as you were about to grab the door handle a hot ball formed in your chest, you took a deep breath and turned around, “Hey Min, you wouldn’t be looking for an assistant, would you? You know, to take some of the stress off your shoulders.”
He looked taken back, he blinked a few times, “I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Oh, that’s okay, no worries.” You turned around, feeling rejected, you just wanted to leave.
“But!”, he stuttered for a moment, “If you are willing to, I’m sure I can arrange something.”
“Okay.” You smiled.
“Okay.” He smiled right back.
*Lub, dub is the sound the heart makes when it beats.
139 notes · View notes
aikokoharu · 2 years
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Nap in Van gogh’s bedroom” Inspired by Van Gogh “The bedroom”
4K notes · View notes
aikokoharu · 2 years
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he is hot
9K notes · View notes
aikokoharu · 2 years
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“everyone, I’m a flower~” 🌸 for @kth1 ♡
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aikokoharu · 2 years
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No head in hands, just brain in blender.
1K notes · View notes
aikokoharu · 2 years
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33 notes · View notes